Posts for March 2016

2016-03-20: podlators 4.07

This is a minor bug fix release of the Perl POD translators for text and man pages. It fixes a warning about use of uninitialized variables when run on a Perl module in the current directory, cleans up a confusing warning during the Perl core build, and fixes a long-standing bug in turning off italic font in =item tags in a C<> block.

You can get the latest release form the podlators distribution page.

2016-03-20: Term::ANSIColor 4.05

This Perl (core) module provides a variety of functions and tools for manipulating ANSI color and text style escape sequences.

The primary change in this release is a few internal tweaks to reduce memory usage, which apparently had ballooned by 70% since Perl 5.14. Unfortunately, that also meant dropping support for non-ASCII characters in color aliases, which I think previously would have theoretically worked (not that it was ever documented or tested). I have mixed feelings, but since the memory usage was reported as a bug (and this is the sort of module that one might legitimately want to use in some space-constrainted situations as part of core), and no one ever mentioned non-ASCII color aliases, I decided to apply this patch. Yell at me if this broke something.

I also cleaned up the metadata management following all the work that others helped me with for podlators.

You can get the latest release from the Term::ANSIColor distribution page.

Last spun 2024-01-01 from thread modified 2016-03-21