as played by Scott Olson

Age 0BirthBorn in Avalon, before the Thousand Year Sleep, while Darthene ruled Avalon.
Age 14SquireDarthene leaves Avalon for a time, leaving Andelia in Lancelot's care.
Age 15Pattern-walkDarthene takes Andelia to Rebma, where she walks the Pattern. Darthene's teaching of Andelia is cut short by the Avalon War with Corwin, Andelia is sent away from Avalon to keep her safe from him.
Age 16Avalon DestroyedDestruction of Avalon at the climax of the Avalon War. Andelia was not in Avalon at the time, but she felt the shock waves through Shadow.
Age 16-21FugitiveAndelia was on the run from Corwin, who may or may not have known of her existence. During this time, the Thousand Year Sleep occurred, though it appears that Andelia herself may have been in a very slow-speed Shadow.
Age 21ClarissaAndelia met Clarissa, whom Darthene had been on good terms with, in Shadow and helped her follow Zen to Elektra.
Age 21The GroveAndelia was in the Grove of the Unicorn prior to and during the Venom Ceremony.
Age 21The Dark MirrorWith Jacob as her guide through the Mirrorrealm and his and Nikolas' assistance, the Dark Mirror Pattern was healed and Darthene freed from her imprisonment behind it's shards.
Age 21Rebma & MorAndelia, in company with Darthene, Laurel, and Teridias, enters Rebma and encounters Meredith the Guisel Queen. Deirdre arrives with Celia, Golan, and Jack Morgan. A face-off between Darthene & Andelia on one side and Deirdre & Teridias on the other ensues. Darthene, Andelia, and Jack Morgan leave. Jack Morgan proves to be Darthene's first-born son Mordred suffering from amnesia, Darthene and Andelia begin calling him Mor.
Age 21The ChessboardAndelia, Darthene, and Mor walk to Jacob, who has the Blood-Red Board, and Raven via the Hall of Doors. They begin discussing how to end the Game without a winner, but Deirdre's curse interrupts, destroying Darthene's eyes. After some shouting and recriminations, a move on the Board is made that forces a draw though a checkmate of Corwin was easily available.
Age 21Pattern RecreationAndelia, Darthene, and Mor travel to the Primal Pattern's location to speak with Fiona about Mor's amnesia. While they are there, Celia restores the Primal Pattern.
Age 21DaywinterAndelia was one of the involved parties in the events of Daywinter, along with Madoc, Celia, Jacob, Thalion, Fiona, Random, Florimel, Sand, Delwin, Darthene, Bleys, and Raven.
Age 22AssassinAndelia is appointed Royal Assassin by Regent Bleys. This leads to her interest in her grandmother Faiella.
Age 22FramedAndelia is framed for the poisoning of Crown Princess Morganthe of Rebma. She is cleared of the accusation after an examination of her mind by Caine, Celia, and Urda. It is discovered that Teridias has been working to arrange her murder or execution.
Age 22AntidoteAndelia, Celia, and Vialle go to Rebma to investigate the murder of Morganthe. It turns out that she's not dead, merely in a very deep coma caused by poisoning. Finding the antidote requires awakening Faiella's consciousness buried within Vialle, which Andelia does after getting permission from Vialle and Celia.
Age 22To LondonAndelia and Mor go to London on Shadow Earth to attempt to recover bottles of a love philtre made by Faiella that had been hidden there by Mordred. There, in Sotheby's auction hall, she is shot and knifed by Jacob, but manages to destroy the bottles. Mor is also shot.
Age 22Vampire?In London, after Jacob fled into a mirror, Celia, Raven, and Deirdre arrived. The group was attacked by bats sent by the Drake of Paradigm, and Raven and Mor were bitten. A strange change overtook them, causing them to no longer appear in mirrors and to behave strangely.
Age 22CathedralIn Canterbury Cathedral, Andelia and Mor found a crucified Madoc, and were confronted by Jacob. Jacob opened fire with his pistol in an attempt to kill Morgan, but Andelia interposed herself between the bullets and their target. Two of Jacob's bullets hit her, then a third fired by Sand in a crossfire. This third bullet may well have been an accident, but it might not have been.....
Age 22Heart of StoneWhen Andelia destroyed the bottles of the love philtre, some of it splashed into open wounds and entered her system. When Jacob's bullets hit her, the vial of universal antivenin in her hand broke as she clenched her fist in reaction, the antivenin entering her system. The bullet that Sand fired had particles of Faiella's gunpowder upon it, and the three compounds mixed within Andelia's heart, transforming her heart into the Philosopher's Stone sought by the Drake of Paradigm.
Age 22Walking DeadAfter the Drake of Paradigm took her heart, which had become the Philosopher's Stone, Andelia should have died. That she didn't is a testament to he evolving link with the Void, which sustained her during this time.
Age 22VialleTrapped with Deirdre, Urda, Laurel, Mor, Raven, Teridias, Celia, Jacob and Thalion out of time by the Drake, the group is rescued by Vialle's Trump and magical skills, brought back from wherever they were to Amber.

Contributor: Scott Olson (
Editor/Webmaster: Scott Olson (
Gamemaster: Tony Pi (