kadmin remctl Interface

Design Documentation


In order to abstract changes in the kadmin interface between different versions of Kerberos, to integrate handling of our different realms, to provide a cleaner interface for Java applications, and to provide finer-grained access control than the standard kadmin ACL system, we provide a remctl interface to kadmin. This interface provides the following functions:

    change_passwd <principal> <old> <new>
    check_passwd  <principal> <password>
    create        <principal> <password> (enabled | disabled)
    delete        <principal>
    disable       <principal>
    enable        <principal>
    examine       <principal>
    reset_passwd  <principal> <password>

Systems that use this interface authenticate via remctl and issue the appropriate command. remctl performs ACL checking and the backend script performs additional checking, and then it uses its own credentials to make the appropriate changes in Kerberos (possibly in multiple realms at the same time).

Separately, we provide a special interface to support password reset by Help Desk personnel. This is done via a different interface, since we want to require users re-authenticate when changing someone else's password. That interface is also described below.

This code assumes the use of krb5-sync to manage status and password synchronization between different Kerberos realms. This means that password changes are automatically synchronized from Kerberos v5 to other realms, and enable and disable changes are automatically synchronized from Kerberos v5 to Active Directory. Account status changes, creation, and deletion must be done separately in Kerberos v5 and AFS kaserver. This code assumes that Active Directory account creation and deletion is handled via some other means but that the password isn't set correctly in Active Directory on account creation. Therefore, on account creation, a password change is also queued for Active Directory.

kadmin Actions

change_passwd <principal> <old> <new>

This provides an interface for a user to change their password if they already know their password. The backend must use the kpasswd command line program, not kadmin, to do the password change since otherwise it would have to do a separate validation of the current password. The password change will propagate into other environments without further work, so only calling kpasswd is required. This means that Kerberos v5 kpasswd must be available on the system running the kadmin backend.

For backward compatibility with the current Stanford.You, any error message from kpasswd (such as indicating that the password isn't long enough or is based on a dictionary word) should be returned prefixed with "retstr: " on one line.

This interface should explicitly disallow any principal with a non-NULL instance. root and admin instances should use kpasswd themselves to change passwords, and service keys should be handled through the keytab deployment system.

check_passwd <principal> <password>

This interface checks a password for strength without changing a password. It's used as part of the UI flow for Stanford.You. It takes a principal as the first argument only for backward compatibility; Kerberos v4 kadmind used to require that.

Since Kerberos v5 kadmind doesn't support an explicit function to do this, we have to fake it by actually changing a password. For this purpose, we must create a separate principal solely for testing password changes. That principal should be set DISALLOW_ALL_TIX so that users can't then use that principal to authenticate to something after testing a password. This principal needs to have a password policy assigned in Kerberos v5 so that the dictionary check is performed, and should have the same length restrictions as the regular user password policy, but it must allow any reuse of passwords even if the normal user password policy does not.

The backend can use kadmin to check this by changing the password for that designated principal. Any error message returned by kadmin needs to be returned to the client prefixed with "retstr: " and on one line, for backwards compatibility. The exit status should always be 0, even if the password failed strength checking; a non-zero exit status should only be used if an error occurred and the password strength could not be checked.

create <principal> <password> (enabled | disabled)

Creates a new principal. We assume that Active Directory will get new principals created via some other means, so the principal is only created in Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5. The last flag says whether to create the account enabled or disabled. Account creation in Kerberos v5 can be done via the normal kadmin process. New accounts should be created with requires_preauth and a password policy of "standard". Account creation in Kerberos v4 will probably be done using the same program as is used to create Kerberos v4 srvtabs, setting the key to a random value, and then letting password synchronization fix it.

Creating a new account in Kerberos v5 automatically triggers password synchronization, so we create the Kerberos v4 account first. The AD password change will queue until the account is created in AD, which is handled via other means.

If the account is to be created disabled, we pass -allow_tix on the initial creation and make a Kerberos v4 kadmin call to disable the account after creation in Kerberos v4 (or, better, create the account disabled if that functionality is available in the program used to create the account). Active Directory is handled via a different means outside of this process.

This interface should reject all attempts to create accounts with non-null instances. All service principals, root, and admin principals should be dealt with via other means.

delete <principal>

Deletes the principal out of Kerberos v5 and AFS kaserver (again, Active Directory is handled via other means). This must be done separately in Kerberos v5 (via kadmin delprinc) and in the AFS kaserver (via means yet to be determined).

This interface should reject all attempts to delete accounts with non-null instances. Deletion of root and admin instances will have to be handled separately until AFS kaserver is retired. Deletion of service keys will be handled by the wallet.

disable <principal>
enable <principal>

These functions set or clear the DISALLOW_ALL_TIX attribute on the account in Kerberos v5 via kadmin modprinc and make disable or enable calls to Kerberos v4 kadmind to do the same in the AFS kaserver realm. Propagation to Active Directory will be handled by the Kerberos v5 server via krb5-sync.

This interface should reject all attempts to modify accounts with non-null instances. All service principals, root, and admin principals should be dealt with via other means.

examine <principal>

Returns the results of a Kerberos v4 kadmin examine followed by a Kerberos v5 kadmin examine, separated by a line of forty hyphens and a newline. This interface will have to change when the AFS kaserver is switched off, which will have implications for Regadmin.

For this one case, it would be useful to support any principal and do the conversion between Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 principal names. This is optional, however.

reset_passwd <principal> <password>

Used by authorized users to reset passwords without knowing the old password. This is done through the Kerberos v5 kadmin cpw interface, which then propagates the password change to the other environments. It must reject changes for non-null instances and for any user who is on the list of users authorized to change other people's passwords via the separate Help Desk password change interface. It also needs to have a way to take an additional list of users whose passwords cannot be changed this way. This interface is used by the SUNet ID self-help pages, which allow users to change their password by providing some personal information and a personal fact.

This interface should explicitly disallow any principal with a non-NULL instance. root and admin instances should use kpasswd themselves to change passwords, and service keys should be handled through the keytab deployment system.

Help Desk Password Changes

The Help Desk password change tool, passwd_change, uses a separate interface to a remctl server running on a different port and only supporting a password change command. That separate remctld uses a service principal for authentication that's set DISALLOW_TGTBASED in the Kerberos v5 KDC, thus requiring anyone using this tool to do a separate password authentication before changing someone's password.

Beyond that, this interface on the backend looks essentially the same as reset_passwd, including the requirement of checking and disallowing changes of passwords for principals who can themselves change passwords and supporting an additional list of principals for whom password changes by the Help Desk should not be allowed. This list may be different (smaller) than the list for the reset_passwd interface since this interface is more secure than the SUNet ID self-help pages.

We do not expect anyone to use remctl to access this interface directly. They would have to know the correct service principal to use and would have to run a special kinit command to obtain the right service ticket in order to do so. Instead, they will run a binary called passwd_change that presents some information about the SUNet ID, asks them to confirm, does a special authentication, and then contacts this service via remctl using the C remctl client library.


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The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University

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