Posts for April 2006

2006-04-01: Vacation!


I'm off for a week, and am currently in Canada, far away from all the work that over-filled last week. The Vancouver airport once again attempted to ruin the trip by delaying me until I almost missed my connecting flight, but I made it (barely). Now I'm settling in for a wonderful week of having to do nothing.

I have several book reviews that I hope to write soon, but it may take a while to unwind and sleep and relax.

2006-04-02: lintian

Today was mostly that first-day-of-vacation settling in and slowly relaxing sort of day. It takes a while to shift gears away from work, stop answering work mail that doesn't have to be answered, and calm down and start feeling hours stretching out in front of one instead of rushing past in a hurry. I think I'm starting to feel like I'm fully on vacation now, although last week was chaotic enough that it may take a bit longer than normal. We're thinking about heading over to the west coast of the island at some point this week and getting even more away from everything for a day or so.

Inbetween the relaxing, catching up on book reviews, and reading (Sharon Shinn, currently), though, I did get a fair bit of work done on lintian. I committed patches for another five or six bugs in Subversion and analyzed another. I have a goal of getting the total bug count in lintian down under 100, although I think that's going to take several more uploads.

It's a lot of fun. *grin*. I'm glad that one of the things that I really wanted to work on when I first started in Debian is turning out this well.

2006-04-03: Time Management for System Administrators

Review: Time Management for System Administrators, by Thomas A. Limoncelli

Publisher: O'Reilly
Copyright: November 2005
ISBN: 0-596-00783-3
Pages: 194

There are a ton of time management books and systems for sale. It's one of the most overpopulated categories of self-help books. If you're like me, you probably rolled your eyes when this one showed up on Slashdot and started making the rounds. However, you may want to suspend disbelief. It has a few differences and the advantage of being exceptionally well-written, and as skeptical as you might (justifiably) be about the concept, if you're a system administrator or work in a closely related field, you may want to give it a try.

First, Limoncelli has a great writing style, including an excellent sense of humor. The book is readable to the point of being a page-turner, and clear and enjoyable even when the advice isn't personally useful. It's also succinct, packed, and to-the-point, not wasting words and pages on belaboring or repeating advice (except for the useful and short chapter summaries). Limoncelli does a bit of bantering with the reader, something that usually comes across as affected and artificial, and pulls it off as well as I've seen it done in a non-fiction book. Add O'Reilly's excellent editing and high-quality binding and printing and one gets a package that's worth a price tag that initially seems a bit high for a slim book.

Of course, the true test is how well it teaches time management. I was very excited by this book when I first read it, but that's not unusual for me. Ever since I was a teenager, I've played with various schedules, organization methods, project tracking systems, and sleep patterns. I've always been involved in more things than I quite have time for and I have a tendency to have spurts of massive productivity followed by periods of low energy that I'd like to have some system to manage and smooth out. So hearing about some new ideas and getting excited about them is normal. The question is how they would hold up over time. And after three weeks of trying bits and pieces of the approach outlined here (particularly what Limoncelli calls the Cycle method), I can say that the advice here is not only interesting but looks like it holds up. It's very rare for me to stick with a new technique for this long and still feel excited about it.

The book is divided roughly into four sections. First, it talks about the basics of good work habits and finding time to do more than fight fires, discussing how to deal with interruptions and how to automate routine tasks. The section on interruptions was mostly aimed at someone who has more day-to-day interaction with clients than I do, but despite that I still got a few useful ideas out of it. The section on routines is excellent, not so much for the advice (which any good system administration mentor would give you) as for the simple mantras and succinct ways of thinking about routines. Throughout the book, Limoncelli pushes the idea that one should preserve one's mind for important tasks and relieve it of the tedium of remembering and worrying over work. That framework of viewpoint taught me a few new things about setting up routines even though I've preached the "automate everything possible" religion for years.

The heart of the book, and the value for most readers, is the next four chapters, which lay out the Cycle system. This is yet another system for tracking to-do lists and managing time, but here's where the focus on system administration becomes extremely useful. Concepts such as constant interruptions, working on trouble tickets, project time that has to be balanced with fire-fighting, and a constant input of new tasks are taken for granted and addressed directly in the system, when time management books for managers and executives might assume a more structured and plannable work life. The system itself is very simple and straightforward, based around the idea of a set of daily to-do lists for short-term tasks and an issue tracker for longer-term issues. The calendaring component may not be as broadly useful, since I and many others are stuck with a particular calendar system for work, but was still interesting. The life goals component is logical, practical, and fits in well with the rest of the system even given how murky life goals can be.

There are a few places where, with the experience of practice, I think Limoncelli misses some emphasis and advice that would be helpful. First, the use of an issue tracker for client requests, longer-term projects, and wishlist items is mentioned here but not emphasized as much as it should be. If you're anything at all like I am, the accumulation of wishlist tasks is what leads directly to the Ever-Growing To-Do List of Doom (one of Limoncelli's most memorable bits of analysis). The Cycle system does not cope well with all of those tasks pushed into daily wish lists and then constantly pushed back to later days because they're low priority. To use this system successfully, I think one really needs a parking lot of long-term wishlist goals and a regularly scheduled look through it to pull out things to work on in the short term. (I'm now using Roundup, which is dead-simple and trivial to set up and so far is doing exactly what I need.)

Second, one tendency the Cycle system has is to accumulate a large list of to-do list items that keep being carried over to the next day. The Cycle system deals with this partly by trimmings one's list down to just the work one can accomplish that day at the start of the day, but that bulldozer effect of an ever-larger set of tasks being pushed off each morning is demoralizing. I ended up working extra hours at first to clear off the huge backlog that most people will start a new time management system with, and that isn't the best solution. I would have liked to see a better solution in the book; perhaps pushing items aggressively into an issue tracker would have worked better, or pushing them far off into the future rather than just moving them to the next day.

One great thing about the techniques presented here is that they're techniques, not technology. Either a PDA or an old-fashioned planner will work fine and, where needed, there are tips for using either. I was particularly happy with that since, had a PDA been required, I would have never put the system into practice since I would have gotten bogged down on the need to acquire a PDA and the right software. Planners may be old-fashioned, near-Luddite technology, but they aren't distracting.

After the Cycle section, Limoncelli goes on to a grab bag of topics that are all loosely related to prioritization. These are equally excellent, full of keen observations on effective prioritization that makes clients feel like work is being done faster even though it isn't, advice on recognizing and cutting short time-wasters, and some useful advice on stress management. The chapter on e-mail management is particularly good; it's so well-written and amusing that it's one of my favorite chapters in the book despite the fact that I had an e-mail management system that worked well for me going in and won't be following any of the advice.

The last two chapters, unfortunately, are a real disappointment. After an excellent book on time management that stays at the conceptual level and offers specifics only in examples, Limoncelli dives into offering concrete technical advice on how to do group documentation and how to automate system administration tasks. He doesn't have enough time to do full justice to either topic, the documentation chapter sounds like another tiresome pie-in-the-sky paean to wikis (been there, done that, and they simply don't work for me), and the automation chapter, while presenting a neat makefile hack, is just completely out of place and will be irrelevant to anyone at a site that already has a preferred configuration management system or needs to scale beyond the small-shop context that this advice applies to. If this were a novel, it would have lost me with a weak ending. Thankfully, as a non-fiction book, one can simply ignore the last two chapters and be content with a fantastic time management book that's slightly shorter than it appears to be. (He does make up for this with the epilogue, which is exceptional, brutally honest, and talks about some things that need to be said and are so often missing from this kind of book. I'll leave you the surprise and just say that it was very well done.)

Time Management for System Administrators is aimed at the system administrator who hasn't already been to lots of time management courses, who doesn't already have a system that works for them, or who has had trouble applying systems because they were meant for people with a different sort of work life than the interrupt-heavy chaotic system administration world. It is very targetted; I would not recommend this book to someone in another field, or even a technical manager. Limoncelli goes a step farther and doesn't recommend it to programmers; I wouldn't go quite that far, depending on the type of programmer, but the target audience truly is just system administrators.

Within that audience, though, I think this book is exceptional. I may not have felt this strongly about it if I'd already studied a ton of time management approaches, but I'm willing to bet that most of my collegues haven't had time to do that either. As a distillation and focusing of the field specifically for my problems, it was both an engrossing read and a book that I immediately applied with noticable and sustained effects. It's also a good jumping-off point if one wants to explore and read more. All self-help books claim they'll change your life, but this one gave me a concrete and measurable productivity boost that I've sustained for weeks and that clicked with me in a way that makes me think I'm going to keep applying it for months and years. For a non-fiction book of this type, praise doesn't get any higher than that.

Rating: 10 out of 10

2006-04-06: Vacation

Well, I'm not going to be ready for this vacation to end, particularly given how much stuff is going to be waiting for me when I get back. Oh well, the first thing I'll focus on is scheduling and prioritization and making sure that I have time to do other things than work and am not working the hours I was right before I went on vacation.

Most of the things I thought I might do during the vacation didn't happen, but that's okay. It's vacation; it doesn't have plans or to-do lists. The real reading vacation will happen this fall, although I have been reading off and on, finishing one book and starting another. There has been lots of good company, a lot of walking, and rather cute cats.

I love Vancouver Island. It's not quite the Oregon coast, but it rates high in the list of places that I'd love to live if I could live anywhere and weren't rather attached to where I already live.

2006-04-08: Back from vacation

I got back to Stanford a little after 5pm today after getting up at 7:30am to get ready to catch the plane. Of that time, only about three hours was spent actually in motion (walking around airports left uncounted). On one hand, it's really nice to be able to get places so quickly. On the other hand, the amount of waiting involved really is rather silly.

Ah well, it means that I'm nearly halfway through A Game of Thrones, having decided to finally start in on the George R.R. Martin that so many people rave about.

Tomorrow, I need to do various domestic chores (grocery shopping, laundry, that sort of thing) and then try to figure out what work I need to do this week and start filling out the to-do items. I really did turn off work almost completely with this vacation, so I have a bit of ramping up to do (although I did stay caught up with e-mail).

There's so much else going on right now that I'm also going to start this week being more aggressive about dividing work and non-work time and trying a few tricks to get more time to work on non-work projects without always cutting into my weekend. That also means finding a better way of handling non-work to-do items.

But that's for tomorrow. Right now, it's off to bed to read a little more and then sleep.

2006-04-10: kstart 3.3

Sidney Cammeresi pointed out that I'd forgotten an #include <stdarg.h> in krenew, which silently still works (or at least compiles) on many platforms but which fails on OS X because va_start is a macro there. I'd also previously made a doc fix to clarify that the DIR argument of --with-afs-setpag was optional, so it seemed like a good excuse for a new bug fix release.

You can get the latest version from the kstart distribution page, and of course new Debian packages have been uploaded to unstable.

2006-04-10: lbcd 3.2.5

A very small bug fix release. lbcd was passing its timeout as the third argument to waitpid, which is supposed to be a bitmask of flags. No idea how this ever worked or why we didn't notice it on some platforms.

You can get the new version from the lbcd distribution page.

Rob has also released the final tarball for the new lbnamed release, so now the complete DNS load-balancing system is available and fully up to date with the code we're running at Stanford. (Well, I need to upgrade the production servers to the final release of lbnamed, but I'll get around to that at some point.)

2006-04-11: postfaq 1.15

A user reported that I missed the Getopt::Long configuration magic to let the server argument actually take a server as its argument, so that didn't actually, er, work. One might be able to tell that I don't use that option. Fixed in the latest release (and that's the only change).

You can get the latest version from the postfaq distribution page.

2006-04-13: More automated review indexing

Tonight, I finally finished some code that I'd been meaning to finish for several months. The script that I use to generate the indices for my reviews can now recognize a collection (either a short story collection or a magazine) and automatically add the index entries for my short fiction index. That also means that the last two magazines I read have now been added to the index.

The review-post script that does all of this is rather hairy and oddly designed. It's evolved naturally from a few quick automation scripts to automatically post reviews to my journal, and then to automate the changes to the thread files that I was maintaining by hand.

On one hand, it's an interesting case study in doing things that people associate with a database without any database. The output is just regular thread files that I could equally easily write by hand, and it has enough smarts to get this right and do a good job. I like doing that, just to prove a point.

On the other hand, putting all the review metadata in a database would be an obvious database application and would probably make it easier to do some other things (although I've not thought a lot about what I would change). I keep thinking I should do that, although then I have to figure out the best way of generating the pages. I could generate the existing thread pages out of the database data (although then, what am I really gaining over what I'm doing now?), or I could generate them dynamically, but that would require putting the right Apache modules on and probably doing something with PHP.

Each time I start thinking about this, I leave well enough alone.

2006-04-14: OpenAFS 1.4.1 and Debian

OpenAFS 1.4.1 is in the final stages of being released, and I've now uploaded 1.4.1 packages to Debian unstable. This should fix all the problems people were having with 2.6.16 kernels, as well as clean up a variety of other issues. The new packages also subsume both the separate openafs-doc package and the separate openafs-krb5 package, so the AFS packages are now simpler as well.

I need to check with Sam one more time, but I think I'm also ready to upload new versions of krb5 and kerberos-configs, which will clear out most of the pending uploads that I have and reduce the bug count in Debian by another fair chunk.

Other Debian work currently in flight: A new version of xfonts-jmk that adds two more Unicode sizes (thanks to Derek Upham) is currently waiting on some bug fixes to the new modular X.Org 7 uploads in Debian unstable. The next version will move the fonts to the new, correct location (and thus eliminate a lintian override), but the X.Org 7 imake doesn't work at all because its configuration wasn't packaged. I just uploaded a new svn2cl package to my personal repository; it's going to eventually be added to the main Subversion packages once it's included in an upstream release. I have a Debian Policy amendment approved, I think, or at least no one is objecting to it. And I think I have one more session of lintian bug cleanup before everything is categorized nicely.

2006-04-15: Martin haul

The main point of this order was to get the next couple of George R.R. Martin novels. I just finished (and will be reviewing) A Game of Kings and picked up the next couple. The tentative goal is to read A Feast of Crows before the Hugo discussion panel at Baycon.

David Allen -- Getting Things Done (non-fiction)
Samuel R. Delany -- Tales of Nevèrÿon (sff)
George R.R. Martin -- A Clash of Kings (sff)
George R.R. Martin -- A Storm of Swords (sff)
Naomi Novik -- His Majesty's Dragon (sff)
Geoff Ryman -- 253: The Print Remix (sff)

I'm not sure if I'm going to make it with all of the Martin novels, given how long they are, but we'll see. The Delany and the Ryman are behind other books by the same authors on my reading list, but I'm fairly certain at this point on both writers that I'll want to read their whole output or close to.

Getting Things Done was recommended by Limoncelli in Time Management for System Administrators, and since the latter worked so well for me, I'm very curious to read it. Finally, I expect I'm going to want to read all of the Novik novels (there are two more), but I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to try the first one.

2006-04-16: Debian weekend

Well, this was going to be the weekend when I finally finished the heavy lifting for a new News::Gateway release (or at least got closer), insofar as I had any free time aside from helping a friend move into the area. But I ended up doing Debian things instead, inbetween being amazingly successful in helping with moving. (Arrival to apartment reserved in four days has to be some sort of honorable mention.)

Damage done this weekend: New release of OpenAFS fixing a couple of bugs in the 1.4.1-1 package, new release of krb5 fixing a few bugs that has to sit in NEW because it introduces a new debugging symbol package, an upload of kerberos-configs adding me as comaintainer and fixing a bunch of bugs, additional tests for lintian to catch pieces of the X.Org 7 transition, debugging the debian/rules checks I added to lintian, and filing lots of random bugs about various things.

Given how little time I had to sit in front of the computer and hack, I'm calling that very impressive.

Tomorrow is going to be a touch chaotic as there's a welcome dinner in the evening, possibly more moving help during the day, and a full slate of miscellaneous work things that I need to focus on. I expect life to slowly calm down towards the middle and end of the week, allowing me to do things like catch up on review-writing, start exercising nightly again, and get more reading in. We'll see.

2006-04-17: Another haul

This order was actually placed before the previous one; the previous order I added once it became clear that I was going to go ahead and try to read the other George R.R. Martin, and to pick up some books whose names I didn't have with me when I placed it. This one is more eclectic and was originally going after the other Hugo nominees, but Powell's mysteriously thought they didn't have a copy of Old Man's War when they did. Anyway:

Samuel R. Delany -- About Writing (non-fiction)
Laurell K. Hamilton -- Micah (sff)
James Patrick Kelly -- Burn (sff)
Ken MacLeod -- Learning the World (sff)
Severa Park -- Hand of Prophecy (sff)
Charles Stross -- The Family Trade (sff)
Jeff VanderMeer -- Veniss Underground (sff)

I had previously ordered About Writing directly from the publisher, but they charged my credit card and then in some mixup never sent it. I suppose I could have made a stink, but it was a university press and I didn't mind just donating some money.

Currently reading: A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin, The SEX Column and Other Misprints by David Langford.

2006-04-26: Long time no write

I have been hideously busy, mostly in good ways, sometimes in stressful ways, and as a result I've posted nothing for quite a while now. Figured I should at least say hi and mention that I'm alive.

All the work projects that I were mentioning were going to heat up have heated up, and this week my primary task is being available to ensure that projects don't get stalled. Any work that I get done in addition I'm considering an unexpected bonus. Hopefully by this weekend and even more so by next week, things will slow down and calm down a bit.

Debian Policy 3.7.0 is out (including changes from a proposal I wrote, which is a neat feeling even though I may propose another amendment to clean up some details). Tonight, after making an Ikea run and paying way too much for delivery of two more seven foot shelves that wouldn't fit in my friend's Jeep, I implemented in lintian checks for the major changes for Policy 3.7.0, fixed a few other bugs, and proposed an upload on Friday.

The other big news is that I read another time management book, this time a more mainstream, corporate-speak one entitled Getting Things Done (by David Allen). I'm becoming addicted to these already; I picked up a ton of great ideas after getting past the initial off-putting "management speak" tone. I never really felt like the target audience, and yet (largely thanks to Time Management for System Administrators) I now understand the problem space well enough to adapt the ideas to my own work.

Getting Things Done tackled exactly the problem that I had with Time Management, namely what to do about the tasks that I didn't want to just accumulate on ever-growing, ever-shifting daily to-do lists. Allen laid out a great system for managing tasks that will be around for longer periods, and last night I did a fairly decent implementation of his system in Roundup. I'm still ironing out the bugs, but I loaded it this morning with 180-odd tasks and 45 or so projects and have started using it today. There are a few things that I need to make more efficient, but so far, so good. I think this will really help, perhaps not as much as the leap I got from Time Management, but definitely a noticable additional jump of productivity and comprehensive tracking.

Unfortunately, with everything else that's going on, fiction reading is really suffering. I'm still hoping to finish A Clash of Kings this month, but it's getting more and more iffy. Ah well, there will always be time to read books and getting all the Hugo nominees read before Baycon isn't exactly necessary.

2006-04-29: racc archives

Well, one thing that all this organizational activity has done is that it's helping me finally do some things that I'd been putting off for way too long.

This morning, between other things, I started trying to catch up on the archiving of rec.arts.comics.creative. I'm sad to say that I hadn't touched that since the end of 2003, which means that I had over 1,700 posts to go through, weed out discussion, and archive into appropriate story directories. I was only going to do the first 300 or so and slowly catch up, but I got on a roll and in three hours got completely caught up.

I'd been feeling guilty about that for literally years now, and here it only took three hours to finish it off completely. Feh. Don't procrastinate! Now that I'm caught up, it should be much easier to stay caught up. I really do have the process mostly automated, so it's just a matter of having the mental discipline to do it regularly.

I've also now updated the racc FAQ and put out a plea for more contact information and imprint information to flesh it back out again. It's nice to be paying attention to the group on more than just a day-to-day post moderation basis (although I honestly probably won't get back into reading stories; I just have too many other things to read).

Now, if I can just push through the last things I have to do for a News::Gateway release.... Although that's again not quite on the top of my priority list. I have a few other things I want to finish off first.

2006-04-29: filter-syslog 1.19

A user reported that filter-syslog was unable to properly parse OpenBSD syslog messages for forwarded log messages (ones received from the network). After a few false starts, I added proper parsing of those. In testing, I also discovered that the current code didn't handle another variation on the startup message of the Linux syslogd we use on Debian, so I fixed that as well.

You can get the latest version from the filter-syslog distribution page. It now requires Perl 5.6 or higher, since I wanted to use qr// for the regexes.

2006-04-30: Getting Things Done

Review: Getting Things Done, by David Allen

Publisher: Penguin
Copyright: 2001
ISBN: 0-14-200028-0
Pages: 259

I read this book at the recommendation of Thomas Limoncelli at Time Management for System Administrators. He recommended it as a good general follow-on for readers who wanted to learn more about general time management skills not specific to system administrators. Where Time Management was an O'Reilly book, targetted directly at a technical audience, this is a general-audience book with a bit of a self-help approach, lots of marketing language on the back cover, and some of that gung-ho attitude that was so blessedly missing from Time Management. It's coming from a much different concept of audience.

This marketing style is rather off-putting at first, and after the first chapter I was worried I'd have to apply very heavy filters. Allen is writing to the sort of people he coaches, mostly corporate executives and high-level managers who have personal secretaries and whose life is mostly built around meetings, paper, proposals, and sales opportunities. The book is full of systems in the places Limoncelli avoided them: the five stages of project planning, the five stages of mastering workflow, the four-criteria model for choosing actions, and so on. All the management speak almost drove me away.

Underneath that, though, is quite solid advice and a book that, if you mentally rewrite it slightly to retarget the advice (or if you're more in its audience than in Limoncelli's audience), forms an excellent complement to Time Management. Getting Things Done deals directly with the largest problem I felt Time Management left uncovered, namely how to organize one's larger long-term to-do list and set of projects. Allen sets up a tracking system with an explicit project system, a way of reducing projects to specific next actions that go into three different next action systems, and a way of storing and tracking potential later projects. This was exactly what you needed, and in fact shortly after finishing the book I implemented the basics of the task management system in Roundup and started using it.

Allen mostly agrees with Limoncelli or approaches problems from a different angle, but the one place that he disagrees directly is on the utility of both prioritization and daily to-do lists. His problem with daily to-do lists is exactly the problem that I had with them (everything doesn't get done, and the motion of things to the next day is discouraging), and I still think they're useful in conjunction with a larger task management system as a way of planning each day. On prioritization, he has some interesting comments about the multiple axes that one should use when choosing what to do, and I've already found his advice true when watching for other factors (amount of time available, energy level, etc.) when choosing tasks. On the other hand, I have so many tasks that without the basic sorting of a simple three-category priority system, the lists are overwhelming to deal with.

Limoncelli's book is full of specific advice and concrete tips and tricks. Allen has a few of those as well, but they're not as useful for me as most of them are aimed at a much different job and work style than I have. I instead found Getting Things Done useful primarily for the high-level view, for another perspective on the big picture of time management that reinforced many of the things Limoncelli said while coming from a different direction. Allen has an excellent starting point: going through one's entire life, taking everything that isn't done or should be changed and putting it into an inbox, and then processing that inbox using his techniques. I did something like this when putting Limoncelli's advice into practice, even though he didn't mention it explicitly. After reading Allen, I did it again, more explicitly, and it's a very useful way of getting a clean start. It does take quite a bit of time, and finding the time to do it requires a large up-front committment, but Allen correctly emphasizes the importance of getting everything into the system in order to trust it. Also, explaining how to do this, even if one doesn't actually do it, provides a great insight into how the system works.

There are a few other parts of this book that I particularly liked besides the organizational scheme. Allen spends quite a bit of time discussing how to turn projects into actions and how to keep moving forward on something that one wants to do. His concept of always asking for the concrete next action and his definitions around what a next action is have already been valuable for me. Somewhat less uniquely but still usefully, he also talks about the importance of envisioning what outcome one wants to have at the end of the project and points out how one can detect projects that are not fully baked by the inability to envision what the end result will look like. I think he's a bit too fond of the idea of brainstorming, or at least it's rarely as helpful in practice for me personally as he portrays it, but other than that his model of project planning is simple, intuitive, and one that I think I can apply.

I think that, in the long run, I may make more philosophical changes in my work style due to Getting Things Done than due to Time Management for System Administrators. Allen tackles larger problems, discusses ways to improve meetings and project planning, builds a complete organizational system for everything that enters one's life that one has to act on, and has some good mantras and guidelines for how to evaluate ideas and turn desire or dissatisfaction into action. It's not, on the other hand, the book I would have wanted to read first. I think I needed Limoncelli to put me in the right frame of mind and to introduce me to the concept before I would have gotten much out of Allen's book.

If, like me, you're a system administrator or working in a closely related technical field, I wouldn't start here. For one thing, the language is, at least initially, going to sound like the worst of your corporate vision statements and HR feel-good initiatives. For another, I think one has to have established some basic control and order over one's work life in order to have enough time and perspective to appreciate what Allen is getting at. However, if you read Time Management and wanted more, or felt that there wasn't quite enough of an organizational system to deal with everything, this is an excellent follow-on.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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