Non-Player Character

A handsome man, standing a little over 6 foot tall. He had brown haunted eyes, blond shoulder length hair and a goatee. Roland Muis was the youngest brother of Karl Muis. He loved his brother dearly and became slightly unbalanced when Karl was killed by Teridias. After the news of the death, Roland devoted his entire life to gaining revenge on Teridias. Not content with trying to kill Teridias, Roland wanted to make him suffer. Roland achieved this by killing those who Teridias loved. The first victim was Sara, a princess from the shadow of Forminus. She died without even knowing why. A few years later, Roland assassinated Teridias's wife, Rhiannon and seven year old son Pwyll. By doing this he succeeded in driving Teridias temporarily insane. Shortly after killing Rhiannon and Pwyll, Roland was transformed into Lord Slew and finally died by Teridias's hand.

Contributor: Dean Bailey (
Editor/Webmaster: Scott Olson (
Gamemaster: Tony Pi (