Excessive mist

It's funny that you only seem to remember dreams when they're really weird ones. Or when they wake you up in the middle of the night. Some situation where you can make the short term RAM of a surly little dream dump itself into the vast circular file of the brain.

This one, which got me up at about 4 AM, was a really bad, Grade-B horror movie. The distinguishing feature, of course, was that it came with its own surly commentary track. The dream plot-line was determined to go headlong into the castle o' doom where death surely awaited, but the commentary track was having none of it. Countless times we got to the stupid castle, only to have the surly commentary reach fever pitch. No, no, no. The surly director of the mind wasn't going to have any of this cutting to the chase. Back out into the forest you go, until you can come up with a better motivation for going into the darn castle.

No more Mystery Science Theatre 3000 for you, Mr. Subconsious, until you can stop messing around like that. Hmmf.

Gundam Wing #29

So I forgot the title. Go fig.

Relena is meeting with several other nations that are wriggling about in the Foundation's grip. None of them really like the Foundation, but if they rebel, they're only facing futile battles. Relena has some cred, apparently, because she's the head of the Sank Kingdom, reknowned for its total pacifism. It's not entirely clear what everyone is agreeing to or discussing at this meeting, but they clap for Relena. Who knows? Relena wanders out, where a bunch of OZ Virgo Mobile Dolls (the new type, as opposed to the Taurus Mobile Dolls) are lounging about and looking mighty. The OZ troops hanging out on the front porch remark their surprise that the meeting was over so soon. But they don't seem particularly bothered by the whole thing - it really doesn't matter wether people like them or not; they're large and in charge.

Elsewhere, some troops track down Heero and Quatre's crash-landed space pod, and, shortly, the Gundam pilots themselves. But they're not OZ regulars, but local troops from the nation the pair crash-landed in, and so they're none too keen to carry out their orders to execute the Gundam pilots. In fact, they don't even pretend to be involved in imprisoning the pair, letting them hang out, play with the search dogs (Heero, deadpan, to a moping Quatre: "Play with the -dogs-, Quatre.") and generally putting a good meal in them and subtly hinting that, hey, look, there's a plane right over there with nobody guarding it. Wouldn't it suck if they were to escape in it?

Elsewhere, Major Sally (we do remember who she is, right?) is flying a transport along over the ocean, pursued by OZ troops. Finally unable to escape, she purposefully crashes into the ocean. Why? Well, she's got Gundam 01 in the hold.

We now cut to a scene with lots of mist. I mean, wow, that's a lot of mist. I'd hate to be whoever drew the backgrounds here. "Aiie! I spent days on those animation cells, and look what you've done to them! For this dishonor, I swear eternal vengeance!!" Apparently this is a dock somewhere. Oh, and there's Noin, wandering around in the mist. (Villains in the Mist... next time on the Discovery Channel.) Oh, wait, the mist is clearing a bit. Noin watches Major Sally get led off by a bunch of OZ troops, who've apparently fished her out of the ocean.

Sally gets taken to one of OZ's many mansion-bases, tied to a chair, and left beside a fire to dry out a bit. Almost as soon as the guards (like morons) leave the room, Noin shows up. She has a brief chat with Sally which convinces the Major that Noin is genuine, and the two escape to go look for the Gundam. Somehow, they turn up a pair of Pisces mobile suits, laying waste to the OZ Cancer suits that were hunting for the Gundam, as well as the OZ transport vessel and pretty much everything else in the area. Noin takes the Gundam, claiming to want it to defend her nation (which is apparently now the Sank Kingdom), and remarking that this worked out pretty well. Sally heads off in a search for other abandoned Gundams, and both hope that with a little luck, they can gather up a fair number of Gundams and Gundam pilots to help whup up on the Foundation.

Elsewhere, Heero and Quatre do a bit of hacking, and discover that OZ is fairly interested in the Sank Kingdom, and vice versa, so they decide that maybe it's a good idea to head there next. And then, they finally escape, heading off in a small plane... straight towards a convenient OZ carrier battle group. They leave a note for the troops that caught them saying that they should go ahead and report the escape so they don't get in trouble, as they're going straight into another battle. The two fly their small plane through a hail of fire from the baffled OZ ships...


Damn. There went my suspension of disbelief again.

...and crash it on the deck of the carrier, jumping out and immediately proceeding to whup some butt. Heero blasts his way onto the carrier's mobile suit deck and nicks a Leo, which he uses to blow things up, while Quatre heads for the bridge and does a stick-up. The OZ personnel are about to shoot Quatre anyway, when they notice Heero, in the Leo suit, casually aiming a large, manly gun at the bridge.

Shortly thereafter, they've forced all the OZ personnel off the ship and nicked the whole darn aircraft carrier...


Mutter, mutter, mutter.

Meanwhile, in a better sub-plot, a large, yellow car races through the streets of the Sank Kingdom. It finally stops on a hill looking down on the royal palace or whatever, where a girl with evil eyebrows gets out and looks down, noting the OZ troops packing up their mobile suits and leaving. "Darn," the girl remarks, "I hurried all this way for nothing."

Elsewhere, Relena and her minion, Pagan (snicker) are off for a drive, where Pagan wonders about what Relena thinks of the new transfer to the Sank Kingdom's institute - a relative of Duke Damaio. Pagan, having an actual functioning brain, realizes something is Seriously Not Right with this, while Relena merely sees it as an opportunity to teach someone close to the Foundation about her ideals of peace.

Shortly later, Relena is revealed to have assumed the directorship of the Sank Kingdom's institute, as well as the throne, as she has a chat with the girl with evil eyebrows, who introduces herself as Dorothy. Dorothy asks the fairly obvious question, namely, hey, pacifist girl, just what would you do if someone, you know, attacked the kingdom. Relena goes off on a little tangent about how problems can be solved by talking about them. No, no, you're not answering the question, Dorothy complains. What if someone attacked? Dorothy admits she likes fighting, but Relena is completely undeterred, babbling some line about how this institute's purpose is to allow discussions like this.

Later, Pagan and Noin have a chat. Pagan is incredibly suspicious of Dorothy, especially since Dorothy is practically waving a giant sign reading "Hi, I've come to crush your stupid dreams of peace, you losers." But at the same time, he's not quite sure what to do about her. Noin, of course, has an ace in the hole, as she tucks the Gundam away in a hidden base in the Kingdom. Sure, Relena can spout the pacifist line, but only because there are others, like Noin, prepared to defend the Sank Kingdom with every dirty trick and maneuver in the book.

Dorothy, back up on the hill, cheerfully yells at the departing OZ transports "Hurry up and start a war!" Hello, weirdo.

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