Too late to work within the system, too early to just shoot the buggers

For your amusement today (because we all need amusement in our lives), check out The Revolution®. No, really. It's the political party for surly people! Run by the only political candidate worth supporting! Waste your vote for someone worthy! Or not. Be that way.

Not that it matters, as eventually the world will fall beneath the steely boots of my evil empire, but still, it'll keep you occupied in the mean-time.

Really tired lately. Not because of any particular ailment, just because I've been staying up really late. Curse you, lack of sleep! Curse you! Even with the mighty caffeine on my side, and, indeed, I am once again freely indulging in the life-giving beverage, I just can't seem to reach full alertness. Happily, I'm more than alert enough to do things like write journal entries and program horribly complex things that may or may not result in the end of life as we know it.

In national news today, President Clinton was deeply astonished when he saw images forming and dissolving and wibbling about on a computer screen. Yes, the screen saver captured the heart and soul of the most powerful man in the free world. At least for a few minutes. Then again, he's not the one claiming to have invented the Internet, is he.

Cripes. Al Gore is amazingly full of it. I'd vote for McCain over this guy. Then again, we have to carefully balance all this so that the Executive and Legislative branches of our beloved government end up in the hands of opposite parties. Shoot for deadlock, that's what I say. At least McCain is marginally less likely to approve the latest request for "sweeping new powers" that the Department of Justice is working up a froth for. Yes, they need sweeping new powers to spy into the workings of the internet, and sweeping new absence of any kind of liability or oversight whatsoever. It's no wonder they got their collective panties in such a bunch over the concept of an independant agency to oversee cyber-crime. What? The DoJ having to report to an external agency? Zounds! This is why we shoot for deadlock. Occasionally good ideas come out of the two parties throttling each other.

I say we just elect the craziest bastard we possibly can. Someone who's so full of it that the common people finally have all they can stand. I'm not sure wether this is Al "If I say it enough times, it's not a lie" Gore or John "Gook! GOOK! GOOOOOOK! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!" McCain. Although I'm leaning towards McCain, just for the sheer entertainment value of watching south-east asia wet its collective pants.

If we're gonna elect a whacko into office, let's not go half-way.

Over lunch the other day, there was the usual discussion of politics you get whenever you get a few libertarians, a republican, and a democrat (me. I'm for the one man, one vote system. I'm the man, I should have the vote.) together without the moderating influence of one of the office female programmer types to roll her eyes in disgust at our antics and thus inspire us to shut the hell up. Much was made (by the republican) over the US embargos of Cuba and Iraq, in a negative sort of way (this was a segue after we'd had a collective bit of griping about gas prices, which, if you haven't noticed, are the highest they've been - ever). I couldn't tell wether he was against the embargoes, or in favor of flat out invasion, though. This segued into burbling about the fact that America tends to go around causing chaos, all the while sitting back smugly. This segued into more fun from the Republican about how we should just annex Cuba. Yeah, that'll go over real well, commented someone else. Not many countries would be gleeful about the concept of joining the US. I mean, who would? But not many of us would want to give up our citizenship, no matter how stupid things got.

I dunno, though. If I were to start breeding little evil overlords, I would probably want to move somewhere in Europe, where the people are, at least, insane in ways that don't make me - me, of all people - mutter "Y'all are fsckin' nuts." But as long as it's just me, I don't mind. Although I think Ireland has a growing geek industry... Mmm. The Isles. And it's surly and it rains all the time. Woo!

Anyway, just ask yourself - What Would Genghis Khan Do?

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