Blazing hot electric death

Well, this weekend involved the surly glory of a few lazer-tag games at the local "Fun Station". For those of you who don't know what this is, it involves putting on a sensor pack, picking up a ray gun, and running around in a maze shooting at people. You just can't get more fun than that.

I'm still mortally offended at the concept of naming a place the "Fun Station", though. I mean, "Fun Station"? Who are they kidding. This is a place to fulfill our deep, instinctive need to blaze away at friends, enemies, and complete strangers who happen to stray into your field of fire. It's not the visceral thrill of, say, paintball, but it's still gloriously entertaining nonetheless.

In other news, I watched "Blade" over the weekend. Why? I... don't... know. For those of you who've managed to avoid this one, it involves a surly half-vampire running around killing other vampires. It does interesting things with the whole vampire deal, though (vampires are vulnerable to silver?). It involves lots of people being bitten. It involves exploding vampires. It involves plot points that are telegraphed in giant, neon flashing letters a mile high. It involves such brilliant dialog as "Some people just always tryin' to ice skate up-hill" (pronounced non-sequiturly by Our Hero after he offs the main villain) and the exchange between Our Hero and the Surly Love Interest ("You used me as bait!" "Yeah." "And now you're /robbing/ me!" "Well, how do you think we finance ourselves, anyway? We ain't exactly the March of Dimes, here.")

I must have been more bored than I thought.

In the Deeply, Deeply Wrong department, there's an ad for a Brazilian Internet Startup that involves... well... interfaces. Gee, guys, way to indicate the Internet is composed of something other than sex-crazed perverts. Not for the faint of humor.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or alien spores of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Certified 'Syndicate Approved'. Squeeze the lemon. Remember, kids, only users lose drugs.