Roam tow, my arse

And people snickered when I said I'm a light sleeper - apparently I have tuned myself to such proficiency that I'm now capable of (mostly) ignoring large sounds like the dump truck running over illegally parked vehicles to get to the dumpster behind the apartment building, but the mere sound of the tow company's truck idling out in the street is enough to snap me to full alertness. It's not just any tow truck, either, just that specific bloody one.

Of course, since they weren't there to tow my car, but were just doing their twice-weekly slouching by, this was rather an exercise in pointlessness. No wonder, though, it took me so long to notice the change in parking decals if those twonks only come by once every two weeks or so. Sheesh.

In other wacky Tallahassee news, the local frats our doing their themes in an attempt to recruit people who are so sad that they must spend money to make friends and influence people, instead of doing it the old-fashioned way, by offering benefits plans, spiffy uniforms, and a chance to participate in an evil sceme for total world domination. In addition to the normal stuff like the "River Boat Theme" and the "Plantation Theme", we've got... we... well... One of the frats (I forgot to eyeball which one) has chosen for their theme "Mekong 2000". Yes, the frat house is garishly decorated like a bunker, with bamboo planted here and there among the sandbags which now fortify the yard.

That's... that's just not right. Someone was drinking a little bit too much when they thought this one up.

But now on to world news.

In a startling display of Dilbert-esque management stupidity, a team of managers of the Ericcson company, who were vacationing in Greece, decided, in an effort to test employee unity, to stage a mock bus hijacking of the bus their employees were on. With the predictable result that some yokel saw them doing so, and alerted the police, who had lately been having to deal with actual bus hijackings, and responded in the obvious way by calling out the SWAT team.

The managers survived, however, ending what had been a spectacular bid for this year's Darwin Awards.

In other news from those wacky Brits, the latest episode of the Bastard Operator From Hell involves many words to live by (yes, besides "Kill -9 needs no justification!"). "Revenge is an essential part of forgiving and forgetting!". Now there's a moral lesson we can all stand to take to heart.

In the "laughing so hard I hurt myself" category, there's a MacOpinion article entitled "Pink Rubber Horsey Heads" on why the Macintosh will never catch on in the serious-minded industrial enviroment. No, honest, it's great stuff.

In the gaming arena, I've completed yet another cheap RTS game, Command & Conquer. Hey, it's a good way to completely waste hours of time. It was also wholly unsatisfying. While the AI had managed to put up a good fight during the early levels, by the time I got to the end, it wa apparently choking, as evidenced by the fact that the game crashed hard once or twice, and the AI continued doing monumentally stupid things. The proper place to land a helicopter full of troops is *not* right in front of the bored flame-thrower tank. Nevertheless, this is what the AI did, over and over again, as I could hear, as I worked elsewhere, the soft sounds of explosions and horrified screams. Eep.

Command & Conquer is just one of those games where you fight with vaguely modern weapons, as either the Global Defense Initiative, nobly defending the world order, or the Brotherhood of Nod, bravely blowing things up for fun and profit. On the plus side, it does have fun things like orbital weapons, tactical nuclear missiles, and giant laser cannons. And airstrikes. We mustn't forget the airstrikes.

What can I say? I didn't hurl the computer across the room, which is always a good sign when playing a game.

Next on the gaming list is probably going to be The Sims, which means seeing if I can coax the Connectix emulator to run Windows 95. Yes, I'm emulating DOS on my iMac so I can run Win95, so I can run Windows games.

That's just not right.

On the other hand, since I'm only pretending to run Windows, there's a bare minimum of horrific things that it can do to muck up my computer. Yay!

More on this situation as it develops...

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or alien spores of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Certified 'Syndicate Approved'. Squeeze the lemon. Remember, kids, only users lose drugs.