It is your duty as a contientious American to report suspected mutants!

Hi there. It's been a while, hasn't it. I know, I know. It's been fun-a-minute around here, too. Yes, my career as an international super-villain keeps me far too busy to properly update my journal every day, but you can rest assured that as I spread misery and fear to the cheerful population of distant countries, I'm thinking of all of you.


Anyway, I'm trying to think of something fun and amusing to talk about that's not mired in fandom, but, since I'm failing that, I'll go right ahead. I really need to get out of this town more. There must be something fun around here somewhere. It's not that there aren't parties, of course, in fact at one office-sponsored party recently, there were plentiful free wings, cheerfully plastered co-workers, and a pool hall which we hogged most of. Oh, and about $1000 dollars worth of beer, which we drank. Next time, they'll probably wise up and just leave us a few kegs and some cheese sticks in the warehouse. Mmm. Cheese sticks. It was not the best scheduled event, in any case, as any party set to begin at 5 o'clock the day of a production release is not going to have very many programmers in attendance, for blatantly obvious reasons. But hey.

In other news, the Roman Catholic Church has lambasted Pokemon as a scourge of the world's youth, spreading deviltry, perversion, and an affinity for small card-board trading cards. The cries of incited violence and Pokemon card burning began to echo through the square as the speaker for the Church expounded his views on this, but the mood of the people turned to amusement instead as the Church's mouth-piece segued abruptly to yelling about those "damn Albigensians".

In less subtle news, the X-Men movie looks like it may finally escape the trap that so many Marvel Movies have fallen into. Of all the Marvel concepts that have staggered their way to film, including Captain America, Generation X and Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD, only Blade has managed to not completely suck. Can the X-Men manage to pulsate with similar lack of suckage? Marvel certainly needs it, as they're certainly not doing their best at garnering a cash flow lately.

An added amusement for the X-Men Movie is an in-theme web-site, the Mutantwatch. It manages to range from silly ("If you spew toxic gas from multiple orifices, you might be a mutant...") to vaguely disturbing ("Your family and community have a right to know who you are - take this quiz to establish your genetic purity..."). If the movie actually is along these lines instead of just the average Hollywood application of heroic boot to villainous head, it might actually be worthy. Of course, there will still be boot-to-head, but there may be more than that. More! More, I say! A-hahahaha!

It sure as heck can't be as bad as Pitch Black. Oh, look. They're doing a re-make of Alien. Again. Be still, my beating heart.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or alien spores of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Certified 'Syndicate Approved'. Squeeze the lemon. Remember, kids, only users lose drugs.