It's better than Cats

Well, tonight I will return to my apartment, at last, as my parents have returned from their research conference in New Orleans, city of debauchery. I'd envy them, but being important scientific types, they didn't get the opportunity to actually do very many New Orleansy things. Except partake of the local cuisine, and buy Mardi Gras beads, and that sort of thing. They were even good natured about returning to find many things burned out in the house (upon more detailed examination, we found that a surge had apparently come down the cable line, too, with the result that one of our TV's was burned out, and the VCR (which had enough headaches with its little Y2k bug) might also be having difficulties). It wasn't my fault!

I wish I could talk about work more. But apparently this is a naughty thing. SEC rules, and all. So, instead, in the weeks to come, I shall have to gripe merely about the glories of life (and, as March starts, the amusement of japanese animation).

Over the period of my evening netlessness, I was forced, kicking and screaming, to watch MST3K's "Cave Dwellers". Well, okay, I intended to watch it anyway. But still. In any case, it was a film of might, pulsating with good ol' B-movie wackiness. Such as the fact that about five minutes into the movie, the director, who is obviously greatly enamoured of the mightiness of the main hero (Ator! That handsome stranger with pecs like melons and knees of fringe!) to launch into a long, sprawling, completely irrelevant flashback digression detailing Ator's past accomplishments and such, which easily could have provided material for another movie entirely. Indeed, they might well have. Not to mention the dynamite and the hang-glider that the hero produces seemingly at will ("So, what, now he's discovered extruded aluminum and spot-welding?"). Anyway, it was a fantasy epic that served as a grand example for what not to do. If at all possible, seek it out.

One further thing of note - driving in to work today, I happened upon one of the single dumbest songs I've heard recently. The chorus was, and I'd like to stress I'm not making this up, "In the end, we're just mammals; so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel". It's now official - all the good lyrics have already been used up. I can only hope, and pray, that this was done in jest, because if it was serious, which it was presented as, we're all clearly doomed. Yeah, mention of animals rutting. That's real romantic.

(Austin Powers voice: "Does this make you 'orny?")

And now, more shameless making fun of today's comics industry.

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