Random wackiness

Really ought to get more sleep. Sleep is good. Need more of it. Cursed bright yellow ball of flaming gas in the sky. Be gone with you! Be gone!

In other news, it's that time of year again in the sunny, cheerful town of Tallahassee, the annual "Make Him/Her Your Ex" contest at radio station X101.5 - yes, divorce someone by Valentine's Day and you can win $500 and a trip to Las Vegas... for one. It's sick, but it's what passes for entertainment in our sad little city.

In national news, people have been remarking on the shocking coincidence of having all these hacking and Distributed Denial of Service attacks taking place right after Le Pres asks for boosted funding for Federal wiretapping infrastructure and FIDNET. Now, of course, it probably isn't a conspiracy. Probably. Occam's Razor clearly says it isn't, but Occam was obviously off his nut. But, in the end, I guess we can trust the President and the Justice Department to be honest and not try and pull anything sneaky. And we can also trust the corporations that would stand to benefit from a can of government whup-ass being opened on the Internet. We can trust them to do the right thing and not try anything sneaky and underhanded to bring it about. Yup. We can trust them all. Really we can. Yup, yup. Honest Abes, the lot of 'em.


Not much to say, really. It's all been said already.

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