More dumb computer tales, plus comics

Well, today's Dumb Computer Tale is about the Palm Emulator (POSE), which is used by Palm Developers so they don't risk buggering up their poor leetle palm-top widgets. Now, here we are, cheerfully developing a package that will allow people with Palm VII's to access our yummy web site over the wireless network. So that we don't run up the boss's wireless bill, we run the emulator. All should clearly be good and happy - the emulator should pretend that it's making the wireless calls while actually just emulating them via the magic of TCP/IP.

Except it's not.

This puzzles me for a bit. I go peering through the documentation for a while, and can find no mention of anything I need to do. I go looking for the error, yet can find nothing in the Palm Emulator FAQ, documentation, et cetera. Finally, at long last, I find the explanation of what's wrong, buried in a FAQ file for something else entirely. It turns out there's an option that needs to be set in a buried preferences screen, "Emulate NetLib calls as TCP/IP" (for those of you who just glazed over, in other words "pretend to use the normal palm lookups while really just using the internet connection on your computer"). This option defaults to 'off'. There are no other connection options.

Now... someone, somewhere, really needs to be kicked in the head. Here they are, distributing a product which DEFAULTS TO NOT FUNCTIONING. Nowhere in the documentation that's easily available is the necessary magic explained. So, not only are they too lazy to recompile the source with "product will work once installed" set to true, or whatever, they're too lazy to bother putting much effort into helping you get the darn thing working.

Pikers! Pikers, the lot of them!

Oh well. Works fine now. Wonder if it'll run Lode Runner...

And now, this week's comics.

And, lastly, more mp3's we've been alerted to be Alert Reader Peg, who pointed out the musician Logan Whitehurst. There's just so much to choose from! I recommend "Surfing in Hell", "Why don't they call it art?" or "Monkeys are bad people", myself. Alternately, try "Farkle!" for some good ol'-fashioned ad parody.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or alien spores of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Certified 'Syndicate Approved'. Squeeze the lemon. Remember, kids, only users lose drugs.