Time travelling cats

What is it with time travel and cats, anyway?

So, I finally managed to finish up notable time travel book To Say Nothing Of The Dog, by Connie Willis, which, despite the fact that time travel in general causes me to flee screaming, was quite good. However, it involved cats as a central plot point. It was, in fact, quite cat-a-riffic. Chock full o' cat. Stuffed to the gills with fluffy catitude. Well, okay, not really, but hey, that just sounds so nifty. Catitude. Mmm.

Anyway, this would be thoroughly unworthy of specific mention, if it weren't for the fact that I had just recently finished playing noted Super Nintendo game Chrono Trigger, which ALSO involved time travel and cats. A plethora of cats, in fact.

Not only does the hero of the story, Crono (voted 'Guy most likely to be mistaken for a mop' by his high school class) have a cat, it is possible for him to acquire more cats over the course of his adventures. A plethora of cats, in fact. And since these adventures wander back and forth across the fabric of time, it is possible for your acquisition of increased cat to affect the very course of history itself! In fact, apparently, some of the game's vast numbers of endings can only be unlocked if you have acquired sufficient levels of cat.

Not to mention, of course, the fact that the game contains the obligatory cat-girl, who in this case is one Ayla (motto: "Stop saying words Ayla not understand!") who comes from 65 bazillion years in the past, and who, against all logic, has a tail. Apparently it's part of her animal skin costume, but that doesn't explain the fact that it *moves*. Perhaps this is a special power or something. But hey, games always need a cat-girl or two. This is anime, after all.

So, time travel and a plethora of cat. What's the hidden meaning here? What ARE these fiendish things of cat planning? Will we achieve sufficient levels of cat to unlock the mysteries of life? And, perhaps most important of all, will the world's supply of tuna fish hold out?


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