The Help System Of Doom

And now, we can discover the horrible tales of the evil that awaits us all within... the on-line help system!

So, there I am, fiddling about on our development site, working through a list of requested changes, when I discover something rather interesting. On the login page, for those users who've managed to forget their passwords, we provide a helpful little link to our help system so that they can find out how to request their password. After searching for the precise entry relating to requesting their password, they can discover the procedure, which is to go to the login page and click the helpful little link to the help system, and search for the precise entry relating to requesting their password, which tells them to go to the login page...

But wait! There's more!

The change request was to move the procedure to the login page (so we don't have to let people peruse the help system if they haven't logged in yet). So now we'd be telling our users to go to a page that they can't get to and search for a help item which is, in fact, entirely useless.

Fortunately, this is on our development site. Testing, we've discovered, is a good thing.

In other news, The Gap's new line of "Seattle Riot" fashions is selling like hot-cakes. Now you, too, can dress for the occasion in all black, complete with surly headwear! There's nothing like a good riot to make it clear that we're not going to tolerate these furriners pushing Soylent Green on our unsuspecting populace. Also, that nobody likes Starbucks.

Lastly, this week's comic quote comes from Birds of Prey #14 - (from a squad of heroic good guy troops about to be over-run by a horde of Para-Demons) [Leader] This is it - our Thermopylae, our Rourke's Drift-- [Soldier] Hunh? [Leader (vaguely exasperated)] The Alamo, Greyson. [Soldier] Yeah. John Wayne.

Next episode: Have *you* seen the Muffin Man?

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