The Primrose Path

Well, so my current project at work finally snuffed it. Sad, really, we put a year's worth of work into the sorry thing and now it'll all be thrown away except for a few bits which will be purloined by other project groups. As soon as our current customers flee like the cowards they are, it'll be reduced to a fetid, rotting corpse which the other project groups will gleefully loot for whatever nuggets they can.

They're already kidnapped all the personnel, as our little group has been segmented and distributed, like the spoils of war, into other projects. Hmm. This is bad. I might actually have to do some work now... Noooo! Say it isn't so!!! And I had such hopes...

It could be worse, I guess. Now I'll have to clean my desk of all this old, now worthless documentation to prepare space for new, worthless documentation. Mmm. Paperwork. Gotta love it.

Speaking of documentation, I ought to be reading some, so I'll get back to that after today's DBZ.

Dragonball Z: Dende's Demise

Gee, I wonder what happens in THIS episode?

Everyone faces down the new, improved, mime-like Frieza, and, once again, we cut to people's shocked expressions, Goku in the stupid healing tank, et cetera. Piccolo, realizing Frieza's power at last, actually advocates a strategic retreat. Well, it's a bit late now, fella.

In the Next Dimension, King Ki senses Frieza's power and yells at Piccolo to stay and defeat the villain at all costs, lest he conquer the universe with his awesome bad-assedness.

Frieza, meanwhile, simply raises his finger, says "Bang" and obliterates Dende with an attack so fast none of the good guys even saw him make it. What, no famous last words? No death speech? Egads! Nope, Dende's snuffed it. Frieza then vanishes. Everyone spends some time looking around, while Vegeta takes to the air.

Frieza appears again behind the group, and taunts them a bit, provoking Krillan, Gohan and Piccolo to attack him. All of them cut loose at Frieza, and he simply dodges, amused. None of them can land a single blow, even with their energy blasts (Krillan even uses the 'Kamahameha', but even the most feared attack even to be named after a dead Hawaiian king doesn't hit Frieza). Frieza vanishes again, and the group can't find him until Vegeta yells down that he's standing behind them. Frieza launches another attack, this time at Gohan. Time stands still, and we get nearly a minute showing everyone standing still from various different angles. Yes, we know, he's fast, get on with it!

Vegeta, at the last minute, dives in to knock Gohan out of the way, and the attack goes flying onwards to detonate a small island in a giant blast that even has a mushroom cloud. Gohan thanks Vegeta, who simply sneers and stalks towards Frieza, saying that he'll take the villain on by himself, since the rest of them are such wimps. Frieza laughs, until Vegeta claims to be a Super Saiyan and starts powering up.

We're once again treated to someone howling like a drunken yak as power flares all around them. Krillan, Gohan and Piccolo back off as the terrain starts to shatter around Vegeta, while Frieza just watches impassively. Piccolo complains about how Vegeta's gone from all talk to bad-ass in the wink of an eye, and Krillan fills him in on the whole "A Saiyans power increases greatly after recovering from mortal wounds" deal.

Vegeta cuts loose a flare of power that sucks all the color from the animation and reduces the cost for this episode by at least a few grand, and everyone covers their eyes. Gohan worries that Frieza doesn't seem concerned by this, as the color goes back to normal, but Krillan has faith that Vegeta will whup some demon mime butt.

Cut to Goku, tank, remark about power levels, etc.

Vegeta, meanwhile, exchanges banter with the unimpressed Frieza, and finally just attacks, a flurry of punches that Frieza dodges. Frieza takes to the air, Vegeta follows, more punching and dodging.

Piccolo remarks, to his horror, that Vegeta has no chance of winning.

Sure enough, Frieza vanishes, too fast for even Vegeta to track. Vegeta eventually locates the villain, and Frieza just laughs with him, as Vegeta does the whole "No! That's impossible!" bit. The three Johnny Bench impersonators panic a bit.

Next time: Goku wakes the hell up.

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