@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix tdl: . @prefix vs: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Thread Description Language (TDL)"@en-US ; owl:versionInfo "TDL 3 (August 2004)"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An RDF vocabulary for describing threaded discussions"@en-US ; owl:priorVersion . vs:term_status a owl:AnnotationProperty. # -- tdl:Post a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Post"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An individual contribution to a discussion, such as a weblog entry, message board comment, or usenet post"@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "stable" . tdl:Thread a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Thread"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A set of posts, typically constituing a discussion"@en-US ; owl:disjointWith tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "testing" . # -- tdl:follows a owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:label "follows"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this resource comes no earlier than the specified resource"@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "testing" . tdl:mentions a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "mentions"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this resource refers to the specified resource"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:follows ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "testing" . tdl:discusses a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "discusses"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Relates a Post to a resource it talks about"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:mentions ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "unstable" . tdl:respondsTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "responds to"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Relates a post to its parent(s) in a discussion"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:mentions ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "testing" . tdl:respondsPositivelyTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "responds positively"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Relates a post to a parent post with which it concurs"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:respondsTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "unstable" . tdl:respondsNegativelyTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "responds negatively to"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Relates a post to a parent post which it dissents from or corrects"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:respondsTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "unstable" . # -- tdl:inThread a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "in thread"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Relates a post to a thread which includes it"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Thread ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; vs:term_status "testing" . # Backward compatibility # ---------------------- a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Thread Description Language (TDL)"@en-US ; owl:versionInfo "TDL 2 (August 2003)"@en-US ; owl:priorVersion . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Thread Description Language (TDL)"@en-US ; owl:versionInfo "TDL (September 2002)"@en-US . # -- Thread is a narrower concept than *Topic tdl:Topic a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:Thread rdfs:subClassOf tdl:Topic. # -- discusses and respondsTo specialize *commentsOn tdl:commentsOn a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:discusses rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:commentsOn. tdl:respondsTo rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:commentsOn. # -- respondsPositivelyTo and respondsNegativelyTo specialize *agreesWith and *disagreesWith tdl:agreesWith a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:respondsPositivelyTo rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:agreesWith. tdl:disagreesWith a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:respondsNegativelyTo rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:disagreesWith. # -- inThread specializes *partOf to Threads tdl:partOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:inThread rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:partOf. # Forward Compatibility # --------------------- # -- mentions generalizes *refersTo tdl:refersTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:mentions . # -- follows is a transitive generalization of *prev tdl:prev a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:follows .