@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix tdl: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Thread Description Language (TDL)"@en-US ; owl:versionInfo "TDL 2 (August 2003)"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An RDF vocabulary for describing threaded discussions"@en-US ; owl:priorVersion . # -- tdl:Post a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Post"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A single part of a discussion, such as a weblog or message board post, or Usenet, e-mail, or IM message."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:Topic a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Topic"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A set of posts, usually connected in some way, such as being a discussion thread, a category in a weblog, or a query response."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:refersTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "refers to"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource to which this Post refers"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:commentsOn a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "comments on"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post discusses or responds to"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:agreesWith a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "agrees with"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post agrees with or amplifies"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:commentsOn ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:disagreesWith a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "disagrees with"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post rebuts or presents evidence contrary to"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:commentsOn ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:pointsTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "points to"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post rebuts or presents evidence contrary to"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:quotes a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "quotes"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post quotes"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:followsUp a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "follows up"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post updates or corrects"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:content a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "content"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An XML fragment representing the content of this Post"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:excerpt a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "excerpt"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An XML fragment representing part of the content of this Post"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:partOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "part of"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates a topic to which this post belongs"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasPosts a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has posts"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates the set of posts which are logically part of this Topic. Posts which are not in the list are not part of this resource."@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasPostSequence a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has post sequence"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates the ordered sequence of posts which are logically part of this Topic. Posts which are not in the list are not part of this resource."@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:hasPosts ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:currentPosts a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "current posts"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A collection of Posts in this Topic which are considered current"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:initialPost a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:label "initial post"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The first Post in a Topic"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf [ a owl:ObjectProperty; owl:inverseOf tdl:partOf ] ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:concludingPost a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:label "concluding post"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The last Post in a Topic"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf [ a owl:ObjectProperty; owl:inverseOf tdl:partOf ] ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:subtopicOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "subtopic of"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates a topic for which this topic is a subtopic. The posts in this topic are all part of the larger topic."@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:range tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:categoryOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "category of"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this topic is a subtopic of the specified topic. The posts in this topic are all part of the larger topic in the same order relative to each other."@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:subtopicOf ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:range tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:segmentOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "segment of"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates a topic for which this topic is a subtopic. The posts in this topic are all part of the larger topic in the same order contiguously."@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:categoryOf ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:range tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasTopics a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "segment of"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates the set of topics which are formally part of this resource (usually a Topic)."@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:Weblog a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Weblog"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A type of Topic corresponding to a Weblog, a popular form of web site."@en-US ; rdfs:subClassOf tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasLinksAt a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has links at"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A web page or RDF dataset listing resources which this Weblog recommends."@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasWeblogs a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has weblogs"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates a collection of weblogs which are part of some larger entity, such as a weblog hosting service or corporate web site."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:recommends a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "recommends"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Weblog links to in a prominent place (e.g., the 'blogroll')"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # Backward compatibility # ---------------------- a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Thread Description Language (TDL)"@en-US ; owl:versionInfo "TDL (September 2002)"@en-US . # -- partOf specializes *inTopic and the inverse of *hasPost # (@@ actually, partOf appears to be equivalent to inTopic) tdl:inTopic a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasPost a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:partOf rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:inTopic. tdl:partOf rdfs:subPropertyOf [ a owl:ObjectProperty; owl:inverseOf tdl:hasPost ]. tdl:partOf owl:equivalentProperty tdl:inTopic. # -- initialPost and concludingPost specialize *hasPost # (this is implicit in their relationship to partOf, but we state it # explicitly for the benefit of non-OWL tools) tdl:initialPost rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:hasPost. tdl:concludingPost rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:hasPost. # -- initialPost and concludingPost specialize *first and *last, respectively tdl:first a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:last a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:initialPost rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:first. tdl:concludingPost rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:last. # -- subtopicOf specializes the inverse of *hasTopic tdl:hasTopic a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:subtopicOf rdfs:subPropertyOf [ a owl:ObjectProperty; owl:inverseOf tdl:hasTopic ]. # -- hasLinksAt is the same as *hasLinksPage tdl:hasLinksPage a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; owl:equivalentProperty tdl:hasLinksAt .