TRANSFORMERS GENERATION 2 and ROBOTECH: THE NEW GENERATION STRANDED Part Ten: The Voyage Home By Christopher E. Meadows The small shaped charges that Skram had magnaclamped to the bottom of the Invid power core were designed to channel most of their destructive power inward, disrupting and destroying the interior of their target. For a power plant producing enough energy to power a full-scale Invid Hive, this would soon produce a chain-reaction large enough to detonate the entire structure. The explosions took a few moments to cut through the haze of white-hot rage that was darkening Corg's vision to all but the blue human battloid with which he was trading volleys. Then, as realization dawned, Corg knew in his heart that he had failed the Regis once more. "All Invid, evacuate the Hive at once!" he sent over the broadband mental channel that would reach every Invid in the area. He fired a barrage of cannon shots in Scott's direction to cover his retreat, then lit the boosters on his Royal Command Battloid and launched clear. "You may have won this battle, human, but I'll be back," Corg vowed. "I _will_ be revenged!" Lancer was holding his own reasonably well against three Invid Troopers when they all turned and fled the battle without warning. "Hey, what gives?" Scott turned his gaze from the retreating Corg to look down at the explosions. "Looks like our friends have done their job after all." Nightracer stuck her gun back into subspace and ran over to Skram, who was struggling back to his feet. He did not appear to be in the best of shape; dented and battered from the fall, with several places on his chassis where exposed circuitry was sparking, and his left arm did not appear to be functioning properly. "Can you walk, Autobot?" Nightracer demanded, hauling him to his feet by his good arm. "I--don't think so," Skram gasped. "You'd...better get outta here, Nightracer. Save yourself." Nightracer growled. "Don't you even _try_ to pull that self-sacrificing heroic Autobot bullshit on me. Decepticons _don't_ leave their teammates." Even if their teammates are only teammates of convenience, she mentally added. Nightracer put Skram's arm over her shoulder, and her arm around his back, and started staggering with him toward the wall, where Rapido's cable would be waiting. Overhead, more small explosions sputtered and blew out around the bottom of the spherical power core, raining debris down around them. It would only be a matter of moments before the whole thing went up now. "I...don't understand're doing this. I hated me," Skram gasped. "I do, so shut up or I _will_ leave you," Nightracer said, devoting her attention to reaching that cable. Perhaps she should have let him die, she thought; she was not entirely sure what she would tell Megatron about this. All the same, if she let Skram sacrifice himself for her, or believe he was, then Nightracer would owe her functionality to an Autobot, and she could not live with that. "I...don't think we're gonna make it," Skram said, and Nightracer silently agreed. She could see the cable, about a hundred yards away, but at the rate they were going, it might as well have been a hundred miles. All the same, she gritted her teeth and kept going, because there was nothing else to do. Then two Battloid-mode Veritech fighters touched down in front of them. "Grab on--we'll get you clear!" Scott called. Nightracer all but threw Skram at them, then dodged around. "Get him clear. I can make it on my own." Lancer shrugged. "You heard the lady, let's move it!" Lancer and Scott's battloids grabbed Skram by the arms and rocketed skyward, while Nightracer ran for the cable, leaping a good fifty feet up to grab it in mid-air. Nightracer quickly pulled herself up, hand-over-hand, walking up the wall with her legs. She felt a tugging at the cable from the other end, helping her; when she made it to the lip of the tunnel, she found Rapido had been pulling it from his end as well. Nightracer glared at him, but there was no time for words now; they both transformed and raced for the exit. Behind them, the chain reaction quickened, the power core was engulfed in flames, and at last the whole thing exploded. The flames and shock waves burst outward, shattering the chamber walls, sending debris tumbling through halls and rooms, destroying the Invid not fortunate enough or ambulatory enough to evacuate, until finally the very outer walls of the Hive itself cracked and the flames and smoke broke through. A few hundred feet up and a mile or so away, two Alpha fighters and one injured Autobot turned their heads to look back at the fireball. "Well, that's a sight to be proud of," Scott Bernard mused. "Yeah," Skram said, half-grinning in spite of the pain feedback. "I..._do_ do good work, don't I?" A few miles further away, Lunk's armored personnel carrier was parked near the river. Within it, Marlene screamed in agony as the pain-shock from the death of the Hive tore through her mind. When it subsided, she sat up, breathing heavily, face dappled with sweat, and looked to the west where the column of smoke could be seen reaching into the sky. "Are you okay, Marlene?" Annie asked worriedly. She had done all she could to try to make her comfortable, as she always did whenever Marlene went through episodes like this, but deep down, she always felt uncomfortable about it herself. She never knew what to do when this happened, except be there with a pillow and some blankets, and it just didn't feel like enough. Whatever the Invid had done to mess Marlene up like this, she wished she could pay them back _double_ for it. Marlene smiled slightly. "I...I'll be fine, Annie. Thank you for caring." "That's all right, Marlene," Annie said, her brash, cheerful nature reasserting itself. "D'ya think Scott and the others got out okay?" "I'm sure they did, Annie," Marlene replied. "I think I'd know somehow if something went wrong." I hope...oh, Scott, please come back to me.... The very edge of the explosion barely caught the two Transformer sports cars as they raced through the exit, tumbling them end over end through the air with the rest of the debris. Rapido and Nightracer transformed and rolled with the impact, arms held in front of their faces to protect against the flying debris. "Nicely done, Nightracer," Rapido said, getting to his feet. "I can see why Megatron values your skill so highly." Nightracer scowled behind her faceplate, having none of it. "You shouldn't have waited for me back there." Rapido shrugged. "Autobots don't leave their own." "I'm _not_ 'your own,' Aubobot," Nightracer snapped angrily. "I am _Decepticon_, and proud to be." "Autobot, Decepticon...there's no difference in this world. We Cybertrons have to stick together," Rapido replied. "Not for much longer," Nightracer shot back. "And after we _do_ return, I would very gladly see you scrapped. You'd be wise to keep that in mind." "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," Rapido said. "And speaking of bridges, I think we should head back now, and see if ours can get us home again." "That sounds like a _wonderful_ idea," Nightracer replied. "The sooner I can rejoin my fellow _Decepticons_, the better." Within the hour, all the Transformers and human freedom fighters were reunited back at the site of the spacebridge's emergence. As Rapido and Nightracer pulled up, leaving huge dustclouds behind them, they found Skram sitting on a boulder, working on his left arm with a soldering waldo extended from his right wrist-socket while Turbofire stood behind him patching on his exterior. "About time you guys made it back," Skram said. "We saw the Hive go up. Nice fireball, don'cha think?" Rapido turned to Windbreaker, who was also there. "Status report on the human prisoners?" "All went well. We rendezvoused with the Resistance caravan as planned," Windbreaker reported. "They'll be handling the POWs' relocation from here." "Excellent. And Skram, what about your condition?" "A bit beat up, but I'll be back on my feet in a few," Skram said. "If it hadn't been for that airlift, Nightracer and I might _both_ have been scrapped, though." Nightracer glowered. "You'll have plenty of time to talk about _your_ near-escape later. What about the _spacebridge_? Is it operational yet? And if not, shouldn't you be making it so rather than sitting around having your armor buffed?" "Hey, keep your auto-body on," Skram replied, waving his soldering waldo dismissively. "I've got Lunk hooking up the cells, it's covered. Won't be able to do anything on the bridge without being powered first anyway. By the time he's finished, I'll be finished, and then we can see about patching it up." Nightracer growled, "If the Invid return with reinforcements before we make it out of here, we'll _all_ be finished." She turned and stalked off toward the spacebridge. Rapido watched her go, then nodded. "Satisfactory. As soon as you two're able, join us at the bridge. Windbreaker, you're with me." "Yessir." The two Autobots stepped past Turbofire and Skram, heading toward the silver circle of the spacebridge where the humans were working and talking. As the others talked a short distance away, Lunk sat crosslegged on the ground next to an open access panel on the spacebridge, messing with protoculture cells, high-conduction electrical cable, and duct tape. Annie was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder. "Wow, so much protoculture!" Annie mused. "Are they really all gonna be used up?" "Every last one of 'em. Fold reactions take a lot of energy, Annie," Lunk replied, twisting two wires together. "Ripping a hole through the fabric of space and time isn't easy, and you have to use a lotta brute force to do it." "Wow. But that amount of energy could power an Alpha fighter for _months_!" "Yup. I think it's gonna be quite a light show." "Even more than that Hive going up was?" Lunk grinned. "Maybe. Different, anyway. And probably something we won't ever see again." "Ooooh. I'll be looking forward to it!" A short distance away, Scott Bernard and Lancer stood talking. They looked up at Windbreaker and Rapido's approach. "Hey, there!" Scott called out. "I have to say, we really appreciate your help. We accomplished a lot today!" "On the contrary, I feel like _we_ should be thanking _you_," Rapido replied. "All in all, I think we both met all the goals we could have hoped for." "Nothing like a little cooperation to move a few mountains," Lancer put in. "Yeah, or blow them up," Windbreaker quipped. "Are you sure we couldn't convince you to stick around?" Scott asked. "There's still a lot left to do before Earth is free again." "It's tempting, and I mean that honestly," Rapido said. "But we have to go home. We have our own Earth to help save." "Home." Scott nodded, looking up at the sky for a moment. "Yes, I understand that particular need completely," he murmured. "And I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we wish you the very best of luck keeping _your_ world safe for human life," Lancer put in, and Scott nodded his assent. "Thank you," Rapido said. "The same to you. From what I've seen today, it looks like the fate of your world is in very good hands." "Bah. Autobots," Nightracer muttered, stalking away from the rest of the party. If she heard another word from that goody-two-shoes mutual admiration society, she just knew she was going to reverse-cycle her Energon feed system. All that self-congratulation and patting each other on the back, for what? It had been _her_ contributions to the plan and the group effort that had made it work, and she had done it out of no Autobot so-called "higher motives." Bah. Well, let them talk. She would be content to act, when the proper time arrived. "Once we're gone, I want you to blow up the spacebridge," Skram was saying to the humans as Nightracer stepped back into the vicinity, a few minutes later. "If it remained around, and was found by someone like the Invid, things could get pretty bad." "Hold on. Wait a minute," Nightracer said. "The bridge came _with_ us last time. Won't it be coming with again?" Skram shook his head. "Negative. The first time, the transmission field was unfocussed, due to the damage to the accelerator coils, and it scooped us up and dropped us here bridge and all. This time, it _will_ be focussed on just us, hence more efficient and directable, so it _should_ drop us right back where we belong." With a little luck, anyway, Skram silently added. "Right," Scott said. "Will do." "After that, we'd better beat feet," Lunk added. "That much protoculture going off at once will light up every Invid sensor within a thousand miles. They'll be swarming the place." "Oh, joy," Rook muttered. "My favorite thing." "On the bright side, it should overload nearby Invid sensors long enough for us to make a speedy retreat," Lancer said. "We hope." "And you're sure you _can_ 'drop us right back where we belong'?" Nightracer asked sardonically. "We don't exactly know how we got here in the first place, y'know; that doesn't exactly inspire confidence in direction-finding the way back." Skram shrugged. "Based on the sensor readings I've taken since entering this universe, I'm programming in my best guess. I'm no Perceptor, I can't read exact quantum ion state or things like that, but it's all we've got and a darnsight better than nothing." "Why am I somehow not reassured?" Nightracer wondered aloud. "I think we've heard about enough out of you," Turbofire growled. "After all, _you're_ the reason we're here in the first place, let's not forget." "If you want to settle this bot to bot, I've got a laser emitter with your designation etched into it, Autobot," Nightracer retorted. "How about it?" Rapido raised his hand for silence. "Nightracer, Turbofire, both of you simmer down. Skram's right; this is the best shot we've got. Nightracer, if you don't trust his judgement, perhaps you'd prefer to remain behind?" Nightracer shook her head. "I bought a round-trip ticket for this ride. Be a waste to miss the train back." "Right. Now that that's settled, Skram, how soon can we make the jump?" "I've just about finished wiring in the spare parts we all donated," Skram replied. "I just need to make a few more connections, run some tests, and we'll be ready to go." Just then, Rand jumped down off the top of the spacebridge, binoculars in hand. "Hate to say it, but you may not have time for those tests; I just spotted an Invid patrol heading this way from the northeast quadrant. You don't go fast, looks like you're not going." "Great. _More_ pressure," Skram muttered. Scott pulled on his helmet. "You finish up the bridge and go. We'll take to the air and hold them off for as long as we can." Rapido nodded. "Right. We don't have time for lengthy goodbyes, so let me just say it's been a pleasure working with you." "Same here," Scott replied. "Goodbye, and good luck." He turned to the others. "Come on, everybody, let's mount up!" As one, the pilots dashed for their Veritech fighters. A few moments later, the Alphas and Beta lifted off and zoomed away. "I hope they'll be okay," Skram murmured. "I'm more interested in making sure _we're_ okay," Nightracer replied, pulling out her laser sniper cannon. "Get to work, kid, you can go all starry-opticed on your own time." "And what will _you_ be doing?" Skram asked suspiciously. Nightracer's sensor visor slid down over her optics, and the crosshairs lit up as the interface locked in. "Evening the odds a bit," she replied, jumping up onto a nearby boulder and aiming off into the northeastern sky. "Now do your job, and let me do mine." "She's right," Rapido said. "Skram, make those connections so we can get _out_ of here! Turbofire, Lunk, wire the bridge so you can blow it once we're gone. Windbreaker, you and I will take defensive positions to the northeast. We don't have Nightracer's range, but if they get close enough for us to make a difference, we'd better be ready." With a chorus of "Yes sir!"s and other phrases of affirmation, the Autobots and human engineer got to work, while Annie and Marlene did their best to stay out of the way. Skram knelt and patched and wired as fast as he could, checking the schematics to make certain that everything was as it ought to be, or at least close enough to spec to get them through one jump. Half the components would probably blow out after the first go, but it only had to work once and they would be home--theoretically, at least. "_Knew_ I shoulda gone into general maint, not special ops," he muttered more than once. "Woulda kept me out of _this_." "Well, it's never too late to change your mind. Once we get back, anyway," Turbofire commented, clamping cobalt limpet mines to either side of the access hatch in which Skram was working. "Yeah, _assuming_ we get back," Skram muttered, making another cable patch. On the boulder, Nightracer started firing, as she got the range down. Several miles away, Scott toggled his comm switch. "All right, let's hit 'em hard and--what was _that_?" A laser shot streaked by his plane to hole an Invid Scout through the eyeplate. "Looks like we've got a robotic sniper on our side," Lancer commented. "Like you said, let's hit 'em!" The fighters broke formation, guns and missiles blazing, amid a dozen streams of plasma discs. Skram made the last solder and pulled back out of the access hatch, switching his hands back to normal and dashing over to the control console. Half of the instrumentation had been burned out or shattered, but everything he needed was still intact. Skram's hands danced over the control matrix as he called out, "Done! Everyone who's going, gather. We're only gonna do this once!" Nightracer fired off a last volley of shots and backflipped off the boulder, somersaulting in mid-air and landing in a crouch squarely within the spacebridge's silver ring. "Fine by me." Rapido and Windbreaker pulled back from their own defensive positions, dashing into the bridge confines. Rapido flipped open the commpanel on his arm and set it to the human frequency. "Rapido to Bernard group. The spacebridge is ready and we're leaving. Good luck with the fight, and with the rest of your lives." "Farewell, my friends," Scott replied. "Thank Nightracer for the fancy shooting, and get home safely." "Adios, amigos!" Rand put in. Turbofire turned to Lunk. "It's been fun." Lunk nodded. "Sure has. Thanks for all the help. I'm only sorry I didn't have more time to study your spacebridge. I'd have loved a chance--" Skram looked up from the spacebridge control console. "We've almost got full power! Everyone get ready now!" "Looks like that's me." Turbofire waved, then stepped into the bridge. Skram glanced up from the console at the others. "Everyone clear the way--I'm setting this thing on a ten-second timer, and I definitely want in before it triggers." He punched a few more keys, then turned and ran for the gate, making it well within the allotted ten second span. Skram turned to the other four as the lights started to cycle around the rim. "Well, this is it. Been nice knowing you." Nightracer turned to face him. "And just what is _that_ supposed to mea--?!" She was cut off in mid-word as the lights became a solid circle. A pillar of white light appeared within the silver ring, reaching far up into the sky and obscuring the Transformers within from view. Moments later, the light faded, leaving nothing behind, and half the access panels around the ring blew out in showers of sparks. Lunk just stood there for a few moments, watching, then nodded to himself and turned to dash for the APC. "Time for _us_ to go now, too! Move over, Annie!" A few moments later, Lunk's vehicle raced away from the area at top speed. Not long after that, four Veritech fighters joined it. The smoking spacebridge sat silent, still, and deserted in the middle of the desert as four Invid Troopers touched down nearby. They walked forward, slowly, cautiously, tri-lensed eyes swivelling left, then right, scanning for signs of human occupation or protoculture use. The occasional white-hot glow against the red background of the Invid viewscreens showed that there were still traces of protoculture within this machinery, but there were no other signs of humans or their mecha. What was this device? The Regis would want to know. As the Troopers examined the strange silver ring, a bit of motion caught one's attention. Its optics swivelled and zoomed to focus on the cylindrical object with the strange glowing hieroglyphics that read 00:03, 00:02, 00:01, 00:00. This was that last thing that any of the four Invid Troopers ever saw. There was very little conversation amid the human freedom fighters as they raced away from the area at top speed. Each of them was lost in his own thoughts, and those thoughts mostly involved the four Autobots and Decepticon they had encountered today, the Hive they had helped destroy, and the prisoners they had saved. Scott's thoughts also involved searching for a rumored supply depot the leader of the Resistance caravan had told them of, but even that could not eclipse his thoughts of the brave warrior-robots, and the curiosity about their fate to which he knew he would never have the answer. Of the group, only Annie and Marlene looked back to see the spacebridge site explode behind them. "Gosh," Annie murmured, as the afterimage faded from her eyes. "D'ya think they made it?" "I hope so, Annie," Marlene said. "I certainly hope so." THE END (or is it?) Author's Notes: Well, it's hard to decide what I ought to say here. Something momentous, I guess. I've just _finished_ a complete first in a long, long time. It's been a whole lot of fun to write, this last part especially, and yet at the same time kind of emotionally exhausting. Well, it's over now, anyway. Since I asked for it after sending the last part, I got some feedback on the last nine parts, and since a couple of them brought up the same points, I figured I should probably address some of it here. A couple of people suggested that my story would have been much more interesting to them if I had used the original Transformers instead of the relatively-unknown Generation 2, and the Macross or Southern Cross segments of Robotech instead of New Generation. The thing is, _anyone_ can do an original G1 cast story; in fact, almost everyone _has_. They're so well-known, there's just not all that much that can be done with them anymore, and they just didn't interest me for the purposes of this story. But hardly anyone has done anything with the G2 cast yet, which means they're fresh and new, and I don't have to worry as much about goofing up their characterization. The Axelerators (Rapido et al) are just plain neat little toys (they're sitting here on the computer in front of me right now), and I thought they deserved a chance to be seen in action in a story. Besides, I'm not quite as familiar with the G1 TFs as characters as I ought to be; it's been an awfully long time since I've seen the TV series eps. As for the Robotech side, it would have been a _lot_ trickier to fit the Transformers into the earlier generations with any believability. Given that none of the ones I chose can fly anyway, and all the action took place in deep space in Macross, there wouldn't have been any way for them to interact meaningfully there. Southern Cross, with its strong government and GMP, would have been difficult as well, and again I would have had no clue how to do it. With this, the story just popped into my mind. Several people told me that I had indeed succeeded in making Nightracer a believable and sympathetic Decepticon character (although one person said that he really _hated_ her by part 9; go figure). One person said, "She's quite complex, and there may be something to the old idea that a well-written bad guy is more memorable than nice characters." I hope that depth has carried through this episode. The more I've written, the more I've found Nightracer has taken over the story, to the point where 80-90% of this last episode is written from her perspective. That, to me, is the sign of a successful character. I hope she enjoys the spotlight. :) So..._did_ they get home? Is this the end? Nooooot quite. Sometime soon, the ten chapters will be put together and the Author's Notes from each will be edited into one, and the compleat "Stranded" will be posted to rec.arts.anime.creative for distribution and archival. And shortly thereafter, I will begin writing "Stranded II: ", chronicling the further adventures of our hapless dimension-lost band of Transformers. Perhaps there will even be a "Stranded III" after that. As Simon Furman so aptly put it... "It never ends." "Stranded" is copyright 1997 by Christopher E. Meadows. Permission granted for free electronic distribution via Usenet and associated archival, as long as no fee is charged and this notice remains intact. For further permissions, such as inclusion in "Con-Quest" or on an archival webpage, please contact the author, he would likely be more than happy to oblige. :) The Transformers, Rapido, Windbreaker, Turbofire, and Skram are registered trademarks of Hasbro and Takara, and Nightracer is a trademark of Raksha and Plumed Serpent Productions. Their unauthorized use here is not for profit, and not meant to infringe upon those trademarks. This is _not_ an official Hasbro-endorsed story, please don't think I'm trying to pass it off as one. (There, that should make the Hasbro lawyers happy. :) Robotech, the Invid, Prince Corg, Scott Bernard, Rand, Rook, Lancer, Lunk, Annie LaBelle, Marlene, and other associated characters and mecha are trademarks of Harmony Gold, Inc. Their unauthorized use here is not for profit, and not meant to infringe upon those trademarks. This is _not_ an official Harmony Gold-endorsed story, please don't think I'm trying to pass it off as one. (And that should make the Harmony Gold lawyers happy too! :) "Stranded" is copyright 1997 by Christopher E. Meadows. Permission granted for free electronic distribution via Usenet and associated archival, as long as no fee is charged and this notice remains intact. For further permissions, such as inclusion in "Con-Quest" or on an archival webpage, please contact the author, he would likely be more than happy to oblige. :) The Transformers, Rapido, Windbreaker, Turbofire, and Skram are registered trademarks of Hasbro and Takara, and Nightracer is a trademark of Raksha and Plumed Serpent Productions. Their unauthorized use here is not for profit, and not meant to infringe upon those trademarks. This is _not_ an official Hasbro-endorsed story, please don't think I'm trying to pass it off as one. (There, that should make the Hasbro lawyers happy. :) Robotech, the Invid, Prince Corg, Scott Bernard, Rand, Rook, Lancer, Lunk, Annie LaBelle, Marlene, and other associated characters and mecha are trademarks of Harmony Gold, Inc. Their unauthorized use here is not for profit, and not meant to infringe upon those trademarks. This is _not_ an official Harmony Gold-endorsed story, please don't think I'm trying to pass it off as one. (And that should make the Harmony Gold lawyers happy too! :)