TRANSFORMERS GENERATION 2 and ROBOTECH: THE NEW GENERATION STRANDED Part Seven: The Attack Begins By Christopher E. Meadows The combined human and Cybertronian forces raced across and over the desert toward the Invid Hive, all going over the plan in their minds just one more time to make sure nothing could be forgotten. Nightracer, most of all; hers was one of the most important parts. Ironic that the Autobots _had_ to trust her, if the attack itself was going to work. The plan did seem to be foolproof, though Nightracer knew from long experience that no plan could ever be completely fail-safe. It was the function of the planner to try to cover as many contingencies as possible, to make certain that as little was left to random chance as possible. And there were few chance elements in Nightracer's part of the plan, at least. Except... "Turbofire," Nightracer sent. "You said there was a wrecked transport shuttle, to the south of our camp." "That's right. Why?" Turbofire asked suspiciously. "I need to go there. Now. Show me where it is." Had he a head at the moment, Turbofire would have turned it in surprise. "Say what?! _Now?!_" "Yes, now, Autobot. The success of this plan could hinge on it," Nightracer said coolly, thinking how nice it would be if she could put a sizeable hole through his incredibly ugly green hood. "You've got to be out of your--" Turbofire began. "Do it, Turbofire," Rapido said, pulling up beside them. "I think I may know what she has in mind. But keep your comlink open, and meet us at the rendezvous point soonest." "And keep an eye on her at all times" was left unsaid, but they all had no trouble hearing it anyway. "Hey, wait, do I get a say in this?" Lunk asked from the cab. "Looks like you don't," Turbofire said resignedly. "All right, Decepticon. Follow me." As the car and truck swerved off and headed back the way they had come, Skram pulled alongside Rapido and opened a private commline between them. "Are you sure about that? I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw Metroplex." "I wouldn't trust her as far as I could shot-put Unicron, Skram," Rapido said over the same channel. "Except in certain situations. Without Turbofire, the whole plan collapses, and she doesn't get home." "Are you sure she _wants_ to get home?" Skram shot back. "She could set herself up pretty nicely with those Invid just by turning us all over to them." "No, Skram...I know her kind," Rapido said. "She's completely devoted to the Decepticon cause, more's the pity. And she knows she could do far more good for them by returning home than by stranding herself and us in this world." "You think so?" Skram said. "I know _she_ thinks so, which is more important," Rapido replied. "And furthermore, I can tell you that she isn't even counting the humans in the equation. Few Decepticons would." "I guess you're right," Skram said. "But still..." "I saw the way you looked at her when you came driving up," Rapido said. "Something must have happened. Tell me." "Well...not long after we reached the area, we, separated." Translation, she gave you the slip, Rapido thought wryly. "So I kinda cruised around looking for her, then I heard gunfire and general metal mayhem. I found a good spot..." "And you saw the camp." It was not a question, but a statement. "Yeah." Skram was silent for a moment. "I's not like I haven't seen _pictures_. In Jazz's Earth Culture and History class, the World War II segment...'Night in Fog' and all that. But this..." "...was real, yes," Rapido agreed. "I've seen similar things in my time." "But, I mean...she was just _standing_ there. Talking to the guy who was running it all," Skram said. "It was like she didn't even _see_ those people. I don't even know what they were talking _about_, but they seemed friendly. Or at least not hostile--and this was after she blew up about a dozen of those Scouts and Troopers...." "Mm-hmm." It did indeed fit his hypothesis of why she needed to check the shuttle now. Easier to bargain for power cells than take them by force...and what might the Invid possibly have wanted from Nightracer, hmm? "What was she _doing_, though? It's kinda bothering me..." Skram said. "She didn't give specifics, and I didn't ask," Rapido said. "But I've got a pretty good idea. I don't think we need to worry about it now." Skram accepted this, and they kept driving in silence for a while. Then Skram spoke up again. "Hey, boss? Why _do_ you think Nightracer wants to go to the crashed ship?" Rapido considered. "Trust me on this, Skram. You don't wanna know." The black Pontiac Firebird roared up the canyon into the valley of the Invid Hive, followed by the blue Corvette and the green pickup. Nightracer was calm, as she usually was just before a battle. No worries--she had gone over the plan in her mind several times already, just on the drive from the rendezvous point. She was aware of the possible failure points, and ready to improvise a new plan if the need arose. There was nothing else she _could_ do at this juncture, and so additional anxiety could only be counterproductive. It had taken no small amount of argument to get the Autobots to accept her leadership of this mission group. They did not trust her, and Skram had wanted to put _Turbofire_, of all people, in charge of this part, if not himself, rather than follow orders from a Decepticon. Or perhaps he was still pissed off at her for taking his gun away from him. Regardless, it did not matter. The day she worried about what some punk kid thought of her was the day she permanently transferred her allegiance to the Autobots. Rapido had agreed that her experience and her prior acquaintance with these aliens logically qualified her to be in charge at this point...although he had undoubtedly told the others to keep an optic sensor on her for possible signs of betrayal. As long as that did not distract them from the mission at hand, then it was fine with her. She had no intention of betraying them at this point. When they returned to their own universe, however, that might well change. In Turbofire's cab, Lunk kept one hand on his bag of explosive charges and gripped the armrest tightly with the other. It went against all his instincts not to reach out and grab the wheel. Firstly, he had never been in a truck that drove itself before, and secondly, they were heading right into the heart of the enemy camp, with dozens of Invid of all descriptions rising up into the air and glaring at them through those red slitted sensor eyes of theirs. "Gah...they're everywhere!" "Don't you worry," Turbofire reassured him, polarizing the cab's windshields. "Keep quiet, and they won't even know you're there." "Thanks," Lunk said, relaxing a little. "I don't like to think about what would happen if they found me in here." "Wow, would you look at all of them?" Skram gasped. "They're _everywhere_!" "Cut the chatter back there," Nightracer said. "This is the crucial part." The green and orange battloid had emerged from the Hive, and was now making its way out to touch down right in front of them. The canopy opened, and Corg leaped lightly to the ground. "You have done as I ordered?" Corg demanded. Nightracer transformed and stood erect. "Yeah, pal, I have. Here." She walked back around to Turbofire, and lifted a tarpaulin-wrapped object out of his bed. "Feast your eyes." She threw it down on the ground at his feet. The tarp unravelled to reveal the charred, unidentifiable remains of a human corpse, clad in the standard-issue CVR body armor of the Robotech Expeditionary Force. "There's more where that came from." Nightracer smirked inwardly, recalling the human's--Lunk's-- reaction when she had torn away the crashed shuttle's armor plating to find the corpse, then fired her blaster rifle at it. "Hey--what the hell are you doing?!" he had gasped. Even Turbofire had seemed a bit aghast. "Evidence that I've destroyed you, human, as the aliens had asked me to do. Think they'd just take my word for it?" "But it--that's--" "He's already _dead_, human. It's not as though it's hurting him." Now, as she watched Corg's delighted expression, Nightracer knew she had been justified. She had him eating out of her hands. And Lunk, in Turbofire's cab, shivered, knowing that Nightracer would happily have destroyed him and all the others if she had thought that to be the most efficient way home. "Excellent! You shall have all the protoculture you need. Now, tell me where the rest of the bodies lie, that I may personally make certain they have been destroyed." Nightracer pointed north. "About ten miles that way. Look for the rising smoke, can't miss it." Corg leaped to the cockpit of his Royal Command Battloid. "Enforcer! Take them to the loading dock and give them protoculture. Invid, to me! We go to verify the kill!" About half the Invid around the Hive swarmed up after Corg as he launched and headed off to the north. Nightracer turned to the Enforcer in question, whom she towered over. "Well?" The Enforcer swivelled its head to look up at Nightracer. "You will leave all weapons behind," it said flatly. Nightracer unslung the assault rifle she had pulled from her subspace arsenal expressly for this purpose when she'd transformed. "You're the boss." She jerked her thumb at Skram and Turbofire. "They're unarmed." The Enforcer swivelled its head, and regarded the car and truck doubtfully. "What, do you _see_ a gun?" Nightracer asked incredulously. "Come on, time's a-wasting." "Follow me," the Enforcer said in that same flat, emotionless voice. It turned toward the cluster of buildings and took off. "Well, you heard it," Nightracer said, transforming back to vehicle form. "Let's go." In a small cluster of rocks a ways to the north, Scott Bernard lowered the binoculars from his eyes as Corg and the rest of the Invid passed overhead. "There they go." "And it looks like the others have been successful as well," Lancer observed from his vantage point behind him, facing the opposite direction. "Let's give them a couple more minutes to clear the area, then move." "All right!" Rand pulled off the camouflage tarp hiding his Alpha and vaulted to the cockpit. "Looks like it's working like a charm so far!" "Let's hope it continues that way," Rapido said, pulling out from under a rocky overhang. A few moments later, four Veritech fighters and two Autobot cars left their rocky hiding place, moving back toward the Hive. As the other two cars and one pickup moved slowly up toward the prison camp, Skram had to struggle to stay calm. Spread out all around him were the tired, the destitute, the exhausted human workers, overseen by armored Invid Enforcers. If Skram had had blood, it would have been boiling by this point--and Nightracer's cute little trick with the corpse had not helped any. If he had not been keeping an iron grip on himself already...he did not know what he would have done. Before he had been assigned to Earth, Skram would have been hard-pressed to explain just why he should have felt for such a puny organic race. Back then, all he had cared about had been racing along the streets of Iacon, dodging Decepticon patrols and knocking back high-grade Energon shots with his buddies at Primus' Own, an underground Autobot club. Coming to the Terran front had been a whole new experience for Skram. The briefings, the orientation classes in Earth culture taught by Jazz and Blaster, and the patrols in the human cities had exposed him to many new ideas and concepts. Human brains seemed just as sophisticated as Cybertronian models, in their organic way. They could have thoughts, ideas, even emotions, just like Transformers could--and some of them were a lot of fun to hang out with. Just because their bodies were weaker was no reason to look down on them--nor was it a reason to let them get kicked around by stronger bullies. Just take it easy, Skram told himself. Stay calm. Stick to the plan. Stick to the can have it out with Nightracer later. For now...there are humans to rescue. The cluster of buildings loomed ahead, along with the concrete and barbed-wire fencing that surrounded it, and the two Shock Troopers waiting by the gate. They swivelled their optics to stare coldly at the human vehicles being led by the Enforcer, but took no action other than standing aside for the gate to be opened. "Into the belly of the beast," Lunk muttered, clutching his laser pistol all the more securely. "Let's get ready to give it a case of heartburn it'll never forget," Skram responded. The Enforcer led them along a paved drive between rows of buildings. The pavement was pitted and cracking--it had obviously seen better days. There were more Enforcers and Scouts around, on patrol, but none seemed to pay attention to the three Cybertronian vehicles and their Enforcer. No humans were in immediate view, but at the far end of the road was a fenced enclosure with other buildings within it that was probably their housing. "I bet this was a human complex before the Invid occupied it," Turbofire mused. "Yeah," Lunk agreed. "They take advantage of human structures where they find them...but they aren't that good at maintaining 'em." "Doesn't surprise me," Skram muttered. "Keep it down," Nightracer growled. "We're here." The Enforcer led them off the track, around to a loading dock behind one of the buildings. It stepped up onto the dock and turned to the door. "Wait here. Your protoculture cells will be brought to you." Just then, a chain of explosions split the stillness, and fireballs traced their way across the sky overhead. The Enforcer turned, then exploded as Turbofire blasted it with the engine cannon hidden behind his front grille. "That's okay...we'll just help ourselves." Rapido leaned out from behind a boulder and let go with a volley of blasts from his double-barrelled assault cannon, holing three of the Shock Troopers that were moving in on them. "Windbreaker! Go! I'll cover you!" "You got it!" Windbreaker ran ahead to the cover of the next boulder, and opened up with his own rapid-fire cannon. "How're we doing?" Rapido turned and fired again, perforating a Scout that had somehow managed to sneak in behind him. "Looks good from here." "And here!" Rook said, swooping down in Guardian mode from overhead and unleashing a cloud of missiles. "We've pared them down a lot already." "Nnngh...yeah," Scott Bernard grunted, pulling a high-gee turn overhead to shake a pair of Invid off his fighter's tail. "Just a bit more, to buy the others the time they need, and then we'll be ready to try for the core of the Hive." "I just hope those other big bruisers don't make it back in time to cause a problem," Rand chimed in. "You know, that's one of the things I like about you, country boy," Rook smirked. "Your never-ending optimism." Skram stood on the loading dock, looking at the door. "You've got thirty seconds to get that open," Nightracer said, hauling out an assault rifle. "Figure we've got about that long before someone remembers us." Skram's right hand retracted, and a group of micromanipulation and soldering waldos emerged in its place. "Piece of cake." A bit of quick sparking and whirring later, the door clicked and Skram yanked it open. "There we go. And it looks like we hit the jackpot!" The warehouse room was about three-quarters full of cylindrical protoculture power cells, stacked neatly against the walls almost to the ceiling. "Whoa...that's a lot all right," Lunk said. "I hope we can carry enough." "Don't you worry about that," Turbofire said. "I have a bit more storage room than it looks like." Nightracer glanced at the room. "Right. You and the human start loading Turbofire with those things." "And just where will _you_ be?" Skram asked suspiciously. Nightracer worked the action on her rifle with a satisfying click. "Making sure we're not interrupted. Get to work!" As Lunk climbed out of Turbofire's cab, she raised the rifle to her shoulder and stalked around the corner of the building. The sounds of automatic weapons fire and clattering shells could be heard from that direction a few moments later. Skram hefted his own gun. "Forget this, I'm gonna help!" "No!" Turbofire growled. "Get me loaded first, kid, then we can _all_ help. It won't do any of us any good if you get overrun before we're done here." Skram reluctantly lowered the gun. "Right. Open one of your subspace cargo bays, then...let's hurry and throw this stuff in." He glanced back at the corner of the building, where the sounds of gunfire continued, then followed Lunk in to help with the cargo loading. TO BE CONTINUED Author's Notes: One of the fun things about writing this story is the chance to throw in a few off-the-cuff extrapolations that make sense. Things like Deluge's alternate power source for the Decepticon base in an earlier episode, and Jazz and Blaster's Earth culture orientation courses here--and, likewise, the explanation for why Scott Bernard keeps firing volley after volley of missiles like he doesn't have to worry about resupplying. I look forward to doing more of this in future episodes. Not really too much else to say. I guess the initial burst of inspiration that caused me to get the first six episodes done practically one per day has petered out, and it took me a while to get the inspiration to crank this one out. I hope people read it and respond to tell me they liked it, if they liked it...the more response I get, the more likely it is I'll be able to get up the gumption to crank out part eight sometime soon. I hope you're enjoying this so far...if you are, _please tell me so_, okay? "Stranded" is copyright 1997 by Christopher E. Meadows. Permission granted for free electronic distribution via Usenet and associated archival, as long as no fee is charged and this notice remains intact. For further permissions, such as inclusion in "Con-Quest" or on an archival webpage, please contact the author, he would likely be more than happy to oblige. :) The Transformers, Rapido, Windbreaker, Turbofire, and Skram are registered trademarks of Hasbro and Takara, and Nightracer is a trademark of Raksha and Plumed Serpent Productions. Their unauthorized use here is not for profit, and not meant to infringe upon those trademarks. This is _not_ an official Hasbro-endorsed story, please don't think I'm trying to pass it off as one. (There, that should make the Hasbro lawyers happy. :) Robotech, the Invid, Prince Corg, Scott Bernard, Rand, Rook, Lancer, Lunk, Annie LaBelle, Marlene, and other associated characters and mecha are trademarks of Harmony Gold, Inc. Their unauthorized use here is not for profit, and not meant to infringe upon those trademarks. This is _not_ an official Harmony Gold-endorsed story, please don't think I'm trying to pass it off as one. (And that should make the Harmony Gold lawyers happy too! :)