Banished from Rebma


Laurel holds her mother gently for a while. Finally, with a sigh, she begins to speak. "Mom, as Golan wants to look for Smoke alone, I'd like to return to Rebma, if you can still help with that, I need to see..."


Deirdre nodded, once and once only.


In your mind, you hear a psychic scream and a vision fills your mind. "MOTHER!" screams Meredith, with her last psychic breath as she dies... looking through her eyes, you see Garat and Thalion, with Thalion wielding a glimmering sword, deadly intent to kill in his eyes, slicing through the Guisel Queen's body.


She stops in mid-sentence. If Deirdre could see, she would see all colour drain from Laurel's face, as a whimpered "Merri....?" escapes her lips.


Deirdre flinched visibly. "What horror has happened now?", she asked quietly. "Someone has killed her, haven't they? Oh, Lori..." She weakly tried to hug her daughter, soft and gentle despair in her words. "Would you like to transport?"


"Garat and Thalion" whispered Laurel in reply. "So much for promises of help" she added, bitterly.


Deirdre stood, slowly, rising from her huddled position and enfolding her daughter in her arms. Her sightless gaze stared into nowhere, and her wide, generous mouth twisted bitterly. "Thalion. I might have known.", she whispered, her dark and husky voice filled with soft despair. "So be it. Horror wins. Will you despise me for taking you away from her?"


Leaning into her mother's arms, Laurel shakes her head. "No, Mom, you're not to blame for what has happened. I could have returned sooner. I chose to help others, instead. My choice, freely made. Merri seemed to be safe. We could neither of us have foreseen this. Not your fault, Mom".



Coming back to report it hadn't found the Lady in question, the wispling sees two standing near where the One had been when giving it the mission. One of them did appear to be as the image and seemed to radiate that feeling that it associated with sad. And it was surrounded by a kind of golden glow afterimage (the broken transport spell).

So it followed its commands and lightly dusted the paper down in front of the woman, just as the two began to fade out again. Deirdre would have just enough time to see if not grab the note:

"I hunt the other I spoke of on the mirrored Pattern.

If this leads to Smoke, I will find a way back.

Fear not, this is not a farewell. It is a promise of return.

Golan Cloudwalker"

And the wispling departed to other games of dust and dance among the crannies of the now empty, empty room. No Pattern. No people. No annoying feelings of powers focused on it that had always been there.


Deirdre whispered softly, her words full of quiet despair. "Maybe things are not as horrible as I feel, finding it very hard to be optimistic right now. Lori, I can work a spell of invisibility on us both and transport us back to the Rebman throne hall, if you wish." She fell into bruised and hopeless silence again.


"Yes, please, Mom" sobbed Laurel. "I need to see for myself what has happened. Find out why. Then decide what to do about it".


The two of you transport to the empty Rebma throne room. There is nothing but ashes here, dispersed in the water. No sign of Thalion nor Garat. The last glimmer of silver on the walls disappear.


Laurel looks around the room, sadly, her tears dispersing in the gentle waters.


Deirdre gathered the ashes with sieves of light, transferring them into a bottle crafted forth from molten steel and carved with intricate leaves and dolphins. "We shall bury her where she was born, love.", she whispered quietly. "Full circle, in this as in so many other things."


"Thank you, Mom" whispers Laurel.


Deirdre handed the small steel bottle which contained the ashes to her daughter, and then let her hands fall to her sides. She stood there for a few moments. "My arts are compensating for my blindness.", she said finally, her words full of weary sadness and soft anguish. "Thought her soul might still be here, but no... she is gone. Wonder who truly made the choice which led her to this."


Mutely, Laurel accepts her daughter's remains, cradling the bottle in her arms.


Moire enters the room, looking very tired. "Leave Our realm, please."


Confusion showing on her face, Laurel asks, "Am I now classed as an outsider, Aunt Moire? And my father also, Kireyas MacLir? If that is your wish, then so be it".


"Shroudlings are no longer welcome here. They bring death and disaster wherever they go. I'm sorry, Laurel... it must be this way."


Laurel gazes briefly at Moire, then lowers her eyes, making no reply.


She hands a scroll to Laurel. "This document is to be delivered to the current master of Amber, and it expresses Our desire to close our realm to outsiders. None, save Llewella my sister's daughter, and Vialle my sister reborn, are welcome in Rebma. We are weary of intrusions by the surface world and wish to remain apart. Visitations are to be arranged through Llewella alone, and must be met with Our approval. Violators will be dealt with accordingly. We also ask that Vialle be returned to us speedily. We have spoken."


Deirdre spoke softly. "Frankly, Moire, I have no further interest in either Amber or Rebma, or the lies, the cruel deceptions of my horrific family. I am glad to be an outsider, for that means I am not like any of you."


"I shall deliver the document, as you request".


Deirdre spoke sadly. "Of course, Moire. I have no more desire to remain here than you do to have me here. I was ever an outsider, and given recent revelations..." She shrugged, and then turned to the other two. "May I suggest we venture into shadow? Smoke may be sought as easily from Broceliande as from here, and here we are not welcome. I can satisfy Moire's request easily enough."


"Yes, Mom, let's go to Broceliande, and see than what's best done".


"Sure.", answered Deirdre. "Perhaps we can see about searching for Vialle, since everyone else seems to have completely forgotten her." Since she had not removed her arms from around her daughter, the two simply faded into nowhere.

(OOC: Departure point: Rebman Throne Room. Destination locality: Top of the waterfall behind Dragonsflight Inn, Siuahiara. What has changed, if anything? Speed the timeflow up enormously on arrival, regardless. 10,000,000:1)


Deirdre held one hand to her temples. "Forgive me, Moire, finding it very hard to be pleasant. Understand your desire... my own life has suffered enough interference from Shroudlings, which is why I do not wish to stay here. Do not wish to leave like this, though, not in hatred and contempt." Her speech was faintly slurred and uncontrolled.


Looking at her mother in alarm, Laurel asks "Mom, are you all right? What's wrong?"


"Trump call.", said Deirdre unsteadily. "Tired. Can't do two things at once." She abruptly sat down on the floor. "When I start screaming, knock me out... might be your father, so got to risk ish. Lori... are you a Shrouding? I know I'm not one, and your father isn't either."


"Yes", she continues, "I'm a Shrouding. Or so I've always believed. I thought it was my heritage as a grandchild of Lir, through Dad".


You're right, though it's also from Lir through your mother's side.


"Uhh... honey, geneshically speaking, the only real herishage you have is from me. Madoc has said I am nosh a shourdling, so how could you be one?", answered Deirdre blurrily. "We shree are all descended from Lir, so we should all be shourdlings, mmm? Doesn'sh work shash way. Weird shourdlings."


"Oh" murmurs Laurel, "that is strange. I guess I don't understand these things too well either".


Deirdre seemed to be in the Throne Hall of Rebma, with Laurel and Moire. She struggled to her feet and wavered for a few moments. She visibly drew herself together with ferocious concentration. "Want to curl up and sleep for weeks.", she answered to thin air.

"First I stand condemned for revealing secrets, then I stand condemned for preserving them. Garat and Thalion have murdered my grand daughter, who was perhaps an innocent victim of the depraved plots of my brother and my sister. My husband probably despises me, most of my oldest friends either despise me or have been hideously murdered, I am blind, in horrific agony, and am finding it extremely hard to be either pleasant or optimistic about anything at all, most especially my family."

"Quite frankly, most of my generation seem to be power crazed perverts hell bent on world domination, and once I get back to Broceliande I am _never_ coming back out, not in this age of the world. Coming here right now is not a good idea, Moire has gotten really mad over the latest invasion of her Realm and has exiled everyone, most especially Shroudlings. She really does not seem pleased with Shroudlings. Why don't Laurel and I come through to you instead, Raven? Or perhaps a simple transport spell first, and we can all speak in Broceliande?"

She staggered over and hugged her daughter, and the scenery around them lurched, reforming into a golden beach below a deep violet sky, white waves gently foaming onto the sand. "Come through if you like.", said Deirdre, holding out one hand, the darkness of her attire contrasting starkly with the bright sunlight of her home.


"Laurel, are you really a Shrouding? I don't care. You're still yourself, and now Moire is hurting you... for being who you are. I'm not going to tolerate that.", Deirdre whispered, her mouth setting into a very thin line.


"Thanks, Mom" whispered Laurel in reply, "I always thought you knew; guess I just never had occasion to mention it, before now".


Deirdre reluctantly stayed in Rebma at Raven's request, and brought both Raven and Jacob through the trump. She spoke harshly, her shattered eyes covered with a bandage, her midnight hair tightly gathered into a woven braid.

"Talk. Moire has banished every surface dweller, both Shroudling and not, with any visitations to be arranged solely through Llewella. When the discussions have broken down, please accept my hospitality in Broceliande."

She remained close to Laurel, and whispered something to her softly.


"Didn't know. Makes no difference.", whispered Deirdre, gently touching her daughter on the shoulder and trying to smile. "Do you see now why I am so odd sometimes? Very hard for me to trust anyone... even you."


"Thanks Mom" whispered Laurel, reaching up and covering her mother's hand with her own.

"I'm sorry. For being hard to trust. Oh, what sort of world is this, that we have made for ourselves?".


"Lori, it is not you that makes it so difficult for me to trust.", answered Deirdre, her whisper very soft and filled with sadness. She squeezed her daughters shoulder gently, concern on her face behind the black bandage.

"My adrenaline rush is gone. Are... are you going to be okay?", she asked softly, her speech blurred and husky. "Know how I would feel if you died, honey, and I feel wretched myself. My heart hurts worse than my eyes. Little Merri."


"Don't, Mom" sobs Laurel. "Can't let myself think about it yet. Not safe here. Don't know when I'll be all right again. But can't think about it yet".


"Okay. Later.", answered Deirdre very softly. "Love you, Lori."


Raven drifts gracefully through the water, moving to her friend, then hugs her silently.

"Thank you, dear," she says at length, then nods at Laurel, "How are you?," then turns to the queen and nods respectfully.

"Queen Moire. I hope you will not take exception to our hasty entrance, but I felt that it was necessary to discuss matters further. I have done nothing of harm to you or your realm, and I have indeed been working to preserve Rebma and her twin on Kolvir. I would like to know how it is that I have earned banishment. And the least you can do is explain your reasoning to Jacob, who deserves your ill-favour even less than I do."


Jacob will move to Deirdre as well, speaking before touching her, as not to cause her alarm. "Hello Aunt Deirdre. Too long have I been away from you, and before this gets.. unpleasant.. I wanted to say that I am sorry I have not been there for you more. And that circumstances made me play such a neutral role. I grieve your loss of sight, and hope that you will forgive me the rest."

"Cousin," he adds to Laurel.


Laurel nods silently to Raven and Jacob, saying nothing.


Deirdre tried to smile as she was hugged and spoken to so gently, and did not really manage to get there. "We shall speak in Broceliande.", she answered quietly. "Did what you thought best, so of course I forgive you for whatever it is you think you have done." She seemed to want to say more, but held her silence, a bruised and remote quality descending on her.


"With the exception of Llewella, who will remain ambassador, and Vialle, who bears Our sister's soul, We will no more interference from mirrordivers nor surfacedwellers, until such time that Our demesnes has recovered from the thousand injuries delivered to Our Rebma. Such is Our decree, and violators will be treated as agents provocateur and prosecuted accordingly. Lir is included in this ban. Too long has Rebma suffered for the power games and intrigues of Amber and Mirrorrealm, and We desire to remove any and all who may bring devastation and death from Our kingdom," says Moire.


Jacob listens to this without reaction or comment, and then nods.

"Hello Queen Moire, sister of Madoc, and my biological aunt. I understand you've had better days." The says it in such a way that one is sure that he's being sarcastic, but he's so damn good at *not* putting any inflection in his tones that you almost have to scratch your head and consider if it is really sarcastic or not..

"As for your proclamation, this is very disturbing. Lir is not the puppet master of the Mirrorealm as you portray him, but the founder of Rebma, and your biological father. You conveniently neglect to make that clear in your speech. Which I might add sounds a trifle rehearsed. This is akin to kicking Dworkin out of Amber.


"I have not disowned my father," says Moire. "Neither is the closure of the Rebman realms permanent. For the good of my people I must shield them from harm, for we have suffered much. My father left the realm to my protection, and I guard it as I see fit. It is a time for internal affairs, and the state cannot heal itself if we cannot conduct our own business free of intervention."


"Before I continue, may I ask the status of Meredith, whom I was told had assumed the throne of Rebma and divinity? Forgive me if I am in error, Andelia is occasionally a dubious source of information.


"Slain, during the merge of Tir and Rebma. Best seek your answers with the guardians of that realm. Meredith is no longer tyrant over the Rebman people nor usurper of the Rebman crown."


"My grand daughter is dead, perhaps the innocent victim of the depraved plots of my brother and my sister. I am not sure of the truth. I do not know. Laurel has said she was killed, and all we found here were ashes in the water. We are taking those ashes back to Broceliande, to bury her where she was born."


"Innocent or not, she invaded Rebma with her monsters. Tell Bruna why her father died. Lady Marista fears mirrors so much that she huddles in her room, afraid to come out. Lord Hale has lost his brother. I have thousands of lives to heal, and thousands of deaths to mourn. Leave us each to our own grief." Moire's face tells how much she hurts for her people.


Deirdre nodded thoughtfully at the words of the queen. "My mother was Rebman.", she said quietly, her voice filled with pained sadness. "My Rebman heritage is as valuable to me as that of Amber. My heart does not belong to either realm, true, and never will, for too much pain has shattered me beyond repair, but... I understand you, Moire, and I am sorry for my harsh words. Will you accept my blessing for the task which lies before you? I will depart as you wish, and I have deeply misjudged you, thought you the same as my Amber family."

She touched the pendant which hung around her neck, and separated another pendant from within, silver dolphins twining around golden topaz. "This module of my pendant may heal physical hurt, given time, and of that power you may have use. Simply touch the injured one with the artefact and sing a gentle lullaby, and the magics will hear you. Little enough recompense for the horrors wrought here, I know, but it is all I can offer, for this time and this place."


"My people are a proud people, and may not accept such help without loss of pride. They wish to bear their burdens alone. Yet I appreciate the offer and accept it, should sentiments change. I accept your apology as well. Thank you for understanding. Go with my blessings," answers Moire.


"Once you put your motives into such simple terms, even I could understand them.", said Deirdre wearily, her words once more blurring into each other.


Laurel silently nods her agreement.


Raven nods agreement: "With all due respect, Queen Moire, it is always better to speak with honesty and emotion than with cold formality. Now that you have explained your decision, I understand, and will leave immediately. I would also suggest that you accept Deirdre's gift-- it is no loss of pride to accept help from those who wish you well and who care about the suffering of your people." She smiles slightly. "Good luck; I have asked Jacob to show me around Rebma one day. I hope that he will be given the chance, eventually, and that it is as beautiful as I remember it being."


"Thank you for reminding me of my mother. Broceliande, anyone?" She carefully knelt to place her new-born pendant on the floor, and her knees buckled only slightly as she drew herself back onto her feet.


Raven joins Deirdre. "We will come. There are things that need to be discussed." She extends a hand to Jacob. "Come, darling, there is information that you need to know." There is a dark undertone to her voice as she says this, a hint of anger unrelated to anyone within the vicinity.

"Goodbye, Queen Moire."


Deirdre stepped forward, unsteadily wavering on her feet. When she spoke, her words were blurred and wavering, but still clear enough to carry easily.

"Queen Moire, you claim that Shroudlings are monsters, spreading death and destruction where they pass. Some of them undoubtedly are precisely that, for they are people and people can choose to become monsters, but not all of them can be. I have raised my daughter the best I could, taught her the things I once thought were important, love and loyalty and duty, and now I find she is a Shroudling, and I do not care. She and Jacob are not inhuman monsters."

She continued to speak calmly, her blurry words filled with sadness.

"Punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty is not a wise choice... you will alienate the only people among both surfacedwellers and mirrordivers who support you and strive to protect your Realm in the counsels of others. But that aside, this is your choice, and yours is the right to make it. So be it."


"As for being a mirrordiver, I don't recall sharing that personal information with you. I only just told my Aunt, and never did tell my own mother, but nevertheless, your ban would include me. Born in Rebma, raised in the Courts preceding yours, and a member of your own. A member of your own family, whether you find that comfortable to admit or not. This smacks of racism Moire. I've done nothing but good for Rebma, and deserve no treatment such as this. You've the Guisels to thank for this, not my people, and especially not me." He says this all calmly, and almost thoughtfully, if he is a little dry in his tone, it is still without anger.


"Do you think your aunt would not know the inclinations of her own nephews?" asks Moire. "Nay, you forget... I was Queen of Rebma when you were born. And yes, you are family, though that does not mean I am obliged to shelter you beyond your coming-of-age. Neither is Rebma the playground of Amberites and Shroudlings. It is first and foremost home of the Rebmans, and all guests have overstayed their welcome. I have tried to be fair to my people in this decision. You challenge my authority, Jacob, when all I wish is peace and calm for my subjects after a storm. You play in dangerous waters if you continue to challenge my decision, Jacob. Don't distort diplomacy into personal affronts, else you disrupt the precious balance."


He adds as an afterthought, "I really don't think Raven, has done you any harm or insult either.."


Jacob listens to Moire, thoughtfully. Her look of pain, when she mentions Bruna and Marista's terror, seems to strike a nerve because he flinches visibly. Quick to recover, he nods as she continues her explanation.

When Deirdre, and the Raven decide it is time to depart, and Raven urges him to come along, he will squeeze her hand and pat it for a moment.

"A moment my love. Let me answer the Queen.."

He draws in a deep breath, and with some resignation he begins. "You're not incorrect in that it was a challenge Aunt Moire, it was. I don't froth about when I am upset, I've never been one for big displays of emotion, publicly at least. It becomes difficult for people to read me correctly when I must verbally point out that my feelings are hurt.

"If Lir abides by this for the good of the Realm, than I, of course will follow his example, peacefully. I am not a rash man, and I acknowledge his trust in you. Since I did challenge you, I take no offence at your words, they are deserved, but to launch another attack on a wounded state would be something another would do, not I. And Raven is correct, your initial words were harder to accept than your actual intent. I can await to return."


"If Lir can be found," says Moire.


He frowns, "I would not have us leave this way, so I wish to give you something of myself. Something personal, between you and I, though I care not if the others listen.

"It has always been my sorrow to have been born as I have. A terrible thing to say, your brother my Father tells me.. but true. Even Lir grew upset when he heard this. It's no secret that I was always a shy person, and it was worsened by the fact that I felt that there was something fearful or monstrous about myself. I never wanted to hurt anyone, even those who deserved it, and yet to have to hunt to survive... Well, it was a terrible thing. When people try to summarise a person, they tend to wonder what it is that they fear most, in order to better define them. For me, that is to have those I love recoil from me. For that reason I never told Celia, though I am sure she suspects now. In the thousand years of slumber, when many were trapped in other forms, do you know what my form was? I was a vampire of myth and shadow. I awoke as my true self in a crypt, and had to be freed by my Mother, sensing my cries of pain and fear."

Quietly he continues, "So to hear that I am no longer welcome in my birthplace. That I am feared as a monster.. it is hard for me to want to hear such things.

"But we are adults," he sighs, "the city must come first."

He meets Moire's eyes now. "I have not done poorly for myself. I've grown in power, and practically a full Logician now. I nearly surpass Madoc, and not even the veil of time is beyond me anymore. My accomplishments are many, and I have swam treacherous waters without making any bitter enemies and doing much good. Raven and I persuaded Darthene to stalemate the diabolical force that entwined the Powers in their personal war, without killing Corwin in the process. The so-called 'Infection' has passed. Clarissa is better understood, though I grieve I could not save her in the end.

"You see in all things Moire, I strove to maintain the equilibrium, and the balance. I did not abuse the cosmos, but made it's preservation my aim. Your home was never my plaything. I know you can not make exceptions, nor would I ask you, but don't think unkindly of this nephew.


"I do not think unkindly of you. But if you desire true equilibrium, may I proffer some advice? Seek true peace with your twin Thalion. To be truly balanced in all things the deepest bond comes first."


"My only other regrets were not saving my City. I do not know of this merging with Tir, and I know precious little of the true fate of Meredith. I just couldn't be everywhere at once. I can not ask you to think kindly of Meredith, but to remember, there is always two sides to any story. Darthene's daughter claims that Meredith did what she did willingly and with a free heart. I would suspect differently.. I think that she in an altered state of consciousness by her transformation, and not truly responsible for her actions. I curse the Guisels for that, they had no business on this side of reality."


"Thalion has saved the city in your stead, and to him we are grateful. To my brother Garat as well. Best you seek them out."


He pauses before departing with the others, "Raven...? She is my aunt, and my Queen. I would have wanted to wait till we got to Broceliande, to tell Deirdre first.. But we may not pass this way again for a very long time, would it hurt you if I told her before we leave? The four of us could talk?"


Raven smiles at Jacob. "Hurt me? Of course not. Tell them all you want to."


Jacob nods and smiles to her. "Thank you. Queen Moire, before I take my leave of Rebma while she heals, I would like to introduce you to my wife..

"I asked Raven to be my bride, and she was kind enough to accept, and I am her husband. I had wanted to show her my ancestral home, and where I'd grown up, and someday I would still like to do that.

"Well, till another hopefully better day. Farewell Moire.."

Holding Raven's hand, he smiles towards Deirdre and Laurel, "Well, now you two know as well, though we did plan on tell you first Aunt Deirdre.

Shall we go now?"

With that, Jacob will depart with the three of them..


Deirdre smiled softly, a true smile full of dreamy warmth, which briefly shattered all her pain and left her free. "Congratulations. That is the best news I have heard in... a very long time." Sadness crept back onto her face.

She spoke softly as she twisted her hands through spirals, the pendant of healing glinting on the stone tiles before her darkly booted feet, her weary voice blurred with sadness. "Luck to you and Rebma, Moire. Farewell."

She worked her spell of transportation, and without any fuss Rebma simply went away, shaping instead into an icy cliff top under a dark cloudy sky. Snow fell, white and wispery on the frosty winds from the dark clouds above.

Nearby the silver ice of a stream glinted through sandy loam, and ended in a spectacular frozen waterfall. White and gleaming with cold, it had once gushed over the cliff beside the worn and ancient stone stairway.

Deirdre slowly collapsed to her knees in the icy snow, as red blood once more began to trickle down her sharply pale face and the sea waters of Rebma began to freeze in icy traceries through her dark overcoat. She hugged herself tightly.