To be Queen in Rebma


Soon, you reach Faiella-bionin, the stairway that leads down into the sea. You descend quickly, noting that the sea life has been strangely absent, with no fishes within the realm. No Rebmans either on the streets. There are strange mirrors that are distributed around the city and around the castle. They too are beating.


Andelia looks around, seems a little keyed up, but is very quiet as they go down to the (almost) silent city.


As they pass by one of the mirrors, Laurel pauses, examines it, looks into it, trying to determine what feels strange about it.


They become passable into the Mirrorrealm on the beat. You also notice that they beat in tune to Andelia's heart. Darthene's heart too.


"Curious" murmurs Laurel, as she hurries her horse to catch up with Darthene and Andelia.


Arriving at Rebma Castle, it appears that most of the population remaining in Rebma have congregated there. They look tired, bedraggled. Moire steps forward, but her greeting is humourless.

"The Queen will see you now," says Moire. She makes no attempt to clarify what she meant by Queen; as far as you know, SHE is the queen of Rebma.


Andelia looks at Darthene in surprise. "What in the Dead One's name... Uh, oh."


Darthene nods to Moire. "We would like that."

With armed escorts, your group is taken to the Rebman throne room. Moire leaves you. The doors open. There are many, many mirrors in this room, and a corridor consisting of mirrors lie at the other end of the room. There appear to be shapes swimming around in there. However, that's not what catches your eye.

There is no longer a throne in the Throne Room. In its place is a gigantic narwhal horn, around which an enormous serpentine figure is entwined. She is silver in colour, with gold stripes, and over fifty feet long. Her claws are beautiful but deadly, and she has twenty sets of clawed pseudopods along her body. Her tail is tipped with a sting the size of a large arm. Her upper body is humanoid, but she's twice the size of any normal human. Her hair is medusa-like: silver tentacles that glisten with venom. Her face is very human, however. Meredith smiles at her mother Laurel. "Hello, mother. It's been a long time." Her fangs are quite evident. Her heart beats in tune with the mirrors.


Andelia nods, almost imperceptibly, at the sight of the former throne room. Her eyes go wide, though, at the Queen's words to Laurel, and if she was going to say or do anything, it's been put on the back burner as she snaps a look at Laurel, then her focus returns to the Queen.


"Merri?" gasps Laurel. "Merri, what have they done to you?".

She stands, mouth agape, gazing at her daughter.


Teridias looks at the Queen, his eyes widen "Rhiannon, is that you. I thought that you were killed by Ronald. Oh my darling..." He rushes forward to the queen.


Laurel's gaze snaps to Teridias. "Rhiannon? Why is he calling Meredith Rhiannon? and who is Ronald? Unicorn, what did I miss while I slept?" she asks of no-one in particular.

Dazed and confused, she slowly approaches her daughter.


"Meredith? This is my Rhiannon, my wife. I would recognise her flowing auburn hair and her sparkling blue eyes anywhere. I even recognise the dimples in her cheeks. Unless your daughter is my Rhiannon reborn, then something is playing with your mind." Teridias stops and looks at Laurel as if she has lost all her senses.


Andelia shakes her head slowly. "Teridias, your eyes are deceiving you. Remember when you first saw me, and thought I was Rhiannon? I don't match that description you just gave, and neither does the Queen."


"I know my own wife when I see her standing there as plain as the nose on my face. Tell me, what do you see? "


"I see the new Queen of Rebma." Andelia bows her head towards the Queen, then looks at Teridias. "Silver in colour, with gold stripes, a somewhat serpentine body shape that's about two and a half score feet long, around a score of clawed appendages. An upper body that looks humanoid, though larger than most humans I've seen, and a face that looks very like Laurel's. I'd guess, by the fact that the two of them recognise each other, that she is Laurel's daughter Meredith, somehow changed."


Laurel continues to walk slowly, uncertainly, towards her daughter.

"Merri, honey, what has happened? Are you all right?" she asks, dreading her daughter's answers.


Andelia stands beside Darthene, watching and waiting as the others speak to Her Majesty.


Meredith explains...

"Allow me to clarify, with Darthene's permission." Darthene nods.

"I was experimenting with my Paradox powers, a thousand years ago. The serpent venom within me made me susceptible to certain forces. Even trapped within the Dark Mirror, Darthene was able to exert her willpower on the Dark Mirror of Lir, as part of her attempt to gain extra power to defeat Corwin in the conflict. The former Queen Guisel had been beheaded by Rorschach, who died in the attempt. Yet the Guisel was as powerful as say the Serpent of Chaos or the Unicorn, for she had been born of pure Serpent Venom at the dawn of Time. A simple beheading only put her into a state of hibernation. Where the head of the Guisel is is unknown... it is said that Rorschach worked magics upon it and made it into an artefact and hid it. The body, however, lived on in the vicinity of the Dark Mirror.

"Until Darthene found a way to take control of the Guisels, tying her power with that of the still living body. I was escorted by a few Guisels sent by her to the body, where my serpent venom body allowed me to become the head of the Queen Guisel, and into this form you see now. I am now the incarnation of the Guisel, and am as powerful as the Unicorn or the Serpent!"


"So this is by your own choice, Merri?" asks Laurel. "Is that what you are saying? If so, then I will support you in your choice. As long as it truly is your choice". She casts a dubious look in Darthene's direction.


Darthene nods, confirming the story. "The battle is not over yet. Corwin and I are still in the throes of a primal conflict. It began with a chess game, it will end like a chess game. Rebma is our demesnes for now; Corwin may claim Tir and Tir's guardians, Orson and Pierre. I believe he also has his own primal ally... the Ty'iga, the Guisel's natural enemy. Guisels are mindless bodies, Ty'iga are bodiless minds...

"I apologise for the withheld information. I had to be sure who was likely to be on my side, and who was on Corwin's. I hope that you will join Meredith and I to stop this game from escalating any further; we must stop Corwin now. We should therefore launch a full strike against Corwin."


"NO! Our first priority is to stop the third wave, not to fight petty wars. Meredith, are you a product of the third wave."


Andelia shakes her head.

"Teridias, how can Her Majesty, who's been in this form for some thousand years, be a product of the third wave, which is only supposed to be appearing now?"


"Do you truly believe that striking now will be successful? Surely it will merely lead to further escalation of your war. A war which has already cost both of you dearly. I've little use for Corwin either, but I can't believe that this conflict can be good for either of you".

"Teridias is right, now is not the time for your battle, Darthene. We have more urgent matters to resolve first".


Andelia looks skywards,

"Doesn't it occur to anyone other than me that the waves are connected to the war, as each level of escalation goes up? End the war, end the waves...."


"Yes" muses Laurel, "that is quite likely. As to ending the waves by ending the war, yes, if the war can be ended. But isn't it more likely to be; strike at Corwin, escalate the war? And thereby bring about the third wave that we're trying to prevent?".


Andelia nods a little slowly,

"That of course depends on how successful the strike is, but it's certainly a possibility."


Teridias, pulls Laurel gently away from the group once he has finished talking with Andelia

"I think I have an idea of what's going on. Her Majesty is made up from entirely serpent venom. We know that the second wave was to infect Serpent venom. From that it follows that Meredith is a product of the second wave. Now we know that the third wave threatens Tir na Nog'th and Rebma. Currently your mother is in control of Rebma and allied with a creature who is the product of the second wave. Corwin is in control Tir na Nog'th, both these two children want to continue to escalate their conflict with out any regards to the welfare of Ambrium. Therefore I conclude that the third wave which is destined to destroy Tir na Nog'th and Rebma is somehow connected to the conflict between Darthene and Corwin and that it is their conflict that will destroy the two cities. The method that the third wave is using to control these two is still unclear."


"I think you have your genealogy a little muddled" murmurs Laurel. "Darthene is Andelia's mother. Meredith is my daughter. My mother, Deirdre, is with another group at the moment".

"But apart from that, I agree with your reasoning".

Laurel returns her attention to Meredith, Darthene and Andelia.


Darthene responds,

"I AM trying to end the conflict... but it is not so easy. The escalation began with the minor magics, with Corwin gaining advantage with Power Words. Then I co-opted the power of Sorcery; he responded with Conjuration. I retaliated by allying myself with a Higher Compelling, and Corwin resorted to the first of the Higher powers... Broken Pattern. I could only fight back with Paradox, reflecting back his assault on me... and I think that is how Avalon must have been destroyed. I was absorbed into the Dark Mirror, which shattered. Even with that set back, Corwin pressed his assault... there is a force that compels us to continue our feud. He must have tampered with Trump, though he may have had assistance. Meanwhile, in the Mirror, I attempted contact with a fourth power... Abyss. Through Trump Corwin made contact with the Ty'iga, and through Paradox I contacted the Guisel. And so on and so forth...

"I don't know how to stop it other than eliminating Corwin.

"Perhaps that strange chessboard holds power over us. If it could be found, we may be able to figure out how to stop this."


Andelia looks puzzled,

"Strange chessboard?"


"Strange chessboard?" Laurel asks. "Perhaps you should tell us more about this chessboard, Darthene. If it does hold power over you, then finding it may well be the most important thing we can do".


Andelia nods.


Darthene nods. "Corwin brought it to Avalon. It is unmistakable. White pieces made of bleached bone, red pieces made of bone dyed in blood, and the board is made of wood, carved with strange symbols. Corwin may know where it is. We have to find him and deal with him."


Andelia makes a face,

"Nice bit of work, that, sounds like something Corwin would like."


"And should we also let the other groups know about these developments?"


Andelia thinks for a moment, then shakes her head.

"I'd think not, for the moment. If this chessboard is a power, or something that's driving this conflict, it may well have a closer hold on the person who holds it than it has on Mother. IF Pierre is truly Corwin's man, then telling others might lead to Corwin knowing that we know the board's important, and that might make a strike aimed at the board more difficult. Keep as much as we can under wraps, so we don't have to deal with an alerted enemy."

"I think, by the sounds of it, we may want to strike at the board, more than Corwin. If we can get that, maybe we can end the waves..."


Could the chess board be the artifact that the Guisel queens head was changed into.


Andelia shrugs,

"Possible, but at this point to say anything more than that would be sheerest speculation."


[People in Shadow]

Everyone, except Matthias and Croyd, takes Deirdre's hand. "I need to get back to the _Mock Turtle_, my ship," says Matthias. "We will meet again. Good luck, Jack Morgan... I hope you find what you're looking for. Coming, Croyd?" Croyd nods. "In a while, Golan-dile," says Croyd. A rainbow shimmer overtakes all of you, and you disappear... and reappear underwater, in Rebma's throne room.

[in Rebma]

Teridias has trumped in Celia, Deirdre, Golan and a newcomer (Jack Morgan). Already in Rebma is Teridias, Andelia, Laurel, Darthene and Meredith.

Meredith is coiled around a giant narwhal horn, her body (at twice normal size) tops a striped silver serpentine body with many pairs of sharp claws. Her hair is a mess of silver tentacles. Guards stand between her and you. There is a corridor of mirrors behind her, filled with shadowy, slithering shapes.

Darthene is a twin of Deirdre, except she looks far more mature. "I suggest we find that chessboard at all costs..." upon seeing Jack Morgan, she stops, her jaw dropped. She stares at him. In the crush of the water, you cannot tell if she has tears in her eyes or not.

[Jack Morgan]

"Hell," he mutters, loud enough for Deirdre and whoever she's with to catch as he too stares at Darthene. "Here I go again..."


Golan stands confused to be within the world of Rebma again, this time with a body and all. The feeling of lack of contact with AIR is overwhelming momentarily, but before it can grow, he has conjured a bubble of AIR to him and is drying again within a small mobile column of AIR. At 5'11, his black hair hanging limply since he is no longer buoyed by water. He's dressed in black jeans, with a sky coloured karate gi above. (Yes he does tend to change his conjured clothes around quite quickly.) He's wearing a turquoise cloak pin in the shape of a raven, and has the same spreadwing pose emblazoned on his back in white. Running shoes, with silver worked in, grace his feet. A tendency toward silver and turquoise shows in the piece which binds his hair back comfortably.


Andelia rotates towards the newcomers, her eyes flickering over them all. She notices Darthene's reaction, and her attention focuses on the source of Darthene's surprise.


Deirdre released the hand of Teridias, and stared around the throne hall.

She still seemed barely seventeen. She did not seem surprised by Meredith, and glanced sideways at Morgan. "That seems to answer one question of yours...", she whispered quietly, with a very sad smile. "Doubtless there will be others, yet my sister is perhaps the best one to answer those. Good luck, hope things work out. Hello, Laurel. Meredith." She fell silent then, remote patience in the midnight blue depths of her eyes.


"Hello, Mom" replies Laurel, approaching Deirdre. "Well, we found Merri. As you can see. I'm glad you're here".


Silver stars sparkled within those midnight depths, as though in the night sky, and the pure alabaster of her skin was disturbed only by a single teardrop of coppery gold beneath her left eye. Cloaked in midnight darkness, pinned with a silver brooch depicting silver dolphins rising skywards around a golden topaz, her other clothes were much as usual, white shirt and black trousers shoved into walking boots. She kept her hands out of sight thereafter behind her cloak, and her midnight hair waved gently within the water, barely reaching her ears.

[Jack Morgan]

He does a double take at Deirdre's words, looks over at Deirdre matching her sad smile with troubled hazel eyes of his own, nods. "I hope so..."

However, he his expression doesn't match his words. He doesn't look as though he's holding out much hope for anything.


"There is always hope."


Teridias looks at the newcomers, "Her Majesty, Queen of Rebma, " he points to the Meredith creature, "has an interesting tale to tell. Your majesty, I humbly beg you to again relate you tale about how you became the queen of the Guisels and if possible could you also tell us how you ascended the throne of Rebma." Teridias finishes the speech with a bow.


In his hand he held a rapier on entering, but with a shake of his wrist it disappears --though someone closely watching might spot the tendril of air pulling a pen up his sleeve. In his off hand, he holds a small hemisphere --one of those snow-scenes with a little hula dancer in its swirl of snow. He pockets that within his belt pouch as quickly as he bows to Meredith.

"Greetings Lady. It has been long since I last came to Rebma and helped in its rescue. I am glad this time the city seems less directly threatened.", he sweeps his bow to those assembled, pausing only to add coldly, "Darthene."

Golan is not extreme in any way, handsome *or* ugly etc, save that he is thinly built and wiry. His upper body shows more intense work than elsewhere, particularly in the abdominals.


"I care not for repeating myself," answers Queen Meredith.

"What trickery is this?" demands Darthene. "Sister, do you dare to use the image of my lost son against me, in retaliation? You take Corwin's side as always." She turns to Meredith. "Look to the retrieval of the Chessboard. Corwin must have it, and he would be in Tir. If this feud is to be settled, then the board must be found. Teridias, Laurel, Celia, Golan: you four should go now to Tir to confront Corwin. I am willing to call a temporary truce to resolve matters, but Corwin must surrender the Chessboard. Meanwhile, Andelia and I will deal with Deirdre and the impersonator of Murdered."


"Now wait just a goddam minute here-" He looks ready to take on just about everyone and everything, despite his exhaustion. An extremely dark, stubborn expression overtakes the questioning look of earlier on. It's reflected in his eyes, which seem to deepen immeasurably as he stares angrily over at Darthene.

However, when Deirdre starts speaking he trails off and turns part of his attention back to her while part remains on Darthene.


"You would send me away, while in the same breath threatening my mother? I think not, Aunt Darthene. Others may go to retrieve the chessboard. I will remain here with Deirdre, or else we both go to Tir na Nog'th. Which, now I think on it, may be our best chance for reasoning with Corwin".


"Though I see the years have not changed you. Whyfor should I retaliate? Too late I have finally identified the true source of the poison which has blighted all our lives, Darthene. Our mother warped me into being so needy of other people, made herself the centre of my world, and you she ignored mostly. Child abuse is a dreadful thing, even when understandable, is it not? I can only hope I have not treated my daughter so. Though that is of course not the full truth. Truth is only... shades of grey."

She fell back once more into her watchful silence.


Teridias' head snaps up. "You presume too much Darthene of Ambrium. Do not think that you can order me about to do you bidding. I am GRAND DUKE TERIDIAS, KEEPER OF ARDEN. There are only three people who have the authority to give me orders. You are not one of them. The first is My wife Rhiannon. A person far better in all matters than you. Someone how shows honour, decency, love, compassion and common sense. She may have passed beyond, but she is still twice the person in death than you are in life. She would never endanger the realm for her petty feuds.

The second is the KING. I am Oberon's man, and in regards to who I lead my armies for, it is him that I look for my orders. Not you.

Finally, in the kings steed, I follow the orders of the rightful heir to the throne of Ambrium named by the King's own lips. And that is the Crown Princess Deirdre of Ambrium. A true daughter to Faiella. And should you threaten to 'Deal with her' again the I will kill you where you stand, or die cursing you name and that of your descendants for the rest of known time.

Do I make myself clear?"


Deirdre winced visibly.


Deirdre waited a few moments after she had finished speaking, and then she gently removed a small box from her belt. She opened it to reveal a small clockwork bird of shells and coral nesting in cotton wool, ancient and broken, yet polished and preserved with loving care through the decades.

She wound the key with calm deliberation, and placed it down on the floor, where it began to hobble around in circles, broken wing dragging along the ground and one blue eye hanging out on a spring. "Broken, Darthene. This is both of us.", she whispered sadly. "Prophetic even then, my sister." She scooped up the bird and replaced it in the box, as though scared it might be broken still further.


"Do not expect you to believe or trust me. Do not expect anything of you, save that you remember that you are a princess of Amber, and you risk the Realm."

[Jack Morgan]

This guy is a half inch or so over six foot, broad shouldered and wiry, but obviously much thinner than he should be and tired. His body language and haggard but otherwise handsome features, indicate someone in their mid-thirties and very near to the point of exhaustion.

Black hair cut short and dark, hazel eyes. He's wearing black jeans and a dark grey shirt with a silvery tinge to it. Over the top of this is an ankle length black leather coat. The clothes are of high quality but dusty and extremely worn.

[Jack Morgan]

Morgan regains control of his temper during Deirdre's speech, though it seems to cost him. He leaves Deirdre's vicinity and walks over to Darthene, placing himself just outside of sword's length from Darthene and those next to her (if any).


Celia still stands small and slender in Fiona's body. As she steps through, she looks around expectantly, then a shutter seems to fall over her expression. She runs one hand through her hair, tugging the red curls back, then drops her hand in frustration at the sometimes still strange feel of the brilliant tendrils.

She steps softly away from Deirdre, over to Andelia, and speaks softly to her.


Andelia shakes her head, replies as softly, then pauses and continues with a few more words.


Celia does not reply to Andelia's whisper. She watches the family bickering silently, no expression marring her features. When Teridias bursts out with his fervent statements, she jumps a little in surprise, and takes a step backwards before she catches herself. Then she seems to turn inward as she gazes over everyone, as if retreating from the anger that swirls around her.


"My my," says Darthene through her tightened lips. "What has Deirdre been telling you? Crown Princess? If I understand, she renounced that years ago. A true daughter of Faiella? Let her tell you who is senior among the daughters of Faiella, the one who truly deserves to live."


"Actually she has never talked about her relationship with you. As for the abdication, I have yet to hear it from my lords lips. Until it is announced by Oberon himself then I will follow the correct chain of command."


Deirdre suddenly smiled, a lovely and dreamy smile full of fearless serenity. "Clarissa showed me the truth of that, and set me free, while I burned a decade of my life away in my doomed struggle to save her. She never said a word, and it truly did not matter. Paradox. So badly I misjudged her. Too late now.", she whispered quietly. She fell silent after that, obviously uninterested in providing any further revelations.


Teridias then turns to Meredith's court and the rest of the people in the chamber.

"I am sorry for that little display of emotion, but sometimes the peasants need to be shown their rightful places. Wouldn't you agree?"


Andelia's head snaps around from where she'd been regarding her mother and Morgan, and she steps away from Celia, going around Morgan to place herself directly between Teridias and Darthene. Her eyes narrow, and her face, softened as she looked at Morgan and Darthene, sets into hard lines and planes, green eyes glittering. Her arms come up and cross below her breasts. Her voice, too, changes from her soft tones as she'd inquired about Morgan. Now it's flat and hard, like a steel bar.

"Yes, you've made yourself clear. It's clear that your madness continues to affect your ears, as well as your eyes. If you'd listened, you would have heard that Mother said that you _SHOULD_ go to Tir na-Nog'th. That is not an order, that was a suggestion, made to help end the waves that threaten your precious Ambrium. But by all means, if you'd like them to continue, just continue to stand here and make idle threats."


"Yes, that is what she said, but she said it in an off hand, expecting us to obey, while she dealt with my friends. As for my madness, seeing people who were not there, I don't need that charade anymore. I have flushed out the enemies of the realm. And by the looks of it she stands there with her daughter. You family blinds you Andelia. You can not see the viper even when she stands in you own nest. Oh, by the way, my threats are never idle."


"And if you'd like to join your wife, I'll be happy to arrange it for you. If I would volunteer to bear your mother's curse, I'll laugh at your paltry attempt at one. She was ten times the man, or woman, that you are, or will ever be."


"You are assuming that I would die, but any time that you wish to dance the blades little girls, then by all means let me know."


Laurel looks round at her bickering family, and sighs, a look of despair on her face.

"Ambrium's finest" she says. "Unicorn help us".

Then she quietly continues her conversation with Deirdre.


"Um. Pardon folks.", Golan breaks in lightly. "If you include me in the briefing, I'll be more of an asset and less of an ass.", the disarming smile on the face as he extended his hand to Laurel. "Hi. I'm Golan. I think we met briefly before. You're Deirdre's .. daughter...", slight pause and quick look to Di for confirmation. "Urm. Should I be defensive? Is there any reason to fear direct action against us? --I mean, Teridias is kind of flaunting himself in their faces.", shrugs, "Just asking."


"Teridias always does that. He usually means it, too.", answered Deirdre sadly. "Golan, this is my daughter Laurel. Laurel, this is Golan... an old friend... from long ago and far away." She palmed a trump carefully, as her own magics flared into life, whitegold light pushing outwards into a small sphere around her slender form. "Defence is always wise.", she finished quietly.


Reaching her mother's side, Laurel quietly asks, "Who's the new guy, Mom".


Deirdre hugged her daughter gently and whispered something to her.


"Hoping that his name is actually Lance, and he is Andelia's father.", whispered Deirdre softly. "Only a possibility, though. Calls himself Jack Morgan."


"And Darthene says he is the image of her son, and believes him to be a trick" whispered Laurel in reply.


"Darthene always believes everything I say or do is a trick. My patience is almost exhausted, honey. Maybe cold hard truth or dark fury will reach her. Unicorn knows, I have tried everything else over the years."


"Why does she hate you so, Mom?" asks Laurel. "I've never understood that".


"Oh, Lori, neither have I. Until now. Our mother...", Deirdre swallowed gently, tears shimmering at the corners of her eyes. "Our mother always gave me more attention and left Dar out. I never saw. I have been so stupid, Lori. So many mistakes, and never able to fix them or make them right."


She paused a moment in silence, and then gently hugged her daughter. "Merri is in real trouble, love. Teridias has informed me of what has been said here. Glad to be here myself.


Returning Deirdre's hug, Laurel whispers in reply.

"Yes, I think so too. She doesn't seem to realise it, though. Which will make it very difficult to help her. I think we can only give her our support, until she asks for more".


"Yes. There is nothing we can do, save clean up the mess afterwards.", whispered Deirdre sadly. "Part of being a mother... is letting go. Very hard. Lori, there is no guarantee that we are right. Merri might have chosen wisely for herself."


"I hope that is so" replies Laurel. Though her expression is one of doubt.


"So do I. But I do not think it likely."


Are you okay? Still feeling ill?"


"Yes, I seem to be okay now. You're healing seems to have cleared up whatever the problem was. Or at least, I've had no further trouble".


"Probably the destruction of the Serpent Venom from your form. Good. That has been worrying me these last two years. Whatever happened to the dying unicorn, and was her name Summer?


"Yes, the unicorn was named Summer. And she said that she missed you, that she hadn't seen you for a thousand years. We took her to Lady Nin, having been told that she could heal animals. Then when we escaped with Uncle Brand, there wasn't time to look for her. I'm worried for her, Mom, but there hasn't been any chance to do anything since. There's just been too much happening".


"Summer.", whispered Deirdre. "Oh powers, I thought so. She was a friend in my youth... she went with Darthene to Avalon. I loved them both, and hoped that Summer would heal us of the poison... She is probably dead now, then, as dead as my sister and all my childhood friends. Another grief to put on my pile." She seemed close to crying, but forced back the tears.


"When this is over, Mom, we'll go look for her. Maybe my mistrust of Nin is mis-founded, and we'll find Summer alive" she says, hopefully. "If not, she will be avenged".


"Vengeance does not solve anything, Lori.", Deirdre answered automatically, and then she blushed. "Sorry. Sometimes still go into mommy mode. Make your own choices. Powers, but it is so hard..." She shook her head wearily. "Summer is dead, love. Reality is not kind to innocence.", she whispered in despair.


Laurel sobs, for the sweet, trusting creature she had unwittingly led to its doom.


"Ssh, Lori, ssh.", whispered Deirdre sadly. "I could always be wrong. There is always hope... too old and cynical now. Not a good friend for unicorns anymore."


Where did you leave my gloves?"


"Gloves? Mom, I'm sorry, I don't remember any gloves. Are they important?"


"Made them into a gown for you. I am careful to keep track of my artefacts, so that they do not fall into the wrong hands. When they do... I destroy them. May have to give you a replacement pendant, love, the old one may have been tampered with and I will not have someone threaten you through my own protection."


Laurel hangs her head. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't realise the gown was special. I left it in my rooms, in Castle Amber, when I put on this armour. It should still be there, in my wardrobe".


"Oh, don't worry, I didn't give you an instruction manual. The gown itself was armoured, love, that was why I gave it to you."


Teridias stands just over six foot tall, he is wearing a green huntsman tunic, black trews and a black cloak which is clasped at his neck by a cloak broach in the shape of a raven. His hair is black and he has about a weeks worth of beard growth. His eyes are deep blue and haunted looking. At his side is a simple sword with the hilt the shape of a raven in flight.


Deirdre stared serenely at her sister, and the harsh edge in her honeyed voice was deep and filled with gentle steel. She raised a single eyebrow. "Never have I taken sides in any of the feuds, Darthene. For once in your life, rise above your petty squabbles with our brother. We found this person in shadow, and he claimed to be seeking one of us. I knew him not, and so I brought him here. Allow him to speak for himself." She nodded at the stranger. "My concerns here are solely to prevent both you and Corwin from destroying Amber."


Her eyes flash,

"And I'll thank you NEVER to compare me, out loud, in my hearing, to Corwin Shadow-wrecker."


A strong light flashes deep within the eyes Celia wears. Anger is yanked back out of sight as quickly as it rises.


"The name I gave for your father, for which I must apologise in using in your presence, is one that came from the after-effects of the Avalon War, which he fought against my mother, and during which she was imprisoned under torture inside the Mirror-realm. Your son Jacob and I found her and removed her from her prison. Avalon was destroyed, to my knowledge, at the climax of the War. Avalon was where I was born and raised, until the War came upon us. My father died there, either then or earlier."

She shrugs,

"I do apologise, though, for using that term in your presence. My tongue ran away with me, as it did once when I was with Laurel. I apologised then as well, too."


"Then accept my apologies also, I may of misinterpreted Your mothers words."


Andelia looks quite surprised at this, then nods.


[Andelia's standing near Darthene, and Celia/Fiona must be close by, since she came over to ask Andelia a question.]

Andelia watches Morgan come closer, an expression of curiosity on her face as her eyes flick back and forth from him to Darthene and back again. She makes no move that would be considered threatening, just watches.

[Jack Morgan]

"Look," he says to Darthene with a somewhat resigned expression, "I could try and talk to you, but I can see that'd be something of a lost cause and I'm not up to real fight just now, so..."

He reaches very slowly to his shirt pocket with his left hand and brings out a battered silver locket which he flicks open with a thumbnail. He regards it for a second or two, glances over at Deirdre then back to Darthene.

He holds the locket complete with picture of the woman inside so Darthene can see it. "You recognise this?"


Andelia, standing beside Darthene, watches Morgan come closer then reach into his pocket and withdraw the locket and open it. From her angle, the cover blocks her view of the contents, and she doesn't move to clear her line of sight.

But she does reach a hand out to her mother, placing it on Darthene's arm. "Mother, is it possible, somehow? Did I, do I, have a brother I never met, never knew about?"


Darthene's eyes widen. "My son Mordred wore that before his untimely death; it was a gift from me. If you are him, then you would know where and when you cheated death."

[Jack Morgan]

"I don't know," Morgan says, shooting Darthene pained glance. "I was... hoping you could tell me."


"Da-aamn! That's . one . *cold* . bitch .", the whisper carrying further than he intended. Moving slowly around so that he's behind the near pole of that conversation, Golan smiles at Celia and Laurel and Deirdre as he nears. He doesn't close tightly, but does let himself move nearer as they pulse with the currents.


Deirdre continued to whisper with her daughter, tears shimmering at the corners of her eyes. She said nothing audible in response to her daughter's comment.


"I see you're up to your old tears and self-hug routine, sister," says Darthene with bitterness in her voice. "Even in the waters of Rebma you make rivers of your eyes. Faiella may have fallen prey to it, but don't expect it to now."


Deirdre turned her head towards her sister, her face thoughtful, and she raised one finger to her eyes lightly. "Mother was the one who taught me this, and it is this place which brings the worst out in me, this damnable place.", she answered quietly. "Did not listen to a word I said, did you? What a surprise. Do not call me sister. The sister I loved died a long time ago. I do not know you, and do not ever make the mistake of thinking you know me."


To Morgan, she responds: "You do not remember anything, Mordred? Of our days in Avalon, when I nursed you with the ambrosia of gods and taught you to hunt? Of your heritage?"

[Jack Morgan]

The pained expression gains momentum as Darthene talks; the gaze begins to look downright haunted.

He shakes his head and steps close to Darthene, reaches out and rests a hand tentatively on her arm as if he thinks she might well break at his touch. He's standing in front of her with his dark eyes fixed solely on her. "If you're willing to listen, I'd prefer we continue this somewhere more private. It's gettin' a little noisy round here."


Deirdre visibly reached a decision, and asked softly, "May I please touch your mind? There is something I would like to share with you now. About me. Might explain a little more of why Darthene hates me... though I no longer believe it to be true. Things are not so simple as she believes." She waited patiently, her face filled with sadness. "Maybe you will feel differently about me afterwards... but this has always been a part of me, since I was only nineteen."


"Yes, of course, Mom" whispers Laurel, still hugging her mother. She prepares for Deirdre's touch.


Deirdre reached out with her mind slowly, shaking free of other distractions like a rising tsunami, brushing the surface of her daughters thoughts with her own, like a gentle rain of whitegold feathers and dancing light. "Lori, there is no of course. Always have the choice. Where to begin...", she thought gently, her thoughts filled with sadness and warmth. "Shall have to do this at high speed, love. There is no time left anymore. Please keep in mind this is only my perspective... Darthene sees things differently, very differently."

"Darthene and I grew up in Amber and Rebma, Darthene being named after the identity chosen by the stranger who saved our lives and Faiella on the beach, and I being named by my parents. When we were fourteen, we discovered what we thought then was the truth... that Faiella and I should have died on the beach, leaving Darthene behind to become Deirdre."

"Darthene was jealous of me, with reason, because our mother did favour me. I did not see, and did not know, not then. There are no excuses for that. That knowledge pushed her over the edge, and for the next five years of our lives, she spent her time making me as miserable as she could while I tried desperately to make things better. Always failed, never reached her."

"When I was nineteen, the memories of my former incarnation returned. Ryan, the stranger on the beach, had been me, from the future. She died changing reality so that Faiella lived longer. Thought at first that madness had come, that someone had raped my mind, but it was only the memories of what was to be, and the years which Ryan herself remembered, all her knowledge and skills."

"Summer was there, and she helped me find healing within myself. She met Darthene in the library, and they were friends then. Summer chose to go to Avalon, for healing of the deep hurts inside my sister. Darthene despised me for stealing her identity from her, stealing the love of our mother which should have been all hers... but fate and destiny show that I could not have, for I was always Deirdre. I never chose to be her sister."

"Darthene loved me once, she sent me a dove, and I loved her once. I do not know where we went so horribly wrong. Do not know where the mistakes were, why she hates me so... she seems to expect me to be perfect, Lori, and I'm not. I'm just me, just a fallible person with serious flaws, who knows she is deeply flawed, who doesn't know what to do, doesn't know any real answers. Try my best, but the harder I try, the more I seem to lose."

"Do you know the truly ironic thing? Avalon was Corwin's dream, as Broceliande is mine, crafted from the very foundation of our souls with loving care. Darthene saw Avalon and wanted it, stole it from him, and broke it. Went there once or twice, and it was so beautiful, so utterly beautiful. Why couldn't she have simply crafted her own dream? Why did she have to steal another's?", she finished with gentle wistfulness and aching sadness.


"That's quite a story, Mom" replies Laurel. "Your future self returning to save you and your mother from dying... stolen identities... memories from the future.... Avalon, stolen and broken... ".

"I need some time to take it all in".


"Story of my life, Lori. Believe it or not, as you choose. I am so tired of endlessly justifying myself to everyone.", answered Deirdre softly. "Think about it, and please remember... that you asked me why. Fly free, love."


Deirdre did not seem even remotely surprised as Teridias burst out and revealed his deception. She stared at her sister as though at a stranger, and her own features smoothed over into glacial ice. She shook her head in quiet disbelief and kept her silence, though she did keep hugging her daughter.

Finally, she said softly, "Celia, may I please touch your mind? There is much you should know. Madoc is no longer in any danger whatsoever."


I smile slightly to myself, then shake my head slightly. "I do not need to speak privately to know the truth."


Andelia doesn't turn her head, but asks:

"So what is the truth, other than that entirely too many people in this room have been acting like ninnies for entirely too long? I think we know that, if we'll admit it to ourselves."


Celia smiles tightly. "I spoke of a matter that was purely between Deirdre and I, and merely wished to assure her the matter was settled, without need for further conversation." The soft tones coming from Fiona's borrowed lips are clipped with a sudden strong British accent. "The matter affects none but us, and if it *had* needed discussion, would have been one for privacy. It was that I did not need to speak, not that it should not be public, that I intended to say."


Andelia keeps her eyes on Teridias and Deirdre, but says:

"My apologies, then. I did not mean to intrude into something that concerned only you and my aunt."


"Basically, my understanding of the latest flare-up is that Mother reacted rather badly to Morgan's appearing with my Aunt, interpreting it as some sort of attack. She then said something that was, mmmm, not well-considered, and it caused others to react badly. Teridias accused and threatened Mother, to which _I_ reacted rather badly. And the ball was well and truly rolling. All of it was unnecessary, of course, if people's skins hadn't been so thin and some people looking to manufacture trouble, Morgan's identification was good enough to be convincing."


Deirdre looked relieved, and brightened up, gathering her fearless serenity around her like an armour made of purest glass. "Thankyou.", she whispered. "Paranoia is very strong within me... I was afraid you were Fiona."


"On your father, there's apparently a chessboard involved somehow in this war. Mother thinks it might somehow be encouraging it, forcing her and your father to continue it, keep escalating the forces they use. She thinks he has this board, and MY opinion, and hers, is that we need to, somehow, get that board away from him, then break the hold it has on both him and Mother. If the war is driving the Waves, as seems likely, and the board is driving the war, as seems possible, then getting that board SHOULD be important."

"The reason Mother chose certain people to go to Tir to try to retrieve that board was that they had a chance of doing that WITHOUT having to fight. Mother has no chance of doing so, I'm not leaving her side, and there was the sudden appearance of her long-lost son to understand. But her words caused backs to bristle, and the latest spat exploded in front of our eyes."


She sighs heavily. "If you will excuse me. Faiella's line wars within itself far more than any other among our family. At the moment, I would prefer to remain on the outside of the squabbles until I have had a chance to understand just what it is you all argue over. Unless one of you is willing to explain that, and why you claim Corwin must be stopped and name him as you did, and explain just what has been happening while I was in shadow making an attempt to *help*, I believe it would be better if I were not here. You do not need my approval or disapproval to continue your arguments."


With that, Celia trumps out of the room.


"We were all emotionally abused as children.", answered Deirdre softly. "Some more than others. That much is very clear to me now. Perhaps even some of us... were abused in other ways." She looked sick as she admitted that.

"Little wonder that we squabble like children. That is precisely what we are. None of us have ever grown up, we have remained stuck in the same old patterns, the same old mistakes, that we established while our mother was alive..."

"Darthene said it herself. My tears and self-hug routine is precisely that... designed to evoke sympathy from my mother. I know myself now.", she finished softly, her midnight eyes eaten to the bone by pitiless truth.


She looked at Teridias with profound respect in her eyes. "Teridias, if you ever go into espionage, they had better watch out. I never had a clue until you told me. On what evidence do you base your conclusions? I know my own evidence, I am simply wondering if we are employing the same methods. As someone I knew once said, once you have eliminated the possibilities, whatever remains must be the truth, however impossible it seems." She smiled softly. "Sherlock Holmes."


Andelia laughs silently, mirthlessly. "You'll believe whatever you want to believe, and as it suits your purposes to do so. To some people, truth is something to be created, manipulated, shaped, stuffed into whatever form you think best, then presented to others as the REAL truth. As you did to me. Eventually, the real truth comes out. If you wish to make enemies of those who have helped you, and were helping you, so be it. Stupid, but listening to madmen often is. A pity Jacob isn't here to shout sense into your head, like he did the last time, but I haven't the gift. I gave you my gift, and saw it abused, saw someone I cared for die because I was trying to help you. So now I'm the enemy. Fine, well done."


"And all for no reason. This little spat would have been over faster, as soon as my brother" her eyes flicker to Morgan then back to watch Teridias "showed that locket. Laurel, for the best of reasons, stayed, and Teridias, for the worst, stayed, and now we have this. Ah well. So be it, you cannot make a horse drink, and you cannot make people see what is in front of them if they do not want to see it."

[Jack Morgan]

Morgan is standing right next to and talking to Darthene, and although Teridias' comments didn't penetrate through to him, he seems to feel Deirdre's stare. He shakes his head, finishes what he's saying and turns slightly, to look across at Deirdre. Regret and some deeper less obvious emotion pull his generous mouth into an uneasy frown. His eyes reflect his mood, deepening, haunted even as he begins to turn away, back to Darthene to hear her answer.


Deirdre smiled suddenly, the glacial ice of her expression cracking faintly into serene resignation and sadness. She shrugged slightly. "One hopes, Jack Morgan, that you do not find your answers too truthful to bear.", she whispered quietly, in response to that look. "Sometimes truth is a... relative... point of view."


Deirdre considered Andelia thoughtfully. "So true.", she finally answered. "Though being pumped for information while at your weakest is not what I would call help. Someday you may discover that truth is like that. Everything you know is taken away and turned into lies. Reality is pain and shades of grey, not black and white as you would have it." She paused, and her face turned even more thoughtful, staring within herself. "Eventually the real truth does emerge. Wonder if you will be able to face that... I know I can, and have."

She smiled sadly. "Know that everything that Darthene says about me is completely true. Know that I horribly misjudged Clarissa, and I have paid for that, and will pay. But everything that I say is true also. Darthene and I are twins, and we always forget what that truly means..." She stared at her sister again, her face thoughtful and serene. "After all, I just did. Of all people, we know each other the best of all, don't we? Down below reason, we know each other. Oh yes. Dark desires and temptations... we know each other."

Deirdre kept her arms around her daughter, though loosely, so that she could free herself if she wished. "Marcus was never very observant. Neither was Corwin. Always saw only the surface appearances, and never understood anything important... just like you, little Andelia." Her smile was lovely and ancient, filled with sadness and regrets, strange and haunting on her youthful face.


Andelia looks at Deirdre, her face shadowed.

"I asked you questions because you asked me to, after I'd stopped when you would not answer other ones. Believe what you like, but if you'd asked me to stop, I would have. You wanted to talk to someone, and I was there, and new."

"Yes, I didn't tell you about what I'd learned from Clarissa, that Mother might be rescuable from behind the Dark Mirror. I did that because I was told not to, because it might make it impossible to get her out. Not because you were going to do anything to stop it, but because the Venom in you might be able to do something to prevent my rescue attempt, if it heard me say something about the plan. As it turned out, apparently not, since Jacob did say things around you, and we managed anyway."

"I did what I dared, though, saying there was a bare hope for her being alive, and that she might be taken somewhere. Had I dared do more, tell you where she was when you were hurting, I would have. But I didn't, figuring you'd rather see her alive later than know where she might be and never see her again. Perhaps I was wrong, but I had to decide."

Then she shakes her head,

"That's perceived truths, not THE truth. My perceptions might be wrong, certainly, hiding the real truth behind a screen of lies, deceptions, outright illusions, that I or someone else erected. I lack perfect knowledge, as do you. But if the worst thing I have to face is the truth, then I'll be happy. It's not truth I fear, it's being lied to, betrayed. Because once that's happened, how can I believe that person again, without checking over everything they tell me against facts? Better to know, as I said once before to you about the truth, than to not know."

"And wasn't it I who said that life means pain to you, not that long ago? At least in my experienced time? At that time, you denied it, have you changed your mind?"


After a few moments contemplation, Laurel says "I should talk to Merri, Mom. I'll get back to you later". She turns, and makes her way to her daughter.


Deirdre let her daughter go, and did not speak. She watched as Laurel walked away, her face full of sadness and regrets.


Deirdre smiled quietly, and her honeyed voice was full of sadness when next she spoke. "That was then, and this is now, and questions are not speech. Perhaps you do understand. You see, Andelia, there is one thing about me which Darthene does not share and has never shared... she has never known Ryan. Ryan alone makes the difference between us, in truth." She watched as her daughter walked away from her, her face full of sadness and regrets.

"Who wrecked whose dream? Life is pain, and joy, and purely... life." She smiled sadly across at Celia. "Tell me then, Celia, if truth you would know... did you ever read le Morte d'Arthur when you were small? Consider the nature of reality, and the way myths have of being true... Only you, of all the people here, may know what I mean by that. Only you." She fell into silence, and waited patiently, her face as remote and blank as the face of Celia.


[With Celia's departure, things begin to go into combat phase, which means I will be picky about the order that actions are to be taken in. Send me your actions; I will judge to see if you manage to do that, and in what order you do it in wrt other players]


Darthene, in response to Morgan's plea for privacy:

"Of course. I need to know whether you are my son or not; you need to know the same. Let's go, then... Andelia?"



"Yes, mother."


Andelia, Darthene and Morgan all disappear, as Andelia casts a spell.


"What am I to do with you, mother? Grandmother? Uncles? If I let you go, you'd be back with others to kill me. If I kill you, they come on their own. If I imprison you, you'd try to escape. If I ask you to join me, you'd think me mad. Mayhaps I should just erase your memories. Yes, that sounds right," says Meredith. "Hold still. This won't hurt a bit."


Laurel's gasps, her eyes flaring wide, at her daughter's outburst. "Merri, how can you think that? We don't want to kill you, darling. I admit this new form you've taken makes me nervous, but that's because the Guisel have always been my enemies in the past. I can get past this. I'm sure we all can. We're not your enemies, Merri".

She reaches her hand out towards her daughter.


"I just don't want you to leave me again, Mother..." says Meredith. She uncoils and reaches for Laurel.


"I'm not going to leave you again, Merri" says Laurel.


"We're not your enemies, Merri... but I can't take the risk of your threat to erase our minds. Love you, granddaughter, regardless...", said Deirdre absently as she swirled her fingers through complex, dancing spirals.


At this point, Teridias trumps out. A worldgate opens behind Deirdre and the water pressure sweeps Laurel, Deirdre and Golan through it, ending up in the basement of Castle Amber.


"Merriiiiiiiii" she screams, fighting futilely against the pressure.

Picking herself up from the floor, Laurel looks around furiously. "Who did that" she asks, anger plain in her voice, murder in her eyes.


Deirdre rose to her full six foot two height, and ensured the Worldgate was safely closed, dark and honeyed music singing sadly from her lips. She instantly became perfectly dry, warmth bursting around her, and she glanced at Laurel and dried her also. She raised her eyebrows at Golan, her dark blue eyes questioning as her midnight hair suddenly grew longer, to brush around her shoulders in a cascading fall of ebony night. Pearls chains held it back, along with silver dolphin combs. Within the depths of her eyes, silver stars whirled, new-born and rising. Her clothes shifted rapidly around her slender frame into a long court gown of purest black velvet, sparkling with iridescent rainbow colours, and her silver dolphin pendant hung below the hollow of her alabaster throat. She wore dark slippers, and a pair of whitegold spectacles perched on her small freckled nose. Silver rings glinted on her fingers.

"Well, that did not work according to plan, forgot about the water pressure differential. Worked well enough. Everyone all right and all memories intact?", she asked quietly. She considered Laurel thoughtfully. "Go ahead and hate me if you wish, daughter.", she whispered in enormous sadness. "Better that than watching your mind messed with. I have no trust in goodness anymore."

She withdrew a brooch, unformed and unshaped, from her pocket. "What is your personal symbol these days?", she asked as she flicked her fingers at Laurel's old pendant and it simply dissolved into nowhere. "Refuse me if you wish. Golan, upstairs first, yes, to the Library for full Trumps? Teridias will be in touch with me shortly. Perhaps then we can start sorting things out."