Chronicles of Paradox

This as a semi-resurrection of my campaign. I will be writing little chapters of this story, filling in some of the background of the current state of affairs in Paradox as story, posting them here on the web as they are ready. Chapters may be short or long, depending on my time constraints. This is a chance for me to hone my writing skills and to do a lot of exposition that I can't do quickly at ACUS.

At certain points in this story, there will be room for interactive play. For example, Darthene may seek a trump contact with her son Morgan, at which point the player would be invited to submit a part of the story. Note that my main concern is to fill in background information slowly through a single character (Darthene)'s viewpoint. As this is not a full email campaign, I will adhere to the rules below, necessary for author fiat:

Darthene's Tale (2000-?)

  1. Riddles - up to May 3rd, 2000
  2. Dream - May 4th, 2000
  3. Raven - May 9th, 2000
  4. Toadls - May 19th, 2000
  5. Water - May 23rd, 2000
  6. Celia - May 30th, 2000
  7. Madoc - June 14th, 2000
  8. Conjectures - June 19th, 2000
  9. Thalion - June 19th, 2000
  10. Jacob's Tale - June 20th, 2000 (by Jim Groves)
  11. Celia's Thoughts - June 20th, 2000
  12. Thalion's Thoughts - June 20th, 2000
  13. Jacob - June 20th, 2000
  14. Claris - June 22nd, 2000
  15. Morgan's Tale - June 23rd, 2000 (by Karen Groves)
  16. Ride to Kolvir - July 13th, 2000
  17. Morgan's Visitor - July 26th, 2000
  18. Who's Blaine? - July 26th, 2000
  19. An Abridged Temptation - July 26th, 2000
  20. A Seduction Begins - August 9th, 2000

Madoc's Tale

  1. Jacob's Plans - July 13th, 2000 (by Jim Groves)
  2. Through the Mirrorsea - August 28th, 2000 (by Deb Atwood)

Not Really Jaunquille's Tale

  1. Wrong Place, Wrong Time - August 10th, 2000
  2. Gerard's Diagnosis - August 25th, 2000
This page is maintained by Tony Pi (