Tasker Design Overview


The purpose of this work is to create a to-do list management system that I'll actually use and keep up-to-date. It has the following requirements:

So far, presenting a current to-do list on the web in the form of multiple tasks organized by group has been finished. Non-web access to the database, including mailing, and random display of low-priority tasks has not yet been done.


The database is organized as follows:

    Group #1
        Task #1
        Task #2
         - Subtask #1
         - Subtask #2
         - Subtask #3
        Task #3
    Group #2
        Task #1

and so forth. Physically, this is represented as a directory containing one directory for each task group. Each task is a single file in the appropriate directory.

A task has the format:

    Header: Value
    Header: Value
    - Subtask #1
    - Subtask #2

It is similar to a mail message in that it starts with a header composed of key/value pairs using the same syntax as the header of a mail message (including continuation lines). The header is separated from the body by a blank line. The body is a list of subtasks in the form of a bulletted list. Each line of the body must either begin with a bullet (starting a subtask), begin with whitespace (a continuation of the previous line), or be empty.

The recognized headers to start are Task, which contains the short description of the task, Date, which contains the date the entry was created (in ISO format, optionally with a space and then the time), Priority, which contains a number from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating the highest priority, and Category, which contains a subcategory used just sorting tasks within a group.

Subtasks normally begin with -. Alternately, they may begin with x, which indicates a task already complete. Further bullets may be defined in the future.


The primary interface is implemented as a single CGI application. All HTML is generated internally by that application, although it does use a single external style sheet that must be available to the application while running (unless you want really ugly output). The HTML is intended to be XHTML 1.0 Strict, meeting the requirements for HTML 4.0 compliance so that it can be served as text/html. Semantic markup is used where possible, with layout and formatting done using CSS. The output is designed for standard compliant browsers and tested in Mozilla; some additional work may be required to accomodate other browsers.

Requests are distinguished based on protocol. All requests that change data (such as submissions of new tasks or marking tasks or subtasks done) is done via the POST method (in accordance with the HTTP protocol). Requests to display data are done via the GET method. If there is any path information (extra path data in the URL after the name of the CGI script), that information is taken to identify a particular task and operations are performed on that task. Otherwise, the top-level overview is displayed and operations are assumed to be top-level operations (like marking whole tasks complete or adding new tasks).

For GET requests, the URL is the URL of the CGI script, optionally followed by the path to a particular task (in the form <group>/<task> where <task> is the sequence number of the task in that group and is assigned sequentially and potentially reused), and then optionally followed by a limit parameter and a glimit parameter. limit will limit display of top-level tasks to ones with at least that priority, and glimit will limit display to only tasks in that group. Since limit and glimit are intended to be persistant in a session unless the user changes them again, they're preserved in the URL even when looking at particular tasks (where they aren't meaningful).

For POST requests, the action is determined based on the data in the POST. If the parameter subdid is set, and there is path information in the URL, that particular subtask of the task identified by the path information is marked as done. If the parameter did is set, that task is marked as done. Otherwise, the parameter action is expected to be set to either "Add Task" to create a new task or "Add Group" to create a new group. Again, limit and glimit are expected to be persistant, so they must be included in any POST form submission as hidden fields.

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