Working Effectively with Legacy Code

by Michael C. Feathers

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Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2004
Printing: 2005
ISBN: 0-13-117705-2
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 419

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Suppose that you're familiar with the principles of good software design, you understand the importance of breaking complex code apart into simpler components, you know how to write good test suites, and you can structure new code to be maintainable. However, as is so often the case, your job is not to write green-field code. It's to add or change some behavior of an existing system, and that existing system was written with complete disregard to (or prior to the widespread development of) all of those principles. How do you start?

That's the core topic of this somewhat deceptively titled book. The title arguably overpromises, since there are many aspects of working with legacy code that are not covered in this book (and couldn't be covered in any one book). Feathers further narrows the topic with a rather idiosyncratic definition of legacy: code without unit tests. The point of the techniques discussed here is to restructure the piece of code that you want to modify so that you can add tests (and, specifically, unit tests; Feathers barely mentions the existence of integration tests).

There are many perils in reading a book about programming that's this old, but Working Effectively with Legacy Code holds up surprisingly well, probably due to its very narrow focus. Code examples are in Java, C++, and C, which are still among the languages that one would expect to see in legacy code even today (although are a less comprehensive set than they were). This book is clearly from the early, excited days of agile and extreme programming and lacks some of the nuance that has later developed, but the constraint of working with legacy code forces compromises that keep it from being too "pure" of an agile diatribe, helping its continued relevance. Feathers is obsessed with unit testing, and I'll make some argument against that focus in a moment, but with legacy code defined as code lacking tests, unit tests are a reasonable place to start.

The vast majority of this book, including a long section of mechanical recipes at the back, is devoted to specific techniques to tease apart code where tangles prevent unit testing in isolation. Feathers's goal is to be able to unit-test only the piece of logic that you plan on changing, while making as few changes as possible to the rest of the code to avoid breaking other (untested) behavior. To do this, he describes a wide variety of refactoring techniques, some of which lead directly to better code, and some of which lead to much worse code in the short term but add seams where one can break code apart in a test harness and test it in isolation. The vast majority of these techniques involve using, and abusing, the object system of the language (including interfaces, subclassing, overrides, making methods and data public, and many other approaches), but he also covers techniques that work in C such as interposition or using the preprocessor. All of the C techniques he mentioned are ones that I've used in my own C code, and his analysis of pluses and drawbacks seemed largely accurate in each case, although he's far too willing to just throw a C++ compiler willy-nilly at a large C code base.

The parts of this book that are not focused on breaking up tangled code to allow for testing are focused on techniques for understanding that code. Feathers is a visual thinker, so a lot of his advice uses ways of drawing diagrams that try to capture dependencies, propagation of values, relationships between classes, possible refactorings, and other structural ideas of interest. I am not a very visual thinker when it comes to code structure, so I'm not the best person to critique this part of the book, but it seemed reasonable (and simple) to me.

Feathers mostly stops at getting code into a structure for which one can write unit tests, following his definition of legacy code as code without tests. Although he mentions integration testing a few times, he's also very focused on unit tests as the gold standard of testing, and is therefore extremely fond of fakes, mock classes, and other approaches to test classes in isolation. This goes hand-in-hand with a desire to make those unit tests extremely fast (and therefore extremely simple); Feathers's ideal would be tests that could run with each keystroke in an IDE and highlight test failures the way syntax failures are highlighted.

This is my largest point of disagreement with this book. I understand the appeal; when I started programming in a language that supported easy and flexible mocking (Python with the core mock module), it was a revelation. Those facilities, alongside interfaces and dependency injection which make it easy to substitute fakes inside unit tests, make it possible to test the logic of every class in isolation without setting up a more complex testing environment. But I've subsequently had a number of bad experiences with code that's comprehensively tested in this fashion, which has convinced me that it's more fragile than its advocates seem to acknowledge.

There are two, closely-related problems with this pure unit-testing approach: one starts testing the behavior of classes in isolation instead of the user-visible behavior of the application (which is what actually matters), and one starts encoding the internal structure of those classes in the test suite. The first problem, namely that each class can be correct to its specifications in isolation but the application as a whole could not work properly, can be caught by adding proper integration tests. The second problem is more insidious. One of the purposes of testing is to make refactoring and subsequent behavior changes easier and safer, but if every jot and tittle of the internal code structure is encoded in the test suite via all the mocks and fakes, a simple half hour of work refactoring the code as part of adding new functionality turns into hours of tedious work restructuring the tests to match. The result is to paradoxically discourage refactoring because of the painful changes then required to the tests, defeating one of the purposes of having tests.

Feathers, as is typical of books from the early days of agile, doesn't even mention this problem, and takes it as nearly a tautology that unit testing and mocking out of dependencies is desirable.

One of his repeated themes is finding a way to mock out database layers. I think this is the place where this book shows its age the most, since that discussion focuses removing the need for a managed test database, worries about colliding with other people's use of the same test database, and includes other comments that assume that a database is some external singleton outside of the development environment of the programmer. This already wasn't the case in 2004 when one could spin up a local instance of MySQL; now, with SQLite readily available for fast, temporary databases, it's trivial to write tests without mocking the storage layer (as long as one is careful about SQLite's lack of schema enforcement). For me, this tilts the balance even farther in favor of testing user-visible functionality across moderate-sized parts of the code base rather than isolated unit testing. I prefer to save the mocks and fakes for dependencies that are truly impossible to use in a test environment, such as external hardware or APIs that call out to services outside of the scope of the application.

I'm spending so much time on testing approaches because testing is the hidden core of this book. What Feathers primarily means by "working with" legacy code is testing legacy code, at least the part that you're changing. My dubiousness about his testing focus undermined some of his techniques for me, or at least made me wish for additional techniques that focused on testing integrated features. But, that caveat aside, this is a detailed look at how to untangle code and break dependencies, useful under any testing methodology. Feathers isn't afraid to get into the nitty-gritty and give specific examples and step-by-step instructions for ways to untangle code patterns safely in the absence of tests. Reading the whole book also provided me with a useful feel for the types of options I should be considering when tackling a messy bit of refactoring.

The audience for this book is people who already have a good understanding of object-oriented programming techniques, but are used to well-designed applications and want to expand their knowledge to some of the tricks one can use to unknot gnarly problems. It's nothing revolutionary, but if that describes you, it's a good resource.

Rating: 7 out of 10

Reviewed: 2019-04-06

Last spun 2022-02-06 from thread modified 2019-04-07