C TAP Harness 3.3

The primary purpose of this release is to merge work by D. Brashear on making it easier to show verbose test success and failure output. Now, if runtests is run with the -v option, or the C_TAP_VERBOSE environment variable is set, the full output of each test case will be printed. The output is currently pretty messy, and I hope to improve it in the future, but it's a start.

This release also supports compilation with Clang with all warnings enabled, and resolves all warnings shown by -Weverything (except the ones about padding, because that's not actually a useful warning). It includes new machinery to detect the compiler and switch warning flags. I will hopefully get a chance to go through my other projects and make them build cleanly with Clang, but it requires adding casts for any conversion from unsigned to signed or vice versa, so that may take a while.

You can get the latest version from the C TAP Harness distribution page.

Posted: 2015-04-26 17:32 — Why no comments?

Last spun 2022-02-06 from thread modified 2015-04-27