Back from vacation

I'm back from my yearly vacation on the Oregon coast, away from computers, work, cell phones, and all other distractions besides family. I'm feeling very rested and much recovered, am full of ideas on how to keep some of that vacation feeling going forward, and have read quite a few books.

The long vacation haul post is coming shortly; I have to power on my laptop first and upload the list. As usual, I found lots of good stuff in the excellent Lincoln City bookstores. I have a long backlog of reviews, so I'll probably post one per day until I'm caught up.

OpenAFS 1.4.0 Debian packages should be coming shortly, possibly tomorrow since I want to test a few other changes that I made in Subversion and make sure that I didn't break anything. Also on the immediate list to look at are catching up on responding to e-mail (I've read it all at this point), some news.groups work, libpam-krb5 Debian packages, and more cleanup of kerberos-config.

While I was on vacation, Marc finished my AM report, so now I'm just wanting for DAM approval to become an official Debian developer.

Posted: 2005-11-02 19:33 — Why no comments?

Last spun 2022-02-06 from thread modified 2013-01-04