Second Story Foyer - Titans HQ This room is possibly the epitome of beautiful art deco design, but we're not talking Miami Beach, baby. No neon lights for us. Instead what one finds is dark grey, straight-edged lines striking up horizontally at ninety degree angles, searching for the sun. What one finds is half-circles connecting line to line, what one finds is geometric designs in a protean world, what one finds is a sense of static motion, of _harmony_ found in movement. Geometry guides everything here. The carpet (triangles and squares), the lights (ascending circles), even the furniture (gently arching angles). To any side of you, vertical rectangular windows are seen, giving a beautiful view of downtown New York. Directly ahead of you is a narrow corridor with many doors, and to your right is a distinct black door. Bart Allen is walking slowly toward the stairs from his room, carrying something black and squelchy. Bart Allen looks up and grins. "Hiya, Ray." The Atom strolls out from the monitor room, heading towards the stairs. As he spots Bart he frowns slightly, and nods. "Hey Bart. Whatcha got there?" A gelatinous, schlorcky sound comes from behind Bart as he hides whatever he's holding behind his back. "Absolutely -nothing-." A writhing black tentacle begs to differ, and wraps itself around Bart's arm. The Atom raises an eyebrow in curiousity, then shrugs and says, "Well, your pets are your business, I guess. Just as long as it doesn't bother me." He shakes his head and asks, "You weren't planning on bringing that thing downstairs were you?" He hesitates at the top of the stairs, as if he's not sure if he want to go downstairs now. Bart Allen ers, and the tentacle schloooorps (which apparently tickles), and he drops what he's holding. Mmm...yeah. It's a squid, which probably isn't surprising at this point. It makes a delightfully disgusting wet splat as it hits the floor, and Bart winces. "Ah, no," he starts, "No. Really. Well, yeah. I need to put it in the sink while I change its water." The squid starts oozing across the floor, leaving a trail of ichor. Bart notices, and scoops the nasty li'l critter up again before it makes too much of a mess. The Atom makes a face, and stands there indecisive for a minute, thinking . o O (And I'll bet he doesn't wash the sink after... eeewwww!) He finally gives off an almost undetectable shudder, then says, "I see. Should I ask where you got... no no, I don't really want to know." He takes a step down the stairs and hesitates again. Bart Allen smiles winningly, "Its name is Gory...short for Lloigor Telemachus Jones Jr." He peers down at the squid, then back up at Ray. "And I promise to clean up afterwards. And I got it in Thailand." The Atom chuckles, as if Bart had read his mind, and then says, "Alright. Well, I suppose I can stand it, if you clean up after it. I just don't want to head down for a glass of water and get more than I bargained for." He takes another step down, and stops again. "How big is that thing supposed to get, anyways?" Bart Allen snickers, . o O () "Umm..." he blinks, looking down at Gory again, then back up at Atom. "Big." The Atom swallows slightly, thinking about that, then shrugs. "Like I said, your pets. Your business." He waves a hand as he continues on down the stairs, muttering about sea monsters and such. Kitchen - Titans HQ The kitchen is immaculate, and it would stay that way if it weren't for the occupants. Perfectly white tiled floors provide a pure feeling like spring water, and the large, thin windows open to the outside cast the room in a healthy, natural light. A large, professional-duty refrigerator is pushed against one side of the wall. Nearby it, a long brown counter sweeps from one corner to the other, covered by a number of off-white kitchen appliances and hangings. The center of the room is taken up by a large, brown wood table. Surrounding the table are heavy chairs, each of which matches both the table and the counter-top. In the center of the table, a large, dark jade Buddha rests, cheerfully, its jolly face a reminder of noble thoughts. Bart Allen schlopps the squid in the -big- sink (as opposed to the little one) and runs warm water into it. "Don't go exploring the drain, Gor," he warns, "Cuz I think there's a garbage-chewer-upper down there." Bart Allen rummages underneath the counter, looking for a big pot. The Atom looks over his shoulder, and then in front of him as the speedster arrives in the kitchen before him. Becoming used to such things now, he simply sighs and heads over to the refrigerator. Opening the door, he rummages around for a moment, then pulls out a gallon of milk and goes in search of a glass. *CLANK* *KLANG* The Atom looks over at Bart and asks, "Do you think you could make more noise down there?" He opens a cabinet and pulls out a glass. "I don't think the people in Times Square heard you yet." If yer lookin', all you see is that patent-pending pair of prominent peds, sticking out from under the counter. "Yay!" comes the young speed demon's voice from underneath, quickly followed by a much louder *KLAAAANGALANG* The Atom grits his teeth and reaches up to cover his ears, only to almost spill the milk on himself. It's just as well that he never removed the cap, as he sets the glass and gallon down on the counter and puts his palms over his ears, trying to clear out the ringing. He shakes his head and says, "Much better." This comes out dripping with sarcasm. Bart Allen bursts into laughter, down there. "Thanks." He disappears completely, then pokes his head out, grinning like a maniac. "Found a spaghetti pot that oughtta hold enough water to refill the Great Lakes." The Atom can't help but grin as he sees the look on Bart's face. He pours himself a glass of milk, and returns the gallon to the fridge. "Looks like it." He grabs the glass and turns to head off to his room. "Well, good luck with... uh, Gory." He thinks for a minute, then says, "I wonder... has Starfire met your new pet, Bart?" Bart Allen frowns, then shekaes his head. "I don't think so." The Atom smirks slightly, then says, "Did you think about how much Gory, and Kory sound alike?" He has an almost mischievous look on his face. Bart Allen shakes his head, a puzzled look on his face. "No, but they do. But what's that got to do with anything?" A lone tentacle slithers down the side of the counter, and a squiddy head peeks up over the edge. The Atom shakes his head, but continues grinning, as if considering a private joke in his own mind. "Nothing. Just thought I'd point that out." He tries his best to stop grinning and only partially succeeds. "Well, I think I'm going to hop in bed and watch a bit of TV. Good luck with Gory." He turns to leave. Bart Allen grins. "Thanks." He starts filling the pot, and poking his poor squid, which makes horrible squiddy sounds. The Atom heads out the doorway, heading towards the stairs. Devious thoughts cross his mind, as he heads towards his room.