The Hang-Out ~T~ Titans Island Open to the view of the sky outside, the sun or stars above will add to the light and atmosphere of this most unique of lounges. Follage of all kinds both native and alien natural beauty come together to fill this dome with life, as a living wilderness makes it's home here. The air is very fresh yet slightly humid and moist to help support and be supported by the plant life here, as even the occasional tree spreads out here or there, with a small brook winding through the soft fertile transplanted soil. Paths twists this way and that to lead around this large garden, all leading to the various entrances or exits here, as well as the raised central platform. In the middle of this miniture forest is a raised flat square area which is covered in an oriental style rug, with three large comfortable white sofa arranged around three of the four sides. Aside from the rectangular with a few magazines on it, there are also fours chairs spaced, facing the fourth side that the sofas do, where the entertainment center unit sits. The stereo is normally always active, playing some tune quietly. Quiet. Placid. DULL. Its been a rather tedious day across much of the country and for most of the folks who both reside in this building or visit on a regular basis its more than a touch of relief and relaxation. Especially with events that have occured recently. The apocalypse is still fresh in most minds. Jesse is still trying to figure out how she ended up living in a house with three males.. all of them with the teenage mind set if not in age. It could have been worse she figures. Sandy and Jack could move in there too. The blond drops back onto the sofa taking a respite in peace and quiet. She wrinkles her nose and stretches herself as far as she can taking a goofy moment of relaxation. Tip toe. Tip Toe. Okay, wait for it...wait for it? Donna Troy pauses at the entryway from the living quarters to the Hang Out area. Her eyes go back down the hallway toward her own rooms, and then after a moment...she relaxes. Apparently Robert did go down for his nap. She smiles in relief and walks further into the garden room. Well, while her young son sleeps, that leaves her free to check up on -- "Jesse?" She blinks once as she notes the blonde stretched out and apparently comfortable, then she smiles. "I didn't expect to see you lounging today, too." Really, she didn't know the woman was at the Tower, let alone taking some time away from her company. "Have you been here long today?" Unfortunately for Jesse, the absolute peace - and then the somewhat peace - don't last very long. It's not like the long-suffering blonde's had so horribly much to deal with, as Bart and Kon generally keep to themselves, and Wally's been out a lot, but hey - if that's a hell of adolescent noise to her, so be it. The TMSers have decided it might be a good idea to try and seek out the help of the Titans - and their resources, good standing, and contacts (since none of them were, you know, Horsemen) - in curing Kon-El's amnesia. The roster, luckily for Bart, is fairly limited today: Cassie's taken a leave of absence, Robin's unavailable due to parental concerns, and Dolphin's made herself quite scarce after the near-apocalypse. So it only remains for Bart to bring three people - two of whom weigh, like, almost nothing anyway. Or nothing. The young speedster zips instantly through the defensive systems of the Tower, first depositing Arrowette in the rec room, then seconds later (and still wordlessly) Kon-El. Then he disappears again, but isn't instantly back - either he's coaxing Secret to join them, or he's having difficulties transporting her due to her tendency to dissipate in high winds. Another trip with Bart and another amazing feat of willpower by Kon-El. He didn't spew all over Bart's back yet again. As he's placed on the ground in the Tower, he looks to the speedy boy, still a little green. It's the sudden movement, even if it doesn't last all that long, that really gets his tummy in a tumbler. "Thanks," he mutters to the kid before looking away, eyes lingering on Arrowette. It's funny because he knows it's that girl who came to see him in Quebec and in Metropolis, Cissie he thinks her name is, but, at the same time, it's not. Damn disguises. Folding his arms across his chest, the hair on his head blows lightly as the wind from Bart's departure creates a small vacuum where the boy was, but then it all falls back into place perfectly. Must be his unknown superpower. Staggering slightly as she's deposited into the room, the young Arrowette catches her balance quickly before pausing to straighten herself out after the high velocity trip. Being that it has become the team's exclusive means of transportation, she's starting to get used to it ... almost. But somehow, she still hasn't got the timing right between Bart's 1 second 'hold your breath' warning and actually starting to move faster than any normal human was meant to. At least she's recovering faster than Kon-El, but then he doesn't have his powers anymore to protect him. Fully clothed in her uniform, she looks anything but casual at the moment. But then only the TMSers really see her in a 'casual' setting and besides, she can't really take her mask off anyway so she might as well just wear the whole darn thing. Removing the quiver and compound bow from her back, she sets it aside and glances at the former Superboy a moment, as if needing to solidify a few thoughts in her head. The blond holds up her hand and shows five fingers, "Five minutes. Five of the most blissful quiet minutes of my life." Jesse leans up and shifts to wrap her arms about her legs. She squares her shoulders a bit as she pulls herself together. However the wind, speedforce and the recent arrivals .. its not the noise. Its them. As much as she likes them all.. being a girl with three guys makes her feel sometimes at a bit of a loss. After all she's still getting used to beng there. "How're you doing Donna? Son alright?" She glances at the two who are standing about, "You two alright? He did at least warn you didn't he...?" Donna smiles and inclines her head a bit. "I can certainly understand that." And trust her, she really can these days. But even with the circumstances, its really some of the best of her life. "I was just going to go catch up on some busy work for a half hour myself." No need to move, she's just passing through and shall happily leave the busy woman to her peaceful revere. But she does smile at the question, but its a waneful one. "Considering? He's doing well." Considering one day he's father is there, alive, and taking care of him...and the next...? "Faye has really been doing great with him, I hope...well, it will just take some time." And that, she is more than willing to abide and give. Then the sweep of others come into the room. She blinks. The blur, the wind, Wally? But then she looks noting Arrowette and Kon, and she smiles a bit at the two. No, this would indicate another speedster at work, would it not. She inclines her head to both, her expression arm though she let's Jesse toss the questions right now. Aaaaand, there's the last of them - Bart deposits Secret next to Kon and Cissie, briefly checking to make sure she's intact, for the most part, then brushing himself off. He stuffs his hands in his pockets - hell no, he's not in costume: no secret identity, it's true, but a costume attracts a lot more attention than a suit and tie. And it doesn't matter either way when you're running - no one can see you. Looking apologetic, he lowers his head slightly in greeting. "Donna, Jesse - sorry for intruding. We were hoping maybe the Titans could help us out, or at least direct us toward someone who could." He pauses - his tone has been nothing but easygoing and humble, with no trace of the resentment or unwillingness he'd normally show at asking the Titans as a team for help - then turns to the Kid. "Superboy, you want to explain, or you want me to?" With a small smile to Jesse, Kon-El nods very slightly. "I'm fine. And he did." Not that it helps that much. It's like going over a dip in the road. Even though you know it's coming, you still get that funny feeling in your stomach when it does. Drawing his arms tighter across his chest, he blinks as there's Bart once more. Looking over to the little guy, then back at the ladies, he listens while Imp does his little greeting, and appologises. Heh. And here Kon thought that they were coming fully announced. Silly him. Still looking at Jesse and Donna (and who wouldn't, mrow), he almost misses when Bart speaks to him, especially since the other said Superboy. With a blink, after a few silent moments, he looks to Bart, realising that hey, *he* is supposed to be this Superboy. "Um.. No.. Go ahead..." The brown mist that composes Secret swirls about more then normal for a moment after Bart puts her down. A bit of concentration later and everything is in place or as much so as mist and smoke can be. As she listens to Superboy tell Bart to tell the Titans what's going on, Secret glances about the room never having been here floating upwards a bit to get a better look. With a slight sigh, Arrowette places her hands on her hips and watches the whole scene unfold with no small bit of impatience. Rotating her gaze around at everyone in the room, it comes to rest on Kon-El again. There's no time for this, he's been without his memory for too long. "He lost his memory. Do you guys still have that Dr. Frankenstein machine? Maybe we can strap him into it and crank it up. A few million joules of energy should jog the old braincells," she states in the most matter-of-fact way possible. There's no way for the Kid to know she's lying or being sarcastic, though everyone else will undoubtedly understand. In a way, maybe she blames him for losing his memory and is somehow exacting her revenge. A little green rabbit, bipedal and dressed in an emerald vest, comes running on by. "I'm late! I'm late!" it seems to proclaim with every few steps, giving a slight jump as it does so. Upon seeing any of the gathered conglomeration, it pauses, checks its jade-hued pocket watch and soundly clarifies, "I'm late!" before scurrying off again. Right on the green, puffy tail of said hopping herbavore comes the emerald ribbon of a flying Green Lantern. "Hi all," he says with a quick wave, then pauses and hovers momentarily in mid-air. "Wow, large gathering today," he mutters at first, then jokes louder, "new issue of the Watchtower get handed out and I'm the last to know?" He doesn't have a lot of time, though, and silently slips through the air to hover near Donna, likely foregoing any greetings to those present. Grinning from ear to ear, eager and excited about something, for sure, but hurried all the same, he says, "Hey lady. a plane to catch, so I really am pressed for time, otherwise I'd love to chat. But I need the key to your studio, Donna. I left part of my portfolio and I need it for this meeting." Oddly enough left in the wake of the bunny is a ball of energy the same size and hrm. Just about the same color. One might think that Kyle is up to something. Still. However the size grows and whirls and crackles and energizes. Its a bit loud. Filling a corner of the room the portal has taken a sinister cast. Then from with in that vortex of energy comes the sound of mechanics whrrrring and five rather massive robots emerge. They raise their arms and before another second passes they have shifted into what would amount to a BFG 9000. "We have come for the one called John Fox.." Heh.. guess they don't know he's dead. Jesse had been about to say something. Something. However all words are now gone as the guests to the tower have arrived. This is NOT GOOD. Giant Metal Robots. The Tower. Bart. Powerless Kon. John Fox? She doesn't even get a moment to breath other than start uttering, "3X2(9YZ)4A.." Donna nods as she listens to the requests regarding Kon. Her eyes slip toward Bart a moment, but then quickly move on to Kon where they remain as she looks the teenager over. He doesn't remember it. Any of it. She takes a deep breath. Maybe it would be a kindness if only he hadn't forgotten everything. "I...well...." She looks to Arrowette and wonders for a moment. Frankenstein machine...okay. Well, it seems there are more than a few rifts that need to be healed here. And its about then that a spastic rabbit comes bounding through the area. Donna smiles in half-amusement and then looks up and around in the direction the rabbit came from as it can only mean one thing. "Green Lantern," she smiles for the benefit of his secret identity. Afterall, at least someone here seems to have a few ideas on it that are patently false. Alas. "A meeting? Okay -- " She thinks a moment and then starts to turn back toward the living quarters. "Its just back in my room, it'll take me just a mo -- " But then she stops, her eyes falling toward the rabbit again. She looks to Kyle, the arching of an eyebrow asking her question even as she does,"Did you...?" But then as she sees what comes through, she automatically jumps back into a defensive position. "John Fox...?" Who could these people be asking for John? Looking a little - all right, very...fine! Outright wincing at Lantern's arrival (he probably doesn't know that that guy that got on his nerves that he killed on his way through New Jersey was, um, well...a very important person to two of the people in this building, or he wouldn't've come in the first place), Bart takes a step backwards. First he hopes Lantern doesn't notice his presence, then he decides to do the 'right' thing. "Uh...GL...look, I'm sorry about...I didn't mean to, um...well, I guess I did at the time...I'm sorry about your secret identity." Oh god, then with the robots. Yeah, he remembers those, too. Bart has no problems with his memory. He also remembers what he did to that future Flash. Stepping forward at the same time as Jesse's going into action, he raises his voice. "John Fox is dead." A beat. "I killed him." Kon-El blinks in surprise and looks at Cissie with wide eyes. Frankenstien... Hook him up... Yeah... Some friends... Taking a step back from Bart and Cissie both, as well as the two women, his eyes flick back and forth between the four, only leaving the small group when the bunny hippity-hops its way along. .oO(They're all insane...)Oo. Yes, it's taken him this long to figure this out. He should've stayed in Lois' apartment. Not knowing who this fifth person is, or sixth counting Secret, Kon continues to back up slowly, until the ... whatchamathingy comes in, too. .oO(Oh this is just *perfect*.)Oo. A quick look to his left shows the kid that he's so very very clost to one of the couches, and he decides that discretion is the better part of valour as he jumps to the side, hiding, yes hiding, behing the white piece of furniture. You guys are heroes, dammit! Heroify your way out of this! A few is an understatement. Cissie practically poured her heart out to Superboy in an attempt to bring him back from the brink and stop him from doing something she knew he'd regret. Convenient that he doesn't remember a single word of it now. She only wishes he'd stop acting like . . . a normal person. Maybe Superboy deserves a normal life for once, but not like this. It's right about then that Green Lantern makes his entrance, followed by the flashy entrance of the robots, and Bart's confession. Overwhelmed by it all, the young Arrowette releases a soft sigh of frustration and walks over to her bow and quiver, though she doesn't pick them up. Instead, she collapses to the floor beside them. The lines have blurred entirely too much lately. Her best friend Cassie, possessed of the single most unshakeably firm belief in the goodness of heroes, is now on an indefinate vacation because she's disillusioned. Bart has been acting more and more like the complete opposite of himself every day. Superboy doesn't even /remember/ her. And only god knows what happened between Dinah and Ollie. What a wonderful mess. Whatever happened to the days when the line between hero and villain was so much clearer? Pulling her knees in close to her chest, she just sits there and watches, silently hugging her legs. The massive robots stare unblinking at the people as they do things and take poses. The energy about the weapons starts to crackle and the weapons begin to power up. "Do not interfere with a police matter. John Fox. We have no records of his death. He was last seen entering into this era." Leave it to records keeping being just as bad in the future. "We can still sense his temoral radiation through out the building." The robots aims towards Bart, "Perjury. Guilty." It fires towards the grand son of Barry Allen while the other four robots begin to focuse their weapons on the other heros. "In your room?" the Emerald Warrior asks, then nods. His attention is immediately diverted to Bart, however, and his stream of apologies. Behind his crab-mask, Green Lantern actually scowls for a second. "Wha-...oh! Right, yeah, Bart...I'm not Clark Kent. I'm n-..." And that's when the robots arrive. "What the hell?" he mutters as his green and black clad form pivots in mid-air. "John Fox?" and there's another quick glance to Bart, then back to the robots, "Entering this era? Police?" Its taking his "heroic" mind a moment or two to kick into gear, but then the bots begin firing. "Lookout folks," he shouts, willing forth a quick, emerald energy, castle wall, comlete with arrow slits, sans defenders, but one that extends a good ten to fifteen meters in length, hopefully enough to protect those present, "Lucas rejects!" Then its a quick glance to Donna. Hopefully someone knows what's happening, "Looks like the cops are no different in the future! Someone mind explaining all this to me?!" Afraid? Yes. Kon-El is afraid. He is also inquisitive. Poking his head up over the back of the couch, he watches as the robot fires at Bart, and he winces. "That's gonna leave a mark..." Just before he pulls his head back down, though, they turn toward the others, and his eyes get big once more, then, in an act that surprises even himself, the kid is pushing himself to his feet and running from, not away, but *into* the fray, toward Arrowette. Hopefully before the machine can fire, he will be there, a foot or so beside her, and jumping, leaping to push her out of the way. Who needs powers to be who you really are? Of course, all the sudden movement could cause them to fire, but then, since when has Kon ever shown too much concern for stuff like that? Three bots fire towards the green wall. Remarkable how strong the Lantern Energy can be. However the weapons are strong too. They blast into the wall and leave marks causing some cracks in the castle. Another bot fires towards Kon and Cissie, however his sudden shift to aim at them makes him miss making debris fly out towards them. The big bots move forward. Jesse is there however as quick as the debris is flying towards the two. She catches piece after piece after piece trying to keep the two weakest safe. The blond tries to yell out, "Bart.. take'm apart..." Hopefully he heard her. As she's pushed, the young Arrowette manages to dodge the sudden spray of weapons fire, but unfortunately for her she falls backwards straight into a solid object. Or more accurately into the solid table, making an uncomfortable *whud* sound as it hits. The shock of seeing Kon-El run to risk his life and the remote possibility that he may have regained his memory caused enough hesitation in her reaction to prevent her recovery, and thusly she passes out onto the floor rather unceremoniously. Ironic, that she brought her weapons and dressed in full uniform but will not get the chance to use them. Donna blinks and looks up at Kyle and then shakes her head slightly. "John Fox was a refugee from the future. Very long story while you were away. But he was apparently being hunted in his future." As the robots seem to indicate. And then everything seems to be happening at once as they so very much tend to with such battles. Cissie, Kon...and then the green wall seems to be close to being breeched. Jesse is already moving into action and Donna flies over the battlements to level her gods' given strength at one of the unfortunates, doing her best to try and dismember it as she doesn't so much dodge the gunfire as use her bracers to try and deflect it in her charge. Perjury my ass - don't these robots know that most of the world records were lost in World War Four? That's definitely before their - and John Fox's - times. Bart scowls, vibrating instantly in reaction to their violent declarations, letting the bolts pass harmlessly through him to scorch the wall behind. "If you want a body, I can bring you to his grave," explains the teenager calmly. "Because he really is dead. Any temporal disturbances in this building would be because of you - or because of me. Are you going to stop and leave quietly, or are we..." he starts speeding up insanely here, both in action and in speech - matching the movements of the robots, "...going-to-have-to-get-nasty?" This asked, and considering the generously granted second quite long enough for them to deliberate, the young Allen begins attacking the robots in the method suggested by Jesse: trying to take them apart. Donna go up swinging. Bot goes Down. Under her Ministrations the bot is torn apart much like wet tissue paper. Note to the makers of said bots. Better Alloys should be researched. As Bart takes on his robot it learns about how a speedster doesn't really need a high speed torque wrench to pull part high tech machinery. The other three bots just continue to launch volley after Volley into Kyle's wall. Looking down at the out of it Arrowette, Kon-El quickly checks for a pulse, and to make sure she wasn't hurt before he got to her. Of course that means that he hurt her, but details... Once he makes sure that she is, indeed, alive, Kon slowly starts to stand when he blinks. Looking at her, images flash before his mind's eye. Something that he's seen before, but hasn't at the same time. This scene played out before, somewhere, or something like it. When he was him, but not who he thinks he is. Or rather, when he was who he's forgotten to be. Slowly he reaches out to take her hand, just as some piece of debris that poor Jesse missed hits the archer on the head... and crumbles. It doesn't hurt her. She's protected. By Kon-El.. by Superboy's aura. With a small grin, and a silent thanks to Cissie, the boy squeezes her hand before standing up straight and looking over his shoulder at the robots behind him. Time to play. Everything is moving fast, but Green Lantern does his level best to retain the brief Donna is able to afford. Nodding, he remains hover-crouched behind the cover of his crumbling wall, his body now encased in a protective nimbus of green. "Refugee? Hunted?" come his only reply as she takes to the sky and joins the conflict, his emerald form following not far behind the soaring Titan. As the Emerald Warrior rises above his protective wall (and the battlement fades almost instantaneously), he directs two emerald energy constructs to two neighboring bots. One gets a whirling razor disk, looking like a rather large, jade metal-saw, easily the size of a manhole cover; the other, a giant, green hand (about the size of a VW bug), the flicking forefinger restrained by the thumb. "I don't know what you guys do for fun on Cybertron, but here we don't go around crashing Titan get-togethers without good reason. And hunting down dead guys just doesn't rank that high with me." His form zips and dodges through the air, trailing his ribbon of green, while his attention primarily focused on the one he couldn't directly attack just yet, while the hopes are that the disk and mighty forefinger of doom can do their duties. Kyle's robots take on their two. Its like a scene from the movie Robot Jox. Only the acting is better. So its more like an episode of transformers. The unoccupied robot fires his weapon into the grouping no longer quite exactly paying attention to where he's aiming. All of them are targets. They are interfering with their sworn duty. They must know where Fox is. "Halt in the name of the law.." His firing is becoming more and more erratic. Jesse finishes her debris catching duties as she suddenly realizes..Kon's standing up, "Kon.. get DOWN.." The blond moves to push him down next to Arrowette as energy from the weapon comes dangerously near. Donna let's the robot she is attacking fall from mind even as his pieces scatter to the wind and she goes toward one of the remaining three even as Kyle's constructs take care of two of them behind her. She doesn't even stop to negoiate as that has been done and ignored. And she's not about to let some misprogrammed hunk of junk hurt one of her friends just because they're on a defunct mission and can't keep their records straight. And so, her strength is directed at leveling it before it levels anything else in the area. "... I was here a moment ago. Sorry it took me so long to get back, but I had to pick up something." That would be the voice of one person alone, that being of Wally West. No, not the Flash, as he's not here in costume, as he hasn't taken the time to put that on yet. See, there's a reason for it. If he's in costume he'll be all that easier to identify, as the guy that these things trapped before. But in his hands he holds a silver bracelet, something that the other speedsters in the room might notice and recognize. Hopefully the robots will as well. "Looks like you guys have been handling things just *fine* without me. Sheesh, without me you guys would fall to pieces..." See, Wally jests in a time liek this for a reason, because if he can get some snappy remarks back then it might focus some folks, help with morale... especially against these kill-joys. "They threatened death, or have I missed that part yet?" "Wally..!" blinks Bart, finally letting himself grin. It'll - well, no, it'll never really be okay. But it'll be a little closer to okay now, for the moment. He's busy at work disassembling the robots into their tiniest components, separating piece from piece, even if they look like they shouldn't come apart. All this in a suit and tie. Some folks can just -do- it, ladies and gents. He hasn't noticed Kon's newly heroic behavior yet, perceptions strained through a coffee-stirrer to 'extremely high speed' right now. The two robots are still managing to hold their own against Kyle's duo. The whrring of servos can be heard as they struggle against each other. The remaining robot raises its weapon to fire at the oncoming Ms. Troy. A blast of energy easily seen charging in its chamber. And all Bart's hard work is paying off. Though at the very center of the bot, something still glows and pulses with what could be considered a life of its own. Energy ripples along the service of the mechanical heart of the bots. "Watch her," Superboy tells Jesse, not looking at the woman, and pointing to Arrowette. Without another word to the g-string totin' Titan, the Kid is in the air, going up and to his left, trying to draw fire away from the two women he just left. With a quick shift in his momentum, he heads between two of the robots that are firing at Kyle and Donna, staying just ahead of the attacks, if they turn on him, trying to pull it off of the two so that they can have a bit of a breather. His plan is simply to allow them to continue to fire, and, possibly, destroy themselves as they try to destroy him. Silly bots. Of course, if one or more of them is destroyed, or ignores him, he'll come in on the closest and reach for it, just trying to get his hand on it long enough for his tactile TK field to make it go poof and explode. Damn warranty expired a few years too soon. It's always the best times that Jack decides to show that JSA wedding when he arrived just in time to catch the garter. Of course, he'd rather forget that and the ugly third cousin from a broken trailer home that caught the bouqet. Anyway, he arrives just in time to dodge the flying debris of robot parts and terrain. Eyeing the scene from above, and the arrival of Mr. Swift-Feet and his spandex clad butt, Jack fires a strafe of cosmic energy at one of Donna's dancing partners and says, "hey babes, miss me?" While its bot against emerald bot, the Emerald Warrior takes a higher aerial position. "Wally! Jack!" he calls out to the new arrivals and offering a quick wave as he cork-screw dodges around one wild blast, "These Cyclons are really bad on the garden. Not to mention the whole robotic minion routine. And yeah, you missed the whole 'do not interefere' speech...but I've got it recorded on the ring!" Oh rapture, oh joy. Oh boy, that third, wildly firing bot is really getting on his nerves, and with a grimace the Green Lantern wills another emerald energy creation into being (being his third separate creation, and thus requiring more focus); a giant, green, old-style, hand-pushed lawn-mower. Said mower appears behind that bot, its blades looming closer, hopefully to simply mow the problem flat. An arm is removed from mister erratic fire thanks to Starman and his rod. Pity its not the weapon arm. Its still sending energy all over the place. Nightwing is going to be thrilled when he sees the damage. As Green Lantern's giant bladed mower of doom rolls towards the bot it fires a shot towards the weedwacker and then turns to rush towards ring boy. Kon's plan works.. the two robots were distracted by his fly bye they don't shoot each other however. The two emerald gundams they were fighting finally manage to get a hold of them and they begin the tear down work. Jesse scoops up Arrowette and wisks out of the room for the moment stowing the girl behind a wall. She is back in nanoseconds and grins as she spots Wally and the silver bracelet, "Good call." "Sorry, GL, no need for the playback, see, I've run into these things before. Well, not literally *run into* these things, but across them, around them. You guys get the idea. Anyway, I'll explain what I'm about to say, but know I mean it. I'm sorry guys." Wally is then in motion, not wasting much more time than he needs. He speeds, to bat a weapon aside or the like, not wanting one of his teammates or friends to get zapped. "See, these things kind of are here because of me, know of this time and place because of me. And the speedsters. That thing where I went mising and John Fox was in my place? That. Anyway, John came back to this time using this," he holds up the bracelet, touching the buttons on the side. "Time travel device. And now when i open a portal to the Force's time, we can shove them back through...." Coming to a stop, Wally looks left, looks right, and then seems to size up his placement. There, perfectly in the middle of the space. "it's no Boom Tube, but well, prepare to look through the looking glass guys..." And with that he depresses the activation button, having just fiddled with the coordinates. Think fast, Troia. But then Donna blinks as the energy blast is an only too familiar one. "Jack...?" And indeed, the following quip can only been the rebellious Mr. Knight, but...okay, Robot still not out of commission and she decides to take a different angle of attack rather than trying to dodge a full on blast. She has no idea what a fully charged shot can do and no desire to see so. She knows from experience there's only so much energy one can deflect at any one time after all. And then the arrival of the speedster to deflect the weapon aside has Donna retreating back a step or two to try and figure out what exactly is going on now, and Wally's current strategy. And even as she remains at the ready, so does she look to see the results of the bracelet activation.... Kudos to Wally for opening up that sweet, sweet time portal and sending the rest of the botniks through - and wait, what? flying?! A sunny grin flashes over Bart's face as he realizes the implications of this, but he doesn't stop what he's doing. He goes right for that glowing robot heart and starts picking it apart like he's a starving kid and it's a chickadee carcass. Oh, that was unpleasant... The portal opens in a much more elegant fashion than the previous great jolt of green that looked something like Surge combined with antifreeze. Instead a cool blue whirling glow emerges. Bits of bot are sucked into its great maw. Bart's work on the core is pulled from him, the sickening green glow doesn't go into it however. It connects to an edge of energy. The pair twist and whirl.. and suddenly it all goes wrong. The vortex gains in speed and strength. People aren't sucked into the energy. They are simply engulfed as the whirling mass of light and sound. There are others in the whirlwind with them. Mirrors into the past? Mirrors into the future. When the energy disappears into itself, they are still there. Only they aren't. Those who were the future, now really are the future. And those who were the present, now find themselves in their past, while their past is in their future. Confusing isn't it. Somewhere however.. someone is getting called an idiot, cause maybe that wasn't such a good call afterall. "Okay, I was under the impression that the robots were always the good guys, unless they fell under the control of the mad scientist guy, whom I can safely say does not appear to be present. Or maybe I've just watched too many episodes of Lost in Space. Who cares..." Jack says, but his speech about olden values and vintage television classics is cut odd....rather rudely he might this sudden wash of energy, and when it disappears, the young Jackie Knight has to wonder what the heck is going on. Energy weapons. Always energy weapons. Do the badguys read the Kid's file and say 'Look! He's vulnerable to energy weapons! Were did I put my laser rifle?'? Rising upward, after passing between the two robots, Kon gives Bart a thumb's up sigh before turning back to the mechanical masters of mayhem. How best to get them into the portal... Oh! Kon knows! With a quick backflip in the air, he's headed downward again, toward the floor, and as soon as he touches it, a small shockwave from his TK is sent along, aiming to explode (just a little, he promises) between him and the machines, the force of the explosion hopefully enough to push them through the portal... But then, there is no need for that... With a thud, a man, not a boy hits the ground, hard, though no sound comes from him as he does. Turning a dark-haired head, Kon-El looks up at his surroundings, confusion etched on his face. As he presses a gloved hand to the floor, the clone stands, dusting off his chest as the cloak behind him billows slightly behind him. "Cripes..." Where there was a Green Lantern, there is now a young, dark-haired kid, hovering in mid-air. Except, as the kid's look of shock might indicate, flying isn't something he does naturally, and his eyes go impossibly wide while his arms and legs bicycle frantically and uselessly before he falls, like a fish out of water...or a bird with clipped the ground. *thud* "OOF!" The mop of black hair lifts his head, his green eyes blinking, and still wide, a look of utter confusion etched on his face. This isn't the arcade...this isn't Kansas, either. In fact...just where in the heck is this?! Oh, hey...isn't that...ohmygod! "Wonder Girl?" The Flash seems to have appeared on the other side of the room, somehow. Must be that superspeed. Yeah, baby, yeah. But wait - why's he look so disoriented, then? Why's he scratching his head - and more importantly, why's he in costume? He wasn't, a second ago. His eyes alight first on the adult Kon-El over in the corner, and he looks relieved. Well, there's something that's all right. Then he spots Kid Flash, and the bottom half of his face goes white - this can't be right - and then he sees where he is. "This is impossible...I...this was real...?" Looking around more, now, he sees who else is here, and he very slowly, very pointedly facepalms. Brown hair. Yes, that's right, brown hair. And you know what that means. "Holy Moley! What just happened...??" That would be *Kid* Flash asking the question, as he now stands there in the center of things. Sure, he's the feastest kid on two feet, but he always seems to take a moment to catch up with what's going on, almost as if he is the vechile for some unseen reader or witness to the events, so that they might learn it as he asks about it. Looking around, and then down the the jagged remains of something in his hands, Wally ties to piece together where he just was and where he is now. Where's Dick? Roy? Heck, even Garth? There's Donna, *thankfully*. "Ah, Superman... why do you look different?" That's said to Kon, as Kid Flash looks around to one and all. Who's the kid with black hair that asks for Wonder Girl? What kind of boy is it that asks for the girl over a cool, young, hip super hero like Kid Flash? And then Wally's eyes turn to the man he revers most. "Bar-... Flash, what's going on?" Wonder Girl looks around in total confusion. What just happened? "Great Hera...." Sapphire eyes blink around her as she takes in the people there, retreating from the crowd at large until her eyes alight upon Kid Flash, to whom's side she goes immediately, both out of habit and out of strategic need at the moment as the situation is so unclear. "Kid Flash...where are we? How did we get here...?" And more importantly, where are the others? And again, her sapphire eyes scan and blink as one of the people present seem to know her...or at least, know of her. But he doesn't look at all familiar. There is a yelp of startled surprise as someone else lands rather hard. Only this one falls in a mass of blond hair and plaid. She scrambles up over the couch and blinks in horror. There standing before the lot of you is a girl in her school uniform. "WhereAmI?Where'sMyDad?What'sHappened?WhatAmIDoingHere?" No not superspeed, just teen girl phonespeed. Jesse Belle Chambers nearly does a double take as she realizes.. not one speedster... he looks sort of Flash like.. and then there is Kid Flash. The blond simply shakes her head trying to figure out if she dozed off during her trig homework. She pinches herself hard. "CanSomeoneLikePointMeToAPhone?" Kon-El looks to Bart and arches an eyebrow. Okay, this is totally messed the hell up. Running his hand back through his hair, his eyes fall on everyone in turn, then back to Wally. "Trying a new look," he tells the boy, hoping to fake the part of Superman, for now, in hopes of keeping everyone else calm. "Why don't you go look after the others?" He doesn't even know what to call the young man before him, since, well, it's definately not Bart, and he has no idea who else it could be. But based on what the others look like, he's beginning to get an idea. "If you'll excuse me," he adds, slipping around Wally and heading toward Bart, that look of 'what the hell just happened here?' on his face. He was in the arcade...Wonder Girl up on his wall...but here...where ever here isn't the arcade, although that flash of light looks like something out of a game...and Wonder Girl is...well...not on his wall. And there's Flash...and Kid Flash...and Superman...and Wonder Girl...mmmmm...Wonder Girl. Dreamy. Drugs? Nope, Kyle doesn't do them. A dream? Maybe, but the school part was pretty boring and realistic. Quickly, as a classic test, he pinches himself. "Ow!" Nope. Not dreaming. And thus, currently, it all proves to simply be too much for the kid; his eyes roll back, showing whites, and he goes face-first into the floor. Out like a light. Oh sh**! His dad is gonna kill him. Jackie's not supposed to be playing with the cosmic rod...hell, he knows better. But it was just so much fun to shoot David in the ass with, watching him jump to high heaven after a cosmic powered raspberry. Jack laughs to himself then realizes that something is amiss. Who are all these silly freaks in spandex? Circus performers? "Yo, yo...did you all forget to hang up your tutus when you left the dance studio, or are your mama's still dressing ya?" Wonder Girl blinks at the blond girl that seems to come from nowhere as well. She just gives Kid Flash a look, and then looks up at the adults that are there...Superman? Funny, he looks a little...different. Somehow. But then she leaves Wally to consult with Barry, maybe he'll know what's going on. And did that poor dark-haired boy just faint? The Teen Titans were formed to help people, and Superman said to... so help Wonder Girl does as she rushes up to the poor teenager and checks to make sure he's okay, a look of confusion on her face. Something is definitely going on here. She looks up then,"I think he's okay. He just...passed out for some reason." And then she looks up and over at the guy in the dew he for real? "Hardly," she scoffs in his direction. Must guys be so obnoxious sometimes? Thinking fast is a specialty of the man in the red union suit - which is a good thing. He's pieced it together from what little he remembers of what he thought was just another one of his time-travels -- or at least a little bit of it. At least he knows where he is. Answering questions in the order in which they're posed to him, the Flash looks first to Wally, and Donna beside him. "What's going on? It looks like..." It looks like there're quite a few familiar - if extremely young - faces here, and they're all (or were all) Titans. "It looks like there was some sort of temporal derailment, Kid Flash. Other than that, we'll have to find out, won't we?" Then he looks to Kon-El and sort of half-grimaces. "I have a vague idea, but you're probably not going to like it. Take a look around - where are we? Do you recognise it?" "Titan Tower," Kon answers without hesitation. Looking over his shoulder at the kids, his brow furrows. "We need to find out what caused this... You take a look around... I'm going to head ... north... See what I can find out..." A quick flight to the Fortress and perhaps Superman can find out something about a temporal... whatchamathingy. "They'll be alright here, right? I mean, two of them are Teen Titans. They should be able to keep the others in check. At least long enough for us to scout and get back..." Turning back to Bart, he grins a touch. "Sound like a plan?" Looking around, Wally tries to get this all focused in his mind. It's not making sense, really, any of it, and really, he wants to know where he is. "Looks... ah, well, good. At least it's not something silly like white and blue. Or red and white. Nice. Hip." Kid Flash smiles a little to Superman, glad to have the Big S here. That means things will Be Made right. But he's even *more* calmed by the fact that *Barry* is here, and that *Barry* is talking to him. Gawd, it's good to hear that voice again. "Ah, I'm not sure... it looks... like a starship, or something from Star trek at least. All the metal and such..." To his mind it's modern. Futuristic. "Let me take a quick look around and... well, I'll be right back." There's someone else Wally wants to check on. But before he dashes off he stops, dead in his tracks as he eyes the leggy blonde. . o O (Wow! She's *cute*) "Phone? Well, I don't know where there is one, but I'll be glad to look for one for you, miss. Name's Kid Flash. Need me, just yell out my name. Anytime." He winks to the girl and before he can stare at her for *too* long, he's gone in an eyeblink. And while he's off, zooming through the halls at incredible speeds almost equal that to the speed of sound (!!!), Kid Flash attmepts to figure out where he is. On the surface he realizes it's New York. And it's a bit of a run to Gotham, but... he needs to zip there to pick up someone else leggy. Well, someone who shows off a lot of leg in his costume. So, as Kid Flash darts back, coming to a stop, he's piggybacking someone who can maybe help to figure this out. His best friend, the Boy Detective. "Something's definately wrong, Flash. Clock Master or someone is messing with all the clocks in the world, and the calenders too. Maybe Abra's working with him." Jesse Belle grabs onto one of her pig tails and just twists it around one of her hands as she waits. Jeeeeeeeeez. This is one of those not in Kansas moments. Only in this case...Not in Philly. As she gets her answer from Kid Flash, she sighs and releases her hair. She blushes suddenly at the wink, "Uh yeah um like thanks." With only the overdramatic upset that a teenage girl can muster Jesse moves her way across the room. She's upset. She's scared. She doesn't know any of these heroes. She knows of them of course. But not any of them are JSA members. That Flash, is not her Flash. Uncle Jay would maybe have an idea. Dad for sure would. Dad's like a supergenius. He understand the formula'n'junk. The other kids she has no idea who they are.. though.. that nonfainted kid.. sort of looks like someone she should know. Nah.. probably no one. She huffs and places her hand against a sofa. Well she meant to place it and lean, instead.. the sofa goes flying as someone (She did it!) accidently gives it a bit of a supershove. As she watches it go she whispers, "Oh... NO." The Flash nods to Kon-El, "Sounds like a fabulous plan. I'm actually - I'm gonna head out and see if I can find Cassie and Tim, see if they're here or if they're -here-, you know? Good luck." Clapping his friend on the shoulder as said friend departs, Bart turns his attention to the young Wally just in time to see him on his way out. "All right, you go ahead - I'll..." He pauses. "I'll meet you at the Flash Museum at ten past five." With that, he, too, is gone in a blur of red and yellow. Wonder Girl picks up the passed out guy on the floor and holds him as easily as she might carry a glass of water. She looks around the area even as she deposits the poor kid onto the nearby couch, and her face says that she is still quite confused. "I don't looks like someone built a garden and just stuck a room right in the middle. So...why are we here?" She questions, her eyes going to the Flash and Superman. It doesn't seem too entirely dangerous or anything and so she just nods to the words of the Man of Steel. He knows what he's doing afterall. So amazing. She blinks a moment and then glances as Wally is there one moment, gone the next, and then back again...and this time with someone else in tow. "Robin!" And she feels a rush of breath release along with a tension that she almost hadn't realized was there. And she rushes up to the pair and gives the Boy Wonder a tight hug. "Boy am I glad to see you. I thought something might have happened -- " Because if he wasn't there with them, he could have been anywhere, and that would have been bad. But now the Teen Titan leader is here, things are going to be okay. Now, they just have to find the others. The only real question is *when* they are, but based on what Superman can see, he has an idea of that, too. Turning much slower than the Flash is moving, he looks over at the gathered teens, and a small grin comes to his face. It's quite comical how these old foogies, in his time, seem so small and helpless, yet not at the same time, now. When Robin comes, he looks almost as glad to see him as Wonder Girl is, though the Boy Wonder doesn't get the same hug from Kon. "Robin," he begins, feeling strange speaking to someone other than Tim with that name. "The Flash and I are going to go out and see what we can find. Try to figure some things out. Will the Titans be alright here? Can you hold down the fort for us until we get back?" Indeed the leader of the Teen Titans /is/ here, riding on the speed-tails of Kid Flash. But the question remains, just where is here, exactly? Dick perhaps hasn't been witness to as much anachronistic evidence as the others who have gathered so far, but he'd already begun to notice some peculiar differences at the Manor before Wally gathered him up. Now, he's been brought to... Some kind of arboretum? His initial survey of the new environment is cut short with Donna's greeting, one that's recriprocated before the Boy Wonder pulls back, glancing first to Donna, then Wally, and then the others present, before settling his gaze back on Wonder Girl. "Everything's fine with me," he answers her concerns then, a bit of a frown touching the corners of his normally smiling mouth. "But I'm getting the feeling that /something/ is wrong. Where are we?" This last question is directed more towards Kid Flash, who didn't really take the time to give Dick a complete explanation before whisking him away. And not a moment before the inquiry is posed, when Superman makes his inquiry. Like Wally, Robin has a respect for Big Blue that helps to quell any concerns, and the Boy Detective gives the larger man a dutiful nod. "Sure thing, Superman," he answers, still confused at to what's going on. The Golden Boy walks in slowly from the depths of the residential area, looking slightly dazed. He's got *absolutely* no idea where he is. This...this can't be 1943. Or at least, not Earth - not America - maybe this is one of those parallel worlds Wes was telling him about, the ones the JSA interacted with sometimes. And who the heck are all these -- all these *people*? Why does Superman look so different? At least Superman is *here*, that's a relief. And... "Oh, thank /goodness/!" exhales Sandy, visibly relaxing. "Robin! At least -you- look normal. Have you seen Batman? Or Sandman? Where's the JSA? Where -are- we?" Kon-El grins on the outside, though inside, he's not too comfortable with lying to these kids about who he is. At least, who he is here. Yeah, he may be Superman where he's from, but around these parts, there's a real Superman. The one these Titans think they're talking to. "Good to hear. I'd help out that girl over there. Her name's Jesse. Introduce yourself. Make her feel comfortable." Lowering his voice, he leans in to whisper to Robin. "And try to keep Kid Flash away from her..." With another grin, this one genuine, he heads toward the door, ready to take off on a merry jaunt to the Fortress of Solitude. Nodding to Barry, Wally promises to be there. Ten to five. As always, and... well, Wally's glad for it. he *needs* Barry, more than he can express. Whatever is going on, well, you can bet he's *not* going to be going hom for support on this, so, any and all of it that he can get, he'll welcome. "Don't worry, Supes. If anyone can figure out this wacky jumble-tumble, it will be the Boy Wonder!" He says this as he sets Dick down, letting the Junior Caped Crusader off his back. And then he's turning to look at his best friend, looking over to Donna, wanting to include her int his too. "Well, I don't know where *here* is, exactly, but there are Titans symbols all over this place. I don't get that. But we're in New York City, somewhere and...." But then he stops, dead in his tracks, and does a double-take. "..S-s-sandy...???" The Golden Boy?!? Here? Kid Flash jumps and nearly freaks out! Why is his wigging so? Well, that might be clear in a moment. Dashing to Jesse, Kid Flash begs, "dDoYouHaveAPenAndPaperICanBorrow?" See, he speeks teenage-girl-on-phone'ese as well. Tucking the cosmic rod into the back of his ripped out jeans, Jackie lands on the ground and surveys the area. Damn modernization...probably a bunch of kids listening to the monkeys or New Kids on the Block. fricking people should try some real Ella or Count Basie. Oh well...he'd just blow off this group of losers like those brats that his dad's friends brought to company picnics...wannabe science geeks. Tugging at the ties of his dew rag, Jackie steps forward and addresses them anyway, almost wanting to be accepted even if it would be uncool. "So, any of you mooks gonna gimme some game, or do you guys have some barbies to dress or somethin'?" Jesse Belle grabs at her hand and winces at the damage she just caused. She is gonna get in so much trouble when her father sees that. Oh wait. He's not here. Yeah. Cool. Still.. that's like property damage and junk. She looks about and bites her bottom lip muttering, "Sorry." The blond inches away from the sofa and looks about the room. However the newcomer catches her eyes and she simply drops her jaw. "Golden Boy?.." She whispers to herself, "But he's been missing for years..." The blond erks as she suddenly finds Kid Flash in front of her again, she's not at all used to this perpetual superspeed still. Jay doesn't indulge to often and her father, doesn't speed in the house. Just like she's supposed to well not break things. Kid Flash gets another blink. "UmOhYeahInMyBackPack.." She reaches down to grab at a non existant book bag, then she facepalms, "I like don't have it.." Probably a good thing she's not spotted the cosmic rod yet.. she'd likely flip. Wonder Girl attention is drawn by Wally as she nods her head in complete agreement about Robin. If anyone can figure this out, its definitely him. He always does. And at the mentioning of the symbols, Donna frowns a bit. "Really?" Then again, she hasn't left this room and had a chance to case around like Kid Flash. "But...that's no possible. I've never been here before...none of us have, at least I don't think. Why would this building have Teen Titan symbols all over it?" She scratches her chin a bit and then puts her hands on her hip, her fingers lightly curling around her golden lasso for a sense of comfort. "Maybe we should take a look around and -- " And its then that she notices..."The Golden Boy...?" Wow. That's Wally's hero. He absolutely adores him. She's heard him mentioned by the speedster only...well...a million times. At least. Almost like how she can talk about Wonder Woman sometimes. At young Jack's words, her head turns and her eyebrow arches. She frowns a bit, wondering if the guy is deliberately being rude or is just...that way. "What in Rhea's name are you talking about?" Perhaps the subtle differences in Superman's costume would start to tip off to Robin what's wrong here, or the words that Wally begins to speak out, concerning the Teen Titans logo and the odd nature of the building they're in. But in all honesty, those clues are lost as Robin's attention is grabbed by the now-arriving form of Sandy, the Golden Boy. Given the fact that, as Jesse clearly points out, Sandy has not only been missing for years, but /decades/ even, the Boy Wonder quickly realizes just what everyone is so up in the air about. The Golden Age hero doesn't even look to have aged a day since the 1940's, either! Of course, piecing this together as the JSA sidekick makes his entrance, Robin comes to the only really logical conclusion... The kid must be an imposter. "I don't know where you got that costume, mister, but the Teen Titans don't take kindly to imposters who disrespect our forebears." Dick doesn't make any threatening motions just yet, but his stance is one ready to leap into action, should he need be. He clenches his glove-clad fists lightly, casting a quick aside glance to Donna first, and then Wally. Snapping his fingers, Wally curses his luck as the girl doens't have any paper on her, as he was *really* hoping to get Sandy's autograph! The Golden Boy isn't any Flash, certainly no Barry Allen, but still, to Wally, GB is an idol. A role model. Well, the *real one* is, any way. See, Wally dreamed about being Flash's sidekick... and it happened, and for inspiration on that, he drew upon the original sidekick, Sandy. "That's okay, but if you find something to scribble on, how about you write down your number for me, babe? That way I can give you a call... to see about properly borrowing that paper, okay?" He winks to the blonde again, rather distracted as he looks in her direction.... ...but then as Dick comes to his conclusion, well, Wally turns to look at the blond. "Robin, are you... well, no one has seen him since..." But, this would be like fighting Barry if he was evil! "But, it has to be... I..." And he hesitates. As if this wasn't all confusing already. But then, Wally knows he can't doubt Dick, can he? Glancing to Donna, Kid Flash waits to see if he should act, or? She was always the most diplomatic one. "Stay behind me, miss. I'll protect you." Looking totally taken aback, Sandy slows and then stops, hesitating just inside the entrance. "Gloryosky, Robin, what's gotten into you?" The costume's dead accurate, too - it's got Sandy's wirepoon and gasgun. If this is an impostor, it's a damned good one. And it's a rare sight to see the Golden Boy so flustered, but there you have it - in a room full of strangers, the one person he thought he knew is calling him a fake. "What are you talking about? Come on, it's me, Sandy! You know, the guy you and Speedy got Dan into trouble with last week? When we stole Phantom Lady's garter...? Ringing any bells?" The blond-haired kid's starting to sound a little desperate - all these people staring at him. All these -strangers-, that have these looks on their faces like they know him, but are so terribly surprised to see him. And Robin not knowing him...! Just what's going on? "I don't...don't play games with me, Robin! Where are we? The only place this big indoors that I know of's the Perisphere, but it hasn't got gardens in it..." Wonder Girl frowns, her eyes narrowing as she takes up a stance on Robin's cue. It can't hurt to at least be prepared. Dick isn't one to jump to unsubstanitated conclusions and the very least they can be right now is cautious. And even as Wally delivers the macdaddy stylings, at least unlike Roy, he knows when the pause it for the real work. She nods to the speedster and then places her full attention on 'Sandy', fully confident that her teammates know what to do in case of trouble. Then she blinks, taking only a single moment to glance at Robin. "Phantom Lady's...garter?" She just arches a disbelieving eyebrow and then tries to stiffle the smile and half laugh that comes to her lips. For some reason, she can't seem Dick participating in such childish behavior, I mean...come on, this is Robin...Boy "We have no idea where we are...maybe you could tell us?" And even as she says it, the wheels in her own head are turning. NO idea where they are...Sandy has been missing for decades...maybe, just maybe...but then she sighs. No, he doesn't know where here is either, or he wouldn't have asked. Jesse Belle stares at Kid Flash as he speaks and even longer after. Is she horrified, is she flattered, who knows what she is but just as she hears Robin's suspicions and then the others. She just shakes her head sending her pig tails flying, "No wait!" The girl raises her hands and sort of tries to sidle around the speedster, "Other JSA members went missing and they came back looking like themselves..." She can think of one who's in litigation with her father right now. The blond bounces a touch, "Don'tWeHaveLikeEnoughToWorryAboutRightNOW? NoneOfUsAreSupposedToBeHere,Right? IMeanThisDoesn'tLookLikeMyHome. SoI'mGuessingItDoesn'tLookLikeYours?" Afterall she's supposed to be doing her trig homework. She's going out on a limb here but she has to hope doesn't she. Jesse slumps a little, "Can we find a phone, Dad'll know what to do.." Accurate costume or not, Dick doesn't seem the least bit impressed by either the Golden Boy's looks or his words. In fact, most of the explanations that he's trying to make, may well just be gibberish to the Boy Wonder, for all the good they seem to be doing. "Sandy the Golden Boy has been missing since before I was even born, pal," he starts out again, that 'pal' not sounding like a friendly nickname. "Meaning there's no way that either Speedy /or/ me could possibly have done anything with him. Last week, last month or last year." He pauses again a beat, his frown deepening at Kid Flash's reluctance to face off against the imposter. Whatever game this guy is playing, he knew just who to choose to set the Teen Titans on edge. Another slight frown is given when Donna admits their own lack of location knowledge, before Jesse chimes in with her own revelations on the matter. Revelations which cause Robin to pause slightly, gears turning almost visibly in his head before he speaks again, tone still cautious. "Superman and the rest of the Justice League should be back before too long," he answers Jesse, though he keeps his attention directed towards Sandy. "But until they do, it's going to be up to us to handle things on our own." "Whoa, whoa, slow down blondie. No need to get into a rush, or worried. We're not going anywhere. Well, *I*'m not going anywhere, not at the moment." He winks to her again. Okay, see, he can't help himself. Really. "We;ll figure this out. we always do. And in the end we'll go home and do it again tomorrow. it's what we do. Save the world, and be there for one another. Just like I'll be there for you. So, if you need a shoulder to lean on, or..." But before he can really go any further, Kid Flash is cut-off by himself, as he snaps out of his flirtations upon hearing Dick's words. "See? That's why we follow the guy, even though he wears scaly green underwear." Kid Flash beams to his friend, smirking, as he steps forward. "I *want* to believe it's Sandy, the Golden Boy. And I normally have luck in making dreams come true. At least so far. So, let's say we test my track record?" He leans in to Robin and whispers, "... track record, get it?...." Righting himself, and clearing his throat, Wally looks to Wonder Girl. "Want to do the honors?" She is the one that cn likely use something to figure this out. "Justice League...?" asks Sandy totally blankly. Then he retro-focuses on something he thought he heard a second ago, and his attention is immediately fixed on Jesse. "No, she's right, whoever she is - it's the Justice /Society/. 'Though I don't know what you mean by JSA members going missing. Since when? Who? Is this some kind of..." His eyes narrow slightly, then widen, and he's backing away, staring at the group. "This is some kind of Ratzi plot, isn't it? Impostor, my left foot! -You're- the impostor, not knowing who I'm talking about! Some Robin you are! 'Missing before you were born'. What kinda baloney is that? Sure I'm older than you, but only by a couple years. You can't pull this kinda crazy stuff on me, boyo - I'm radioing the Sandman *right now*, and -then- we'll see how high and mighty you are, you creepy spy!" He's still backing away, watching the others with a mixture of wartime suspicion and honest fear. Stopping in the doorway, the teenager takes an unweildy-looking field radio from his belt and flicks it on - it makes a crackling sound. Yeah - World War II Allied military issue two-way radio - standard gear for any self-respecting All-Star. Hard to get your hands on these days. "Sandy to Sandman...come in, Sandman...Sandy to Sandman...Wes, answer me..!" This last is even more desperate than anything else, worried, quiet. Sandy himself is starting to wig out, here. Wonder Girl stands at the ready. "We will figure this out...." Somehow, she thinks. And still, she follows Robin's lead, letting him talk to the would-be Golden Boy, though reserving her own judgement, but not wanting to take anything for granted in this strange land. She looks over to Wally and sighs a little, looking down at the lasso and then back up again, her cheeks coloring a light red. "I-I wish I could, Kid Flash. But unlike Diana...I can't compell anyone to tell the truth," she says. If only.... Then she glances to Robin and Jesse before focusing back on the Golden Boy who seems to go on a rant. What is going on? He sounds almost as strange as that dew rag boy. And he starts calling from Wes. And lasso of 'truth' or not, Donna can almost feel the distress radiating from him. She looks over at Robin, then Wally, and back to Robin again. And, she seems to come to a decision. Too trusting? Maybe. But she can't ignore what she senses as being real confusion coming from the poor guy. "Wait...Golden Boy," she says, giving him the title to at least put him at ease if nothing else. "We're not imposters. Really. Look, maybe we can help you...we can help each other?" She offers, steadily walking forward, slowly, keeping her eyes and attention focused. The blond sort of rolls her eyes at mention of the JLA. They aren't her heros. Jesse suddenly hears Sandy rant and she calls, "They're back now.. World War 2 is over! The Nazis have been out of power for over like fourty years... There's a Justice League Now.. and these guys are sidekicks like you.." Jesse continues, "Sandy you've been gone so long some of your friends have had kids! " One of such children just throws her hands into the air. "Wonder Girl, wait...!" Robin starts to warn, but ultimately decides to let his teammate go to the other sidekick's aid. Maybe there isn't some kind of conspiracy going on, and maybe this is really Sandy come back from... well, from wherever it is that he went to. But that still doesn't explain why the Golden Boy think she should know Robin and Speedy. And it hasn't been quite forty years since World War II, has it? Thirty, maybe... Dick glances to where Sandy and Donna are, then to Wally, then over to Jesse, the proverbial gears in his head once again turning almost visibly. The Titan emblems all around the building. Superman's slightly different look.. The differences at Wayne Manor... Assuming that everyone here is telling the truth, that there's no imposters and no tricks... "Holy Alternate Realities!" Too bad Batman isn't here so the prhase can be properly completed... "I hate time travel." A motto he's going to continue for years to come, rest assured. So, sighing, standing there, Kid Flash puts a hand to his head and runs his fingers through his hair, trying to think this out. "No Justice League of America, only the Society? But that's way old and then we have us here, which is where we should be judging by the symbols and all but then it's not somewhere we know... And why do I feel like I'm just recapping all of the evnts that have transpired so far?" Always seemed to be his duty to preform. "So, we're all good right, all of us, no? I sure hope so, because I plan to get Sandy's autograph still." He grins at this, *wanting* to be in a good mood. "Since this place has our Teen Titans symbols all over it then we're groovy to check the pad out, right? Full access? I mean, it is our's. It *does* have our name on it. So..." He has itchy feet, and an eagerness to explore. But then he stops and looks at Jesse. She seems to know a lot about the JSA and it's members. "Who *are* you?" He's curious, all of a sudden as... "Wait, hold that thought. Answer me in a second." Because without further adieu he zips into motion, dashing about this room, looking for something frantically. The Golden Boy hesitates again, the hand holding the radio lowering once more, slowly. It crackles almost constantly now, warmed up finally - there's nothing alive on this frequency. Nothing broadcasting any longer. It's almost like when you see an old wooden tube radio - you expect, when you turn it on, to hear old radio shows and jingles for products that haven't been sold in fifty years, but if it works at all you get static or your average top 40 station programming. There's nothing there anymore. Sandy stares at his radio, then looks at Wonder Girl, pleading look in his eyes. "You're not impostors...? Then what's Robin talking about, huh? Why isn't Sandman picking up his radio? Why won't the All-Stars answer?" He doesn't back away any further, but then Jesse gives her sudden and frightening debriefing and he just about freaks. "*Forty years*?! I'm in the FUTURE? No - no, it's impossible - no, I have to be...this has to be Earth-1, right? Tell me it's just...tell me somehow I accidentally went to Earth-1, like the Society sometimes does...but no, then you wouldn't know about the Society, or if you did you'd know it's from my Earth...oh, *no*, what's gone wrong?" Talk about distressed - it seems that the Golden Boy's more than that, he's well and truly *lost*, in more ways than one. "Alternate realities? Time travel? No, doesn't work...I don't understand..." All these possibilities, none of them make any sense in the only frame of reference available to the young Sandy Hawkins. His universe is a multiverse, and this is like a bad dream where everything's mixed up from everyplace. Even as Donna continues to approach him, Sandy sags against the doorway, radio clutched in hand like a lifeline back to his world. "Where are the adults?" he whispers. "Alternate Reality?!" Donna's eyes go wide and the original Wonder Girl looks from Sandy a moment to Robin and then to Wally. How...strange. Time Travel. They're in a completely different time. Era. And maybe...just maybe.... "Gaea protect us...." She whispers beneath her breath. How odd. Does that mean there's another set of Teen Titans here? Obviously not home or someone would have surely shown up by now. But...this place does seem to have their name written all over it as Kid Flash has pointed out. "We should get ahold of the Flash and Superman and let them -- " But then she stops. She thought Superman looked a, but didn't really pay attention as it was likely disorientation after whatever it was that just happened. But here's Sandy from who knows where...the blonde girl...the guy passed out on the couch...and then the dew rag boy. She looks back at Wally and Dick both now, her gaze emcompassing them. What if...just what /if/...and her gaze says it all. They've been working together long enough now that even body language can convey so much. But even as this sinks in, she notices Sandy freak out once again and then sag defeatedly. Its just then that she reaches him and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. And her heart goes out to him as he's obviously confused and hurt, but what can they do? She looks to the others again and shakes her head. "No, we're not imposters. I swear by Sacred Oracle of Delphi," she says solemnly. And then, she answers his question the only way she can...honestly. "I don't know."