Gotham: Downtown Awe-inspiring. Or perhaps an urban nightmare. This part of the city is home to giants of brick and mortar, towering edifices with bulky foundations and heavily ornamented facades. Chimneys, girders, crosswalks mingle in the upper reaches of the gothic and art deco skyscrapers. Long shadows are cast over the seemingly minuscule sidewalks and intersections where most of Gotham's traffic merges, with statues of gargoyles and icons of civic pride looking down upon the passersby. Everything seems cluttered; advertisements protruding over rooftops in garish display, water towers and powerlines, windblown trash, even the people on the streets themselves. Amidst the traffic noises, one may occasionally hear the rattle of the elevated train that snakes it way above the darkened streets, or the distant foghorn from the harbor in the middle distance. ---- It's a cold night, but not wet. One of the last 24-hour convenience stores in the area - certainly the last in the block - is brightly lit; yellow, vaguely dirty light spills through the metal gridwork on the windows, illuminating the sidewalk. Inside, a bored teenaged guy sits behind the counter, flipping through a magazine. Outside, a tall, very unhealthy-looking man lurks in the alley next to the store, loading a rather large assault rifle. The Guardian of Gotham City cuts across the skyline, swinging at intervals from rooftop to rooftop, eyes scanning the sidewalks for signs of anything strange in the rhythm of the streets. He releases the line and drops to land soundlessly on the roof of a storage building on the outskirts of Downtown. Batman thinks . o O (No signs of those snipers. I hope to God Dick and Canary know what they're doing...) Checking his watch, the man in the alley turns to look at the sky, and grins to himself. . o O (The Director will be pleased...everything is as he said, and the boy suspects nothing.) A flicker of doubt crosses his broad features, then is erased with the thought, (Of course it is the right one. Augusto, you worry for nothing. Trust your Director.) Wordlessly, yet with all the sound of an air conditioner crashing to the pavement from four stories up, the heavily-armed man crashes dramatically through the door. It bangs into the comic rack, knocking it over, and the kid behind the counter groans. "Dammit, why doncha be more caref- holy /shit/!" Yeah, his voice cracked, there - he must've seen the gun. The rattling sound reaches the acutely tuned senses of Batman on his sloping perch. With a very brief glance in the direction of the noise, he moves with panther-like prowess to the ledge and then drops off into the darkened alleyways that crisscross the downtown backstreets. Moving through the alleyway by foot, he hops a few bums and assorted trash on his way towards the source of the noise. "You will not move, and you will not talk..." hisses Augusto, leveling his weapon at the teenager's head. He steps into the store the rest of the way, eyes flickering from side to side, as he looks for watchers, and follows the paranoia-created movements in his peripheral vision. "...until I say. You will not press the silent alarm. You will not yell or draw undue attention to this place." He's at the counter now, weapon still pointed at the wide-eyed clerk's head. "Now you will get out from behind the counter, and walk in front of me." The kid pales to the point you think he's going to faint. "Look, do you want the money? I can give you the mon-" He bites off his words when the man's eyes narrow and his finger tightens on the trigger. And he does exactly what the man says, stepping out to walk in front of him. The Dark Knight slows his pace to halt behind a column a few feet out from the alleyway facing the convenience store. He studies the situation critically, gauging the weapon, the man weidling it, and the state of the hostage. That which he can make out beyond the glass and displays blocking his vision of the scene, anyways. As soon as the kid steps in front of him, Augusto takes out a hand grenade and pulls the pin, keeping the catch depressed. He grabs the kid around his skinny neck, laughing softly...then tightening his grip into a chokehold when the hapless teenager reflexively struggles. "You will come with me, your Highness, and you will not make problems for me. The Director wishes your presence at his home." Your Highness? Licking his lips carefully, the teenager says quietly, frightened almost out of his wits, "I think you got the wrong guy, man." It doesn't even matter, it seems. The man pushes the boy along in front of him, keeping him well aware of the live grenade by its pressure on his neck. Batman watches the two figures move, eyes concentrated for the moment on the grenade in Augusto's hand. He can't hear what they're saying, but there's plenty of evidence that the hostage-taker is on a knife's edge mentally speaking. He gauges the distance and angle of the figures from his current position in a second, then takes a module from his belt. The two move outside, Augusto meticulously directing the kid with a combination of hissed commands and insistent nudges. He's leading him back to the alley, looking around with darting glances and waving his rifle around impressively (but uselessly). The kid, and probably also any cops who might happen by, wouldn't know he needs both hands to fire the thing. Batman steps to one side of the column, darting across the street in a slight crouch, the edge of his cape briefly brushing the asphalt as he moves to another alleyway. One he knows intersects with the one Augusto is taking his hostage. (Be grateful there was no one else in the store,) thinks Augusto, face set. Is it ever set any other way? Doesn't look it. (It would have entertained, but the mission is more important than entertainment.) Wow, people still think like that. He directs the kid down the alleyway, intending to cut through several neighborhoods, back to his vehicle. The boy wordlessly complies - when you have a live grenade pressed against your neck, arguing isn't smart. The black shadow form of Batman slides along a wall; waiting, watching. Holding his position by a boxy brown metal dumpster, the Caped Crusader keeps the small paralysis dart in his left hand's gloved palm, his other hand splayed out on the ground, kneeling. Batman thinks . o O (Doesn't look familiar; but the eyes say it all.) The vehicle - 'car' doesn't do this thing justice - is parked several streets down, and Augusto relaxes almost imperceptibly when he sees it. The kid only gets flinchier. Luckily, he's a sci-fi guy: while he's certainly scared spitless, he's also telling himself what a great story this would make. "Inside," hisses Augusto, pointing the rifle at the teenager again, lowering the grenade. He opens the driver's side door with the grenade hand, jerking his head toward the vehicle - it seems the kid's meant to climb over. The paralysis dart hisses through the air, aimed at the wrist joint of Augusto's 'grenade hand'. The intent is to paralyze the hand in its grip. The drug may numb the entire arm, but the effect will not last more than a few seconds. Augusto lets out a brief cry, surprised and angry, like a stung bear. His hand tenses and he spins quickly, neglecting the boy in the vehicle, looking for the source of his sudden discomfort. The kid, not wanting to die, not wanting to become Quick & Easy Target #1 for the searching anger of the terrorist, cowers expertly in the van. Rising like a phantom from the darker corners of the nighttime alley, Batman appears from his cover, seeming to float for a brief moment, cape unfurled, reaching out around him like clawed hands. He is, in fact, leaping forwards, arms outstretched to try and pin the gunman and contain the armed grenade. Batman emits a bonechilling animal cry as he makes his desperate lunge. Reduced to an animalistic state himself, Augusto roars, trying to make his body do what he commands it to - but his hand - now his arm - isn't cooperating. He raises his other arm, the rifle...then it clatters to the ground, as he decides to rely on his fists instead. And by that time, the Bat is upon him. He swings aimlessly, trying to do some damage, any damage; he wills his arm to come to life. The kid has enough sense to get the hell out of the vehicle, out of the way. He fumbles with the door, then practically falls out, running across the street. Batman takes a blow to the side of his head. A heavy, stunningly powerful blow, delivered by Augusto's insane rage more than by his natural physical power. As things go black and then white for a moment, Batman's natural reflexes kick in, and his right hand gropes to catch onto the fist with the grenade, and hold it. . o O (Keep...alert...concussion blast'd kill us both in this alley... Fathers be praised; Augusto has the use of his hand back. And if his mission fails, he knows what he is to do. But this Bat...this /creature/ of Gotham, of the is only a hindrance, no? The thought suddenly crosses Augusto's anger-hazed mind that he has left the child unsupervised, and he may have escaped. That instant of inattention is all it takes for Batman to get a firm hold on his flailing hand...which snaps his mind right back to the immediate problem. Augusto lets out another inarticulate roar, other hand moving to swing at Batman again. Batman bows his head suddenly, ducking the arc of the swing, and butting his head (ears first) into the stomach of the crazed assailant. Hoping to wedge the grenade from the man's hand as he recieves the blow and possibly falls back, Batman looks quickly to the dumpster to his side, preparing to kick it open in a split second, weight shifting slightly to one leg. Eyes opening wide in surprise, Augusto does indeed fall back, hands in front of him. He's not paying a log of attention to the grenade, and there - now it's gone. (This is kind of a slow quasiterrorist.) He's not sure where it went...he's actually not really thinking at all anymore. Crashing roughly against the side of his vehicle, the guy sets off his own car alarm. Ow. Which makes him think the police are coming, too. His instructions in this instance were very specific. Augusto takes a pistol from his belt and points it at his head. (OOC) Augusto dammits, that wasn't clear at all. Um. (OOC) Augusto says, "He *thinks* the police are coming - and if he's failed so badly that the police show up, he's supposed to off himself." Batman kicks the lid of the dumpster open, tosses the grenade into it, lets the lid shut. Its all one fluid motion, a combination of uncanny reflexes, martial arts and gymnastics training, and the fact that he's Bruce Wayne. He tenses for the coming explosion, and sees the pistol appear in Augusto's hand. A split second before the dumpster's insides are racked by the (hopefully) dampened explosion, he sees the pistol... The explosion in the barrel of the hand pistol is drowned out by the sound of the explosion in the dumpster, muffled though it may be. And the kid watching from across the street doesn't see that part. He sees the grenade go in the trash, the lid slam down; he sees Batman; he sees the big van. He doesn't see his erstwhile captor blow his head open. Then he hears silence. Batman looks down at the smoking skull of the dead man, shoulders slouched, hands clenched at his sides. With a white stare he slowly glances up towards the former hostage, kicking the pistol from the limp fingers of Augusto. Moving over the hood of the van and approaching the teen, he says "Batman here. Hostage taking. Suicide. Fifth and Abelard Avenues." into his mask radio. Face white, the kid shrinks back as Batman approaches, but stands his ground. Batman's one of the good guys. He stopped the psycho, now, too, right? Nothing to be afraid of...right. Silently, he looks up at the looming figure. Batman asks "You alright?" of the kid, briefly looking him over for wounds or signs of panic attack or worse. An oily thought slithers through his mind, however, some part of him wanting to blame the boy for his failure to prevent the man's death at his own hand. Blaming the boy who couldn't save his parents for the same failure. "Y-yeah," stammers the teenager, straightening, trying to seem like more than he is. He jams his hands into his pockets, hoping that'll stop them from shaking. "Y-you said...suicide. That psycho guy...killed himself?" What's in his eyes? Fear, still. Curiosity. A total lack of knowledge of the situation, other than the fact that he was dragged from his job with threats on his life. Batman nods a grudging nod. "No idea what he wanted?" he asks, his voice calm in spite of his inwardly turned anger and frustration. The boy shakes his head, unconsciously taking his hands from his pockets and hugging his arms across his chest, cold. "He called me Your Highness, and said something about a Director, but I guess he was just on drugs or something." Batman gives another faint nod of his head, frowning contemplatively at the ground. "Curious. Well, you should stay over here..." he motions to a point away from the body but still in view of the street. "...police are on their way. Tell them what happened if you can; if not, don't worry. It'll come in time." The boy looks dubiously at the spot, then nods. "I gue- hey! The store's one's been in there, I'm gonna lose my job..!" Oh sure, he didn't panic /then/, but he's gonna panic /now/? Batman holds up a hand, saying "Relax. They'll understand. Just relax." He stands there, waiting for the wail of sirens, his stance growing more casual, as if to help the teen feel more at ease in his naturally strange company. Shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other, the kid waits for the sirens, too. It's not as though, y'know, Batman wasn't a great guy or's just that he's /Batman/, for cryin' out loud. Then there they are...the kid moves further out into the light, where the police can easily see him as they pull up. With a last glance to the crumpled body of Augusto, Batman fades into the alleyway, as per habit, his mind dark and foggy with self-recrimination.