After midnight, at a Harbor, even Metropolis Harbor, is a rather lonely place. And seedy, like something out of a crime novel, or well...a comic book. An evening mist rolls off the water, creating a light fog in the chill early morning air. A bell dings somewhere in the background, as well as a distant foghorn. J'Onn J'Onzz is nowhere to be seen, for the moment, choosing instead to bask in the sights and sounds of his adoptive world on this gloriously crisp evening. He floats somewhere above in the sky, looking with admiration toward the sea, happy to be "home" again. Triumph drifts downward from the sky, pausing in mid-air at the Martian Manhunter's side. A trail of blue sparks trail his path of descent. He gestures openly his with hands, addressing his emerald companion. "There you are, J'Onn... You still haven't told me where you've been hiding yourself." He grimaces and adds, "Not that I'm complaining." Knowing J'Onn's secretive nature well enough, he changes the subject without waiting for a response. "What's the name of the rugrat we're checking out again? Speedy? Jack B. Quick? I'm drawing a blank here..." " I'm not sure *what's* up with Cass, Rob. I dunno if she's just busy, or if she's avoiding me, or what. I dunno." Impulse is sitting on one of those pier-thingies, the ones that keep the docks from falling in the water. You know. He's chewing on the end of a lollipop stick and looking decidedly morose; his cowl is off and hanging down his back like a hood. "Have you even *seen* her recently?" Captain Marvel arrives, accompanied by a distant rumble of thunder...unusual on this otherwise clear night. "J'Onn! Good to see you again!" he nods a greeting to Robin."Good to see you Robin. How's Batman?" He looks around almost nervously, his eyes resting on Triumph.."I don't believe we've met..." Robin shakes his head. The Teen Wonder sits on the hood of the Redbird, which is parked behind Impulse on the pier. Its yellow headlights shine out on to the water, silouhetting the young speedster. "Nope," Robin replies, scannin the water with a pair of nightwision binoculars. "I don't think she's avoiding you though. She's been busy with school even since before we ran into Blue Devil." A lone figure walks along the pier a fair distance from any pretense of civilization. It might just be female... Whisps of blond hair flutter in the wind every once in a while. But the figure, female or no, is wrapped in a rather bulky winter coat against the chill. It's amazing what a good walk in the cold will do to one's reasoning. Well. She's already screwed up royally enough for ONE night, huh? Lost her before she'd even really made a start on things. DAMN. .oO (Wish I could be sure what it was all about... The DEO just doesn't DO things like that. Do they?) And if they do? What then? What's she left with then? Well, no job and rent to pay, that's what the hell what. She smirks, the icy wind almost taking her breath away as she continues to walk, occasionally kicking at stones that get in her path. Smiling over at Triumph, J'Onn waits a moment, enigmatic as ever. "Yes, I suppose I haven't told you where I've been yet, have I? We'll discuss it soon." Glancing down as Captain Marvel arrives, and spotting Robin and Impulse having a conversation down below, The Martian Manhunter begins his slow descent to the docks. He continues to address Triumph. "His name is Impulse. And he's nearly reached maturity by human standards...if only bodily." A silent smirk to himself as he lands, his cape whips in the light wind. When Captain Marvel addresses him, J'Onn nods. "Yes, Captain. I'm glad you made it." Turning his head slightly to the two young men nearby, he nods again to them. "Robin, Impulse, thank you for agreeing to meet with me." The low baritone of his voice rumbles. Friendly, yet definitely inhuman, and somewhat intimidating for those who haven't spent much time with him. Triumph descends through the air just behind the Martian Manhunter. "He's only reached bodily maturity, huh? Sounds like another Elongated Man." He smirks wryly. Triumph raises three fingers to his temple in a scout's salute and nods sharply to the Captain. "The name's Triumph." He glances around nervously. "I... ah... I founded the Justice League." He shrugs lightly and, approaching the duo of teen heroes, turns his attention towards them. With a sigh, Impulse nods. "Yeah - yeah, I know. It's just, she didn't used to be so busy, y'know? I used to visit her sometimes at school." He pauses. "You contact the Blue Devil at all since we pummelled him?" At the arrival of the adults, Bart stands, pulling the lollipop stick out of his mouth and nodding slightly in greeting. "Evening, Manhunter." He raises his eyebrows. "Captain Marvel." Oh, that's definitely a pause, and a dubious look at Robin after Triumph's self-introduction. "Triumph, good to meet you." Captain Marvel Lands on the docks with a soft thud,and raises an eyebrow at Triumph."Well, nice to meet you anyway." He shakes hands with Robin and Impulse. "Doing a little night fishing fellas?" laughing softly at his own joke, he moves to stand slightly behind and to the left of J'Onn. Robin slides off the hood of the car and steps up next to Impulse, timing the movement exactly with the Martian Manhunter's touchdown. "No, I haven't had a chance to do anything with the pieces of the sonic device I 'borrowed' from the scene," he says to Bart while nodding to Captain Marvel Before he can greet the World's Mightiest mortal, half way through the handshake he catches Triumph's words. He times hethe look with bart perfectly and turns to J'Onn. "We always have time for you. J'Onn" He says the last word hestitantly, not having gotten permission to call the 'pea green Superman' by his given name, and kowing it. Cameron Chase continues walking, lost in her own thoughts... until the soft sound of voices drifts to her across the pier. Uh oh. She stops very still. Seeing individuals come down from the sky seems to cement her resolve. Looks like a super-powered pow-wow going on here. Uh... Not the best place for her to be, really. But isn't that...? Well. Fate seems to have stepped in. Yet again. She turns around. Slowly, and begins walking away. Cover. There's got to be some cover SOMEwhere around here... "J'Onn will do fine, Robin. Thank you." He makes the statement without offering any type of explanation to those around him, who could not have gimpsed the boys inner struggle. "I was hoping we'd get an opportunity to speak about the endeavor you and Impulse have been planning, but I also needed to meet with Triumph and the Captain, so you'll have to pardon me for bringing them along. I understand how important it is to you that this...project of yours remain subtle, for the moment." Glancing over at the older men, J'Onn seems to enforce the secrecy aspect of what he wishes to discuss. "Hopefully, this will not take very long, and Triumph, The Captain, and I will leave you in peace." The red orbs of his eyes return to Robin. It's an unsettling effect, but not purposefully so. His expression shifts slightly, and he inclines his head up a little, as if noticing something. If he has, he makes no mention of it. Triumph plants his feet on the surface of the dock firmly. He places his hands on his hips and smiles imperiously, finally finding an environment where he's not perceives as 'the rookie'. He places his hands on his hips and waits patiently for the conversation to continue. Captain Marvel folds his arms and silently observes the expressions on the faces of his companions, taking note o J'Onn's secrecy comment,he merely listens and does not speak. Robin grins, and the dichotomy between the warmth of the expression on the spectral glow of his eyeslits is jarring. "I appreciate it," he replies. On the surface he's talking about 'the endeavor' but those of psychic ilk probably can tell he's counting coup at JO'nn's approval. He looks the body language od Marvel and Triumph up and down, and opens his mouth to say something. The Martian Manhunter's change of attention catches The Teen Wonder's eye, and whatever it was goes unsaid. Robin thinks . o O (JO'nn's picked something -- or someone -- up. An ambush?) The figure in the distance *stops* a moment. Stands very still. Doesn't quite turn around. Blond hair streams around her face, forced back by the wind that's in front of her. But it's only a moment. Realizing the utter stupidity of standing there out in the open with all those super-types around, she starts walking again. More quickly now. If anyone were near, they'd actually hear her swearing under her breath. But no one's around. If a tree falls in a forest... Impulse leans once more against the pylon, running a hand up over his face, then through his hair. He snaps the pop stick in two, listening to J'Onn first and then Robin, and frowns. "That's great, yeah...even though we won't be looking t'be subtle or underground much longer. If, that is, you're talking about what you'd said you wanted to talk about." His brows raise. "Which I guess you are. But. Um, what'd I miss right there?" Flinching slightly, a look of surprise evident on his face that would not be obvious except to the most perceptive. Martian Manhunter looks vaguely intrigued. He continues with his conversation, though he seems slightly distracted. "My true purpose here is to discuss with you something that Black Canary made mention of." Crossing his arms and watching Bart carefully, the large green man rumbles. "I'm not here to offer my approval or disapproval to the two of you. You all have done a fine job recently, and should be proud of what you've accomplished." Another glance to Triumph, and then Billy. "But there is the matter of supervision..." His words trial off, as whatever seems to be distracting him appears to have gotten more interesting. Triumph reacts slightly at the mention of the Canary's name. The founding leaguers seem to have maintained a degree of networking it would seem. Triumph makes a note of this and glances uncomfortably from side to side as the conversation grows more centric on matters which he is not familiar with. [Manhunter-Psi] Martian Manhunter says, "Only to Robin and Impulse: Not an attack. But we are being watched..." Captain Marvel notices J'Onn's distracted tone and begins to nervously glance around, searching his surroundings for any anomalies. Crossing his arms, now, Bart flips his hair out of his face with a toss of his head. "The matter of supervision, last time Robin and I spoke with Canary, had been resolved to our satisfaction." He thinks, . o O (If the watcher starts getting hostile, will you know?) Robin puts a hand on Impulse's shoulder. "But we'd be more than happy to discuss it again withthe Manunter. In private." he finishes in a voice suddenly like one often heard around the JLA meeting table. Robin puts both hands under his cape, which folds around him. Under it's cover he removes his sling and three red, yellow, and green 'stones'. His eyeslits hide the movement of his eyes as he looks at J'Onn. . o O (Ready when you are.) Cameron Chase continues walking. DAMN. Whatever the hell *that* was, she's not sure she wants to stick around to find out. It was the oddest feeling... So her steps are a little quicker now, though she's still looking surreptitiously for cover if she happens to find it along the way. Martian Manhunter raises a hand in front of him to Impulse and Robin, looking at each of them in turn. o O (No need. I don't think she was sent here to do any harm. She's looking for something.) The complete silence that is the byproduct of Telepathy is eerie, and more than a little nerve-wracking to those outside the loop. Soon Robin and Impulse know that feeling first hand, as they can see J'Onn glance over his shoulders silently at Triumph and Captain Marvel o O (If neither of you would mind, we seem to have a visitor. Perhaps you could find out if she needs some assistance. I sense that she appears to be looking for something...) A slight smirk comes to his lips, as he imagines the woman's expression when Triumph and the Captain come to greet her. Triumph nods succinctly although an off-kilter grin makes it clear that Triumph resents being handed cut and dried orders like that. He drifts over towards Chase's position quietly, scanning her over with his magnetic senses to look for concealed weapons. Captain Marvel starts, an almost comical expression of surprise on his gace as J'Onn's message reaches him at the same time he spots the figure in the distance. He lifts of slowly, gaining speed as he zeros in on the intruder. Impulse watches Robin silently, then drops his hands to his sides as the other two major powerhouses are sent off to deal with the lurker. He straightens again, clasping his hands behind his back, and clears his throat. "Now, I'm not sure what Canary's said to the JLA, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't even remotely considered the fact that we've been operating as a team for the past two years with no supervision whatsoever." He glances back at Robin. Robin watches Captain Marvel and Triumph spring into action. He nods at the Teenaged Tornado. "Impulse is right, " he says to the premiere Leauger. "I'm not sure what prompted Black Canary's...exuberant concern, but its misplaced. It goes without saying that we have nothing but respect and admiration for the JLA - well mot of them - but she didn't seem to even hear us when we said we weren't 'just kids'. We've been doing this for a while now, and we're not interested in supervision. I won't even bring up Impulse's excellent point that no one dared say this to the original Titans." He shrugs. "No offense, JO'nn, but it seems the 'adults' haven't noticed we're more grown up than they realize." Cameron Chase just keeps walking. Doesn't look like there's any cover in sight and she'd be insane to just stay out here without any cover. Even so, it's only chance she made it here in the first place. Wouldn't it be supremely ironic if... and then she hears it. DAMN. Knew it was only a matter of time. When she'd felt that slight *tug* there... That must have been it. But there's really no point in running now, is there? She sighs and turns around to greet her ... "visitors". "Hiya, fellas." she says, slipping her hand out of her coat to wave to the two. There's nothing in her hand. In fact, while she's wearing a bulky coat and could probably conceal quite a lot, there's really not a lot in there. Ok. So she does have a pair of binnoculars, but they aren't readily available which would indicate she hasn't used them in a while. There's also a pea-shooter in her boot, but come on. That sort of thing isn't going to harm you guys. So what choice does she have but to simply wave a cheery hello? .oO (Ok, Cam. Put on a cheery face. You know how. THERE you go...) "I myself have noticed." J'Onn answers Robin, still keeping part of his attention on the action that is developing elsewhere. "And as I said, you have my approval wholeheartedly. One should be judged by their actions, and not by the length of time they have walked the planet." Ah...ever the philosopher. "But, as a parent who experienced loss, I can also understand the others' concerns." His expression does not alter greatly, but there is a heavy sadness to his words which is almost tangible. "And from what I knew of the Titans, they were indeed chaperoned and watched in their early beginnings..." J'Onn shakes his head slightly "But you are not the Titans, nor are you expected to be. You each will have to make the choice you feel is the right one." Is that a smile creeping across his face? "Of course, I personally wouldn't be opposed if you were to report your progress to me occasionally. This might ease the unjust issues that the rest of the Leaguers are dealing with when it comes to your team." The Martian Manhunter's face soften slightly, knowing that the suggestion, made subtlely, will most likely satisfy all parties. Diplomacy at work. Impulse glances at Robin again at this, looking thoughtful. His chin is jutted out slightly; he knows exactly what's being proposed here. "I - I guess," says he, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, "we need a compromise, don't we." It's not a question. He looks unhappy. "And I don't suppose uploading our casefiles to the JLA's database every week is enough, is it." Triumph reconnects with the ground. He smirks oddly at Miss Chase's pea shooter. Not your standard equipment, you must admit. He raises a hand in a friendly gesture and exhales deeply. "You looked a tad... interested in the goings on over there, ma'am." He gestures towards J'Onn and the youths with his thumb. "Not that I can blame you being distracted by a handsome icon like myself... but..." He brushes his fingernails against his chest and breaths on them. "... A little bird tells me that you're not just checking me and the big red cheese here out. Care to share why you're here?" Captain Marvel comes to rest in front of the young woman, still floating barely above the ground, his mighty arms folded across his broad chest,moonlight shimmering on his golden armbands. There is a slight grimmace at Triumph's use of his least favorite nickname, but it quickly passes and a smile crosses his broad face as he waits silently fo the young woman to speak...his eyes signaling friendly encouragement. Cameron Chase smirks. "Calm the ego there, cheese breath." she replies, equally as casual. "Don't you guys always get a little bit of interest when you "gather"? I mean, come on. You don't see a bunch of guys dressed in tight costumes *every* day, now do you? Ok. Maybe *you* do..." And if truth be told, so does she. But let's not get into that, shall we? "I was out for a walk, actually. I saw you guys there, I turned around. Simple. This *is* a public place." Robin nods again. "I didn't mean to include you among those with their eyes closed," he says to the alien detective. "Just the opposite. I know you're judging us on our own merit." He looks at Impulse. "I think J'Onn's idea is a good one and we should discuss the details, maybe with Wonder Girl and Superboy present." He peels back a glove and looks at his watch, yawning. "But not now. I have schoolwork to finish before the Thanksgiving break." Giving both J'Onn and Robin a nod - and then a mock salute - Impulse tugs his goggles back on. "I should jet, too. I'm not sure, but I think I might have a really major test tomorrow. Or maybe it's a project due." He grins, and takes off.