Loitering - just like the sign says not to - Sanderson crankily starts in on his fifth cigarette since arriving here. It's bad mojo to arrive at a bar drunk, so nicotine'll have to do: gotta be *something* to take the guy's mind off the decor. He scowls slightly, brushing ash off his sleeve. Eating Crow - that's what Jack Knight is doing at this moment. Not only is he headed to Warrior's, which he made a big point of telling Sand he would never do, she actually /called/ the man and told him to meet them here. Ooooh boy. He's not going to live this down for a while. Walking arm and arm with the woman, he hunkers down when he sees the other guy standing outside. Oh yeah. He may be a free man, and entirely happy about that, but this blow to his rep is going to take some time to fade. *Jeesh*. Women. Donna smiles as she glances over to Jack as they walk arm in arm, conveniently a short distance away from her studio which they even pass as they make their way up to the front of Warrior's. "Oh, come on, Jack. Don't look so sullen. Its not like I'm dragging you to a prison or Eurodisney," she smiles, apparently in much better spirits than the Starman. "This is a celebration. You're a free man. Your name is clear. And Warrior's is the perfect place to get people together." To get people together? What kinda self-help new-age touchy-feely happy-happy baloney're we talkin' about, here? Warriors' is far too cheerful a place to get properly hammered in, and bars are supposed to be *designed* to be conducive to drunkenness. Sanderson coughs a very unhealthy cough, rather sullenly watching Jack and Donna approach. He gives the couple a dour look, then puts his cigarette out in the ashcan next to the door. When you arrive there, he's wordless - hooks his unencumbered thumb in his pocket and just waits. Jack walks closer to Sand, but as they get nearer Donna would be able to feel the resistance in his steps getting stronger. "Aw...jeez." Eventually, and probably with a little force by Donna, they come to a stop in front of the building, and next to Sand. Jack frowns guiltily at his pal. "Uh, Hiya. Glad you could make it, bud." He tries to offer a grin, and he really doesn't have to work that hard, after all. Or he wouldn't, but he happens to look up at the giant statue of Guy Gardner at the entrance and *sighs*. "Well...guess since I'm a legitimate hero again, this is the place to begin my re-coronation." Jack shoves /his/ hands in his pockets now and resumes the sulking...but it's really more of a mock-sulk, as he's happy to have his favorite guy and gal in one place, especially for the occasion. Sapphire blues watch Jack from the corner of her eyes as Donna walks with Jack, noting the hesitation. She pats him gently on the arm as they near Sand,"Jack...if you're really not comfortable, I don't want to force you. If it bothers you that much we can take Sand back to Headquarters and have a party there. I just thought it would be fun for you to get out." But then as they get closer, she smiles and nods to Sand in greeting. What a pair. Two mopey little boys. "You were always a legitimate hero, Jack. The truth never changed just because you were falsely accused." Catching the last bit of that, Sandy lightens up a little. Straightens up, too. "Sure," he adds, grinning a bit wickedly, "Awfully heroic in that bar down by Canal Street, you were, making *me* fight those chicks. Good thing I had my gasgun." He jerks his thumb doorward. "Shall we get this over with? I'm sure it'll be easier to party after the initial seven or eight shots." Sighing in an obviously exaggerated fashion, Jack heads to the door, making sure to open it for the lady first. "I *suppose* I'll have to make do. I think the sparkling company will have to make up for it." He bows, the ultimate doorman. "After you madam, sir." When Donna heads toward the door, he stops her. "No, I seriously should thank you though. This is a sweet idea. Ranks right up there with the cooking...though I'm sure Bobby's a better cook than any of the slop-slingers they pay here." Appearing more and more like a Knight in Shining Armor (or is that Leather Jacket?) he offers the Wonder Gal a charming sideways grin. Donna laughs softly and shakes her head. This should definitely be interesting. But she arches an eyebrow at Sand. Another bar fight? Women? Oh, there is surely a story behind that one, and her blue eyes slide to Jack, sparkling with amusement. But as she steps up to the door and listens to Jack's words, she smiles brightly. "I thought we covered this before...there's no reason to thank me. You deserved it. And I think the cookies were his 'thank you' when I told him about the observatory. You were right, little kids do seem to love the stars," she smiles and walks on inside. Eyeing Jack with a look that clearly mocks, good naturedly, and says 'Ain't *you* the smoov one?', Sandy also takes advantage of the open door. Once inside, he takes off his suit jacket and hangs it up by the door, immediately rolling his sleeves up. Has a bit of trouble with the left one. Brows raised, he looks back at Jack and Donna. "Observatory? Been at your dad's, I guess?" New York: Warrior's Bar Vastness and sheer size are the first things that you notice about this place. The floors are dark hardwood, which is polished to a nice smooth shine. The main bar is a half rectangle that resides on the left side of the room. It is an old fashioned bar with oak for a body and brass railings and trim about it. There is a long mirror behind the bar, both for seeing yourself and those who arrive behind you. Above the bar is a covered railing that has various paintings, carvings, or other pieces of art depicting warriors from various time periods. About the room are multiple tables, usual sturdy ones that are made of oak with chairs of the same ilk. Multiple doors lead from here into other parts of this vast establishment. There are various pictures of Guy Gardner, and other heroes, giving you a clue as to the theme of the room you are going into. There are also various doors that inform you of employee restricted areas. There is also a main stage in this room, as with the bar it is made of oak and trimmed with brass. It looks like it would be an excellent venue for any performance. Flashing Sand a knowing look...(the two of them don't actually /have/ Telepathy, do they? One would think they might by watching them enough...), Jack grins. Yeah, he's smooth. He's trying. Donna's the best, and he had every reason to be a total operator around her. "Nah. I just invited Donna and her son to come check it out sometime. I'd like to show the little spud around." He nudges the blonde one. "But that's nothing...she's invited to take me to see the real thing. I just need to get a hold of a spaceship now..." Jack hmms...hang up his coat, and offers to take Donna's. In a short time, a fetching woman with Blue skin comes to seat them. Donna laughs softly, shaking her head at the 'little spud' comment. "Well, you and your dad are both such astronomy buffs," she says to Jack, handing her coat over with a murmured thanks. "I'm sure I could manage to get you up to the outpost sometime. And if not that, I do have access to a few vehicles, perhaps a brief spin around the solar system," she smiles. Even with all the deep space missions she's been on, she is still amazed by the beauty of space...when she's not taking care of business. And so she follows along behind the blue skinned woman to where they are all seated, a couple of extra places at the table. A table where there is already someone waiting for you, someone in a red party suit... The Flash! His feet up, he grins that 'you're all slowpokes' smile at each of you and doesn't bother to get up, at first. "Oh, so I see you guys finally made your way in." He winks and then stands, for Donna, of course, the only respectable one of the lot, and the lady. "Hope it's no hassle, because I am barging in and joining you lot. Cope." Sand Hawkins blinks at the union-suited fellow at the table. "Jeez...no matter *how* many times you speedsters pull that stunt, I will *never* get used to it." He tosses off a mock salute, and yanks a chair out from the table, flopping informally into it. Surl? Nah, not really. Just a little edgy due to the environment. It's so - Metropolis. Oh, man, what's this? There's a little picture of a fish drawn onto his cast. And a name... "Wally! Wow. The gang's all here!" Well, everyone who counts really. Except maybe the guy who really came through when it counted. The mystery man...'Rob?' Was that his name? Jack really would like to thank him one day. Oh well, it'll have to wait until later. Pulling out the seat for Donna, Jack allows her to sit first, and then follows up with his own chair. Clapping his hands together, Jack grins. "So! What's everybody having? Dinner and the first round is on me..." The raven-haired Donna gives the Flash a bright smile and hugs him as he stands,"Wally...I was wondering what happened to you." Naturally, she had left him a message to meet them there should he get it in time, and naturally, he beats them there. Typical Wally. She smiles and nods to Jack, taking the seat pulled out for her with another 'thank you' and then looks around at everyone. "Dinner sounds great," she says. And as he talks about rounds, she glances at Wally and knows who'll be fine with whatever shots Jack and Sand will likely throw out on the table.