New York Harbor New York Harbor is bustling with activity. A major city, it has a lot of sea-faring traffic coming in and out through the Harbor. The city tries to keep the harbor clean, but often fails in the attempt. The warehouses can be seen lining the piers in this portion of town, and it's obvious that this isn't the best area of town to be around. --- "When're they gonna -get- here?" asks Sandy, sounding for all the world like a little kid. He's sitting at the end of the pier, feet hanging over the water, flicking pebbles into the water from a handful he brought with him. (No, not out of his shoe. Ow.) He glances up at Donna, grinning wryly. "Unless they're afraid of my car. I don't blame them. We gotta get this show on the road, though." Throwing another rock in, the guy shakes his head, smirking. "I'd think Jack and Dol'd -trust- me..." Donna Troy glances out over the ocean, leaning back a bit on the car in question that is parked off to the side. "Don't worry, they'll be here soon..." She smiles as she takes in the salt air, the overhead sky. A perfect day to hit the road it would seem. Then sapphire eyes turn to the man who seems to be exercising a little less patience and laughs softly. "No offense Sandy, but I saw your car that time you drove to Opal, and if that's any indication of its usual working ability, then maybe I'm the only one suicidal enough to show up today." Sandy Hawkins laughs good-naturedly, then hauls back and pitches the rest of the pebbles into the East River. He leans back, hands behind his head, looking at the sky. "Well, the -good- thing about my car is that if it breaks, I'm only out two hundred bucks. That, and no one in their right mind would steal it. Or break into it. Or even go -near- it." He grins at the clouds, then closes his eyes. "And come on, you're all superheroes. You can take it." There is a slight shaking of the young woman's head and there is an almost disbelief in her expression, but the smile makes it anything but genuine surprise. Donna had always assumed Sandy to be rather dour. Serious. This is certainly a change. And the fact that they're actually talking themselves, well...something else quite rare. She taps the hood of the car a little tentatively. "If you say so," she grins. "But if this thing breaks down in the middle of nowhere, I'm holding you, Jack, and whoever else personally responsible. And even a superhero isn't invincible...unless you're Superman." "Ahh, nah, it won't blow up." That's right, tempt fate. Just -summon- Murphy, why don't you. Sandy opens one eye, squinting, and glances up at Donna with a grin. "The worst that happens is it stops working, and we've got a speedster and three fliers. But we'll be fine. We'll be on the -road-." An awful lot of confidence. An awful lot of enthusiasm. And, after all, they -are- waiting for Jack - it's okay to be here. After a second, Sandy hoists himself up on his elbows and looks across the water. He asks, almost idly, "By the way...I never got to ask you why it was you thought I hated you." Donna Troy laughs softly. "You're the one talking about it blowing up...I was thinking something a little bit more mundane," she grins, definitely not wanting to curse the trip before it even begins. She glances down at her watch and does wonder what's holding up Wally, he's usually the first one to be anywhere. "So what you're saying is if worse comes to worse, you'll have three of us to do the leg work for you and Dol," she smiles, finding this thought amusing. Though she glances to you at your question and her cheeks flush a light red. "I never thought you hated me, seemed like you didn't like my company very much. Whenever we met, you always seemed...dour. And then you never really stayed long when you came to see Jack and I was there. Like that day in Opal," she points out with a smile remembering the car thing again. "Jack had been hoping you'd stay for dinner." Now it's Sandy's turn to look embarrassed. "No, I...heh." He sits up, scratching his nose. He's already beginning to burn - the horror! He shakes his head, grinning. "Generally, you only seem to catch me when I'm looking for Jack specifically, which is usually only after a dream. And you'll -never- find me in a good mood after a dream." The blond man pauses again, thoughtfully. "I do apologize, though. I know I tend to get...surly. At times. But...come on," he grins again, looking up. "You can't seriously think someone who went by 'Golden Boy' as a kid'd be -that- bad..." Donna Troy ahs and inclines her head a bit as she thinks over something. "I mentioned something about dreams the night Jack left Headquarters," she says slowly, as if thinking over the incident still. "I'm sorry whatever they are put you in an off mood, you seemed like you didn't exactly welcome the experiences," she says, glancing over to Sandy now. "But there's no need to apologize. It was a misunderstanding. And really, after all the arguements from just that sort of misunderstanding I've heard lately -- " Donna doesn't finish her sentence, rather turns her gaze out over the ocean again, another smile appearing. "Oh, I never thought you were bad. Or else, I would never have trusted Jack to your care, best friend or no." Sandy Hawkins laughs this off, not in the mood to contest it. Oh, no, it's not like he's known Jack since the guy was eighteen, oh no. Not a bit of it! After a second, he says quietly, "Yeah...I don't enjoy 'em. I've come to the realization, though, that Bad Things woulda happened if I'd carted Jack off that night, so you deserve to know, even if it's just to put your mind at ease about that whole baloney, me showing up at three in the morning." Sandy stands up, brushing himself off, and starts rooting around in his many pockets for his keys. The cheerful dork's even wearing a yellow shirt...with a red collar. Man alive. "The dreams are precognitive," he says without further preamble. "And really damn vague. So I know if someone needs me, or if something bad's gonna happen, or if there's something I can prevent or change. And I have a general idea of where to look for it. Sometimes I get more detail than others, mostly it's just educated guesses...and the rest of the time, I don't dream at all." He's silent for another moment, then laughs apologetically. "I'm sure that's -far- more than you wanted to know. Did you bring music, or do I get to blast Benny at you kids the whole way?" "Bad Thing?" But then she shakes her head, perhaps really not wanting to know. She almost half smiles know to think of when Sandy and Wally showed up at perhaps what was a less than ideal moment considering they were both at less than their best at the time. Then again, maybe it was perfect timing even if they had been in tears. "So what you're saying have these dreams of future events?" Donna nods a little to this and even smiles a bit as that could explain a lot. Especially if they're hard to figure and decipher. "No, actually, I'm glad you told me." To Donna, its a sign of trust and one she can appreciate. " Actually, I didn't really. I just listen to the radio most of the time myself if I don't have an old tape around or CD." Laughing again, Sandy looks positively devilish. "Benny it is, then. Maybe some Nat King Cole, too." He smirks, and looks at the water again, shading his eyes in order to get the best picture. "My god," he says in mock shock, "could that actually be the skiff?" He squints, leaning over the water a little, like it'll help him. Yeah. "...three. Only one distinctly female. And since Starfire has, I gotta wonder where Dol is."