Gotham: Rooftop Skyline Over Central Gotham The skyline over the central area of Gotham is a mixture of towering skyscrapers, dark, shadowy alley-ways, and stone monuments that leer down at the city below. The rooftop to the Gotham City Police Department can be found, situated between the different businesses that dot over the horizon. At any point, the signal that lights up the sky with its Bat-Shaped intensity can be found originating from the GCPD's roof. The rooftops stretch out far over the horizon, some appear to contain scratched up cornices on the building tops. On the streets, far below, the Gothamite citizens appear as nothing more than tiny ants, moving to and fro. ... Black Canary's shoulders flex as she tips her head, deliberately staying within 5' of Orion's large bulking proximity. Her neck cranes as she arches a slim brow. "So know that you know Darkseid isn't exactly hanging with his homies in the Gotham hood, is there a REASON you're standing there? Or is it just because you're trying not to be intimidated by a human female?" Her tone is perfectly reasonable. Her smile is delightful. Feral. She enjoys this kind of play, and every line in her body shows it. A slight grunt emanates from the back of the huge godling's throat as he watches your back. "You are no more fearsome than the Furies, though I would say that, while you lack their raw power, you are no less dangerous than one." Orion says in his stone on stone voice as he watches the thin, muscular woman having her amusement at his expense. Likely to his unknowingness. "You have yet to receive your thanks and now I grant it to you for your aid in my search." he rumbles faintly, like the lightning from the heavens is just barely contained within his stomach and chest. "Your aid is appreciated in aiding me Black Canary." There's a quiet but decidedly solid *clink* from somewhere off to the Black Canary's back, accompanied (for those who immediately look) by the glint of steel clinging to the edge of the dark rooftop. It's followed immediately by a soft whirring sound, a leather-gloved hand over the ledge, and a vaulting human figure. This trenchcoated form lands in a crouch and instantly looks up, keeping the two others in his sight as much as possible. Whoever it is is wearing a Cold War style gas mask; he stands and holsters his wirepoon. "Canary," comes his hollow voice, muffled slightly and eerily distorted by the mask. "Am I interrupting?" The blonde suddenly looks vulnerable, as her features soften and she peeps at the New God. There's just something about Canary that can look both tough and cute when she's caught off-guard like that, and her eyes widen. Then comes the interruption. Her features smooth into that placid professional look, as she looks back to Sand. Her voice deepens. "No, of course not. Orion was alerting me to a possible Earth habitation by Darkseid." As always she remembers her manners: "Orion, Sanderson." She backs away. How COULD she explain these two to each other? . o O (Most people have cubicals. I'm around the water cooler with a guy wearing a suit of armour, and the other a gas mask.) The name comes from the huge man's lips, the only real visible part of his body, in a growl of acknowledgement, "Sanderson." as though tasting it like a new flavor in his mouth the Dog's greeting is coarse in the best of times. These aren't really the best of times. "As I know you not, I will have to mind Black Canary's words. You know of my father then?" he says in his grumbling and grating voice; boulders shifting on each other high on the mountain. Tugging the gasmask back to reveal his face - serious, but very very human, and very young-looking - Sand answers cheerfully. "Actually, no, I don't. I came on behalf of what's left of the Justice Society to warn Canary about a metahuman that's stalking JSA and JSA progeny." He approaches calmly, body language indicating that he's, if not harmless, then most assuredly not hostile. "And Sand or Sandy will do fine." The Canary in question frowns, almost doing a double-take. "Isn't there some rule about no double threats from metas? These villians need to start doing their homework." She looks between both men, a wicked grin curving her lips. "Gosh, all this excitement could go to a girl's head. So Sand, you got some heat? Spill." As the huge New God, embodiment of war blinks his eyes the red blinks out to near total darkness and then returns with its red hue across the roof. Kind of like a strangely burning watchtower. The irises focus on the fellow who just arrived with a curious sense to them, interested in what he has to say. "No excitement just yet, but there will be soon unless I'm mistaken." he pauses and says in his growling voice, "I don't make many mistakes, either." he says in an annotational manner. Shoving his hands in his pockets and stopping a good eight, ten feet from the two, Sandy inclines his head slightly. His curly hair is mostly covered by the mask, now, but a few locks stray from its hold, captured by the breeze that billows his coat. "And not necessarily any excitement coming from my corner, either - just tossing you a heads up. It's a fellow who goes by the name of Claw, who says he studied under an irritating second-stringer in the '40s called the Stalker. He -is- dangerous: caught Jack Knight and I flat-footed, and stole the Cosmic Rod and Mikaal Tomas. Ted says he also kidnapped Libby Lawrence." The blond crimefighter looks Orion over cursorily, then reaches up to scratch his nose. "But what's this about...Darkseid, was it?" Black Canary's features slowly transform: the amusement creeps out. Her features become a mask of concern..then alarm, only to settle into calm acceptance. She darts a sidelong look at Orion. "If what he says is true, even the most powerful metas will have a major stress. The cosmic rod is the Swiss Army knife of meta love toys." A new thought occurs to her. "What is your interest, anyways Orion? Aside from Darkseid, you are usually remote from Earth." The Dog of War looks at the yellow hair with his glowing, infernal eyes and the stoic look etched upon his lips. A low growl precedes his mouth opening to speak in the raw tones of voice that he uses. "Darkseid is my interest, it is my purpose to counterbalance his movements. Earth is his favorite playground due to the general lack of power carried by so many inhabitants." the New God explains very simply in his voice, which always manages to sound commanding and irritated. "If he is here, he has use for your people. He hasn't exposed himself yet, however. When he does I will confront him." Again. Black Canary comments midly, perhaps just to bait the Dog "Apparently he's not an overachiever, even though he--as we all know--could dominate our puny race." Her chin tilts as she looks heavenwards, searching for Armageddon. "Great. So a galactic badass on /top/ of everything else," sighs Sandy, shaking his head. He sets his jaw and squints upwards for a second, as well, then straightens his shoulders and takes out his wirepoon again. "You know how to get in touch with us, right, Canary?" Black Canary folds her arms across her chest, lowering her chin and giving an almost sullen look. "I' Black Canary says "I'm NOT a team player, but I can get in touch with most anyone. But the question I have for both of you is: what capacity do you need me in, if any, and when?" Orion releases a growl, animalistic and feral like a starved rabid grizzly when Canary makes her joke. His massive hand flexes with a creaking of leather, like its ready to pop and burst open. Almost as though the Dog is ready to step forth before he stops himself. "I hadn't exactly thought to recruit you, Canary. I had only hoped you would have information that I could use, since this is your home planet." he responds as he controls himself. The red in his eyes growing a bit hotter before returning to a low smolder. Sand rolls his eyes, starting to pull the mask down again. He pauses for a second and notes dryly, "We don't need you especially - I'm sure you've got dreadfully important asses to kick. Like I said before, I'm giving you a heads up that a particularly well-armed metahuman stalker of JSA types is on the loose, and might come gunning for you. If - and I say this with *all* possible respect for your abilities as a martial artist and righter of wrongs - you should /possibly/ find yourself out of your league with this guy, we're available to back you up." He finishes pulling the mask down and runs his free hand through his hair, making him look very Mignola, then spreads his arms out and bows slightly. Than, distorted, "That's all." Something within the lovely ladybird responds, with an equal heat. She will NOT take that kind of response without giving equal to Orion. A delicate shoulder lifts up in a shrug as she deliberately rakes her gaze up and down Orion. "The only file I have on your father is that we kicked his ass less than a decade ago. I'm sorry he's so feeble-minded he wants to come back for more abuse. So, there it is. I'll find you if I find something else. Thanks." And she gives her back, to address Sandy. She arches a brow. "Are you done jumping to wrong conclusions? Because I'm really concerned. I AM worried, not because I'm out of my league, but because he sounds psycho. So now that you've gotten it all out--CAN we have a meeting with JSA related people?" "That sounds a bit different from your initial response, but I'll run with it," replies the Golden Ager, crossing his arms and tilting his head down slightly. You get the impression he's looking at you a bit doubtfully, and his word-balloons are all sloppy dotted lines and broken-up letters. That's what a gasmask sounds like. He taps his wirepoon against his arm thoughtfully, then answers. "Call the observatory in Opal with your contact information, and I'll get you the necessary data. Is that acceptable?" The red eyes burn a bit brighter as the whole roof is hilighted in his light, momentarily Orion's lips curl back to reveal sharp canine teeth, like those of a wolf or a bear, "I suppose I shall be on my way then and leave you humans deal with him alone." he jibes, thouh naturally he wouldn't let his father step foot anywhere without trying to cave in his head. "You think he'll find the Anti-Life this time? They say its rests most here on this planet." Orion growls hotly as a golden harness begins to form around his torso. Rising from his belt in glittering colors of gold. "Have a pleasant servitude." he says with a wickedly evil smile, cold and utterly hellish. Like father like son sometimes. Black Canary looks at Sandy directly. And her words are succinct. "However you want it. I appreciate the warning, and I'll always be in contact with Jack. The rest is up to the group." As always, she is a woman caught in two: between two causes. Two worlds. Two lifestyles. Two personas. Lately it's caused her to snap. Now it's causing her to flee. But as she readies herself and looks back over her shoulder at both beings, Canary knows there will be serious ramifications from both arenas. Life doesn't pause to neatly schedule, and instinctively she realizes that many a fate will come to a breakpoint from both men. "I'll be seeing BOTH of you. But you both have more important people to find. Like the man who runs this town. I'm just the copy clerk." Sand tosses off a mock salute with his wirepoon-holding hand. "You're the one the Claw would be interested in, my friend," he says softly - perhaps too softly to be heard. With a wink and a salute, she drops over the edge. Literally. Figuratively? She's not that hard. Yet. "Orion? Great t'meetcha. Thanks for the cosmic warning. Have fun being lofty. Places to go, more disinterested people to warn," continues the Sandman's heir, firing his wirepoon up and across the street, then stepping up to the ledge. Would he jump? Possibly, but he and Gotham and jumping off buildings - ehn. Too many bad, stupid memories. So he goes the lineslinger way, tosses off one more salute, and heads down. The Dog races into the sky at speeds most humans never get to experience on his golden glider. Ah well, at least she had guts. That's always admirable, of course is so is the ability to know when to get out of the boulder's way. Either way, he's calm within a few minutes thanks to Mother Box.