Genesis HQ: Courtyard You are just outside a large, ancient castle. The structure is composed completely of native stone and seems to loom omniously overhead. The courtyard itself catches an occasional breeze that makes it over the large, ivy covered walls, and a tiny well sits in the center. The main entrance to the castle is guarded with a portcullis and banners hang from the windows. In the rear, a large tower juts up into the sky. Welcome to the Genesis HQ. Riantl walks out, sunshades on. Jason Jenson says "Hello Riantl." Jason Jenson kinda sorta notices the newcomer. Thandra Kyno is seated on a stone bench, working on an omnicom. Jason Jenson walks over towards the bench, "Excuse me...can I help you with something?" Thandra Kyno looks up. Thandra Kyno says "Mmm... Nope." Jason Jenson nods and motions to the place next to Thandra, "May I sit?" Riantl mms. Thandra Kyno says "Why not?" You say "Hiya, Thannie." Thandra Kyno says "Hey, Ri. Long time no see." You say "Well, yeah. Not -that- long. Though I don't think I could see last time you saw me. Maybe I could...I don't recall." Jason Jenson sits down next to Thandra, "hello Riantl." You say "Hey, Jason.." Thandra Kyno says "Me either. I think it was just after the clone fiasco." Thandra Kyno says "Everything doing well?" Riantl looks at Jason, which you might immediately recognize as something no blind person would do, then turns back to THandra. (Her shades are still on.) "Quite." Thandra Kyno says "Quite?" Thandra Kyno turns to look at Jason, too. Thandra Kyno turns to look at Ri. Thandra Kyno looks at her hand. Thandra Kyno turns her right hand over by half a notch. Riantl raises her eyebrows above her shades. "Yes...quite well." Thandra Kyno points at Ri, for no good reason. A thin white line condenses between Thandra's hand and Ri's shades, then drifts away in the wind. Riantl cries out, and tears at her shades. "Sprocking -NASS-!" Jason Jenson says "what the!?!!?" Thandra Kyno waits and watches. Riantl drops the shades on the grass, and stands before you, angry and Weiringo-drawn. If she were making a sound, it'd be a growl, but she's completely silent. Her teeth are clenched, and her eyes are filled with pure hatred. They're obviously perfect. Jason Jenson says "Ri?..what is wrong?" Jason Jenson stands and moves over to Ri. Thandra Kyno says "Why do I always run into you at this point?" Thandra Kyno points at the ground. Jason Jenson blinks and is confused. Riantl glares at Jason, a withering look on her face. She turns back to Than and crosses her arms. The ground shivers, and spikes of ice suddenly sprout into a open topped barred cage. Jason Jenson stands near Ri with a grin on his face, assuming she's doing this. Riantl says icily, "Do you really think that's going to stop me?" Thandra Kyno says "It depends." Thandra Kyno is a Tharrian. Ice is my forte'. Jason Jenson is just outside the cage, feigning shock then, "why are you putting a cage around Riantl, Ma'am?" Thandra Kyno says "It seems like a good idea at the time." Riantl places both her hands on the bars in front of her, and shatters them. She does this with the bars beside them, as well, and steps out. Thandra Kyno has her hands on the sides of the bench. She flexes, brings her legs over her head, and lands on her feet behind the bench, the blades incidentally deflecting much of the ice. Riantl grabs Thandra's wrists, and says to Jason, without taking her eyes from Thandra, "Give me a hand, will you?" Riantl -went- for Than's wrists. Riantl holds Than's wrists tightly. "Will you come along peacefully?" Thandra Kyno has her hands held by Ri, but she pulls strongly against Ri, making the nerve pinch go aside. Thandra Kyno says "Peacefully?" Jason Jenson grumbles, "stupid nerves.." You say "Peacefully. Relatively. On your part, rather." Thandra Kyno says "I'll just fall down dead, then." Riantl hmms. Jason Jenson moves behind Thandra and just Pounds her between the shoulder blades. Thandra Kyno collapses bonelessly.... You say "We couldn't have that, could we?" Riantl smiles. Thandra Kyno brings her knees up as she falls, pulling back against Ri. Riantl gahs, and lets Thandra fall. Thandra Kyno pulls against Ri, trying to flip her. Riantl curses under her breath. "Sprockin' ice." Jason Jenson slides out of the way of Thandra's flip, taking his next action to recover and draw a blaster from his boot. Riantl tries to recover from Than's trick.. Riantl steps back, and is put only mildly offbalance by Than's offensive. Jason Jenson turns and fires a stun blast at Thandra Thandra Kyno recovers into a stand on her blades, facing the pair. Riantl pulls a blaster from beneath her labcoat and aims it at Thandra. Thandra Kyno gets hit by the blaster and falls backwards, limp. Riantl makes a face. "Dammit." You say "I'd've liked to have taken her out..." Jason Jenson says "sorry..." Riantl puts her blaster away disgustedly. "-You- carry her." Jason Jenson walks over to pick up thandra Jason Jenson says "OOF..heavier then I was expecting." Jason Jenson heads for a shuttle Prisoner Barracks Cold drifts through this large open cave almost like a predator. Rows and rows of bunks line the walls of this cave, leaving only a 10 meter wide lane between them. The bunks are stacked four high, with ladders leading to the upper bunks. Blankets of fur and other animal fibers are strewn about each bed, adding to the primitive atmosphere provided by the dirt floor and flimsy wooden bunks. You'd swear the mattresses were stuffed with animal hair or feathers, but you'd better not check. You'll be beaten for ripping a mattress apart. Prisoner Recreation Area This large cave complex is where prisoners can come to "relax" when not working in the mines. The area nearest the platform from the central hub consists of several stone benches and chairs arranged around stone tables. Some of these tables have old-fashioned board game patterns on them. A large stone bookcase, containing actual paper books, rests off in the corner. This is dustier than the dirt floor, though. Another area appears to be separated by a narrower passage. You'll have to take a closer +view to see what's there. Jason Jenson works his leg on the exercise equipment, grimicing. Jason Jenson says "OW....blasted leg...." A door opens, and a tan ball gets thrown through. It lands, and resolves itself into an unconcious Thandra Kyno, sans laser blades. Jason Jenson looks over at the new person, not recognizing her. He stands and walks over to her, noting her collar(stopping your powers).."A new person..are you well?" Jason Jenson's limp is better..but still noticeable. Thandra Kyno says "I'd say a fairly deep well, yes." Thandra Kyno stands up, slowly. Thandra Kyno says "Hm." Jason Jenson says "Ri?..." Riantl is leaning on Henri, free hand fluttering in a very adrenalin-y way. "Jason?WHoIsThat?" Thandra Kyno walks to a wall, and touches it, then licks her finger, thoughtfully. Thandra Kyno says "It's just Thandra, Ri." Riantl's face falls. "Wait.IKnowYourVoice..Hell..THanHowDidTheyGet-You-?" Henri gnaws on his lower lip, Riantl's presence next to him something startling. He opens his mouth as if to speak, but quickly closes it again. Jason Jenson has a weeks worth of growth on his face.... Thandra Kyno says "Didn't catch on to the clone thing fast enough." Jason Jenson says "who captured you?" Thandra Kyno says "You and Ri. Let her get too close before I figured it out, then I didn't plan for superhuman strength." Riantl sighs, then winces. "CouldYouPleaseSayThatAgain?IWasn'tListeningHardEnough.YouSoundSlow." Henri feels like slumping down against the wall, like giving into the decadent depression gnawing away at his mind - but, with someone on his shoulder, he feels an akward responsibility to provide a stable support. Jason Jenson says "ouch.." Thandra Kyno says "Hm..." Thandra Kyno says "Are the collars loaded with explosives, Ri?" Thandra Kyno examines the rock, then Ri's collar. Riantl squeezes Henri's shoulder, then carefully sits on the ground. She was listening more closely that time. "NoThey'reNot...ButTheyShockYouIfYouTugOnThem." Thandra Kyno starts scraping dirt from the wall. Jason Jenson says "well..I'm sorry for capturing you." Thandra Kyno says "I can stand that for long enough." Jason Jenson says "we've tried to escape" Riantl makes a face, then concentrates. "Somehow I doubt that." Thandra Kyno says "Kyno. Thandra Kyno." As Riantl moves from his shoulder, Henri breathes a slight sigh of relief. His muscles relax, the tension sliding from his upper body to his feet as his knees bend a bit to support the squat he moves into. Jason Jenson says "Jason..Jason Jenson..a Pleasure." Thandra Kyno goes to the bookcase and gathers more dust. Jason Jenson limps back over to the exercise eq. Thandra Kyno starts working out. Jason Jenson winces in pain as his knee buckles again while doing leg presses. Thandra Kyno starts to massage her neck. Riantl rubs at her eyes, then leans back against the wall. "Th-thandra?" Thandra Kyno says "Yes, Ri?" Riantl sighs. Her words are clipped, but at least they don't run into each other when she concentrates. "" The hope in her voice is apparent.. Thandra Kyno says "I'm not sure, Ri. I could get us to the surface." Thandra Kyno says "But this isn't a planet. It's an asteroid." Riantl's face falls. She puts one hand down to the ground, and seems to miss it once before she finds it (the ground). "IWishIKnewWhatWentOn."