Ri's Quarters: You see a very standard, very impersonal dormitory room. White walls, grey carpet, institutional bed that looks like it's never been slept in, boring closet. In the corner is a black door. Rone Jax looks at the object that you just handed him, then looks up at you, "What am I supposed to do with this? Ri raises an eyebrow, leaning back. "Use it?" She frowns. "Didn't I label it well enough?" Rone Jax blinks at the stone, turns it over, "Is it in braile?" Standing, puzzled, Ri shakes her head. "No," she starts, going over and holding out her hand. "Let me..." Rone Jax holds his hand out to Ri with the item in his hand, "Its just, well... complicated." Ri frowns, deftly going over it with her fingers. "It's straightforward enough..." She holds it up and starts to point things out. "See? Here's the phase resolution modifier, which you have to adjust according to the size of the subject, and here's the emissions damper, which you need to set to maximum during the operation, and immediately turn off afterwards." She turns it over, "Here's the interphasic modulator, which'll tune out the visibility, and next to it is the csonics control board." Rone Jax looks, and tries to follow, "All that on that tiny thing?" Rone Jax rubs his eyes and continues looking at the gizmo trying to remember all the uses and controls Ri nods. "They need to be on there. Each individual's connection to the buffer zone is slightly different, so you need to adjust according to the particular pattern. That's why there's a scanner attached - though that's fully automated. It scans and gives you the readings to you, so you can tweak the settings." She holds it out again. Rone Jax clears his throat, "So I read the scanner, then change the settings on all of the instraments... all while I am launching an offensive on two Bzgtlians?" Ri raises an eyebrow. "You /ought/ to be able to scan them and adjust the setting beforehand. You're good at sneaking, right?" Rone Jax says "I am, but that is a lot to do... how close do I have to be? Those adjustments are alot to do when attacking two trained gov't agents... I'm not a speedster." Ri pauses, then offers quietly, "I am." Rone Jax looks at you, and takes a deep breath... ""Did you do this on purpose?" Ri sighs, and puts her hands in her pockets. "Partially," she answers, with complete honesty. "I /could/ have made it simpler, sacrificing some accuracy. But I don't know if you'd have been able to operate it, even then. As it is now, its precision can be measured to the nanodegree...but it's hard to use." She turns away. "...unless you're a superspeedster, or a Coluan." Rone Jax nods, and drops back onto the bed, "I don't want you to have to do this, Riantl. Why?" Not speaking for a moment, Ri carefully takes off her shades and places them on the table. She holds the device in one hand, and reaches into her pocket with her other, drawing out a deep blue touchstone, set in silver. Holding them both, as though weighing one against the other, she finally answers...with a request. "Take me with you?" Rone Jax's eyes tighten, and his voice is hushed when he says, "Are you looking for a new life, or just a way out of this one?" Ri doesn't answer that. "If you find you can't stand my company, you can leave me somewhere. Wherever I go, I need to be untraceable. I know you can do that." She pauses, then continues, biting her lip, "I'd /like/ to go with you, though..." Rone Jax says "You want to join me? The Life?" Ri nods, then says quietly - but with an underlying steel - "For as long as you can stand me, yeah. I can't stay here, constantly hiding, constantly keeping things from people I don't want to hurt. They can't afford to have me as a friend." She notes bitterly, "They're still heroes. They're still innocent. I'm not...and I can't keep up the facade I've built for their benefit." Rone Jax runs his hands through his hair, and takes a deep breath, blows it out. After remaining silent for several minutes he says, "I don't want to do this, it is so lonely in this profession, but if it is your wish I can provide the means." Ri faces you again, placing her hands on the table. "Lonely?" she asks. "It wouldn't be lonely if you had company. And you've said yourself that I'm the only person you can trust. You wouldn't be responsible for me, and I wouldn't be responsible for you. But I can back you up if you need it, and I'll never betray you." She straightens, and finishes, dead serious, "I swear it, in the name of everything I hold sacred - /I won't betray you/." Rone Jax looks you in the eyes so intently that you can feel his gaze, then he stands and walks over to you, removing his cloak and dropping it on the bed, "I want to show you something." Rone Jax says "Hold out your hands." Ri does so, without hesitating. Rone Jax puts his hands on top of yours, his palms a bit wet with perspiration (Is Rone nervous?), but otherwise normal hands. After a moment, you feel his hands go a bit cold, then there is small, twin popping sounds and a hand held laser pistol materializes inbetween each set of our hands. After a moment the pistols shrink away and shift to become two billy clubs, then both pop quietly out of existance, leaving Rone holding your hands. Ri looks puzzled, but waits for you to explain. Rone Jax says "You should know my power if you are going to be my partner." Rone Jax says "Being a speedster, I know you could tell I wasn't using slight of hand..." Face clearing, Riantl nods. "General matter manipulation? ...or...only weapons?" Rone Jax hmms, "I have only tried weapons." Ri grins, for the first time this evening. "Well, now you have something new to experiment with, then." Then she smiles a bit lopsidedly, "I never knew you were a meta." Rone Jax laughs, "You think I had all those weapons strapped to my back?" then sobers, "I can keep my edge if no one knows." Ri nods. Ri doesn't let go of your hands. "So you'll take me with you?" she asks, needing the assurance. "You told me, so I take that as a yes, but I need to hear it." Rone Jax says "After I... -we- take the Bzgtlians, you and I will disappear." Ri squeezes your hands tightly, then drops hers to her sides. "When are you planning on taking them?" Rone Jax says "I need to have little Wyllie back to his dad by Xmas... My ship has its own stargate generator, so we have a week." Ri stifles a giggle. "Little Wyllie, huh?" She shakes her head, still grinning. "Ehn. Okay. So it could be any time this week?" Rone Jax nods, "I will resume watching them, and now that the gizmo is done I will look for an opening... Do you have some way I can reach you when the time is right?" Ri nods. She reaches into her belt pocket and fishes out an object that appears to be a flat card, about the size of a credit card, with a red square in the center. "Here. Press the center when you need me, and it'll transmit your location to me. It'll probably take me less than a second to reach you." Rone Jax smiles and takes the card, "Your speed and brains will make me the best in the business... but don't let that swell your head, I already was." Ri grins. "I know it. Don't worry." Rone Jax smiles back, his emotion obvious in his voice, "I wasn't too keen on this in the begining, but you are right, it won't be as lonely with you... I am looking forward to it." Ri raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly, rocking back on her heels, hands hooked on her belt. "'Course I was right. I very often am." With a fluid blur of her arm, her shades are resting back on her face. "I'll be utterly useless if I don't sleep, though." Rone Jax nods, and pockets the card. Donning his cloak he gets up to leave, placing a light kiss on your lips (or trying to) as he leaves. Ri isn't as startled as last time, admittedly. ;) She lets herself be kissed, and smiles slightly. "'Night, Rone," she says quietly, a hint of bemusement in her tone.