City Outskirts -- Sanabelle As Sanabelle fades behind you, houses and buildings becoming few and far between, the road gets thicker. Soon it becomes a beautiful high way, cutting into the green countryside. The Outskirts of Sanabelle are quiet and peaceful, despite this massive road which seems to plunge into no where. Some have said the highway was built just for the sake of building it. And those who have driven onit, almost always agree. A beautiful, quiet stretch of road, which invites travel, but goes no where. The residents of these parts have made use of the fertile soil to make the few farms on the island. Most of the island's food is imported, and there are no live stock here. The only things grown in these few farms are sugar cane. --Cindy-- Cindy is very school-girl looking. Very. Her usually hyperactive behavior and standard way of speech reveals the fact that she's most probably not very advantaged on the educational side of things. Smooth, dark blonde hair reaching just a little above her shoulders fits well around her long features. Light brown eyes, curved just a little, and a healthy tan give a feeling there might be some Eurasian heritage somewhere along her ancestry - but it could be just an illusion, as well. Her small nose turns a little upwards, like a baby's nose, and seems to be freckle-free. It may be make-up, or maybe her tan is strong enough to hide them. Normally, a high-pitched voice adds to her hyperactive-ness, though, it is obviously not the 'real' voice, and can be changed if there isn't a need to it. Her lips are just a tad more pink than her skin's complexion, and usually without lipstick - dull ground-colors are trendy these days. Just-below-the-averege breasts, with an attempt to reveal them as bigger than they really are, stand above a firm, although not muscular, tummy, and almost no fat. Standing 1.74 metres tall, if she has fat in her body, it is probably concealed well. Smooth legs, seemingly strong, end with delicate feet. At the moment, she's wearing a sky-blue shirt that hangs with thin straps over her shoulders, revealing the upper side of her back, somewhere around the shoulder blades, and in the front, a little before her breasts "begin" to form. The shirt ends just where her jeans start, therefor showing some of her stomach, at times. Dark blue jeans, almost skin-tight show her features, probably the impression she was trying to get. Darker grey shoes, almost black, engulf her feet. She wears no rings, and has only a small earring. Cindy looks around as she lands... An emergency? A schoolbus in life danger? Who's going to die? She can't see any schoolbus falling off a cliff. For that matter, she can't see a cliff, either. She looks at Sorna's map. "Hmmm..." There's a sudden clatter and a surprised, muffled curse from a half-deserted-looking auto garage, off the road a bit. Apparently, someone saw Cindy land, and didn't expect it. Soon after, you hear a door slam. Hmm. Maybe someone in there can tell you how to get to where you're going. Cindy says to herself, "You know, that feels so much like that horror movie." She shakes her head and looks at the garage. Her hands raised in a 'ewewew' motion, she slowly but not-so steadily makes her way around some of the things around the garage. VERY horror-movie-ish. "Hello? Anybody here?" Yeah, seems fairly 'Halloween'-esque. There're weeds and grass growing up through the cracks in the pavement, and there's a half-busted car sitting in the middle of the lot; parts're piled neatly against the garage doors. As Cindy approaches, she accidentally treads on the bell; there's another curst from indoors. No one comes out. The sign *does* say 'open'. Cindy looks around. Help? Damn, she shouldn't have dressed so victim-ily. (Unlike what her desc says) She's wearing a pastel-green dress, tight (After all, she has to fly with it!) to her body, and reaching a little above the knees. It is complemented with matching gloves and a purse. DEFINATELY the crimefighting outfit of the year... Definately. Her hair is styled in that 50's style, that Jacklyn Kenedy has made so popular, together with a hairbow. "Uhhh... Anybody home? It says it's open!" There's a scuffling sound from inside, then a pause, then a sigh. "Yeah," calls a voice, "yeah, it's open. Door's unlocked. Come on in." True to his words, the door's open. It's dark and cool inside, and smells a little musty - also a bit like grease and a bit like cigarette smoke. Cindy walks inside, looking to both sides before actually entering the place. "I'm... Kinda lost..." Sitting in the shadows - oh my yes, this is like a horror flick - face completely shaded, is a young looking male figure. As far as you can tell, he's wearing normal clothes - jeans, leather jacket, t-shirt. Mike Ness hair. "Lost, huh?" He makes no move to get up. "Where're you trying to get to, kiddo?" Cindy hmms. "That's a good question, too." She opens up the road map... "Basically, there's, like, this school bus full of children, or whatever, around here and I, like, need to save them from falling down a cliff, and stuff....?" There's a significant pause. "We're not," says the guy, "on a movie set. No matter WHAT anyone thinks." A slightly shorter pause, and he stands up, face coming into the light. Half-transparent, glowing green face, that is. The other half's *real* nice, but most people don't look at that part. "On the other hand, up those mountains up there," he gestures vaguely, "are plenty of cliffs." Oh, we didn't see that coming. As befits Cindy's perspective (Which is, basically, we are on a movie set), she places her hands over her cheeks and screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAIEEEEEEEEEEEH!" She's not very effective in stressful situations.. Like a good victim, she doesn't really try to run.. She just walks back until she hits the wall. <> Half-Life, on the other hand, doesn't make like your standard movie monster and go after the screaming chick. Instead he leans against the opposite wall, wincing, and waits for her to finish shrieking. "Do you mind?" he asks, irritated. Cindy stops for a moment. He's not attacking her, is he? WEll, she makes another attempt.. "Please don't hurt me! PLeaaaaase? Ple-hea-hea-heaaaaase!" Looking wryly at the girl, Byron just shakes his head. "Look here, chickie, I'd never hurt a girl. But if you keep screamin', I'm gonna wanna shoot myself just t'rid me of the agony." He sighs, then tries again. "Have you looked up on the mountain yet?" No questions about why she would be looking for a busload of kids to save. That kinda thing is normal here. Cindy shuts up for a moment. He's not acting very villainly, is he? She taps her fingers on the floor for a few times, "Oh well, I was *told* it's supposed to be around here.... Saw any school bus around?" Half-Life shakes his head. "Nope." A beat. "And I think I'd've seen it, too." He looks like he's waiting for something. Maybe he's waiting for her to say something, or for her to start screaming again, or *something*. Don't take it wrong. She did consider scraming again... But it doesn't have the same surprise factor.. Not to mention the fact that it's no fun if you can sympathize with the monster. Cindy's not very happy with HL's looks, either, but she handles it for the moment. "Have you seen a *cliff* around?" Well, it ain't like Halfy's too happy with his looks, either. "Like I said, kid," he reiterates gruffly, "there're cliffs in the mountains. What're you, a superhero or something?" Cindy looks at the mountains. "They're like, wayyyyyy there! It's supposed to be between this (She points at a certain location) and this (You guessed it, another location) point! And, duh? Of *course* I'm a superheroine!" Half-Life keeps his distance, but leans slightly closer to peer at the map. "Ah. That's a bit north of here. But still I haven't seen any schoolbuses." He doesn't comment on the 'superheroine' bit. Whatever floats yer boat. Cindy ponders. "You know, when I come to think of it, the fact that I didn't hear about from anyone but Steffany..." Maybe, by tommorow, she'll get it... "So, where'd you say it was?" --Half-Life-- Cigarette smoke and the smell of old grease permeate the black leather jacket of the young man before you. It's simply the aura he gives off. However, his Danny Zucco hair and his James Dean attitude aren't anywhere near enough to cover the fact that about half of the otherwise handsome guy's body is made up of glowing green, translucent ectoplasm. A stray curl falls gently to the healthy side of his face, lightly shadowing a clear, bright blue eye, but your gaze is drawn to his jawbone, hideously visible on the other side. The pattern's repeated all over - the sleeves of his jacket are torn off, revealing one somewhat healthy arm (well, from the bicep down) and one translucent green one, showing the bone. Rips in his shirt and jeans also glow. Half-Life is clothed in a pair of ancient dungarees, cuffed at the bottoms and ripped in several places; his brown leather jacket is worn to a fare-thee-well, sleeves torn off and stained. The boy's black boots are scuffed mercilessly, laces broken and retied at least three times each, and the sleeves of his t-shirt are rolled up almost to his shoulders. Occasionally, he'll wear a pair of plain black 50s-style sunglasses. He's the Rebel Without a Face. Half-Life pauses, reaching up and scratching his nose. The angle pretty effectly covers the grotesque half of his face, leaving only a classically handsome visage and a bright, mild blue eye. "North?" he says. It sounds like a question. "But listen, if one person told you this...and hey, how do you know she knows this stuff?" Cindy ponders that for a second. "Well... Uhhh...." Cindy says "Oh my god! You think someone misinformed her?" Half-Life raises his eyebrows and lets his hands drop to his sides, then hooks his thumbs into his pockets. "It could be," he says without a hint of irony. Cindy ponders. "Must be that..... A shame I had to skip class for it..." Hmm. "Wasn't too bad after all, then..." Actually, it was great. But now, she probably has to focus on getting away from here. He's 50's. Waaayyyy to 50's. So 50's it's not even funny. Oh, and half of him is a green protoplasm... Half-Life laughs. "It's never a shame to skip class, kid. But you better get back." He sort of half turns away, then seems to think twice and looks at Cindy through the corner of his eye - you only see the good half. The really freakin' /cute/ half. "And don't getcherself killed with this hero business. Getting killed ain't fun." Cindy *looks* at Halfy. "Oh-kay..." She walks away. Very slowly. To the door. You could probably hear her running. Think of a 'Homer Simpson when he forgot something' ambience... Half-Life laughs silently, then sighs quietly to himself. To the empty room.