New York - Central Park The splendor of Central Park lies like a green jewel in the midst of Manhattan. Surrounded by swanky buildings with doormen, the Hayden Planetarium, and the Museum of American History, it provides a repast for those yearning to forget the bustling city life they must face each day to survive. The Great Lawn has been home to memorable outdoor concerts and events. Sunbathers rest throughout the park, bike trails and jogging trails, walk bridges, lakes and ponds, the Park is a massive area. At night, few people walk here, for that is when the less desirable aspects of society come out to prowl, yet for all that it is in the heart of the city, this is often a place of peace. Sitting at the feet of a beeg statue in the middle of the park, our young speedster idly stuffs his face with a giant-sized hot dog and looks thoughtful. Occasionally a look of worry crosses his face, but it leaves each time he spots something more interesting than worrying about Stryfe. Yes - it happens! Mmm hot dog. Idly wandering throughout Central Park, Alex Elder is looking for something (or maybe even someone). Having recently been killed in this area, he's extremely cautious wherever he goes, even if he's only going near a hot-dog stand that's conveniently near Impulse. And suddenly, there's someone practically breathing down Alex's neck, looking over his shoulder. "Hi!" says that someone happily. He continues on with something unintelligible but clearly questioning. Two guesses as to who it is. Alex Elder jumps in suprise, "Agh!!!!!!!!!" He hops around to see who it is. Still panting, he looks at Impulse with a confused look. A few seconds with 'the look' on his face go by, and Alex opens his mouth to say something. "Uh...hi back...Bart." Impulse points to the hot dog stand, eyebrows up. Then he points to his hot dog, and lightly kicks your foot. "You eat?" He's clearly entertained. After all, vampires don't they? They only drink blood, right? Alex Elder blinks. "Of course I eat..." He looks down at his previously-kicked foot, and then back towards you. Grinning, "I eat almost anything, actually." Impulse blinks, and looks worried. "An-y-thing?" He backs away a step. Alex Elder grimaces. "Well, not /anything/...but...well, you know what I mean." He pauses. "No wait, you don't." He smiles awkwardly. Impulse looks relieved at the grimace, then at the sort of embarrassed smile. He hmms, finishes off his hot dog, then looks questioning. "" He holds his hands out next to his head, like big wings or something, and says, "Stryfe!" Heh -- the stupid helmet. "You know what I mean?" Alex Elder raises an eyebrow. "Stryfe...Stryfe...Stryfe." He gets an inquisitive look on his face. "Whos this Stryfe guy?" Impulse sighs, disappointed. He shrugs, then grins, and tugs at your arm. He mimes playing an arcade game, then looks crafty. "Play?" Alex Elder looks around for a moment, and then his attention's grabbed by you tugging at his arm. "Oh, err, yeah. I guess...but what?" Impulse gestures vaguely toward midtown. "Play!" He shoots pretend aliens. "Ka-pow, ka-pow! Zap!" He wants to drag you to an arcade, see? Aww yeah. Alex Elder ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs! "Okay-okay...I get it. I can do it...oh yes." He motions towards Midtown, the same as you did. "Lead on Commander Bart." Impulse cheers! and grabs Alex's wrists and takes off. Almost instantly, you're in front of an arcade-slash-laser-tag place, and Bart is letting go. And you -don't- want to know where he got that quarter. Narrator says sidewalk. He gestures to the entrance and grins, "After you." Alex Elder yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's from the sudden super-speediness. He almost crashes to the floor when you stop. Catching himself, and regaining some composure, he carefully walks into the supah-arcade. "Niiiiiiiiiiiice." Following Alex in, Bart looks around for a second, then zips over to the most interesting-looking game he can see: one that it's better if Alex names, since Your Humble Narrator is blanking. Can it is! Alex gasps, "Super Deadly Fighters Part 12!!!" He runs over to it, fumbling in his pockets for change. "Quarter quarter, gotta have a quarter." Ah-ha! A quarter! He pops it in the machine, the blinking-goodness of the video game starting up. Impulse steps back, grinning, waiting until Alex loses - he will, eventually - before he puts his own quarter in. Playing -against- him would just be /unfair/. Every once in awhile, he glances over to the desk where you sign up for laser tag, hoping they don't object to speedsters here. Alex Elder executes his Beautiful Spinning Flower move against Ryo-Tasko-No-Hidra, but is defeated by RTNH's Supah Omega Flare Combo. The 'Game Over' screen flashes on the screen, and Alex backs away from the dastardly machine with a defeated look on his face. "I...I...lost." Impulse patpats Alex, still grinning. He holds up his quarter -- you should feel priveleged, you're about to see a mmaster at work! In goes the $0.25, on go the gloved hands to the controls, and he's off! "I not lost," he chuckles, his hands moving almost blindingly quickly. Megakick! Flight of the Golden Wasps! Cosmic Overtoss Shinto Warrior Manuver! If his jaw was about...say...thirty feet longer, his lower lip would be out in the street because his jaw /drops/. To a Buddhist, this experience would be 'enlightening'. To Alex, it's 'Wow'. Finally, he musters a few words to express the combination of awe and disbelief: "Wow. That's...pretty good moves there." How insightful. And hey, he'd never played it before this very moment! And -- holy crap, is he up to the 10th lev- the 22nd level?! How many are there -left-? The young Zen Guru of Vidgames continues to play, quickly and silently kicking the crap of anything in his way, on one quarter. The sound effects from the machine have begun to attract a bit of a crowd. Low Kick Magic Pepper! Plastic Pants Tiger Swing! Absolute Destiny Apocalypse! Alex Elder blushes, slowly backing away from the machine to give The Man some room. Apart from watching and trying to gleen a few moves from The Man, Alex manages to start some commentary on the match. "Looks like a...Supah Spin Twist Light Flash Kick! And they're in the secret 'Pit' Level...who /will/ get knocked into the Pit first." He pauses, "It looks like The Man has one again! And...again! Yes! Two in a row in the Tag-Fest-Tournament Round!!" And it's not even fair -- there -should- be more rounds; videogames don't last nearly long enough. It looks like Bart's /finished/ the game -- and now he's going back to get all the hidden treasures he skipped over to get to the end. He starts to whistle nonchalantly as he plays. Show-off! Alex Elder has ran out of words that can describe the awe he feels. Looking around at the increasingly disconcerted crowd, he jabs Impulse in the side. "Hurry up and finish...errr...stop playing...something. I think some of the people are getting a bit antsy to play..." "Done!" says Bart cheerfully, stepping back to display the 'Champion!' flashing across the screen, then nodding and following Alex. "Not monkey," he says, elbowing the young vampire in the ribs with a grin. Alex Elder walks towards the...Snack Bar (dum-dum-daaaaaah!!). He plops down on one of the stools, since this snack bar really is a bar that you sit at to eat your snacks. Glancing behind his shoulder, he can't stop looking at Bart. Whether it's Bart's knack (laugh) at video games, or the bizarre and cosmically coincidental fact that the two look like each other, something is keeping Alex's attention focused on Bart. Oh yeah, back to that - Bart perches crosslegged on the next stool over and looks longingly at the food, then reaches over and pokes Alex. "You...Alex /Allen/?" He looks hopeful. If he was drinking a drink, he would of just spit out a mouthfull in suprise. "Nonono...Me Alex...I mean, I'm Alex /Elder/, not Allen. I'm beginning to wonder though..." He trails off, glancing around until he settles his gaze on the food. "Food? As in, you want some?" "Alex Elder...oh. Food!" Wow, it doesn't take a lot to make Bart's expression change dramatically from 'totally disappointed' to 'totally enthused'. He nods! "Food." ^_^ Alex Elder fishes around in his pockets for some more funds. A nickel, a stick of pre-chewed chewing gum (ewwwwwwwwwwww), keys for a house that he can't feasibly live in anymore...ah-ha! Funds. He takes out a crumbled pile of bills, and slams them on the table. "Barkeep-" He uses his head to motion towards the rather gangly snackfood guy (who couldn't be much older than him or Bart) "-Sodas for me and him *points to Bart*, and...five chili dogs." He glances at Bart, "Anything else?" Impulse shakes his head, grinning. Oh, he looks ludicrously cheerful. He adds - where the heck can he have picked this up? - "Consume mass quantities!" Then, eyeing the stuff that Alex had pulled out of his pockets, he wrinkles his nose at the gum, then pokes at the keys and looks curious. Alex Elder glances at the keys, and looks away as if the keys were made of road-kill. He tosses 'em to Impulse. "Keep 'em." Back to the 'Barkeep'. "I guess that's it." The 'Barkeep' rings up the total, and Alex slides them his direction. Ooo, shiny. Bart jingles them for a second, then puts them in...his boot pocket. Yeah. Hey! Food! Immediately attacking it, two of the chili dogs disappear before it occurs to Bart that they might not all be for him. He pauses and looks at Alex, to see if he's gonna reach for some of the food. Alex Elder glares at Bart before /quickly/ snatching up a chili dog in each hand. He grabs them just a bit faster than a human should feasibly be able to. His tongue sticks a corner of his mouth as he prepares to chow down. "Mmmmm...Nirvana on a bun." Impulse hees. "Sor-ree..." Politely, he leaves the last chili dog sitting there, and drinks some soda. " You still..." starts the kid, then pauses, frustrated. He blurs and disappears, and is gone for a, a good five seconds. An eternity. Suddenly he's there again, grinning. "You still think I'm a monkey, Alex?" Alex Elder talks with half a 'dog still in his mouth. "Wehh.....somefihes. Buh theh agaih. Ou, eee, Hoh huh Janitoh. Ieeeeeck *chew* duhcent maffeh." He grins, swallowing the remainder of the 'dog. ^_^ Impulse stares at Alex, then does a take to the camera. "!" Eyeing Alex again, he shakes his head and shrugs. "What?" Alex Elder clears his throat, wiping away a few loose bun-crumbs from his face. "I said: "Well...sometimes. But then again we all do. You, me, Bob the Janitor. It doesn't matter."" He glances around warily, sipping from his sodie pop. Impulse ohs! And catches the wary look, glances around, doesn't see anything. Huh. "I *am* from the past," he notes. Then pauses. "No...future. Far away! Must find Flash. You help?" Alex Elder mmmmms, taking a big gulp of his pop. "Oh yeah...future. Is that why you dress like you're patrolling the streets each time I've seen you?" He smiles, since he really was honestly asking a question and not being a jerk... "But yeah, I'll help you. Dunno /how/ I'll help you, but I'll do my best." Impulse looks down. "Patrolling?" o.O; He looks a little chagrined, then shrugs. "No house, no clothes." Then Alex says he'll help -- and suddenly the black-haired Ramosite has a very happy kid attached to him! Hug! "Yay! Thank you!" Alex Elder acks! There's a strange boy attached to him! He scrambles to (nicely) pull Impulse there. "Calm down there 'lil buddy.../calmness/." He takes a moment to compose himself. "Anyway...I'm kinda in the same deal. No house, with only the clothes on my back...better than dirty old stinky grimey Priest's robes..." He starts mumbling towards the end, before talking cohesively. "So, why are you looking for this Flash character anyway?" Impulse dowhs! and blushes. "Sorry," he says again, and settles down. "Gramma said Flash can fix me," he says earnestly. Fix him? What's wrong with him? Well, for one thing...wait, he *does* look a little older than he did last time you saw him. He looked -really- young before...uh, really. Maybe eleven. Now he looks, ehn, fourteen. (Please don't kick me, continuity gods.) Alex Elder makes a really horrible looking face, "Fix you? Are you a robot? Broke?" He looks you up and down from head to toe. "Maybe you are broken...probably no more broken than me..." There he goes again, pitying himself. "Well, as I said...I'll do my best...but in order to get /anything/ done you need to be more inconspicous." "Inconspicuous?" asks Bart, puzzled. Then he waves his hands around a little, frustrated. "Show me!" He finishes his soda, and the last chili dog (for good measure) disappears, and then he pushes at you lightly. Door-ward. "Where?" Alex Elder hmmms, setting a hand to his chin as he taps his foot impatiently on the ground. "I guess the library...gotta do some edu-ma-cation." He anxiously grins, waiting for the inevitable 'Warp 9 to Library' to occur. Uh-oh. Sure, warp 9 -- but, well...the whirlwind tour of New York ends somewhere in the Bronx, with Bart staggering back and flopping against the wall of a building. He lifts his hands, grimacing, then drops them, palms up: "_Where_? I don't know Library here!" Alex Elder hrms. "You don't know where the /lib-...oh yeah, the future, ect. ect." He grabs your arm, getting into a racing position. He lifts one foot...sets it in front of the other...and starts whizzing towards the library. Ducking in between buildings, he gets there faster than most people can in cars. It's still probably a long time for a speedster though... "Ahahaha!" laughs Bart, reeling when Alex lets him go. "Wow!" he grins, steadying himself on a stone lion. Or something. He reaches over and pokes Alex again, "You -sure- you not family?" Alex Elder stares at Bart for a good dozen seconds. "Positive. Although..." He grins 'n laughs, "Nahhhhhh." He looks around, grandly gesturing. " the Library. books here. I'm gonna go inside and grab a few books...'hope my card still works..." And with that, he vanishes into the darkened and closed library. Impulse stares. How'd -he- get in? No matter - Bart's gonna go thro...okay, he's gone -through- the doors. Yeah. And, ai, that's a very dark library. Following Alex around, Bart picks up a book here and there, until he's got quite a stack. Not sure what to do with them, though. Alex Elder got into through a window, since the front door...well, that just wouldn't be very fun. Not to mention the possibility of alarms...but anyway, Alex is rushing around trying to find visual English dictionary's and some of those clever 'Eyewitness' books where they explain such fun topics as 'Arms 'n Armor' and 'Skeleton's. Finding a rather nice children's section just full of nice books, Alex yells out to Bart. "BaaaaAAaaaaaAArt...??" ...and there he is, with a stack of books that goes up over his head, right behind you. "AaaaaaAAaaaallllleeeexxxxxx!" yells Bart back, then laughs. He puts the books down on a nearby table - god only knows what they're about - and tugs his mask off. "Now what?" Alex Elder cackles. He looks around at the...overwhelming number of books. "Okay all these books and you'll be good to go." He grins...and is being utterly serious. Impulse errs, looking around. "Read?" he says, a trifle helplessly. He picks up a book, stares at it a second, turns it over a couple of times, then holds it out to Alex. "No buttons...?" *blink*blink*blink* "You don't know how to read it...I take it?" He looks really worried for a moment, before the metaphorical lightbulb appears over his head. "Ah-ha!" His shoulders sag, "Oh-no...oh wait...oh no..." He looks around for soemthing that'll read to him, or something, but to no avail. Until he spots a Macintosh! He jumps over to it, and boots it up. Soon, he's scanning in the pronunciation guide in from a dictionary and trying to get OCR to work. Impulse blinks! and shakes his head, and zips over to poke at Alex again. He holds out the book. "Show me! I can learn," he offers -- and it's true. He learns sickeningly quickly. And actually, having to scan in and convert all that...oy. That'd be a lot slower than just showing him how to use a -book-. He /can/ read Interlac, after all -- but no one uses paper in the 30th century. Alex Elder wouldn't think of teaching the boy how to use a no...he's going to do it the hard way (yet somewhat more interesting way...) "Okay Bart. Just listen to what the computer says...and all will be well." He clicks the 'Read' button in SimpleText, and the bizarre Stephen Hawking-esque voice begins to drone on about how to recognize, read, and speak the 'ah' and 'aeh' sounds. Impulse sighs, and does another one of his famous 'takes to camera'. What camera? Where?! But - yeah. Okay, sure, he can listen and figure at the same time. As he listens, he pokes at the book, trying to make it *do* something, and inadvertently opens it. "! Alex? Alex!" he points at the book. "Broken?" Alex Elder gasps! " broke it!!!" He pauses, eyeballing you to see if you're 'getting the joke'. Impulse grimaces, hands on the sides of his head! "Oh no!" Haha, no, he doesn't get it. Err. Alex Elder eeks...he must not get it. Thinking quickly, Alex glances from the book to Bart and back. "'s not broken...I'm just foolin' ya..." Impulse gahs. Looks really frustrated. He glances at the computer, leans over, and shuts off the sound, then turns it back on. Looking briefly at the screen, he rubs his chin, then starts clicking on stuff seemingly randomly. What is he...oh. Hey, he's looking at the web, and - he stops, giving the Mac the evil eye. "Slow!" Finally he turns back to the book and stares at it. "...!" /Finally/, he starts flipping pages. Awww, yeah. Alex Elder quirks a brow. Dang's he's quick, Alex thinks. Hrming, he leans back in his awfully uncomfortable plastic chair. He props his feet up on the desk. Suddenly, something enters his mind. "Oh yeah...that's a book, the little white sheets are pages, and the little black squiggly things are case you didn't know." All in all, he looks awfully bored...just sitting there while Bart catches-up (or down...or whatever). ^_^ Pausing on the last book on his pile, Bart glances up at Alex and notes wryly, "I gathered." Then he blurs and disappears. Where...? Alex Elder leaps up out of his chair, his head craning around. "Bart? Baaaaaaaart!?" He creeeeeeeeeps veeeeeeeeeery slowwwwwwwwly away from his chair. "BAaAaaAArt??" And there comes a resoundingly loud "SHHHHHHH!!" from somewhere in the library. Then a stage whisper, "It's a LIBRARY!" from somewhere else. Alex Elder takes in a biiiiiiiiiiiig breath (not that he needs to breath...) before hollering, "OKAY!!!!!" at the top of his lungs. Immediatly, he falls into a fit of laughter. At a normal tone, "I've wanted to do that for a /long/ time..." Impulse facepalms where he is, pausing during reading again. Almost done...almost...almost! Aaaaand...suddenly the speedster's standing over you, looking down with a grin. "All set. You're right...I need to be wearing something else, huh?" Alex Elder lurches his head back in suprise...he /speaks/. And pretty well. "Ah...yes. Unless you want the skin-tight superhero look...dunno if chicks dig that or not." He looks around, walking out of the Children's section and towards the front door. "Lemme think of a good place..." Impulse catches his reflection in a display case on the way out. "Alex...I need to find the Flash /soon/. The time travel slowed me down a little, I think, but most people don't age a year every day...where does the Justice Society hang out?" Oops, missed that one. Alex Elder contorts his face for a moment before shrugging. "Well...check the Justice Whatmacallit...Justice League. Maybe they know. Don't they have an emergency 'Help! A super-villain is attacking the planet and we need Mr. Amazing to help us??' line?" Impulse shrugs, "None of the books said. I don't know. And...wait...yeah. Justice League." He backpedals through the door, and when you get back outside he's sitting on one of the lions. "Or maybe if I go to the Flash Museum...I dunno! There're a lot of speedsters, I think. Someone should be able to figure this out." Alex Elder hmmms, brushing past the doors and plopping down on the cold cement stairs. "You think that a Flash would be living at the Flash Museum? Wouldn't that kinda be like a Jefferson living at the Thomas Jefferson Musuem...?" Impulse hees, "No...but one is bound to show up there eventually, right? Or maybe someone there can tell me where to look. I think it's in a town where a Flash works...donno which though. Didn't one die in that Crisis thingy? Or not? I don't know. I'm hungry." He blurs again, and is once more sitting on a Lion - but this time with a couple of pretzels. Nice big soft hot ones. "Want one?" Alex Elder mmmmmms and licks his lips. "Yup." He grins, pausing for a moment to think. "It would be easier just to call the Justice League and say it's an /is/ an emergency after all." He pauses again, "I dunno much about the Flash's myself...just what I saw on the TV. And what's this Crisis thingy...?" Impulse tosses a pretzel over, then takes a bite of his. "I dunno...this big thing. Except it can't have been so big, or people would still be talking about it, right? do you call the Justice League?" Alex Elder catches the pretzel and proceeds to nibble (yes...he /nibbles/. Not bites, not gnaws, but /nibbles/) on it. "I have no idea how to call 'em...maybe a phone would work? You got a phone book handy?" He grins, his mouth full of pretzel. Impulse makes a face. "I can -get- a phone book, but I haven't got a phone. Man...this place needs a better comm system. Crazy! What I wouldn't give for a ." He leans back, so he's leaning against the lion's mane with his legs dangling over its back. And his pretzels are gone. "How 'bout I just yell? -Someone's- gotta have super-hearing." He takes a deep breath and bellows, "J-L-AAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alex Elder raises an eyebrow at Impulse. "That...just might work." He grins, "I heard Mr. Amazing...or is it Superman...Mr. Amazing just sounds better...anyway, I heard he can hear and see for miles. So, maybe /he'll/ respond if you yell loud enough, and he's bound to help you." He whews, "So...yell louder!!!" "Ah, hi!" How's *that* for a fancy superhero greeting? Well, perhaps when this superhero learns all the tricks of the trade he'll know to announce himself more formally. And you'd *think* that someone who has eons of practice at being a Messenger of God would know how to make an entrance. But, the voice comes from behind you, in a high sing-songy melody, one filled with a pleased happiness as, well, he's just a creature of that kind of thing. But there, if you turn and look is, well, ah, if you believe in such things.... an angel. Arms over his chest, scarf lowered, wings back, legs crosses and leaning againsta pillar or something. "Superman is in Metropolis actually, or he should be, or was. Oh, yu know what I mean. And Mr. Amazing... I haven't heard of him, well, not like in detail or anything, so I'll have to try and meet him as well... but the Justice League, I mean, I don't know where theya re though I do know someone on it..." Impulse spins quickly - unfortunately he's sitting kinda up high on one of those big stone lions, so he falls off as a result. And *thuds*. And consequently *owwwww*s...rubbing his shoulder, wincing, he looks dubiously up at Zauriel. Then at Alex. Then at Zauriel again. "Oh...coooOOOoool. You look like an angel! Which JLAer do you know? Do you know the Flash? I'm looking for the Flash. I need to find him, my grandma said he'd know how to help me. My name's Bart, and this is my friend Alex! He drinks blood but he's not a vampire. Do you know Stryfe? He's weird, and mean too. He put me upside down because he thought I was playing games, but I don't want to be a Dark Rider." *gasp* Woo...forgot to breathe. Non-chalantly at first, Alex speaks. "So it's Superman and not Mr. Amazing. Hmmm...that's kinda a bummer..." He pauses, blinking multiple times as he sloooooooooooowly turns around to look at Zauriel. "Oh...God. A-a-a-an...Angel?!" His eyes go wide and he jumps up from his seat on the stone steps. He points at Bart, and then at Zauriel. "'s an angel!!" He gets a goofy-little grin on his face, like he think's he's dreaming or something. Smiling more than a little, Zauriel unleans from his pillar to take a step forward, his wings russling behind him as he moves. he can't help it, and it's not meant to be a freaky-cool pose effect as he has wings and all and you don't, just they russle when he moves as they're on his back and not all tucked up and stuff. No worries! No worries at all with Zauriel, really, who seems to take all of this in stride... also literally, as he is striding over now to the self-downed Bart. Why? Well to offer him a hand up, finger extended out in that gesture as he winks, "Remind you of anything?" So, he may be a bazillion years old bu that doesn't mean he can't have a sense of humor, right? He hopes. "Martian Manhunter. Yes, but not personally. No, but there have been rumors about him. Yes, I am one." There, he thinks he got all of the questions answered, as he waits to help Bart up. And before he speaks more, Zauriel tilts his head tot he side and observes Alex *intensely* with his own crimson eyes, staring intot he boy, searching, looking... it might be a bit creepy and all, as the angel suddenly stops and just *stares* at the young man but then... Zauriel is all smiles, quite a bit actually. "My name is Zauriel. I suppose you can call me that, or Z or... well, whatever you want, I guess. But that's my name. Now Bart, you're also Impulse, correct?" Zauriel will move a hand to his chin here, comtemplating something, while taking a glance or two to Alex once more. "I may be able to help you find the Flash. Which one are you looking for? But, I can try... helping people is what I do!" Staring at the outstretched hand for a second, Bart's mind goes into overdrive. Remind him of something...? Well, he just read the whole darn library, and...a picture. His brain goes 3-D, taking a sort of snapshot of the gesture and turning it around and around in his head until it matches the picture he saw, and -- he laughs. "Michaelangelo. Now I want marshmallow chocolate chip pineapple pizza! Dude," says our speedster, taking the hand and getting pulled up. His voice rises slightly in pitch as he starts talking faster - then way faster. "Oh, Manhunter. When I saw him I thought he was Coluan but his caption said Martian so I guess I was wrong but that's still pretty cool but Martians aren't green as far as I know they look human, but I guess that's the colonists. Rumors about the Flash? Which Flash? I guess whichever Flash is active. My grandma sent me to find Wally West her nephew but I don't think he's active I haven't seen any recent pictures of him but there is a Flash but I thought my grandpa was dead because that's what my grandma thought and holy nass what a good codename Impulse is! I'm Impulse /now/ I guess, Zauriel!" He slows down a little bit near the end, and zips over and pokes Alex. "He gave me a codename!" Alex Elder gawks at Zauriel, shoulders drooping as his jaw hangs. An the library. Not many times that happens. Even rarer when one /stares/ at you. He quickly shakes his head to escape the reverie he was momentarily trapped in, and looks towards Bart. "Hey, lay off with the vampire's not nice to call people names." Back to Zauriel. He actually /doesn't/ smile while talking for once. "Uhh...hi Zauriel. Why is an angel staring at me over-and-over again? You're not gonna stake 'n bake me...are you?" He looks genuinely concerned at being stake 'n baked by the angel. After all, aren't vampires minions of Lucifer and Angels are...well...angels? "Oh, I thought you were Impulse before Bart." Frowning, Zauriel looks disappointed with himself, as he tries to explain. "See, they see it all up there, watch downa nd all of that stuff, right? Well, now that I'm not exactly a part of that, well, I only hear bits and pieces. Now I tried to keep up on all of the heroes,a s it was just a habit thing really, but then when i left you were justs howing up, so really I only have a scant few reports. I remember something about impulse this, impulse that... so I though... well, not that it matters! You like it so, excellent! Everything does happen for a reason after all, so maybe that was the reaon." Grinning, Zauriel seems pleased at that, in helping to achieve that small touch of purpose. "Wally... Wally West. Well, I don't know where he is right *now*, but I can look at my Aerie, and see what I can find. or what I can find, or which actually. We'll find the active one for you. But, you said to help you? It's not... I mean, is there something I... hrm." But now Zauriel turns to look at Alex, intently once more, and then... he lets that fade. "I'm sorry, Alex Elder. I didn't mean to... yes, you are a vampire and I am an angel. But... please, don't worry, okay? I'm certainly not going to hurt you, by any stretch f the imagination." And he won't go into the whys and such. it's not his place to right now. Alex has lessons to learn on his own first. But this angel won't be hunting you. On orders from above? His own choice? Or something else? "You worry far too much. Relax, like your friend here. Ah... would ice cream help? That's what helps people to feel better, right?" Well,t hat's what television seems to say. But again the angel is smiling. All smiles! Call him Happy or something. Alex Elder doubletakes. The angel knew his name...bee-zarre. " cream would be nice, but I'm /stuffed/." He's not really stuffed, he just has an especially strong craving for 'that substance' right now, and ice cream isn't a good subsitute. Anyway, he turns towards Bart. "I bet he could use some though..." He manages a laugh, despite feeling mind-numbingly awkward and just plain 'weird' in general. Back to Zauriel, " did you know my name? Did God tell you or something? Or am I wearing a nametag?" He checks the front of his shirt for a nametag...nope, no nametag. "A-ha!" says Bart, smirking at Alex. "You are too! But don't worry, I'll protect you. Or I would if someone wanted to do something bad. I'll beat 'em up!" Then he nods at Zauriel, then blinks and tugs his mask back on. "Ooo, almost forgot. If I have a codename I have to wear a mask. But yeah, he has to help me. Or maybe you can! Someone has to fix it...something inside me's going too fast still, that's why grandma sent me back. I think the time travel mighta fixed it partways, but I'm still...I dunno, it needs to be fixed or I'll get old too fast." There's a pause. "Ice cream is good. Lots of food is very good." He glances at Alex. Hm. Hm, hm, hm. "You're stuffed, huh?" He can't lie. He just can't. No need for a Lasso of Truth here, as this angel is a singing pigeon, or whatever. See, it would be morally wrong to lie, so he can't. "I was told your name, Alex. We all were. In a sense, He did, yes, but not quite... it's complicated. PLease, don't worry about it? It will make sense in time, but yes. KInda'. Sorta?" Zauriel furrows his brow as he doesn't want to say too much, but then again he can't not say if he's asked. "We all wear what and who we are, plain for everyone to see. You just have to look. We all have 'name tags'. Not that this normally means we have the letters for our names written out there, but I think you get the idea?" Frowning a bit more, Zauriel considers, and looks to Bart now. "I don't know if I cam fix it, but I can try. At least I might be able to hit 'pause', until I can get you to who can help. Will that work? And there, where I can take you, I can get you ice cream and... other things... to help with... ah, hunger." The idea makes him, well, squimish. But it *is* the right thing to do. Zauriel knows he could talk to a blood bank and get a 'donation'. "But this place is in Los Angeles...? I could bring you back, of course. Or just take you to The Flash, once we find him. Or well, you could do it faster..." "Wow, so you know all kindsa secret identities, huh? I bet some of those super-secret guys like Batman get kinda worried, huh?" Cheerfully taking Zauriel's hand, Bart seems willing to go wherever the angel says would be good. He's a lot nicer than Stryfe, anyways. "And if you can stop it, that would be great. I don't wanna turn 40 before I turn 3. And there's ice cream there, too? And blood? Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot! Oh, donation." The kid is blushing. After all...yeah, those, um...those books...what he did was kinda against the law, wasn't it. Well. Alex Elder laughs a little, "I won't press you for info...I wouldn't everything spelled out to...besides 'ol Apeface told me enough to keep me from wanting to know anything more." He shrugs, looking towards Bart. "Hey're just gonna up and go to LA? That's might get lost there, or on the way. Lotsa bad people in LA, even more than in NY." Overall, Alex doesn't look too thrilled about the prospect of Bart or him (or both of 'em) going to LA. "It might be a way to help Bart. I thin it might work, or well, it should. I don't see why not, but honestly, I won't know until we try. You don't have to come, of course." Smiling a little more, the angel takes a step back as he is *not* going to force this on the two of you. He was sent to aid you all, help and watch over you. A part of your gloriousgift was Free Will, and he won't stand int he way of that. "It is a long way but I bet Bart could get there and back quickly, right? Carrying you? You two wouldn't be apart." And again Zauriel finds himself looking to Alex, not this time to study, worry or attempt to figure out the lad but... he looks a little apologetic. Heaven may not be after him, and with cause, but as Z thinks about it... the other side may be, for just that reason. Maybe it was his purpose in meeting Alex to find the vampire boy,t ow atch over him, to make sure that harm doesn't befall the boy before it is time that this happens? Perhaps he should pro-... shaking his head a moment, Zauriel blurts out, "Ah, even Heaven doens't know Batman's identity." "I can't get any more lost there than I can get anywhere else, Alex -- I'm not from around here, 'member? Come with me - he's an Angel! If anyone can help figure out how to solve -both- our problems, it would be him! I don't think we should do what we did before, again. And I don't mind if you, you know...I dunno, I don't think you want to. But he said he could get donations, and that's good, right? And besides, he has ice cream," reasons Bart. All solid logic, that. And he does -not- let go Zauriel's hand. In fact, he tugs at him. "Let's go! Come on, Alex, please?" Alex Elder looks at Z, and then at Bart, and then at Z again, and then at Bart. Settling on Bart, "Okay okay...I'll go. It's worth a shot. Need to get out of town for a while anyway...let the 'Missing Persons' posters get taken down and such." He walks over to Zauriel and grabs an arm. "'s /ice cream/, after all." He chuckles, closing his eyes. "Anchors away Skipper." "Excellent! Well, if you two want to race on ahead, explore... the place will be rather, well, visable." He waves his other hand up and before ou both. "You'll see it when you get there, and it's unlocked. But, you may not be able to reach it. But I can get you there, once I get there. Unless you want to take me as well? I doubt you can and well, I should pick up some things on the way home any way...." He smiles. Like blood and ice cream. He'll be sure to not to mix the two. "I'll be right behind you." You guys may make a straight line there, but he can go up, out of the atmosphere and then back down again, and so he can make the trip quick as well. "Just make yourselves at home and... we'll find the answers guys. But... thank you! My first sleep over!" And then witht hat Zauriel himself is in motion, off and away in a ruffle of finds and a scattering of wind. Impulse acks! as the angel leaves. "Hm. I guess that means we get to LA under our own...steam." He frowns and complains, "That doesn't make any sense at all! Steam. Whatever," he grumbles, then turns around. "Piggyback to Los Angeles? And see? He can't have anything devious in mind if he wants to have a -sleepover-. I hope he lets us watch scary movies!" "Hopefully nothing with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt as two European /thats/ scary." Alex glances at Bart...who's shorter and scrawnier than he is. "You expect to carry me to Los Angeles...okay then." He hops on Impulse's back. "Giddyup 'lil dowgee!!" Sure, he's shorter and scrawnier, but...this aging thing is still going on. Actually, at this point, build for build he and Alex are almost identical. Scary, neh? And besides, they've already been to Hawaii once. And besides besides, it's not that long of a trip -- only the other side of the continent. And besides besides besides, once they're underway, carrying someone's really not that big a deal. PS - they're there!