Chinatown is as dark as you remember it. Tonight, like all nights, the streets are silent. There is a glow from those same paper lanterns which plagued your vision last time, but tonight there is no parade, no carnival music, no smell of rice. There is only the silence and the feeling that you must be here. But why? What has brought you to Chinatown again Alexander Hawkins, and why have you returned? From above, a diminutive object falls... tapping atop Sandy's head with a faint 'pat', only to scatter away into the darkness. Suddenly looking very, very wry, Sandy glances up. "A'ight," he whispers, "C'mon down, Johnny Appleseed." A couple of Chinamen pass in teh dark carrying what appears to be a bunch of boxes. A stifle chortle sounds from above, only to stay as a light voice chides "What's wrong? Can't take a taste of your own medicine?" Past a nearby rooftop, a smug smile flashes across the face of an amused Boy Wonder. And a Golden Boy looks up again, holding a finger to his lips and gesturing out at the street. Then he motions for Robin to come down and join him. The Chinamen pass and enter into an alley which has teh symbol of what appears to be a dragon painted on the wall. Written in authentic Chineas is a message you don't recognize, but you Alexander Hawkins. recognize that symbol just fine. It's the same symbol that crazy old chinaman had on his ring. A hollow whistling barely pierces the air as the flash of crimson, black and green descends in a swift leap. The Boy Wonder then falls soundless beside Sandy, murmering in the softest of voices as his hazel eyes glance up toward the taller Sandy "Something's up? Firebrand lands on a rooftop like a pale imiation of a comet and looks into the alley... Sandy nods silently, watching the alley across the street for a moment more, then looking back at Robin. "Looks like," he whispers. "I got this weird feeling, and-" The teenager glances up sharply at the light. Robin follows Sandy's gaze "What? Probably a firefly or something..." Firebrand says "I do believe that's one of the nicest things someone has called me." "Too big," whispers the Golden Boy, peering into the darkness to try to see what's up there. Then he blinks. Firebrand flys down using the lowest setting of her power, so not show off too much light. About the equal a 45 watt bulb... Firebrand says "May I join you boys?" Robin blinks noticably behind his mask as he catches sight of Firebrand, only to widen slightly as he mouths softly "Oh... I know her." Robin's green gauntlet waves on up toward Firebrand, as if beckoning for her to join them. He offers, as an aside "Batman told me to meet him here. I'm guessing he'll be here any time now, if he's not already..." There is a sound fromt the alley as if someone's about to come out again. Narrowing his eyes slightly, Sandy shakes his head. "Batman's coming? I should get out of here. He's not gonna buy that gut instinct sent me here." When Firebrand approaches, he quiets down, then gives her a winning smile. The Chinamen pass again they stop in the alley not seeing the boys. They begin talking. "So the boss, says we come here and do the work. We get good pay. All things work out okay. We make big money." One of them smokes a long pipe while the other rolls up his sleeve and reveals a rather strange looking tattoo, It appears to be a ble eye in the center of a triangle, surrounded by a circle. Robin draws in a light breath as he motions toward the second. He offers in the softest of voices "His tatoo. I've seen that before..." Robin's nose then squinches as realization seems to cross his face "Not a good thing, too." Matches Malone enters the Alley.. "Sorry I'm late. yous got work for a guy like me..." Firebrand decides to lay low with the boys, to find out what this is all about. The first chinaman slaps Matches across the face, "you are late Gai-Jin!!! you know we no put up with tardiness. You get boxes. Mr. Philly, no pay for no merchandise." Matches says, "I got the stuff. Straight from Bannerman chemicals. Now Where is da Big lug. Ey.. aint dis da Dragon's alley.. Dat old Wizard. They say he's bad news." Chinaman two looks at Matches. "Shut up you Guai-lo, or we take out your tongue. We no fear the dragon. We do what Da boss says, and he says there's gonna be a new dragon in chinatown. So C'mon!" Sandy eyes Robin, then jerks a thumb at the sign in the alley. "Yeah? That symbol up there, that's from offa that creepy Dragon guy's ring. Batman was talkin' to him here, and he started spouting all this stuff about how I was evil and I had a future of torment ahead of me," he whispers. "C'mon, you're thee detective." Matches Malone enters the alley following the two Chinamen. "Yeah, sorry got to get my hands on some of that super man formula stuff." they are gone.. Robin's lips purse in thought as he responds softly "The Mister Philly, he's the guy pushing Miraclo. But..." his eyes flash between the two of you "He's more than just some thug. He uses enchantments of some sort... magic, I think." "Swell," says Sandy sarcastically. "I hate magic." He looks up and down the street, then sighs and rubs his face. "Right, let's get over to where we can hear inside." Robin starts to absently chew his lip "Where'd be the best spot? Think we can enter through their roof? Maybe they have a second floor, or something?" Firebrand says "I can transport the two of you to the roof relativily easily." Robin casts a quizical glance to Firebrand "You can do that?" the Alleyway opens into a series of other alley's at the end ot the alley is clearly the symbol that sandy saw on the old man's ring. That door is at the end of the alley. To the left and right are shops one that says, Ho Wan, Proprieter, the other Ling Mei, Exotic Massage. Two feet down is the door which actually has the symbol of the Eye in the triangle. There is an atual fireexcape leading up beside it, but something about the door with the dragon, something beckons you... Beckons. Firebrand says "You two look light enough, and I will make sure to stay way from the windows..." Sandy looks skeptical. "But you glow." Robin wrinkles his nose "And you're dressed in bright yellow, Sandy. Either way, it'll be easier than the both of us trying to scramble there." Firebrand nods, "There's always some drawbacks somewhere...There is that fire escape right there..." Sandy crosses his arms, looking stubborn. "Okay. You take Robin up to the roof, Ms...?" He pauses. "I'll take the low road." Robin's hand strays toward his belt "Well... I can get us there with a lot less fireworks." His eyes cast wistfully toward the fire escape." Firebrand says "Firebrand." Robin flits a light smile "Well, chums... I'll take the fire escape, Boy Wonder style. You two be careful... 'kay?" Sandy nods. "Firebrand, okay." He looks across the street. "Well, it's taking too long to decide. Meet you there." With that, he doublechecks to make sure there's no one immediately outside the alley, and sprints across. No toruble, you make it to the fireescape. Robin takes the high road indeed. With a soft 'whistle', a batrope streaks through the night air... followed by the ascending form of the Boy Wonder. Firebrand nods and flies as fast as she can to the roof. the Roof is very gravelly and as you look you see your actually on the same roof you were on a few nights ago. The footprints are still fresh where the old man stood and there is clearly a roof entrance straight ahead.. Robin gains an intent expression as he wordlessly skitters along the roof, apparently toward something of great import. Firebrand let's Robin take the lead, since he seems comfortable in this territory. Sandy flattens himself against the building, looks into the alley to see whether or not it's a dead end, and if it's not, he goes around the building the other way to approach it from the back. the Alley is dead.... Robin's gloved hand reaches out to rattle the doorknob, all while his eyes flit about tentatively. The door knob turns with a slow click and opens before you. Inside are a number of covered boxes and a long plank of staris leading down into the bowels of the building. Sandy silently moves to the back of the alley, stepping behind some cans and packing crates under a window. He gives the room a cursory glance, just to see if anyone's in there, then ducks back down. Firebrand slips in behind Robin, nervously looking around herself. Robin's hand strays to his belt as he tentatively descends the stairs. His lips maintain their thoughtful purse as he glances about steadily. You both are in what appears to be some kind of Hallway, which has another door at the end of it. The door is open. To your left and right are many boxes covered and you immediately notice what appears to be some kind of Guard. A chinease man. He is asleep. There is a gun right next to him. He snores. ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ. Robin starts in a small smile "Oh, this is just too easy..." Robin's hand clasps a small contraption as his departs from his belt. Firebrand shakly takes the gun from the guard. Firebrand Doesn't want to wake the guard. The guard rubs his nose and contiues dreaming of fluffy bunnies, or whatever it is scumbag guards dream of. Robin raises his hand high, only flick his wrist swiftly. A spiralling crescent then hurtles through the air... only to attach itself to the gun with a faint *clink*. Sandy sees a bunch of people inside, moving boxes, making little yellow pills. He frowns and opens the window a crack, intending to hear what the tattooed man in the middle of the action is saying. Firebrand jumps a tad when Robin's thingajig attaches to the gun...and offers Robin the gun with a look, "you really want it?" Robin's nose squinches "No... but I don't want him to have it." At that, Robin gives a light tug at a previously-unseen cord as he slowly draws the gun away from the guard. Firebrand watches the gun slide towards Robin. "so Mr. Malone, you realize that I'm a very, very busy man. Your an information man. The Morphine you've lifted us will help is create more superman formula.. so what is int you want Mr. Malone? What brings a man liek you to chinatown." Malone smiles, "I run da slum district in Gotham. and I only wears dis getup to hide myself. I'm sure you;ve heard of Boss Nass in New York, well anyways, I take orders from him. What I want Mr. Philly, is your guarantee not to venture into New York, outside of Chinatown or Brooklyn and a small shipment of the super formula. With this you got my silence." The guard barely even twitches and the door beckons beyond. Sandy's eyes widen, and he stays completely motionless, listening. He also mentally runs through exactly how much of what kind of gas pellets he brought with him, and prays he remembered to refill his gun before he left. Robin offers up the gun to Firebrand with a light smile "You want... or should I just toss it out?" Firebrand says "I'll deal with it..." Philly says, "Sounds like we have a deal Mr. Malone, your the smartest gangster I've ever met. New York is yours. I want nothing of that town, but I want assurances you will rid one thing for me. The Batman and his brat sidekick have caused me no manner of pain. I want them E-lim-in-ated. and I want you to bring me their eyes. He puffs on his pipe blowing smoke through the room. HE looks around. "I will nt rest until they are dead." He moves his arm revealing a rather nasty burn. Firebrand melts the gun in critical spots, so it will not work at all. "Don't want a child or a criminal stumbling across a working gun after all." Robin passes the firearm on off to Firebrand (no relation) as he starts on toward the direction of the hall. Sandy's eyes widen again, and he bites his lip to keep from yelling anything out. Okay. Okay, this is bad. Robin HAS to be kept from going in there. He aims his wirepoon for the roof, fires it with a soft 'pff' sound, and hauls himself upward. Now, where's that rooftop entrance...? As you pass through the door you come down the stairs and there at the botton in the see Philly he is talking to the Guy you saw in the alley. Chinamen move about, carryign boxes and some in the middle making small yellow pills. Firebrand moves on with Robin. The door is very clear to you and you can see where the Boy Wonder and his person went in. Robin hrms softly as he soundlessly kneels... his arms resting upon his thighs as he glances about "Well..." Sandy sprints across the roof, lightfooted, and enters the building. He looks about quickly, trying to see which way Robin and Firebrand went after they entered - he's barely keeping himself from panicking. there is a guard sleeping right in front of you.. you nearly bump into him. Sandy gahs softly, and continues forward. Robin and Firebrand are at the end of the starsm looking into the room. They haven't mvoed in just looking. you both notice Sandy approaching a little red and out of breath. Robin offers a soft nod toward Sandy as he motions toward Philly "That's the guy, Sandy. He's the magic thug..." Firebrand looks at Sandy, "What's wrong?" Matches Malone says "You got my woid of honor. Phil. I'll do both a dem idiots. Bang. bang. Two bullets in da head." "He's aiming to kill you and Batman!" breathes Sandy in a whisper edged with panic. Robin's nose squinches as he offers "Easier said than done. Lots of people want to do that, Sandy." The Boy Wonder says this matter-of-factly. Sandy runs a gloved hand through his hair, eyeslits still wide. "Except not all of 'em sound like this guy, I'll wager!" Robin exhales softly "Well, can't run away..." his hazel eyes again turn toward the scene "What do we do to get these guys?" Philly turnshis head about. "You see Mr. Malone, this is my major distribution center, right under the Dragon's nose. All my workers have been workign daily to may the formula. I nearly have ewnough to take all of chinatown over. I imagien , hundreds ot my men with super strength. In one day the dragon will fall and chinatown will be mine. Just one more day and I'll have enough formula." Sandy wordlessly digs out a handful of gas pellets and holds them out for Robin and Firebrand to see. Firebrand has no idea what sandy is showing them and shrugs. "If," whispers Sandy, "you folks let me gas them, then go down and open the windows so the place airs out, then you can come down and we can tie 'em up and leave 'em here as is, and call the police." Robin starts to chew his lip "Hope that'll do it. This guy is _really_ strong, trust me. Even without his little pills, he can smash us with one word. Whatever you do... _be_ careful." Sandy nods. "And whatever *you* do, don't breathe this stuff in." Firebrand says "Sound's like a plan to me." ---PAUSE--- As we last left our heroes, they were sitting in the dark, ready for what might be the hardest fight in their lives. And just where in hell is the Batman? Matches Malone says "There's just one ting, I gotta know Mr. Philly." Robin's hand strays to his belt "So... just give the word, Sandy. You ready...?" Philly turns hi shead, "Please Call me Phillip. What is it Mr. Malone." Matches Malone says "Who was helping you out in Gotham? I mean ya had to have a contact there to be moving that much product." Sandy shakes his head silently, then whispers, "Let's listen for the rest..." Robin sighs softly as his hand lowers... only to produce another batarang a moment after. He then casts a slight smile toward Sandy "Just in case..." with his other hand, he holds aloft a small, dark gadget. With a press of his finger on the object, a soft click follows. Philly, "Mr. Malone, you are not the average piece of White-trash I mistook you for, are you? Well if you must know I've had my hand on the finger of one of Gotham's leading businessmen. Lawrence please come out." And as Philly says this, a man steps out from behind a curtain. "Dammit, I told you not to use my name!" And there, right there in the center of the floor is standing the Sportsmaster. Things just went from Bad to worse. Firebrand lightly touchs robin on the arm, points, and asks quietly "What's that?" Matches Malone says "Dat's everything I need to know." Robin's voice softens "H'oh boy..." he starts to chew his lip as he lowers the contraption "Recording device. Geesh, where is Batman? He could've shown up..." Sandy facepalms wordlessly, sagging against the wall. "I donno...I donno if this is gonna work, anymore. I don't even know if the Sportsmaster can be affected by gas at *all*." Robin raises another small device to his lips "We should call the commish. I mean... I know when we're outgunned. Or at least call other All Stars." Firebrand says "The more lackeys we take out, the less to deal with..." Robin starts to chew his lip "You don't understand, though. I don't know what that guy, Philly, _can't_ do." Sandy nods, eyeing the crowd below. "And the Sportsmaster...he can give GL a run for his money, in a big way. We'd be real dopes to take 'em on ourselves." Firebrand says "AT this hour of night, I doubt many all stars will get here in time." Robin's hazel eyes flit to Firebrand "But if we go in there, it'll be a slaughter." Firebrand says "Will calling the police save lives, or just our own?" Robin comments lightly "Both. If we don't let anyone know what's going on, who else would there be to stop them?" Sandy nods, looking unhappy. "It'd be stupid of us to go in there, Firebrand. The police are equipped to handle them." He pauses, blinking. "On the other hand...Robin, you're recording, right? And we've got this location, right? Maybe we can give this information to some of the more powerful All-Stars, and they can get here later. No one's getting killed or hurt right now..." Robin bites his lip as he motions to the scene "But they probably won't be here..." Firebrand nods... Sandy makes a face. "And neither will the Sportsmaster." He shakes his head, looking at the villain again. "How about we call the police, then help them out? And radio the All-Stars, too, whoever's available? Seriously, we can't take them out alone. You know that." Robin nods steadily "I think that's the best idea." He holds aloft what appears to be a mini-receiver "Shall I radio the commish?" Firebrand says "Go ahead." Sandy nods, and fishes around in his belt. He holds up a clunkier looking radio. "And I've got the Squadron." Sandy moves to the back of the hall to make his call. Robin follows on after Sandy, mouthing softly into the device the whole while "Commissioner Gordon, this is Robin. Come in?" *>BZKZT<* Sandy radios "All-Stars! Calling any available All-Stars! The Sportsmaster's in Chinatown - Batman was supposed to be here, but even HE can't take him down, and he's not even here!" Gordon Answers, "Robin is that you. what's the problem?" Robin sighs softly as he murmers in return "Got a situation here at the dock, Commissioner. That Philly thug and the Sportsmaster... together. They're putting a deal down. Another guy... says he's a name in Gotham, is here making a deal with them. *>BZKZT<* Sandy radios "All-Stars, come in! Please?" *>BZKZT<* The Guardian radios "Hello? Robin? Is that you? Over." *>BZKZT<* *chortle* He wishes... *>BZKZT<* Sandy radios "Hey! Rob, you jerk. This is Sandy! Can you meet us in Chinatown? Firebrand is with us, but we need more muscle! The Sportsmaster is in town!" *>BZKZT<* The Guardian radios "This is Guardian, Sandy. It'll take me awhile to get there but I'll try to meet up with you. Over." Robin's voice lightens as he adds to his own communicator "Send in major re-enforcements, Commish. GOtta jet... Robin out." Sandy maaaans, and slides down against the wall, getting ready to listen and wait until reinforcements arrive. Robin huffs softly "Twenty minutes... is he joking?" Matches Malone says, "Well, if you'll excuse me. I got business in New York. Mr. Philly, I'll be expecting word of our shipment soon." Philly smiles, his opium pipe dangling in his hand."Oh but Mr. Malone, you should also expect the icy hand of death!" Philly reaches into his robe and pulls out a silver Revolver BLAM! Before anyone can even blink Matches Malone is thrown against the wall." The Sportsmaster says, "Jesus Phil, What did ya do that for." Philly turns back, "Now we can take over new york and all is going to be well." He turns away laughing cruelly, his opium pipe spinning and even the Sportsmaster looks a little nervous. Robin winces at the sudden shot, as a soft voice follow "H'oh boy... that was... was just low." Robin flashes his hazel eyes toward the two of you "There's only two of them now. C'mon... I bet we can get him?" Firebrand says "I'm game." Sandy's hands fly to his head, eyes widening. "Holy Moses! We...I...nnnno, no, we can't do anything, we'll just end up getting shot, too..." Augh, the unbearable lightness of opinion...he looks at Robin, biting his lip. "I...oh, for the love of Mike..." He sighs, and holds the gas pellets up again. "Okay." Robin holds aloft a batarang as he murmers "Ready? On my count?" The Guardian charges onto the scene and observes momentarily before taking action. Robin says "One-Two..." Robin's count stays as he blinks at the Guardian's sudden charge "Woah... well, so much for surprise. Three!"" Sandy snrks, looking below. "Well, no. Okay, let's just go. Guardian's here." He stuffs the pellets back into their pouch, and draws his wirepoon instead, firing it at the opposite wall and diving into the action. Firebrand flyies in, taking care to burn guns from the people shotting at them... Robin hurtles a spinning batarang toward the Sportsmaster's nape as he springs into action. Unlike the others, Robin leaps behind a tower of boxes... only to stealthily ascend them as he ready another batarang. Sportsmaster turns his head just in time to lift up his bat. The batarang sinks dead into the wood. "Why you little chump! That coulda knocked me out. Ohh I'm gona make you pay!" Suddenly Philly waves his hand and three chinamen jump out of the shadows. "Take the one in Gold, I'll deal with the flying woman. The rest of you Go. Protect the shipment." The Chinamen let go with sets of throwing stars that sink straight into the wood while one approaches Sandy his hands out it a rather threatening manner. Several bullets go zinging straight by Firebrand. A faint *click* sounds as Robin leaps atop the nearest crate, at the same time releasing another batarang... this one also heading directly toward Sportsmaster. As it nears, a faint trail of mustard gas follows... Firebrand says "So, you want the woman because you think she'll be easier to deal with? Heh." Firebrand flits around making sure not to back herself into a corner. She sends a fire bolt to Sports hands. Sandy tries to sucker-punch the approaching goon in the gut. That darn Sandy, no information and here it is a fairly peacful night when you two are summoned to China town. "Gernsback speaks into the radio. He said it was an alley off Choy street. Somethign about a warehouse door with the symbol of an _eye_ surrounded by a _traingle_. Proceed with caution. The Guardian was about ten minutes ahead of you. It seemed important." As you round the corner, just then you notice Midnight. Then you see the Choy street Alley sign. Midnight fades into the shadows, skuling about and inestigating the scene Robin has just sent a batarang hurtling toward the Sportsmaster. As it nears, a faint wisp of pepper gas streams from the spinning projectile. as you enter the alley the first thing you notice is a nearby window. You peak in and there, are what appears to be Sandy, Firebrand and Robin going tow to tow with a bunch of Chnease men and there, unmistakeable is the Sportsmaster and boy does he looked pissed. Midnight thinks . o O (the Cursher Crock ... redfire!) Sportsmaster spins coughing and coverign his mouth. He flips spinning his bat smashing the batrang sending it spinning out of the window shattering glass all over the floor. Suddenly the firebrand is cought offguard by a bullet that knocks a barrel on her head./ She falls to the ground hitting in hard. Philly is laughing and he walks straight over to firebrand and cocks the hammer back on his Revolver. "Good night, sweet beauty." Sandy lays a sucker punch straight into this chinease Fella who bends in pain but manages to shove Sandy backwards sending him sprawling on the ground. Midnight takes aim at Crusher Crock with his .45 and fires a sleep-dart at him. Suddenly a nearby Window breaks and a dart goes flying through it. Smacking Crusher Crock straight in the neck.. The Sportsmaster screams in pain and stumbles toward the table. There in the window, you see Midnight! The cavalry has arrived. Following a sharp, youthful "No!" a swift 'wisp' of streaking steel cord rings through the air as Robin's bat grapple darts toward Philly's direction. Not above him, not below him, _at_ him. Midnight stands halfway out through the broken window. "Hey Brandy, need a hand?" Sandy gnns, landing sprawling, yeah. His eyes widen as he sees the mobster about to send Firebrand into the Big Sleep, and he scrambles to his feet, sprinting and diving into Philly from the other direction. Philly turns , the Batarang catching his gun and Yanking it away. "Dammit, but before he can act he takes the savage blow in the gut from Sandy's tackle.. He stumbles backward forgetting about Firebrand for the moment, but not enough to forget about sandy he brigns his hand down straight on Sandy's neck, with sharp blows. "Crock, Dammit what's wrong?" Crusher Crock stumbles over the nearby table trying to stay awak. "I'm getting sleepy! Can't.. stay.." Philly turns his head and throws Sandy off. "The Formula! Take it.. Take it now!" Suddenly out of nowhere Matches Malone stands back up and smacks Philly straight in the Jaw. Ripping his mask off you see it's The Batman. "Robin!! Stop him! Don't let him take the formula." Robin leaps from the top crate, descending toward Crock in a swift tumble. Robin's arms lay outstretched as he nears... Getting hit in the neck and thrown around ain't fun. When Sandy lands, he doesn't move. Midnight fires hios vacuum gun at the opposite wall and swoops down to check out Sandy. Sandy is alive and breathing normally, just out for the count. He'll be awfully sore when he wakes up. Midnight's limited knowledge of sports medicine tell him this. 8) The Batman spins getting caught By Philly who actually waves his hand throwing Batman back against the wall. "Damn you. How did you survive that Bullet!!!!" Batman spins his leg sending Philly to the floor. "Your a lousy shot." The Sportsmaster is cuaght unware he stumbles to the ground. "Damn you. Why can't you just read comics like most kids? He spins his bat smashing the table with it sending the pills spilling across the floor straight near Midnight. The Sprotsmaster reaches out for a nearby pill strugglign with Robin's grip.. He's strong but Robin is holding his own. Batman struggles with Philly, "Midnight. Hit crock again and keep him from the pills!" Midnight nods, kicking the pills over to Bats and aiming another sleep-dart at Crock. Past gritting teeth, a faint smile crosses Robin's lips as he reaches for his belt... only to cast a handful of skittering objects at the feet of his foe. You guess it, caltrips... think 'sharp' jacks. Sportsmaster screams in pain and shoves robin off as the tacks stick him in all the wrong places. "When I get one of those Pills. I'm gonna break you and your masked pal in half." Midnight's dart smacks into Crock's leg and he growls again. But he's moving much slower now. Almost terribly slow. He tries to rise and reaches out for a small pill just in reach. "Stretch. C'mon Almost..almost" Batman grabs Philly's arm and spins him toward Robin. "Give this guy a smack before he starts using magic!" Midnight glares at his .45 "I gotta replenish this stuff, I think it's past it's expiration date" Sandy urghs, holding his head as he comes to. Then, oho, that dreaded word. So they weren't kidding. "Magic? Oh, cripes..." Midnight says "Magic? I hate magic!" Robin leaps away from Sportsmaster's grasp as he hurtles a bat bolo toward Philly, intent on wrapping about the guy's head (hey, it'll knock him out). The Batman grabs Firebrand pulling her behind some crates. "Sandy. Are you okay?" Sandy rubs his face, saying shakily, "Yeah," Midnight narrows his eyes at Batman and Firebrand, and decides to take it out on Crock. "C'mon 'Crusher', i spent my best years bareknuckle boxing against guys bigger than you." He starts a volley of blows against the man's jaw. Philly stumbles toward Robin and the Bolo smack's his straight in the head whipping around four times. The balls smack and he falls backward. Crock stands but it's no use he's so slow. The blows land and he's stunned backwards he falls spilling another table behind him and the pills spread along the floor. Crock is dazed and then all of a sudden he goes down hard. Sandy gets slowly to his feet, backing up to the wall until he can get his bearings, hoping no one attacks him. The Batman leans over Sandy helping him up. "Good Job, son. I don't think Firebrand would be alive if you hadn't intervened. Philly rolls on the floor in agony trying to remove the Bolo, hs own speech muffled beneath it." Robin nabs the cuffs from his belt as he sprints toward Philly "I'll take care of him..." Sandy rubs his head, wincing. He nods slowly, still in a daze. "Th-thanks...but Robin got his gun..." The Batman nods at Robin in almost fatherly admiration. He cracks the strange occasional smile at Sandy and at Midnight. "If he hadn't been doped up I'm sure crock would have seen those blows coming a mile a way." bats turns back to Sandy and shakes his head "And you gave him a hit to the gut." Bats winks at Midnight and at Sandy and lifts up Firebrand in his arms. "What say we go home. All-Stars. I for one need some sleep." Midnight ahems and takes Brandy from Bats, mind the hands bub. The Batman narrows his eyes and lifts an eyebrow. "What are you implying Midnight?" He smiles a little wary that Midnight might even suggest he'd try anything with the Firebrand. Suddenly Gordan and a few cops bust in the room. "Police! Freeze! Well looks like you got this all sowed up here. It's luck I got permission from the NYPD to bring a force in. What's all thses pills on the ground?" Robin offers gingerly as he strolls toward the commissioner "Miraclo, Commish." His green gauntlet waves about "This guy, here, is Philly... the main pusher. He should be headed for the Arkham express." Midnight surrepticiously pockets one or two as he hands the rest over to the commish. One never knows, does one? Gordon nods and shoves Philly and crock into the nearby van. "Well, you folks be careful tonight." A shapely nurse bandages Sandy's head and offers to do the same for Robin. And the Police cars drive off and out of chinatown. And just then the first rays of the sun slip up the sides of the building and another day dawns in Chinatown. Robin gains a gruff voice (well, an attempt at one) as he waves the nurse off "No thank you, ma'am. NOt a scratch... really."