Your Post Card

Your Post Card

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Mona Lisa (courtesy of The WebMuseum)
by Leonardo da Vinci
your message begins here:
Hi!  Serena Chow here!  I'm writing this card sitting in the bar
right now!  What do you think of the picture below?  It's just
like the one Dustin has, isn't it?  Except it's not as fancy or

[LeMat Pistol]

I was just kinda browsing through this postcard shop in the mall and I found the most kelvinest pictures to put on...aren't they great? I knew Dustin'd probably like the Mona Lisa...he probably woulda liked the others just as much, but they were all by people like Monet or Altman or other guys I've never heard of...but I know the Mona Lisa. I think everyone's gotta know the Mona Lisa. Remind me to tell you about the time I was supposed to try to steal it back home...

Anyway, I know it's just the first day of the honeymoon and all, but I couldn't let you all go off on your honeymoon and think the rest of us didn't care enough about you to send you a card immediately. So here it is! :) :)

Lessee, lessee...what's been the sitch around here? Oh, yeah... Patches and I've been spending the morning helping Andrea and the rest with the rest of the cleanup in Terrania. We didn't really have to do much, thanks to (scribble) one of Andrea's friends who can clean things up really really fast. In fact, the rest of us just kinda sat around and watched. Except for the one guy, from yesterday morning...y'know, the Terranian helper guy who came back and tried to steal some of the presents? He ran by, still bein' chased by that wolf. Very funny...we all hadda sit sit down for a while after that.

What else's going on? Heh...whenever I write one of these things, I always wanna fill up every bit of space there is...more for my money that way, I guess. And there's still a whole lotta space left on the card. Uhm...

Oh. That N3 person just came in. Trying to get a rise out of me again, I guess...she's dropping hints about the trading company Heather and people're starting, trying to get me to react. Man, I really hate her sometimes. Dunno what Cozette sees in her. But this's your honeymoon, I shouldn't be ranting at you all about it.

Uhm...what now, what now...? Uhm...maybe I should ask how you're doing now. Yeah, that's it! I guess you must have left that big mansion thing you said you were going to by now, maybe got a few miles in on the's Wendy doing? Looked like you were gonna get along great...oh, and the guns. How're they? Dunno about you others, but I bet Ariel's probably gonna be shooting hers before too long...

Beth says "hi".

Uhm...I guess there's not really much else to say. We miss you, we hope yer having fun, and you better send us a postcard back real soon so we know what's going on. Catch ya later!


Serena Chow

P.S. Patches says "hi" too.

This postcard was sent to you by Serena Chow ( ).
It will be available for your perusal until Nov 11, 1996.