Your Post Card

Your Post Card

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by Charles A. Csuri and (Art)^n
your message begins here:
Well, then! So you ran away, thinking you could escape me. How
like people. They always seem to think I won't find them. Silly,
silly. You know, I really have absolutely nothing to say, other
than that I hope you're having fun, even though I know it must
be difficult, since I'm not there. How do you like the picture?
I drew it myself. Well, okay, so I'm lying. But anyway. Seeya
when you get back, assuming you make it back.

P.S. Has it rained yet?

This postcard was sent to you by Bethany Alexis Rika Barnes, the Fastest Girl You Wish You'd Never Met ( ).
It will be available for your perusal until Nov 11, 1996.