Fabulo Extravagante

Created by: Dirk Myers

Current author: Dirk Myers

Email: dirk@efn.org

No one is entirely sure where Fabulo Extravagante came from, or how he became a household word, but by the mid-1990's, Fabulo and his line of _Be Excellente_ videotapes had become ubiquitous in any setting where style was considered more important than content. Part self-improvement guru, part fashion consultant and part pathetic whiner, Fabulo and his unique perspective on life attracted a fanatical following numbered in the tens of thousands. In 1995, however, he dropped from sight. Rumors have surfaced placing him in the company of Mindy Kingsford and/or Martha Stewpot, but these have yet to be confirmed by any credible witnesses.

Fabulo's philosophy of life, and the content of his series of videotapes, can be summed up in one word: Excellente. The word "Excellente" (pronounced ek-sell-ON-tay), appears to have been coined by Fabulo. A concise definition of the term is likely impossible, as it seems to be no more than a loose collection of Fabulo's tastes, which are often self-contradictory.

Despite his disappearance, Fabulo continues to release _Be Excellente_ videotapes at an alarming rate.

Fabulo Extravagante was nominated for Best Supporting Character, Best Perpetually Ranting Supporting Character, and Best Hair in the 1996 Grunions. There's no accounting for taste.

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