Generation Y

Following the lives of several young members of the LNH, many of whom served as sidekicks for older LNH members, as they deal with both supervillains and their everyday lives.

Writer: Martin Phipps




Setting: LNH HQ and Net.ropolis Academy

Run: May 1994 - May 1996

History: Shortly after the Cosmic Plot Device Caper, Typo Lad, Squeaky Clean, and Insomnia Boy formed the original Sidekick Squad. Some time later, they were joined by Bad-Timing Boy, Continuity Champ Junior, and Bizarre Boy to form Generation Y.

Their first battle was against the Fanboy King, who had been distributing comics to unsuspecting Net.ropolis Academy students. Shortly after Pizza Girl joined the group, she was revealed to be the daughter of Lagneto.

Following the death of Echo Lad, the departure of Typo Lad, and the graduation of Squeaky Clean and Insomnia Boy, it seemed as though Generation Y existed only in past tense. During a vacation on Pair.of.Dice Island, however, an impromptu alliance was formed between Generation Y and the ex-Fanboy King minions known as Gen 14. Following this incident, former Gen 14 members Jailbait, Moonmaker, and Morgan Le Fab soon made friends with their Generation Y counterparts; however, former Gen 14 members Breakdown and Dirt only became that much more bitter toward them.

Web Page: None


This page last updated: 1/16/96.