@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix tdl: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Thread Description Language (TDL)"@en-US ; owl:versionInfo "TDL (September 2002)" ; rdfs:comment "An RDF vocabulary for describing threaded discussions"@en-US . tdl:Post a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Post"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The fundamental atom of discussion. Examples include weblog posts (sometimes called 'entries'), message board postings, Usenet messages, e-mail messages, and IM messages."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:Archive a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Archive"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource (usually a web page) which contains one or more posts in their permanent locations."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:Topic a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Topic"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An explicitly-declared discussion thread. May be forked, linear, or both."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:Forum a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Forum"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A collection of topics or sub-forums with some common administration. Examples include a web-based message board and Usenet."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:Weblog a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Weblog"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A set of posts controlled by a single authority. A popular form of personal web publishing."@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:inArchive a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "in archive"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this post is part of (is located in) the specified archive"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Archive ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:inTopic a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "in topic"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this post belongs to (is part of) the specified topic"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:inForum a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "in forum"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this Post, Archive, Topic, or Forum is part of or is associated with the specified forum."@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Forum ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:inWeblog a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "in archive"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "Indicates that this Post, Archive, Topic, or Forums is part of or is associated with the specified Weblog."@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:hasPost a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has post"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post associated with this resource"@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasArchive a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has archive"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An Archive which this resource contains."@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Archive ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasTopic a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has topic"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Topic which this resource contains"@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Topic ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasForum a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has forum"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Forum which this resource contains"@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Forum ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasWeblog a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has weblog"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Weblog which this resource contains or controls"@en-US ; rdfs:range tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:refersTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "refers to"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource to which this Post refers"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:commentsOn a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "comments on"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post discusses or responds to"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:agreesWith a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "agrees with"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post agrees with or amplifies"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:commentsOn ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:disagreesWith a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "disagrees with"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post rebuts or presents evidence contrary to"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:commentsOn ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:pointsTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "points to"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post rebuts or presents evidence contrary to"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:quotes a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "quotes"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post quotes"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:followsUp a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "follows up"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Post updates or corrects"@en-US ; rdfs:subPropertyOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:referredToBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "referred to by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which refers to this resource"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:refersTo ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:followedUpBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "followed up by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which updates or corrects this Post"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:followsUp ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:commentedOnBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "commented on by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which discusses or responds to this resource"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:commentsOn ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:agreedWithBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "agreed with by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which agrees with or amplifies this resource"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:agreesWith ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:disagreedWithBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "disagreed with by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which rebuts or presents evidence contrary to this resource"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:disagreesWith ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:pointedToBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "pointed to by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which refers to but does not discuss this resource"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:pointsTo ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:quotedBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "quoted by"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Post which quotes this resource"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:quotes ; rdfs:range tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:first a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:label "first"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The first resource in a sequence"@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:last a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:label "last"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The last resource in a sequence"@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:next a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "next"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which follows this resource in a sequence"@en-US ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:prev a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "prev"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which preceeds this resource in a sequence"@en-US ; owl:inverseOf tdl:next ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:content a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "content"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An XML fragment representing the content of this Post"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:excerpt a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "excerpt"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "An XML fragment representing part of the content of this Post"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Post ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . # -- tdl:recommends a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "recommends"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A resource which this Weblog links to in a prominent place"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasLinksPage a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has links page"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A web page containing links to resources which this Weblog recommends"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:currentPosts a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "current posts"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "A Seq of Posts in this Weblog which are considered current"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasRSSFeedAt a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has RSS feed at"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The location of an RSS feed associated with this Weblog"@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasTDLFeedAt a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has TDL feed at"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The location of a resource containing a description of the weblog in Thread Description Language. At a minimum, it must provide dc:title and currentPosts properties for the Weblog and a dc:title property for each Post listed in currentPosts."@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy . tdl:hasTDLContentFeedAt a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has TDL content feed"@en-US ; rdfs:comment "The location of a resource containing a description of the weblog in Thread Description Language. At a minimum, it must provide dc:title and currentPosts properties for the Weblog and dc:title and content properties for each Post listed in currentPosts."@en-US ; rdfs:domain tdl:Weblog ; rdfs:isDefinedBy .