ZedneWeb / Web threading

Web threading

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This document describes a way to model discussions occurring in weblogs and message boards using RDF, and a convention for coding weblog and message board pages so that software can understand them at a finer grain.


  1. Introduction
  2. The graph of posts
    1. Specifying the nature of the reference
    2. Additional information about posts
  3. Forming the graph
    1. Parsing weblog pages
    2. Prepared metadata
    3. Querying databases
  4. Using the graph
    1. Show responses to a post
    2. Show overview of a thread
    3. More granular search engines and indices


Some background to explain what a web thread is, and why you might care.

A popular style of web site organization these days is the “weblog” or “blog”. It is a form of personal or small-group publishing comparable to—but different from—a personal journal or newspaper column. The formatting, organization, subject matter, tone, and style of weblogs are diverse, but they are similar in terms of fundamental structure.

An individual weblog can be viewed as a sequence of “posts”. Each post is typically self-contained and has its own address, but may be presented as part of a larger “archive” containing many posts, perhaps a day’s or month’s worth. In addition to the archives, a weblog will have a primary page which mirrors the most recently published posts.

Weblog posts very greatly in style and content, even within a single weblog. Some may be long essays while others are simply a reference to something interesting in the Web and a suggestion that readers check it out.

As weblogs became more common, authors began to refer to posts in other authors’ weblogs, sometimes to give credit for finding an interesting site, other times to respond to something the author had written. These discussion threads, or “blogthreads”, are often quite interesting, but they can be difficult to follow. Unlike a message board or news group, weblogs do not have a central infrastructure that allows a post to automatically be associated with other posts which respond to it. That is to say, Person A might reference a post by Person B, but there is no standard or widely-deployed way for other readers of Person B’s post to learn about what Person A wrote. Person B might refer back to Person A, but then readers of Person A’s weblog won’t necessarily know about Person B’s response.

If each post links to the post it references, then it is easy to follow the chain of references back to the beginning. The difficulty lies in following it forward.

It is unreasonable to expect authors to insert these “forward” links into their posts, as a post may be referenced by dozens or hundreds of others and the author may not be aware of them. What is needed is an automated way to gather information about blogthreads and present it to readers. To do this, we must be able to answer these questions:

  1. Given a post, what posts refer to it?
  2. Given a page, what posts does it contain?
  3. Given a post, what references does it make?

If we know how to answer the second and third questions, we can gather enough information for a partial answer to the first question. Software can automatically scan weblogs to determine what posts exist and what they refer to. At that point, it is simple to check which of those posts refer to a selected post.

This document describes two important parts of such a system. The first is a standard way to describe posts and the references they make. The second is an HTML coding convention for weblogs which make it simple to determine what posts an HTML document contains and what they refer to. It concludes with some suggestions for how this information may be used to improve reader experience.

The graph of posts

The universe of weblogs (sometimes called the “blogosphere”) can be viewed as a directed graph. The nodes of the graph are posts, and the arcs are references. This is exactly the sort of thing RDF is designed to model, so we will use it to describe the graph.

Each post is identified by a URI reference (a URI which may contain a fragment identifier). To indicate that these particular resources are posts, we will give them the type “Post”. We will use the property “refersTo” to indicate that a post is referring to something.

For example, to represent a post “http://example.org/20020704#ref1” which refers to “http://hypothetical.org/p/456”, we have:


    <Post rdf:about="http://example.org/20020704#ref1">
        <refersTo rdf:resource="http://hypothetical.org/p/456"/>


The first three lines indicate that this is RDF, that elements with a “rdf:” prefix belong to the core RDF namespace, and that elements with no prefix belong to the namespace defined by this document.

The next few lines indicate that we are talking about the resource “http://example.org/20020704#ref1”, that is has the type “Post”, and that it has a “refersTo” relationship to the resource “http://hypothetical.org/p/456”. Because RDF is based on labelled arcs, we represent the type information as an “rdf:type” arc between the post and the class “Post”. (Because “Post” is part of the namespace “http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2002/web-threads/”, it can be referenced by the URI “http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2002/web-threads/Post”. For the sake of brevity, we will continue calling it “Post”.)

The ability to indicate that a post refers to some resource is all that is necessary for threading. In fact, it allows for threads whose structures are far more complex than those found in typical message boards. A given post may refer to multiple posts earlier in the thread, which may create ambiguity when presenting an overview of the thread to a reader.

The exact algorithm used to present the graph of posts in terms of discussion threads will most likely vary among applications. Providing a list of posts which refer to a given post is fairly straightforward. Arranging a set of interlinked posts into a forked or linear thread can be far more complex. Application designers are free to choose an algorithm that suits their needs and preferences, although the methods used by Usenet news readers seem like a good starting point.

Specifying the nature of the reference

While all references can be treated the same in terms of creating a thread, it will be useful for some applications to be able to say more about the nature of the reference a post has made. Thus, we define a few sub-properties of “refersTo” to indicate common types of references made in weblogs.

This post corrects or provides new information on the subject discussed in the referenced post.
This post comments on or responds to the ideas presented in the referenced resource.
This post agrees with or amplifies the ideas presented in the referenced resource. (Sub-property of commentsOn)
This post rebuts or presents evidence contrary to the ideas presented in the referenced resource. (Sub-property of commentsOn)
This post refers to but does not discuss the referenced resource.
This post quotes part of the referenced resource.

All software using the web-threading vocabulary should be at least aware of these relations, if only to be able to infer that a post which, for example, agrees with another post also refers to it. Applications which use the graph to present “forward” links might choose to distinguish between types of reference with icons or colors.

For expressiveness, each of the seven reference types has an inverse. That is to say, if post A refers to post B, then we can also say that post B is referred to by post A.

In terms of the example from the previous section, where “http://example.org/20020704#ref1” referred to “http://hypothetical.org/p/456”, we have:


    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://hypothetical.org/p/456">
        <referredToBy rdf:resource="http://example.org/20020704#ref1"/>


By using “rdf:Description”, this example does not specify the type of “http://hypothetical.org/p/456”. This is just to illustrate that any resource can have an inverse reference property; the resource indicated as making the reference is a post.

The seven inverse reference properties are “referredToBy”, “followedUpBy”, “commentedOnBy”, “agreedWithBy”, “disagreedWithBy”, “pointedToBy”, and “quotedBy”.


Additional information about posts

For the sake of completeness, the RDF vocabulary also includes some non-threading information common to weblogs, message boards, and other discussions.

Web pages which contain one or more posts have the type “Archive”. The primary page of a weblog is not typically an archive, because the posts it contains are only temporarily mirrored from their permanent locations.

It’s possible for a resource to be a post and an archive. Certain message boards, for example, might put each post on a separate page.

The following properties apply to posts or archives:

Indicates the post or archive which follows this post or archive. The sequences of posts and archives are separate; a post cannot say that an archive is next, and an archive can not say that a post is next. A resource which is a post and an archive has a “next post” and a “next archive”, which may be different resources or another combination post/archive.
Indicates the post or archive which precedes this post or archive. Inverse of “next”.
Indicates the archive that a post belongs to. This could be considered redundant, as the archive’s address can be derived from the post’s address, but it is included for completeness and the benefit of generic RDF processors.
Indicates a post contained within an archive. Inverse of “inArchive”.

To indicate information such as the title, author, and publication date of a post, we specify the terms defined in the Dublin Core namespace “http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/”, abbreviated “dc”. Web threading software should recognize, at a minimum, these properties:

A string giving the title of the post.
A string identifying the author of the post.
A string identifying the creation date of the post. This should be formatted according to the W3C date/time note as either a date (eg. 2002-07-04), minute (eg. 2002-07-04T13:00Z), or second (eg. 2002-07-04T13:00:00Z). Time stamps with lower granularity are taken to mean “sometime in that period”; thus it cannot be said whether 2002-07-04 comes before or after 2002-07-04T13:00Z.

See “Describing weblogs with RDF” for additional weblog-specific classes and properties.

Forming the graph

Having defined the sorts of information we can gather about web threads, we must consider where to get the information. There are three major sources of information: the posts themselves, pre-created RDF files, and other databases. Each involves different methods and is useful in different circumstances.

Parsing weblog pages

There is no general way to read a weblog or message board and determine what posts it contains. Thus, this section describes a coding convention that weblogs and message boards can use to aid parsing. This is a useful alternative to providing external metadata files for these reasons:

  1. It requires minimal effort from the page author
  2. It works with static pages
  3. Editing only requires changes to one file

The convention itself is compatible with HTML and XHTML; it does not invalidate pages.

Extracting information from a web page involves answering two questions:

  1. What posts does the page contain?
  2. What references does each post make?

The answers are related. By enclosing each post in a div, it allows us to distinguish one post from another and to determine what post a given link is in. These links indicate references; if a post links to something, it is referring to it.


Each page which follows the convention described in this section must identify itself by including this header element:

<meta name="thread-scheme" content="http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2002/web-threads/">

Or, for XHTML:

<meta name="thread-scheme" content="http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2002/web-threads/" />

[@@NOTE: A closer reading of the HTML spec suggests that the “profile” attribute of “head” might be more appropriate than a “meta” element.]


Posts are special div elements with the class “post” or “mirrored-post”. They can be declared in one of three forms, depending on their address. The class “post” is used for posts in their permanent archived locations, and “mirrored-post” is used for posts appearing temporarily (as on a weblog’s primary page) or in secondary locations (as in a message board with single-post and whole-thread views).

<div id="fragment" class="post">
post contents

The address of such a post is the same as the address of the div. It is the page’s address with “#fragment” appended, as in “http://example.org/blog/456#p1”.

<div class="post">
post contents

The address of such a post is the same as the address of its page. A page can contain no more than one such post. Such a page may contain mirrored posts, but should not contain posts identified by fragments. (That would be valid, but confusing.)

<div class="mirrored-post">
post contents, including an archive link

Mirrored posts take their address from the archive link contained within the post. If no such link is included, then the post has no address and can be ignored. An id attribute may be given to the post, but it has no meaning in terms of the threading model.

Archive links

Archive links are special links which identify the post’s location (often called “permalinks”). They are indicated by the rel attribute, which is set to “archive”. For example:

<a rel="archive" href="address">link text</a>

The address is the address of the post, and the link text may be anything. Additional attributes, such as title, may be declared for the link but do not affect its meaning. If a post contains more than one archive link, they must all point to the same address. Additionally, the archive link should point to the same address specified by the post itself.

If the presence of archive links interferes with a site’s visual design, they may be hidden with style sheets.


Any link within the post which is not an archive link is a reference, which implies the refersTo property.

The “rel” and “rev” attributes are used to specify most reference types. “rel” describes the resource at the far end of the link, while “rev” describes the resource containing the link. If post A follows up something in post B, it is the follow up and it contains the link, so it would use “rev="followup"”.

<a rev="followup" href="post B">link text</a>

(Note to developers: As with any HTML or XML document, attributes may appear in any order.)

Link typeRDF property
rev="followup" followsUp
rev="comment" commentsOn
rev="concurrence" agreesWith
rev="rebuttal" disagreesWith
rev="pointer" pointsTo

A resource identified in the cite attribute of a blockquote or short quote (q) implies the quotes property.

<blockquote cite="source">
quoted material

Prepared metadata

While extracting data directly from web pages is useful, it cannot provide all the information there is to know about a post. Furthermore, not all weblogs or message boards will follow this convention. Where available, reading prepared metadata can be easier than parsing it from the web pages directly.

General RDF metadata

Some pages may link to a resource containing metadata for that page, using a link similar to this one:

<link rel="meta" href="address">

Such a resource may well contain information relevant to web threading. As an example, see this sample metadata for ZedneWeb’s 2002-07-03 archive.

RSS Channels

Many weblogs provide RSS feeds. Because RSS is built on RDF, it is can include threading information, as in this sample RSS file for ZedneWeb. Even if threading information is unavailable, it may provide cataloging information such as post titles and publication dates.

Using an RSS feed requires some care. RSS items are not guaranteed to be posts, so a spider should still try to read the original posts to make certain. The presence of threading information strongly suggests that the item is, in fact, a post.

Querying databases

User agents will not want to scour the entire web looking for posts, and it services which scour the web on their behalf may wish to exchange information with each other. There are many ways to request and deliver such information, and the examples given here are only suggestions.

For simple queries, a service can be built directly in HTTP. A service might declare that a URI in the form “http://thread.org/info?post=address” would return information about the post at address, such as its title, date, what posts refer to it, what posts it refers to, and so forth. (The address would need to be quoted to avoid ambiguity.)

Services which need to keep databases synchronized will probably want a notification-based protocol, rather than the query/response pattern allowed by HTTP. Such a protocol could be built on Jabber, BEEP, or APEX.

Using the graph

The purpose of modelling the references made by posts is to use it in some fashion. It was the desire for better user-interface for weblog discussion threads which lead to the model and coding convention described earlier, but they have been designed to restrict possible applications as little as possible.

What follows are only some possible uses for this information.

Show responses to a post

Although links between two resources are conceptually bi-directional, their implementation is not. Post A may refer to post B, but post B will not automatically indicate the reference from post A. By collecting information about what references made by posts, it is possible to create a list of posts which refer to a given resource. There are several ways that such a list might be generated and presented to a user.

In the weblog

After a post, a weblogs could include links to posts which refer to it. Message boards do this already, indicating the responses to a given post, but they limit themselves to responses within the message board. These links would presumably be inserted by a content management system.

Back-references inserted in this fashion are visible to all readers, but only on weblogs or message boards which include the links. Readers have no control over what links are shown or how they are presented.

Through a mediator

If a weblog or message board follows a defined coding convention, then it’s possible for third-party services to add this functionality to pages. An organization could offer a service so that the page “http://thread.org/insert/http://example.org/blog/456” consists of a copy of “http://example.org/blog/456” with information and links appended after each post.

This works on any weblog or message board which follows a coding convention, but the links will only be seen by people using the mediator. Even so, this is probably the fastest way to get wide-spread availability of the reference information. Readers have some control over what links are shown or how they are presented, in that they can choose which mediation service to use.

Crit is an example of a working mediation service, although not one oriented towards this form of web threading.

In the browser

Where third-party mediation is possible, it is also possible for information to be inserted directly by the user agent. This method potentially provides the best user experience, because links can be presented in ways impossible to describe with HTML and style sheets. Possible methods include listing posts in sidebars, or through contextual menus. Filtering and ranking can be performed locally, allowing for extensive customization without the scaling problems a mediation service used by hundreds would experience.

This provides the most flexibility for readers, but it obviously will be some time before new or modified user-agents come along.

Show overview of a thread

Presenting the links leading to and coming from a post is useful, but there are many cases when a higher-level view of a discussion is necessary. For example, it’s more convenient to skip to the beginning of a thread than to follow the thread backwards if one is coming to the discussion late.

As with the previous example, thread overviews can be provided by different parties. Web-based overview services will be the most accessible, but client-side software will provide more powerful ways of displaying the thread. The number of relationships between posts in a thread can be quite large, particularly in a message board, which can easily provide two axes for organizing posts: conversationally using refersTo, referredToBy, and their relatives, and chronologically using next and prev.

More granular search engines and indices

Current search engines and services such as Blogdex can identify the destinations of links, but cannot easily determine their sources in a fine-grained manner. Google, reading an archive, can only say that the links came from the archive page. It cannot say which post they came from—it doesn’t even know that posts are involved. When posts are mirrored on a weblog’s front page, Google indexes them as part of the front page, even though they may be present there only briefly.

Similarly, Blogdex reads the front pages of many weblogs to see what resources are being referenced by many authors, but all it can say about each reference is the weblog it came from; it cannot link to the post which made the reference, because it has no way of knowing.

In both these cases, coding conventions such as the one described here would allow these services to see web pages in a finer-grained manner.

Further information

For more information about the RDF representation of weblogs, see “Describing weblogs with RDF”. A similar document is being written for describing message boards.

Dave Menendez