Flame Wars III

This was a cross-over in the LNH universe.

It was a parody of the X-Men plot-line Future Imperfect.

Here are the Flame Wars III issues in order of importance. (Or, at least, in order of timeline.)

LNH Triple Play #8
Everything is kicked off by a strange bum with a time-travel fixation.
Limp-Asparagus Lad #18
Limp-Asparagus Lad finds out the power of Flashback.
Fan.Boy #11
Fan.Boy tackles Flashback, and Contraption Man unravels the mystery of the black box.
Writer's Block Woman #21
Can Writer's Block Woman (and Mouse) survives Flashback? Can Flashback survive Writer's Block Woman (and Mouse)?
Misfits #13
Why is Flashback interested in a woman locked away? And just who is that man with the flying railway train?
Insanity Unlimited #2
The conclusion to this gripping series. Can Contraption Man save the day?

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