Tatlor the Mighty!

I hate typos. Recently, I joined the SunCoast whatever-they-call-their earn-bonus-points-because-you-buy-ludicrous-numbers-of-videos club, but, as is traditional, there was a minor... typo... when I eventually got my little card and all. Tatlor. That's not my last name, that's a bloody He-Man villain! Tatlor the Mighty, scourge of... uhm, whatever He-Man's kingdom was.

I, by the power of Grayskull, will not stand for this!

In other Grayskull-related news, check out AskJesus.Org. No, really. Now you, too, can Jesusify your web pages. I, by the power of Grayskull, heartily approve of this.

And, lastly, in order to truly terrify you, we can now reveal the horrible truth: the 'Garlic Jr Saga' is being broken up to one a week, shown at 10 am on Saturdays. And, next week, our heroes take on Garlic Jr's minions, the Spice Boys.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Gundam Wing #27 - "The Locus of Victory and Defeat"

Oh, look, it's Relena, in the Sank Kingdom, pining for Heero. "I just wonder how long it's been since I last saw him..." Relena pines, looking up at the stars. Two things come to mind. One - It's called a 'calendar', Relena. Two - So, the last thirteen episodes seemed like an eternity to you, too?

And now, because we've been ignoring the Relena sub-plot for the entirety of the last season, the rest of this episode is a summary of the first thirteen episodes, because we've probably forgotten. No, I'm not going to summarize the summary. Go back and read the first thirteen surls if you've forgotten who Relena is. Sheesh.

The only new information we get from the narration is - Relena still pines for Heero, and Heero still thinks Relena (and the other Gundam pilots) are just in the way. Woo. Real revelatory material, here.

So, having saved about a zillion dollars with this cheap-ass episode, we end on Relena wondering when Heero will show up. At a guess, next episode.

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