Surl: The High Cost of Programming

Among other things, it apparently turns out that electromagnetic fields make you depressed. Which makes sense for all of us geeks, if it were true. No wonder we're all so bloody neurotic. Or are we geeks because we're all so bloody neurotic? I can never remember.

Anyway, the Census turns out to contain no additional comedy, much to my disappointment. The least a government form could give us is entertainment, but no.

Today, it seems, is St. Patrick's day, and once again I have forgotten to wear green. My co-workers will be hunting, on this vaguely Irish of days, seeking those who have not worn the attire of the day, those who do not bear the green upon their person! They got me last year, but this year, I shall not be nabbed by their tricky prankery! Avast! Man the decks, prepare to repel co-workers! Yes, if they try their in-theme pinchy ways, I shall have no choice but to thwack them mightily with my (green) coffee mug of doom. Revenge shall be mine! Scupper me wi' a hand-spike, else!

Gundam Wing #9 - "Portrait of a Ruined Kingdom"

A Zechs-heavy episode, yay!

Zechs and Noin hang out, talking about OZ. Noin is a bit cynical about the whole thing, but Zechs genuinely believes that OZ's purpose is to free the nations of Earth from the rule of the Alliance. As they banter, the report comes in that a transport from Victoria base has arrived, bearing the Talgese Gundam that Zechs has been waiting for. He and Noin head out, encountering one of Zechs' minions, Otto, who was left behind with the thing. Otto is a bit beaten up, because he actually tried to fly it - the Talgese is far too much for any normal pilot to handle. Zechs, impressed, decides that he and his forces will attack the Alliance's base in the Sank kingdom. Or was it San kingdom. Whatever. Noin muses that Zechs is going back to his home... egads! But that means she knows who he is! So... so... at some point she got him to take the hat off! Egads!

Meanwhile, Treize and Une banter about the goals of OZ. Une wonders if Treize wants to take over the world... Treize muses that those who openly rule are hated, and those who are hated must be strong, so that would be an admirable goal to keep OZ powerful. Uh, what?

Meanwhile, Duo and Heero play basketball, having apparently been transferred to the same school in their continued quest to kick OZ butt. Heero kicks butt in the game, but is surly and resentful about it all. Duo pesters him to lighten up, and points out the OZ base nearby - first one to destroy it 'wins'. About this time, Relena shows up, for no clear reason.

Elsewhere, Quatre is being pestered by his minions, who insist he should never leave on his own again - what would they tell his father? He agrees, after a long scolding. Bad Quatre! No cookie!

Still elsewhere, Trowa and Wu Fei are hanging out at the circus. The circus girl with a crush on Trowa brings them out some stuff to eat, but they're too surly and angstful to even acknowledge her. This doesn't seem to deter her, though, as she just muses that quiet types must attract quiet friends. Wu Fei angsts a bit about how he's unworthy to pilot his Gundam. Less angst! More Zechs!

Zechs' troops attack the base in the Sank kingdom, and he launches in the Talgese, and immediately finds it is a mobile suit of great mightiness. The Alliance troops are clobbered back to their inner fortifications before the weight of their defenses finally stops the attackers. (Oh, something of note, the mobile suit carriers are actually escorted by... fighter jets! So OZ does have an air force? Why don't they ever do anything useful with it? Sheesh!) Zechs calls a retreat, but wonders why he's being so cowardly - the Talgese could lay waste to this base all by itself. He hurls himself forwards... but the power of the suit is actually too much for him to control. He pulls up at the last second, possibly due to Noin yelling at him over the radio. Nag, nag, nag.

Duo and Heero lay waste to the Alliance base. Meanwhile, Relena talks to a picture of her father, musing about how she came out all this way to see Heero because she needs his strength, and kinda likes how he keeps running away all the time. Of course, then she gets hurled out of her chair by the shockwave from the Alliance base exploding. Ha-ha! That wacky Heero! What's he up to this time?

Meanwhile, it turns out Zechs actually suffered a small heart attack from the sheer excessive mightiness of the Talgese, and Noin and his minions finally force him to have a lie down and rest. He muses that now he understands the Gundams - they were patterned after the Talgese, which is so powerful that the only way to use its full potential is to not care about your own life. He considers that the Gundams aren't really fighting... they're seeking the proper battlefield for their own death. Or something. Yeah, whatever. Here, have some more drugs, Zechs.

Otto overhears this, however, and limps off to steal the Talgese to keep Zechs from going out in it again. They try to get him to stop, but he's not at all deterred, and goes through the Alliance defenses like a giant robot through a building, laying waste to the base and dying of the strain in the process. He does scream "Long live King Zechs!" in the process, though. Say what?

Zechs, after this, heads off to the ruined royal palace of the Sank kingdom, where he discovers a giant portrait of his father and talks to it. He knows he's un-worthy to rule the Sank kingdom because he's gone against the ideals of the Peacenik... er, Peacecraft family. He also takes his hat off. Egads! He looks around, and picks up a photo of him and his younger sister (Relena), and muses that, although he can't rule here, perhaps she can...

The next day, Relena shows up at Duo and Heero's school again, and smiles knowingly at Heero. Gosh, honey, how many enemy soldiers did you kill last night? Enh. Lots.

Rant 'o the day contains no additives, preservatives or alien spores of any kind. Use only as directed. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not fold, spindle, multilate or remove identifying tags. Handle with care. Contains less than 3% milk fat by weight, not by volume. Certified 'Syndicate Approved'. Squeeze the lemon. Remember, kids, only users lose drugs.