For those of you who don't keep track of Important Geek News, Transmeta corporation has unveiled the mighty, mighty Crusoe chip. It runs at 400 or 700 MHz, uses One Watt of power, and has a flexible instruction set so it can emulate any other chip available. It pulsates with mightiness. The low power consumption also means that for once laptops might actually be usable for long periods of time without having to put new batteries in regularly.

Wanna, wanna, wanna.

Anyway, today's feature is... comics!

  1. [DC] Animaniacs #58 - C'mon, you remember the Animaniacs? This time, we get a secret agent babe parody comic (maybe they're spoofing Danger Girls?) as Hello Nurse, Agent of H.U.B.B.A. takes on her evil twin sister, Nurse Doom. Assuming Nurse Doom can escape from the Warner Brothers (Yakko and Wakko). [Nurse Doom: "Aaargh! I'm NOT Hello Nurse, I'm her evil twin sister... NURSE DOOM! HAPPY?!?" Wakko: "Are you kidding? You're a natural redhead!" Yakko: "And you're /evil/!" Together: "We looooooove you!" Doom: "AAaiiighh!!" Yakko: "Wait! Don't run! Don't you want to turn us to the dark side?!" Wakko: "Come back, bad girl, come back!"] Precisely as silly as you think it is. Good lord... comedy in comic books? What'll these kids think of next?
  2. [DC/Homage] Astro City #21 - It's a comic book genre convention that the adventures of the heroes are often chronicled in comic book form within the comic book world itself. So, what happens when the publisher is someone who goes for comics with whupping of ass instead of accuracy? Answer: lots of annoyed people with super-powers.
  3. [DC/Wildstorm] Mr. Majestic #7 - The formerly spoofy series with the Wildstorm universe's version of Superman goes metaphysical. Oh, c'mon, guys. This stuff isn't even funny to riff anymore. Make it go away, make it go away. Metaphysics... aaiieee! The story involves long hallucination sequences brought on by bad drugs, and conversations with figments of the hero's imagination who proceed to play cards. Makes precisely as much sense as you might think.
  4. [Marvel] Thunderbolts #36 - New author continues whittling down the cast of the previous author to show you how dangerous these situations are. Now with more death than ever before!

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