
As our look into the continuing stupidity of the world continues, is running a story on how Civil Rights Enforcement is getting another $695 million earmarked for it, plus an expanded definition of "hate crime", which, for those of you who aren't aware, makes it an even worse crime to do something to someone if you don't like them. Reasons given for this expansion were "Well, we're not able to prosecute many cases that need to be prosecuted". To which we can only say, hm. The prosecutees in question did actually, you know, do something wrong, didn't they? If they did, then what's the problem? If they didn't, what the hell are you on about? I'll be glad when, at last, we have crushed the menace of the hate crime, and at last we can have only murders, rapes and robberies that were nothin personal, just business, you understand.

I never had a lot of faith in humanity, and I still don't. I don't have a lot of faith in anything, really, except in the fact that one day our sun's going to explode. I think large detonations are something you can legitimately have faith in and anticipate. Also, buses running people over. But other than that, nope, you're pretty much out of luck. It seems, lately, that for every example of an articulate, cheerful, intelligent person I come across, there are countless utter and complete twits bounding around the landscape. It's to the point that except for humor purposes, you can pretty much just be general. Somewhere, today, our bloated, archaic school system is crushing the undeserving who get in the way of its true purpose, namely, producing America's future athletes. Somewhere, today, our government is doing something unutterably stupid. Somewhere, today, organized religion is being used as a crutch to support intolerance and greed. Somewhere, today, someone is eating kittens.

It seems more and more like the little positive things are just like the fingers in the dike, trying to hold back the massive, sloshing mass of stupidity.

Elsewhere in the world, things are even worse.

And here, now, I'm complaining about how my headphones aren't working, while I sit on my lazy ass in front of this computer. Kinda puts it all in perspective, don't it.

There are days when I feel like all those whiny people should just shut up. I mean, sure, life isn't fair. It's never been fair. It never will be fair. If you don't like it, you can always get up and leave the game, any time you want. There are other times when I feel a deep and abiding sense of shame for our gluttonous, consumerist dystopia. We got there first in industry, medicine, etc, and now we're cheerfully abusing our priveledges whilest simultaneously giving the screw to developing nations. Oh, is your primary export a specific flavor of coffee? Shucks, we can mass-produce that flavor in a vat of bacteria, now. In fact, we can patent that flavor molecule and then sue you for it. We won't... yet... because we'd never get away with it. But just keep it in mind, eh? Oh, is your medical science still catching up to ours? Well, keep working. By the time you get geared up enough to start producing the good stuff, we'll have already over-used it to the point where all your diseases are already resistant. Sorry 'bout that, eh? There are also times when I feel a sense of noblesse oblige or whatever, that societal obligation thingie. And then I realize that I live in a scruffy apartment, have many things that I really ought to be doing in my free time, and can't really even donate blood until I get over my deep, instinctive urge to curl up into a fetal position and whimper when needles are involved. Not like they could get much blood out of someone like me, anyway. But I still have that feeling. I mean, there's got to be some reason I keep skating over troubles as if I were an athletic duck...wait, what the hell kind of metaphor was that? Uhm. Where was I? Oh, yeah. I feel I ought to be doing something.

Of course, I'm being facetious. That something is, of course, conquering the world. Things will be better when I'm in charge. Or, if they aren't, at least you'll have something to really complain about.

Lottery seems to be inching up again. The accursed government has apparently started taking more lottery money to spend on actual programs, with the result that the jackpots are smaller. It'll take forever to get up to fifty million or so. When it does, I shall try the Scott Adams method to see if I can win by sheer force of will. More on this as it develops.

(Well, sheer force of will and a lottery ticket. But you knew what I meant.)

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